John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 25 replies - 301 through 325 (of 2,350 total)
  • @johnjamesjacoby


    By default, closed topics get a greyed out text color. You can override this with some CSS tweaks that target it specifically. Something like:

    #bbpress-forums .status-closed,
    #bbpress-forums .status-closed a {
        color: red;



    Maybe this is already obvious, but if you’re already logged in, those pages aren’t going to work for you; bbPress will either show a message, or redirect away from them, depending on what you’re setup is.

    The login page here is a (much more complicated) version of what is already in bbPress core, using a WordPress Page and the shortcode. (It’s only complex because of shared logins and integration with, Trac,, etc…) Meaning, it can’t be broken for you, because if you’re only using bbPress’s method and shortcodes, it’s exactly what’s also working here.

    We’ve considered a few different ways of auto-creating the login/register/lost-password pages (and maybe there are some improvements we can make in this regard) however we haven’t settled on a solution we feel works for the 80% of users that want the out-of-the-box experience, that also doesn’t conflict with existing WordPress registration plugins.

    If you could describe what you think the ultimate experience would be, we’re all ears. 🙂



    BuddyPress’s PMs are an okay solution for most people, the only problem being that most people will need to use BuddyPress’s profiles as a means for interacting with the UI. A custom one could be built to integrate directly with bbPress’s profiles instead, but I don’t think most users will want to go that route.



    I spent a few hours this weekend cleaning up the themes that power,, and the shared styling between the codexes, Trac’s, etc… We’ll be open sourcing all of both of those sites very soon.

    You’ll (hopefully) be surprised how few modifications are made to the default styling, and how little markup and CSS there is. 🙂

    In reply to: bbPress 2.5.3



    How did you check? How do you know? What exactly is slow?



    The documentation was wrong. Moderators cannot create/modify forums.

    I’ve updated the documentation to match what each role can do.





    The easiest way to do this is to make a WordPress page with the same slug as your forum root. bbPress will see that page and yield to it, letting it render instead of your forums.

    In that page’s content, use the bbp-forum-index shortcode, along with any other HTML, shortcodes, or whatever else you want there. You can get really fancy with your forum index using modifications in a child theme, custom template parts, page templates, forum archives, etc…



    This is helpful; we really want to get this fixed.

    Are y’all editing replies admin side, or theme side?



    bbPress comes with widgets and a shortcodes to help with rerouting logins and sign-ups (which are what we use here on, but you’ll likely want to look into other third party plugins for actually taking over and controlling the stock experience.

    • bbp-login
    • bbp-register
    • bbl-lost-pass



    Any updates here?

    In reply to: Plugin Update 2.5.3



    Threaded replies are now built into bbPress. You can turn them on and set the nesting levels in your Forum Settings.

    In reply to: Thousands of revisions



    What posts are these revisions for? Does some user actually have access to edit some post, and is able to click them? Have you tried logging in to your site as a non-admin, and looking around for how someone could access an ‘edit’ link to anything; maybe in the top toolbar area?



    What do you mean by “private posts”?

    bbPress doesn’t enable private topics or replies out of the box. What little support it does have, still allows for administrators to search for and see any non-trashed topics or replies.

    Are you using a third party plugin to enable this private posting functionality?

    I don’t really see this as a security vulnerability, so much as you’re using bbPress in a neat way that isn’t quite finished for your needs yet.

    If we need to add support for something that isn’t possible yet, we’re happy to do it. A little bit more information will be helpful so we can suss it out.



    For some reason, you’re using the retired version of BuddyPress’s forums, which is only used for legacy installations from over 3 years ago.

    Deactivate the Forums component in BuddyPress.



    Nothing in bbPress 2.5.3 would delete any data on its own.

    • Are you sure there are no replies in your administration dashboard?
    • Can you take a screenshot of your site, or link us?
    • Are you 100% sure updating from bbPress 2.5.2 to 2.5.3 was all that happened?
    In reply to: Plugin Update 2.5.3



    Nothing in bbPress 2.5.3 would actually delete your replies, so you can relax a bit knowing your data is okay.

    • Are you able to see replies in your administration dashboard?
    • Can you take a screenshot of your site, or link us?
    • Are you 100% sure updating from bbPress 2.5.2 to 2.5.3 was all that happened?



    Pretty strange. You could try recounting the replies in Admin > Tools > Forums though there’s no reason they would all disappear without some outside intervention.

    In reply to: Remove nested replies



    Replacing your entire forum solution because of rogue CSS seems like burning down the house because you heard a mouse. Let’s try and fix the CSS before things get more complex.



    Both links look okay to me. What exactly is (or was) broken?



    The problem I see is the table name: bb_forums

    It should be running these queries on the old bb_tagged table.

    These queries are part of a relatively ancient upgrade routine, dating back to database version 220 in bb_upgrade_220(). Are you able to see what your bbPress database version was before this upgrade started?



    Use WordPress’s Importer. bbPress works just fine with it.



    The timestamps of your posts appear in chronological order, that I can see.



    I wonder if _bbp_reply_to isn’t being carried over when editing a reply. Can you get the _bbp_reply_to postmeta for each of those posts, and report back with them?

    For context, _bbp_reply_to is used for the threaded reply hierarchy instead of post_parent which already used for getting the parent topic ID.



    The HTML editor does work extremely well, as an HTML editor. If you want to enable the visual editor, a Google search should reveal this page as the top hit:

    Enable Visual Editor

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