Stephen Edgar (@netweb)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @netweb


    Cool, glad your sorted 🙂

    I still have to fix the bugs I see, they only occur in rare circumstances netherless they still need fixing 😉



    Thanks, I have found a couple of bugs and am working on an update.



    Cool, glad your sorted 🙂



    Do you have any static pages set in Dashboard -> Settings -> Reading (/wp-admin/options-reading.php), if you have a page here for the ‘Home’ and it has long text as it’s title that can cause the issue you see.

    I am pretty sure you need to create a bbPress template for your theme, make a copy of page.php and rename it bbpress.php.

    It looks like there are some similar questions in the theme support forums but I cannot see the answers as I am not a registered owner of the theme.



    This has been updated for the next release of bbPress, it is floated right to the same way topic favorite and subscribe links are.



    Just add the bbPress plugin to your WordPress install would be my tip 🙂



    There is two parts to this:

    1. The ‘moderator’ role cannot be currently set to only disable moving topics to another forum currently, to change this though a couple of tweaks to the form-topic.php template would achieve this end result.

    2. There is also a bug where moderators can move a topic to a group forum that they are not a member of that we are looking into in #2639

    In reply to: phpBB Import Error(s)



    Thanks extra sets of eyes with all of this ‘import’ stuff is always handy, boat loads of data all just starts to look the same after a while 😉

    Indeed, ‘Reset Forums’ will remove everything bbPress, as long as you also check the ‘Delete Imported Users’ they will also be removed.

    The wp_bbp_converter_translator is not explicitly required, if your site can create this table bbPress uses it as part of the import process, if not it will just use the ‘out of the box’ WordPress database tables. It also gets deleted when resetting the forums. It also relates to the bugs I found yesterday that I am working on fixing and as I stated above I am pretty sure your imports are not using wp_bbp_converter_translator as if you were you wouldn’t have had any stickies.

    As to redirects you shouldn’t need that table for those, depending on your old phpBB permalinks
    some simple right up to some advanced .htaccess will get you what you want.

    A week or so back whilst messing about with splitting and merging topics I happened upon a WordPress feature for 301 redirection of old URL’s to new URL’s. I am yet to try this as it has only popped into my head as I wrote the previous paragraph that this may be something that could work so that imported topics and replies include full redirect support.

    So much so I just gave it a whirl, if I store and old topic slug e.g. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9 I can query on the fly that topics new post ID and 301 redirect to it’s new permalink e.g. phpbb-v3-standard-topic 😉

    It still doesn’t quite work though due to some URL weirdness presumably with one or a combination of the .php, ? and & characters, I am quite sure we can do something here though 🙂



    No need for multiple topics within minutes of each other and the same topic, closing this one.




    Give this a try:

    The following page has two links, one an introduction, the next a bit more detailed.

    Theme Compatibility

    What you need to do is find the template in your theme that you want to use, typically this is page.php but depending on your theme you may have to look at what other templates are included in your theme.

    Essentially make a copy of the page.php file and rename it buddypress.php in your theme folder.



    It might be a cache issue, can you try another browser or flush your browser cache as I can’t reproduce the issue locally on my test site.



    What WordPress role does the user have?
    What bbPress role does the user have?



    This is more of a theme issue, maybe create a support topic in your themes support forums?

    Also this is the BuddyPress login and not the bbPress shortcode…

    See what I did here? I had a quick look at your site and like you couldn’t see an easy fix so I came up with some alternatives places for you to look 😉

    In reply to: phpBB Import Error(s)



    Aside from what I wrote above I have spend most of today fixing a couple of niggling issues with the main converter.php that will cause some odd data import validation for users with a particular setup. This doesn’t affect your imports though because if it did you would not have had any stickies 😉

    I didn’t know these bugs were there until today as I am typically not affected by the issue either. I hope to get these patched tomorrow so I can continue working on what I had actually planned for the day.

    I am adding support to phpBB and SMF imports to fully support users who have been a) deleted, b) anonymous or c) guests users from these forums. They will be imported as bbPress ‘Anonymous Users’ keeping any legacy username with posts correctly attributed to these users.

    If you willing to check a couple of the integrity issues I mentioned above we can make sure that the phpBB importer is doing what it is supposed to and ‘data integrity’ is all good and you want to do the import with the above support included I’ll add some links back here on where to get the bits for this so you can add them to your setup and have another go at a ‘clean import’ with the above support.

    In reply to: phpBB Import Error(s)



    Stickies – the issue here seems to be that the phpBB stickies and announcements have all been imported as ‘super stickies’. There is actually a lot more than 20 posts (my estimate in the original post was waaay out – there was actually about 100 when I went in to un-stick them). These might have been fine had they imported as normal stickies – but having them as super-stickies had a hug impact on forum pages load times.

    Hmmmm… I see where your coming from, not sure what to do about this though, I think we should continue to support ‘stickies’ as part of the import process, I’ll have a think about this some more.

    User import – I thought at the time that it was probably a conflict with username and/or ID but having looked at the posts I’ve adopted, they are all from different users. I have 62 forum topics/replies under my name but looking at the live site, the original authors of these are all different users which makes no sense to me. What’s more is, I haven’t adopted all of the users posts, just like one or two from each user…

    I think this will come down to ‘data integrity’ the queries are quite accurate so if the results are inconsistent I can only really think that.

    Can you check via MySQL a couple of those if your happy playing with MySQL that is?

    …Following on, I now wonder if these are posts that should have been assigned to the ‘Anonymous’ user because I think I may have deleted that user at some point not realising it was a result of the import… I’ll add it back in and see if it fixes my problem.

    That is one possibility though if as you say they are inconsistent a bit more debugging will be needed. Adding the user ‘back in’ so to speak most likely won’t help as the existing topics/replies are already assigned to the admin user.

    I didn’t realise that adding a moderators only forum was that easy… I’ve been working with RobinW to integrate the bbp-private-groups plugin, maybe I don’t need that after all.

    I didn’t realise from those posts this is what your intentions were 😉

    Repair Tools – our forum has imported 72 Forums, 71,007 Topics, and 564,453 Replies. It’s a fairly large one, but I think I’ve heard of larger forums being imported into bbPress…

    Yes, there have been a handful (I can count them on one hand ) larger that this that I know of, but again theoretically it should not be an issue.

    That said because phpBB does not support ‘threaded replies’ there is nothing to be gained by running the repair tool ‘Recalculate the position of each reply’, so for now just avoid that tool.

    User login – I haven’t used a plugin for this, I’ve written it myself. It just does a simple ajax call using the admin-ajax and then calls wp_signon() to attempt to log you in. It’s a fairly simple one, I just need to know which hooks bbPress is using to run the conversions on and hopefully I can just call that action before/after trying to log them in.

    I’ll put this on my ‘todo’ list, which is open up bbPress source and read the inline docs, bbPress is extremely well documented source code, so feel free to beat me to that. 😉



    WPML make their own ‘bbPress WPM’ plugin, though it is not publicly available.

    You need to ask them really nicely to get a copy 😉

    If you are using the official ‘bbPress WPML’ plugin is it the latest version?

    With all that said though any issues with the ‘bbPress WPML’ plugin need to raised with the WPML support team.



    I have also made the edits to that part 3 document.

    Awesome, thank you 🙂

    The _bbp_topic_title on the new form something like:

    #bbpress-forums fieldset.bbp-form p,
    #bbpress-forums fieldset.bbp-form textarea,
    #bbpress-forums fieldset.bbp-form select, 
    #bbpress-forums fieldset.bbp-form input {
    margin: 0 0 8px;
    background-color: #111111;

    (The above includes a few other areas of bbPress forms you might be interested in)



    There is a Ticket somewhere in our bug tracking for bbPress, I just can’t find it right now but there is a planned improvement to only show a single revision log notice, it is planned to do a bit more than just the notice display also 😉



    I haven’t used any of those above plugins except BuddyPress of course so I really can’t help you there except to say that ‘bbPress Roles’ are separate to ‘WordPress Roles’ and most likely the ‘Student’ role you refer to above (and the plugins) are all manipulating WordPress’ roles for you and NOT bbPress roles.



    You would need to create a custom role, should be possible.

    Take a look at these to get you started:

    Custom Capabilities



    I have not tried these recently though I still believe both work, that is of course if you want some Ajax topcs bits also 😉

    bbPress – Ajax Replies and bbPress – Ajax Topics



    This worked for me…. Try a hard refresh (CRTL F5/CMD F5 I think), your CSS might be cached.

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-header,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-header {
    background-color: #111111;

    Use your browsers debug tools also, most browsers tools are pretty awesome, F12 will bring it up or right click an element and select ‘Inspect Element’

    Also could you update the codex with the correct edits you found, anyone can edit the codex, just login using your same username and password 🙂



    Take a look at the following thread as a starter point for navigation menus and bbPress content.

    Forum index



    Only moderators and keymasters would see that you it should not be an issue in the majority of use cases.

    If you still want to though create a child theme if you don’t have one already and modify the bbPress template form-topic.php.

    Functions files and child themes – explained !



    I don’t see this coming to bbPress in the near future as subscriptions are keyed by user_id, which anonymous users do not have.

    I don’t know of any plugins either sorry.

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