Search Results for '"wordpress"'
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Topic: Combined Register + Post
I’ve just upgraded bbpress and am running into this error when I use the WP function get_footer():
Warning: extract() [function.extract]: First argument should be an array in /home/drills/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2139
The forum in question is located at
The error can be found just above the gigantic RSS button in the footer in the above link.
Topic: Load Bbpress into WordPress
The only way available right now is to load wordpress into bbpress. I like to load some bbpress function into wordpress.
Anyone know how to do it?
Topic: Google Analytics Plugin
I’ve modified my Google Analytics Plugin for WordPress and it appears to be working in BBPress (albeit without the UI for configuring the “uastring”).
Testers welcome; get it here…
I’m digging the idea of bb inside wordpress. thanks
installed bb following integration with wordpress. installed fine. however, none of my logins work for bbpress. if i try to write a post, i’m asked to login. i do so, and the login doesn’t allow me to post or comment on threads. nor can i get into the admin area.
i know the login is correct because when i use a false login, i get an error message – which doesn’t happen when i use the correct login. all that happens when i login with the correct info is i end up being told i need to login again. it’s as though i’m stuck in some loop.
not sure what to do next. any help?
Topic: Can’t Login…
Integrated WordPress with bbPress. I’ve added the integration plugins. But can’t get logins to work in bbPress.
I pre-registered a few new users in WordPress. Can login fine in WP. But I can’t even seem to login as admin in bbPress even to write/comment on a post – regardless of admin or other users. Can see an admin screen, but not allowed to do anything there without login – which I can’t do.
No error message comes up. I login, checks the database and returns to the screen. Doesn’t matter which login link I’m using in bbPress, I can’t create/edit a thread, nor can I gain admin access.
Any ideas?
Topic: Tag Synonyms
Perhaps this should go in the plugins forum but something I’m instantly realizing is that not everybody tags things the same, and so not everybody finds the same documents when using the tags.
It would be nice to have the capability to have tag synonyms (so for a very simple example) if someone adds a “WP” tag, then future readers would also see the article when looking for “WordPress”.
This could be achieved at a number of points (a) by adding an extra tag when the post is written, or (b) replacing the “WP” tag with “wordpress”, or (c) when a user searches for a tag.
It strikes me that “a” is best options because with there is a better chance that search engines will find the post.
Topic: Migrate WordPress Comments
Has anyone considered what might be required to migrate existing WordPress comments into BBPress?
I’m imagining a script that would examine the comments DB, move comments storing them in an article-specific topic (which might be easier if themes could be nested, like categories), tagging them with their previous article’s categories.
One nicety: perhaps each former comment URL could be added to htaccess, redirecting to it’s new location.
Quick Version:
Is it feasible internally, to have a user post a comment to the forum and register at the same time?
Something that’s been mentioned already by a regular reader of my blog is that he’d be far less inclined to leave a comment anywhere that he had to register first.
The BBPress registration process is mind-numbingly simple, but users first have to get over the two-step-hurdle of registering and then leaving their comment.
So it strikes me that, since the registration details are the same as you have to provide when blog-commenting some middle ground might be beneficial.
I imagine it working such that when the user submits their comment (topic) their confirmation message is along the lines of:
From here it becomes a small step to replace the wordpress comment mechanism with bbpress, which is somehting I’d like to do.