Anointed (@anointed)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @anointed


    You are correct, do not bring over the functions.php and style.css files when using your own custom theme.

    To handle this issue simply copy the information from the bbpress functions file and add it to your theme functions file. You can do the same for buddypress.

    *It is actually better to simply rename the bbpress functions file and then use an include in your theme functions file. Helps to keep things clean

    For the css, I would rename the file and enqueue it in your functions file.

    In reply to: bbpress capacity



    I managed to migrate a vbulletin site with 300k posts and 40k users to bbpress 2x and have no problems. I am running dedicated servers, but really don’t see much difference in the server load after switching the forums over. Overall bbpress 2x should scale just fine.



    bbpress comes with a login/register widget which you can add to your sidebar.



    I had the same problem with a theme that had over aggressive flush rewrite rules (load on every page) but as you are running the default theme, I have no idea what the problem is.

    In reply to: Full Width forum



    I took a quick glance at your site and noticed a few things. Mainly the style sheet from the theme you are using has a lot of conflicts with bbpress. It is going to take a lot of modification to make it look right within that particular theme.

    *It is not the fault of the theme or bbpress that everything does not look right out of the box. It just happens that there are a few conflicts and as I don’t know your theme code I can’t tell how big a job it would be to fix.

    In reply to: Complete Noobasaurus



    #1 are you running the old 1x vs. of bbpress or the new plugin?

    (I would suggest the plugin for sure as it’s the most updated)

    #2 if you are not then here is the page to find the download to the plugin

    *on the bottom of the page is the download link. Keep in mind that this is the most recent vs. and it changes almost daily until everything is finalized.

    You simply click that link, save the file to your computer, and then go to your wp installation. In there you will use ftp to go into your wp-content/plugins/ folder.

    #3 From there create a folder called bbpress inside the plugins directory.

    #4 Upload the plugin you downloaded to your plugins folder

    (browse the bbpress download and go into the folders until you see bbp-admin, bbp-includes, etc folders. You upload those into the bbpress folder that you created in your plugins folder)

    Structure should look like







    #5 From there simply activate the plugin.

    There are other steps needed to get the forums working properly in wp and your theme, but the above instructions will at least get you going.



    I see, you are using shortcodes, so my idea doesn’t work then.

    Personally, I like to have complete control over every template in my theme, so I bring over all the bbpress files into my current theme and modify from there.

    As I don’t use shortcodes, I’ll have to let someone else chime in and help you out.

    In reply to: bbpress 2.0 templating



    My first guess is that when you copied over the bbpress theme into your current theme that you ended up copying over the style.css and functions.php file?

    If so, that would explain why you can’t see your theme to activate it in the admin.

    *The style.css file tells wp what theme it is, so if you copied the bbpress theme css over your own, then there ya go…




    For inline editing have you taken a look at:

    Scribu’s a master at this stuff and code is rock solid.



    You can always check the file dates to see what files changed at:



    Your going about it wrong. Instead of using the functions file, simply change the template file.

    Where the templates are using bbp_list_forums(), take that part out, and change it to:

    <?php bbp_list_forums( array( 'show_topic_count' => false, 'show_reply_count' => false) ); ?>



    No need to change the template, just go through and make the needed css changes and your good to go. You will find that just about any theme is going to need a bit of tweaking. It really shouldn’t take more than an hour or two in order to get most any theme looking right.



    I also noticed the text was spilling outside of the container on each topic/reply.

    I would have looked into it a bit, but your blocking view source and I’m to annoyed by that to bother. There is definitely something a bit screwy with the css.



    This actually is being caused by your themes stylesheet.

    Specifically line 647

    .ind-post, .hentry {
    float: left;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    padding-bottom: 10px;
    width: 100%;
    word-wrap: break-word;

    The float: left is causing the problems. Removing that will fix the forum problems but could potentially cause other problems with the theme. (I didn’t check)

    I also added the following rule:

    .bbp-topics {
    clear: both;
    width: 100%;

    *that only takes care of this one table. You will probably have to go through and fix the rest. Once again, I did not check, but the css above should point you in the right direction.



    You will probably need to either deactivate some other plugins or find another host.



    BOOYAH! thnx buddy, somehow missed that one, even though it was staring me right in the face.



    Individual group forums is coming in the future.



    Plugin sounds cool and gave it a shot.

    My site has 40k members and I noticed it wanted to check and ‘clean’ my users when I ran the wizard.

    Not only was I not happy about it sending current user information for testing, but I noticed it would take hours to finish… not good…

    I cancelled it and upon running the plugin again, it said it was reporting back a couple of users. It did not show me which users, and why they were being ‘reported’. That I was really unhappy with.

    Finally, I noticed you made changes to the ‘users’ menu adding in the ‘wangard status’. It is not sortable… not friendly for large user db’s.


    A way for large existing sites to install the plugin without running through current users.

    *They’re on my site so I trust them



    You create new pages and assign the custom templates to each page for registration, login, lost password.

    You can then manually insert links to those pages anywhere in the theme you wish to.



    same problem



    This link contains all the information you need in order to get your theme working with bbpress plugin. It is an entirely different process.



    I would start by following the instructions at the top of this thread:

    I don’t know how you ‘installed’ the plugin for the theme, but I did notice there is no bbpress.css stylesheet showing up in your theme. That is a huge part of the problem.




    In reply to: Customize Home Page



    1. Yes it is possible. Depending upon what you want to display, I would start by looking at the widget code for bbpress to see how they are pulling out the most recent topics and apply that to your theme home page.

    2. Not by default but there will be changes on that in the future.

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