Stephen Edgar (@netweb)

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 25 replies - 526 through 550 (of 3,353 total)
  • @netweb


    There’s also this page

    In reply to: Adding Icons



    To add and thanks Rob, does not use Font Awesome, we us Dashicons that are included with WordPress.




    You may login to this site using your username and password.

    Strange, did you login first?

    Once your logged in, create a new ticket

    In reply to: Replies can't be seen



    1. You shouldn’t need to manually map anything with WordPress 4.0.x and bbPress 2.5.x, bbPress 2.x can import bbPress 1.x 100% perfectly “out of the box” without any additional plugins or manual intervention.

    2. If you want to integrate bbPress 1.2 with WordPress then this also works with a few tweaks also, see this post for details on this.

    In summary there is no reason to be not using the latest version of WordPress with either bbPress 1.x or 2.x.

    In reply to: Replies can't be seen



    You shouldn’t be using ‘bbconverter’, bbPress 2.x includes its own importer now and is in fact that very same plugin now included within the core of bbPress. There has also been vast improvements and bug fixes to both the converter and the bbPress 1.x importer.

    From your WordPress Dashboard -> Tools -> Forums -> Import



    1) Close the topic. But it seems like subscribe-notifications are only sent when the topic is open. Is there a fix for that?

    I’m kind of thinking we should allow notifications to be sent from topics that have been closed.

    Can you create a ticket on Trac and we can make a decision and fix this, I’m unable to test and confirm this behaviour at the moment but the ticket will remind me πŸ™‚



    Create a ticket on Trac and we’ll take a look at adding support for Jetpack Markdown



    Apologies for the late reply, importing alone will not add all the required “meta data” that bbPress requires, after importing your batch of test topics go to “Tools -> Forums” and run each of the bbPress repair tools, this should fix your issues of not seeing the topics on the front end.



    I found these two documents, do you see the strings to translate here?

    If not you’ll need to wait for the theme authors response to your question.



    I am pretty sure that will also be a string in the theme or plugin you are using, try searching for those strings in the theme or plugin you are using to modify bbPress. I’d also check with the author to see if they have setup the theme or plugin for translation.

    And thanks for offering to help translate bbPress πŸ™‚

    In reply to: Import from vBulletin



    Indeed passwords are 100% converted and working now, I also removed that from the codex article πŸ™‚

    With the updated importer “Buzz” will be set as a “category”, with bbPress 2.5.4 “Buzz” would have been imported as a “forum”.

    In reply to: Replies can't be seen



    Apologies, that first reply above was spam πŸ™

    I presume you ran each of the repair tools after import? (Tools -> Forums), if you haven’t ran these, run each of them and you might be all set without going into the database.

    If you have run the repair tools then at this stage I can really only suggest you dive into the database again to have a look at what is going on….

    Some tips:

    – bbPress 2.x uses custom post types, in the wp_posts table you should see three post types forum, topic and reply in the post_type column.
    – If you look at one of your replies in the wp_posts table you should be able to get the post ID of the parent topic by looking at the post_parent value of the reply your investigating.

    In reply to: Import from vBulletin



    1. Custom vBulletin BBCodes are not supported eg. [youtube] – You will have to manually change these yourself either before importing in vBulletin or after importing into bbPress using phpMyAdmin.

    Indeed this is now fixed to work with vBulletin’s default YouTube BBCodes:
    Specifically the two following BBCodes are the only ones supported (many vB forums used to use custom BBCodes and this was primarily the main issue here)

    // Replace '[video=youtube;$1]$2[/video]' with '$2"
    // Replace '[video=youtube_share;$1]$2[/video]' with '$2"

    For example [video=youtube;eOUq4Z6R7xI][/video] will be replaced with just the YouTube link, bbPress (and WordPress) will automatically embed the video using the direct URL.

    2. All β€˜Ordered Lists’ will be displayed as numerical lists.

    This is also fixed

    3. You may find extra page breaks <br> and paragraph <p> elements in topics and replies and is less than ideal and is from the way the BBCodes are converted during the forum import conversion. You will find these primarily around β€˜blockquotes’ and β€˜lists’

    This is fixed also πŸ™‚

    #1 If I create the exact bbcodes in BBPress prior to the import, I assume this would rectify this area correct?

    Yes, modify your custom BBCodes to either a) Match the supported vBulletin BBCode above or b) completely strip the vBulletin BBCode so just the YouTube link remains πŸ™‚

    I have updated the codex article and removed quite a few things that were listed there that are now fixed including full support to convert user passwords and the items in red in this image are fixed and/or supported πŸ™‚

    With that said “some” of these features are not in the currently shipped bbPress 2.5.4 such as Forum and Topic subscriptions and guest/anonymous topic and reply support, I’m going to post an announcement here on the site in the coming day or two on the improvements and where and how to get this test release.



    The bbPress Codex is back up and runninng for the users listed in @JJJ’s post abbove, a couple more tweaks are needed to fix a couple of outstanding issues.

    I’ve added you as an Administrator, @robin-w you are also an Administrator now πŸ™‚

    If you have any questions please drop by the #bbPress Slack channel πŸ™‚



    You are correct, the string Last comment, Topics/Replies are NOT bbPress strings, these strings will be in either the theme you are using with custom bbPress templates or a plugin you are using.

    As a side note, WordPress 3.9 and bbPress 2.5 and above versions no longer need define(β€˜WPLANG’, β€˜tr_TR’); in wp-config.php, and coming in WordPress 4.1 you can select your language from in WordPress settings πŸ™‚

    The biggest advantage of the above is translations will be included when you update WordPress or bbPress, the only condition to receive the language packs automatically is that the language pack is 100% translated, if that is the case then translations are automatically delivered. πŸ™‚

    It would be amazing if you could help get the Turkish locale 100% for bbPress πŸ™‚ If you use BuddyPress that would also be awesome, WordPress is already 100% πŸ™‚



    Just like any normal spam attack, automated scripting, because the codex was “open” to anyone with a account that was all that was needed to create (or edit) any pages on the codex πŸ™

    I’ll make sure we add yourself to that said list of users with permissions though πŸ™‚

    In reply to: Deeper capabilities



    All vast majority of your sugestions are already included in bbPress 2.x

    See this codex doc for an overview of bbPress’ roles and capabilities πŸ™‚





    Indeed this would work converting the JSON to a CSV but I’d suggest another route first if you haven’t tried it. There is a long discussion on the Ning Importer support forum here that should help you get the Ning importer “working” (read some of the other replies before and after the one I linked for more context).



    Sounds great, have at it πŸ™‚

    Check out and edit the Google doc here.

    General guidelines on creating new codex articles:

    Codex Standards & Guidelines

    Make a copy of this template for each page you create:



    Give this a try, it should work for you now πŸ˜‰



    I wonder if we need to add table prefix info (i.e. β€œbb_”) into the importer settings?

    Yes, you do πŸ˜‰



    If the users were imported AND you can see them in the WordPress backend then you can assign the topics and replies manually be editing each topic and reply manually or doing this directly in the database.

    This is extremely time consuming and I do not recommend it.

    My only recommendation is to reset bbPress and import again.



    Same thing, that was what I meant πŸ˜‰

    Also after resetting the forums check that any previous or duplicated users do not exist, this is an issue that sometimes results in having to manually delete previously imported users, it is fixed in the next release of bbPress.

    Extra Notes: Make sure you are importing from phpBB v3, if you have been previously using a bridge plugin between phpBB and WordPress you will also have issues.



    If you didn’t check the box “import users” then there will be no users to associate with the imported topics and replies and they will be assigned to anonymous.

    Go to your WordPress Dashboard -> Tools -> Forums – Reset Forums

    Reset your forums and import again.

Viewing 25 replies - 526 through 550 (of 3,353 total)