Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Pretty Permalinks Not Working
It is important to note that if your bbpress install is in a subdirectory of your wordpress install, then the directives in your wordpress .htaccess file also apply to your bbpress directory. So you need to check to make sure there isn’t some mod_rewrite rule in the base .htaccess file munging up your later rewrites in the bbpress .htaccess file.
I suggest anyone trying to attempt enabling mod_rewrite features be familiar with how it works. Apache has very good documentation for the mod_rewrite module.
There is little or no difference between the way bbPress uses mod_rewrite and wordpress uses mod_rewrite.
It is all down to your configuration and sometimes is impossible because of your host. I am happy to attempt to help anyone who wants to send me their .htaccess files and a detailed description of their setup. I will need full path names and urls and the site structure you are trying to achieve. Send to the username “sam” at the domain name “viveka * net * au”. I will send you back what should be a working set of files and will also attempt to report the resolution here.
In reply to: Plugin: Post count titles for bbPressI’ve just decided to backwards-compatibilise (???) all my plugins to PHP4.
New version of this one is 1.0.1 available soon.
In reply to: upload my-plugins & forum vanishesI assume there were files containing code in the my-plugins folder? There is probably some PHP error being triggered. Most production servers write this error to a log instead of displaying it in the browser and then cease execution of the PHP script.
You need to locate and read this log to begin to troubleshoot.
If there are multiple files in your my-plugins folder, then try uploading them one by one until the error occurs. That way you will know which file is broken.
In reply to: Paid Help, custom permalinks structureNo guarantees about this one….
Add this to an .htaccess file in the base of your bbPress installlation.
You will need to modify where specified.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase <<Insert real path to your installation>>
RewriteRule ^about([0-9]+).html(.*)$ <<Insert real path to your installation>>topic.php?id=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^forum-([0-9]+).html(.*)$ <<Insert real path to your installation>>forum.php?id=$1 [L,QSA]
</IfModule>In reply to: Post count-based titlesThe plugin page is up now
In reply to: Paid Help, custom permalinks structureI imagine the only obstacle to changing your link structure is existing links in the forums. Perhaps you should consider using mod_rewrite rules to simply convert the existing link structure to standard bbpress format, then going forward you can just use standard bbpress style permalinks.
All this would/should take is a few lines on a .htaccess file.
In reply to: post_statusI think:
0 = normal
1 = marked as “deleted”
2 = marked as spam by akismet
In reply to: Post count-based titlesHere’s a plugin for this.
However, my hosts DNS servers are having some issues so it may timeout on some people. It should be added to the official plugin browser soon.
In reply to: WordPress 2.2 is out! Any news about bbPress!Things certainly seem to be quiet. I’m also guessing that mdawaffe is busy with WordPress work, I saw a few notes mentioning him in some of the recent WordPress commits.
I haven’t been doing much bbPress work recently either, I’ve been too busy on another open source project that is actually my full-time employment. I only have one outstanding ticket on the bbPress dev site without a patch attached (I don’t have commit access), and I have already developed a plugin for that. I only pick up tickets that interest me though, and none have come up recently that I have liked the looks of and thought I could commit time to.
I do plan to hit the documentation site with a few more updates soon though.
In reply to: “?” (question mark) appearing here and thereSome thing in your stack is not utf-8 friendly. Check your Apache configuration to make sure that utf-8 character set is supported and set properly.
In reply to: Post count-based titlesI think fel64’s point is that it would be preferable to store the value in the users meta-data, this would reduce the database load by removing those trivial queries. This is generally the way bbPress handles these sorts of things (e.g. keeping post counts in the tables for forums and topics) – not that I necessarily agree with that approach in all cases.
In reply to: WPAjax and responseTextTry:
I’m not sure if it will work though.
Would it be too insulting to refer you to the source code of the WPAjax class? There are answers there if you are able to interpret the code.
Also, if you are not actually returning some output at the page you are requesting, then it might be returning undefined. Again I’m not sure, being that I (like fel64) volunteer my time to answer queries here, I am not necessarily able to fully troubleshoot your issue (especially since you only present half of the equation – i.e. the client side AJAX request).
You catch more flies with honey. Etc., etc.
In reply to: single forumYou could just replace the index.php with a page that redirects to the forum page. You could probably also add the hot tags or anything else to the forum page template if you wanted them.
In reply to: BBPress & LDAP Plug-in?Active Directory can be interrogated using the PHP LDAP functions, but it may need to do different things to what this plugin does. I don’t have an AD server to test against, so I won’t be building the functionality into this plugin any time soon. You still need to configure PHP with ldap to bind to active directory.
In reply to: Pretty Permalinks Not WorkingYou need to add the .htaccess file to the same directory as the bbPress install. Not the root directory, which is what I suspect you have done.
In reply to: Single/Double digit sorting errors in mysql queryYes, nifty. I was going to suggest a PHP solution, but that’s much neater.
In reply to: Installed it then….nothingA blank page would indicate a PHP error to me. Most hosts are set up to stop execution on errors and to send an error message to the Apache log. Check your apache error log for PHP errors. It may be a simple typo in your config file.
In reply to: Plugin: bb-Topic-ViewsChange:
function get_view_count( $topic_id )
$view_count = $bbdb->get_var("SELECT meta_value FROM $bbdb->topicmeta WHERE topic_id = $topic_id AND meta_key='views'");To:
function get_view_count( $topic_id )
global $bbdb, $topic;
$view_count = $bbdb->get_var("SELECT meta_value FROM $bbdb->topicmeta WHERE topic_id = $topic_id AND meta_key='views'");????
In reply to: Line return not workingDo you have any plugins installed? If so, turn them off first and see what happens.
In reply to: – developer wikiYeah great, I moved the capabilities page to stay consistent with other API areas though.
In reply to: Profile TabsI tested the second method on the latest build and it passes the bb_repermalink tests and loads.
I tried using standard URLs and both types of permalinks.
I didn’t try to load a template. I used a file called avatar-upload.php containing the following:
bb_repermalink(); // The magic happens here.
echo 'test';
?>My test plugin contained:
Plugin Name: Test for fel64
Plugin URI:
Description: Test profile tab addition
Author: Scooby Doo
Version: 0.0.1
Author URI:
$bb->debug = 1;
function felavatartab()
add_profile_tab(__('Avatar'), 'edit_profile', 'moderate', 'avatar-upload.php');
add_action( 'bb_profile_menu', 'felavatartab' );
?>In reply to: Plugin: bb-Topic-ViewsYou might want to check and make sure it is compatible (i.e. works along side with my plugin Page links for bbPress. Although it is probably fine, I think we using the same hook to write data to the screen and it would be terrible if we were stepping on each others toes.
In reply to: Line return not workingIt could be browser/platform specific. i.e. which type of line-break it sends to the server.
In reply to: Profile TabsLook at the function global_profile_menu_structure.
You just need to create a function that pulls in the array variable $profile_menu as a global. Then add to that array in the manner specified in the comments of the function global_profile_menu_structure.
Should be downhill from there.
p.s. Would be nice if you could add an entry for it at bbPulp when you are done.
In reply to: Unable to login – cannot modify header informationI’d say you have some whitespace before the “<?php” tag in your config.php file.