I took a quick glance at your site and noticed a few things. Mainly the style sheet from the theme you are using has a lot of conflicts with bbpress. It is going to take a lot of modification to make it look right within that particular theme.
*It is not the fault of the theme or bbpress that everything does not look right out of the box. It just happens that there are a few conflicts and as I don’t know your theme code I can’t tell how big a job it would be to fix.
The best fix would be to use a standalone BBPRess syncing with the WordPress database, and then, somehow making it have the same theme?
No, I would use the plugin vs. for sure.
You simply need to change a bunch of css rules in your theme to make it work properly. That would be much easier than trying to use the standalone and building a custom matching theme for it. Not to mention the plugin is much better anyhow.
But i am a really bad css coder. 
Is it possible to pay anyone or get some extended tutorials?
I took a bit deeper look into your theme, as best I can without having the source, and there is a lot of interesting rules the author has setup.
From what I see, it looks like there are a lot of conflicts going on. Well not really conflicts, but ‘odd’ css rules. I actually had a hard time trying to figure out what the author was trying to accomplish in the theme.
If it were me, I would ask the author of the theme to install bbpress, and to release a modified stylesheet for your theme that will work.
Without knowing all the internals of what the theme is trying to accomplish makes it really hard to determine how much work is going to be needed to get it to work right.
BBPress is a big enough plugin, that I can’t imagine he will just refuse to support it. If he does, let us know, and we can add him to a list of non-conforming themes for use with bbpress.
*I am NOT saying he built the theme bad, but rather just saying that some of his css rules are way to general when dealing with open systems that use plugins.
I got some help from the author with the full width issue,
I was told to put this into my themes Custom CSS option:
.bbp-forums, .bbp-forums td, .bbp-forums th {
text-align: left;
width: 100%;
.bbPress .inner-content {
margin: 0;
width: 960px;
Now i will try and get help with making it look better.
You must use everywhere %
example: #content {width: 80%} #sidebar {width; 20%}