Robkk (@robkk)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Email notifications




    do you have it where subscribing to topics is checked by default??



    @allmyhoney if you do find the issue that caused it in the future , post a reply in this topic about it.

    In reply to: Oh Brother…




    at the very top you posted code for your bbpress.php file

    it isnt suppose to have code for the bbpress archive-forum.php file it is suppose to be similar to the themes page.php file nothing else.

    maybe you doing the bbpress.php file incorrectly caused the issue.




    you should follow this just in case you were hacked

    In reply to: Whitelisting users?



    good find on the plugin Doug this is something that might be pretty useful if hooked up to work with the newest version of bbPress.



    okay i think i got this

    install the bbpress topics for posts plugin

    you can go to your discussion settings and edit what you want to show how you like i did like this

    i ticked the ones with [X]

    [ ] Create a new bbPress topic in ~~~ for new posts
    (check this if you want to replace wordpress comments with bbpress entirely)

    [X] Copy post tags to new topics

    [X] Copy post comments to new topics (when available)

    On the post page, show:

    [ ] Entire topic

    [X] show reples only

    [ ] Only the ~~~ most recent/oldest replies

    [ ] A link to the topic

    the rest of the settings are for if you want to display a link below your blog post to lead to the topic.

    create your page called “Learn Dash” if you already did , edit the page

    go to the screen options in the very top , click it , now check discussion settings this should show the settings for comments, pinkbacks, and bbpress topics for posts.

    check the Use a bbPress forum topic for comments on this post option

    now check both settings that say copy post tags and use default display settings.

    now either use a specific topic from the id , or automatically create a topic from this post to a specific forum.




    if you are using this it says it does have bbpress compatibility

    other than that i say ditch captchas altogether and use bruteprotect or jp protect when its fused with jetpack.




    everyone is trying to help you out so any code, suggestions is for you and your issue.

    to help with the button because it looks to close to the input box try this css code

    .bbp-login-form .bbp-submit-wrapper {
    margin-top: 10px;
    In reply to: bbPress not working!?



    yeah i am a little too

    hmmm did you try bbpress by itself with no other plugins activated??

    when you do try it by itself use a default theme like twentytwelve and see if we can find the issue.

    you could get the product custom post type from woocommerce right??




    does this custom CSS help you

    div.indicator-hint {
    color: #fff;




    they mostly communicate on SLACK especially a meeting on Wednesdays.. they do creep the forums sometimes though

    Any idea how I can get this to the attention of one of the authors


    you could go on slack in the #bbpress channel and notify @jjj , there was another user who had an issue with subscriptions and he might look into it.

    Participate & Contribute

    you might as well check the slack channel too , especially on Wednesdays



    you can also call the bbp reply link link three times but removes some arguments you dont want to show and only show the ones you want.

    <?php bbp_reply_author_link( array('show_role' => true, 'type' => 'role' ) ); ?>
    <?php bbp_reply_author_link( array( 'show_role' => false, 'type' => avatar , 'size' => auto ) ); ?>
    <?php bbp_reply_author_link( array( 'show_role' => false,'type' => 'name' ) ); ?>



    This is for TinyMCE

    /* This is for the button color */
    .mce-btn-group .mce-btn {
    	background: black;
    /* This is for the icon color */
    .mce-toolbar .mce-ico {
    	color: white;

    this is for the quicktags toolbar

    .wp-core-ui .button, .wp-core-ui .button-secondary {
    	color: white;
    	background: black;



    i think this plugin will help , just create you custom messages sent to the user to include all the information you want.



    this would require some custom development

    i think you could do it fiddling with the reply form shortcode below


    but you have to make sure it gets the topics id first though im not sure.

    In reply to: i ask theme ?




    its not a theme its a mock-up , never was a theme

    it was a mockup for a website wanting suggestions for design changes from its forum users running bbPress standalone.

    if you want someone to design it for you go to

    In reply to: bbPress not working!?



    tell me everything you did during installation
    especially if you added some functions to try to make it work

    what local development area software are you using??
    did you have all the requirements to run this software, (i had a problem with wamp not to long ago and it was because of a driver was missing)

    can you install any other plugins fine??

    you can try reinstalling bbPress and see if there was a problem during the first installation

    In reply to: Layout in progress




    this looks a lot better from the last time i saw it ..i think a couple of months ago??

    there is still a lot of awkward design around your site though but this time you really have to look for it.

    there is a page on your site that look really bad and it is

    i see you have which is how it should be.

    the profile page custom background that you used the bp custom background for user profile plugin i did find a filter to allow it to show it like you did, but this plugin wasnt intended for that kind of layout and it kind of makes the background layout radio buttons kind of useless.

    But there is a new plugin that does this exactly now which is here and it has ajax upload which is a little better.

    Another thing that is kind of weird is that on any users profile in there info there is random links that link to the members page.

    The user profile menu doesn’t look as good as it is when your site is at a smaller resolution , and plus it wastes a bunch of space on the left.




    there is an option to enable the media upload button in the visual editor plugin.

    it should only show up for users that have the ability to upload files

    to not show it all you have to do is go to settings>forums and disable it.





    do you see the edit link besides the reply link??
    what happens exactly when you hit the edit link??

    did you follow these guides

    also maybe re-installing bbpress and see if there could have been an error during installation.



    you can contact bbPress reply by email’s plugin author here

    other than that you can post a job at and see if anyone will pick up creating your feature.



    does switching your theme to a default theme like twentytwelve have the same issue.

    if it doesnt contact your theme author.

    In reply to: Paragraphs or quotes?



    post a topic at the GD bbPress plugin support forums and see if they can help you




    I this sentence i said you can do much with only CSS and styling. To “sell” bbPress to WP beginners.

    WordPress has its own “demo” websites, all those nice and fancy themes around web. BbPress has it not.

    this is the featured sites section on here

    and maybe this site should show any heavily designed WordPress themes integrated with bbPress in the themes section of this site?? the section isn’t really being used anymore ,but it could be a cool place to show off cool themes. i think that would have to wait for the bbpress theme tag though??

    There is a reason why WP holds so much of web, and bbPress is not in this league.

    well ones a cms/blogging software and the other is a forum software.

    alot of people would want to create a blog over a forum , a forum requires alot more responsibility to take of and handle.


    I’m working on one now that adds some styling changes (the common ones asked for)

    if you need anybody to test it out you can email me it if you want to.


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