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bbPress 2.0 – Updates

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  • @andrejcarter


    @JJJ – Will you put an update on



    Is <?php do_action( 'bbp_template_after_forums_index' ); ?> working for everyone else. I can’t find any other complaints about it.

    The action is being called in archive-forum.php and should output the latest topic replies in chronological order of freshness. <– no forum index appearing.



    Hello! I have problem with translating bbpress 2.0. I put translate word in msgstr “” in bbpress.pot, but I don’t see any changes with my bbpress, it’s steel in ehnlish.

    Please help!



    @Patrick – Known issue. Will be fixed in Beta 3. :)

    @lamo21 – Doing it wrong. Check for bbPress 2.0 translations.



    Just tagged bbPress 2.0 Beta 3 in WordPress Extend.

    Those of you with custom themes where you’ve moved files around may need to move files one last time, as some changes to the theme compatibility routine and template structure (based largely on user feedback) have shuffled things around a bit.



    Also added Akismet integration to Beta 3. If you have the Akismet plugin for WordPress installed, bbPress 2.0 will now just piggy-back it, and work without any additional config.



    Also added Akismet integration to Beta 3. If you have the Akismet plugin for WordPress installed, bbPress 2.0 will now just piggy-back it, and work without any additional config.

    I was just going to ask about how soon that Akismet integration would be happening. This is wonderful news. Thanks JJJ for all your hard work.



    @Fartlek – The Akismet integration was largely contributed by cnorris23, and Nightgunner5. Props to them :)



    Just upgraded to beta 3 and my topic tag pages don’t return any results now (on the default theme). Is anyone else having this problem?

    Also was there any change in the root breadcrumb behavior? I think I read there was going to be so I held off implementing a fix.

    Thanks for all your hard work, bbPress 2 is looking great.



    @bradsucks – Topic tag behavior seems to be hit or miss since Beta 1. I’ve added some extra logic into the permalinks to check for conflicts with any other slugs or permalinks. Check your forums and permalinks settings, and see if there are any notes about conflicts. There can be some collisions with blog post tags if you have your topic-tag slug set to “tag” and are choosing to not include the forums archive as the root of all forum permalinks.



    There was a conflict noted with the bbPress topic tag slug. I changed it which cleared the conflict but the tag page still isn’t returning any results (“Oh bother! No topics were found here!”).

    And ‘forums’ is the root of all the forum permalinks on my setup (everything else is default, I believe.)



    The email notification reply link is fixed in Beta 3. Thanks. A new bug though: that link only works if the reply is on the first of many pages.

    For example, the latest reply was emailed to me with this link:

    Pagination puts that reply on page 2 which means that link doesn’t actually take me to the reply and I have to go to the next page manually.

    This is the working link:

    Also, that link actually has another bug report ;)



    @Patrick – Just audited the usage of bbp_get_reply_url() and bbp_get_reply_position() and made some changes. I’ll be sure to test paginated reply subscription notifications before pushing out RC1.



    @JJJ – In which versions of BuddyPress and bbPress do you expect BuddyPress to use the plugin instead of the stand alone?



    Only noticed this since my test site got beta3 the other day. is the WP, and /forum/ is a page that uses the [bbp-topic-index] and [bbp-forum-index] with default templating (ie: not Forum Index template).

    I’ve got three screenshots which show the bbpress plugin settings for the slugs, the /forum/ “Recent Topics” page, the forums slug /forums/ page when you click Forums in the breadcrumb, and my work around to make it behave how I want it to behave (see the urls too).

    So 1.png is the /forum/ page.

    2.png is the /forums/ slug page as WP/bbp naturally does it.

    3.png is done using /forums/index.php to redirect to /forum/.

    If I made the /forum/ page slug be forums then it would show blank page probably because bbpress is getting in there first and showing the forum slug page which is blank -_-

    I think that if bbpress returns a blank page, it should tell WP that it hasn’t found anything and for WP to continue to look for the page. But I don’t know how the plugin works much atm.



    Seems to only do that if I select the child theme as the activated theme.

    Are we supposed to have the bbpress twenty ten as activated or what? -_-



    Was editing my theme files to incorporate new stuff, and found that single-reply-edit.php says “native” at the top of the file, for no apparent reason that I can tell.


    EDIT: There are actually a whole bunch of files that say “native” at the top. Is this some sort of “tag” that is quietly removed from the pages at output time or something?



    I think there is a bug in the bbp-twentyten files.

    I’m talking about archive-forum.php

    It calls bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/content', 'archive-forums' );

    Notice the ‘s’ from archive-forums. That template part doesn’t exist, thus returns empty. (Also themes that don’t have support for bbpress don’t display anything for /forums/ url – is this default functionality?)




    master5o1 – i’m seeing a possibly related problem:

    updated to beta-3 and now have a blank forums page. was fine with beta-2.

    wp is unchanged at 3.1.3. am using a twenty ten child theme with the new bbpress files, page name is “forums” using the “Forum Index template”

    and the following forum slug set up:

    forums base archive slug is “forums”

    single forum slug is “forum”

    forum prefix is not included (button unchecked)

    p.s. thanks sareiodata



    Currently I have installed bbpress plugin on my buddypress site. With the 2.0-beta-2 version appear normal, though of course less than perfect. Recently I upgraded to the 2.0-beta-3 version, the forums become disappear.



    The forum index bug is fixed already here. I’ll package up a Beta 3b today to address it.



    thank a lot, jjj!




    will beta 3 fix things not fixed in svn till version 3327? Thats what im using and its not fixed.

    Edit; had another quick try and its working.

    heres what i done, i’m using a twenty ten child theme, activated the child theme, copied the contents of the bbp-twentyten folder (not the folder) to the child theme root with the exception of style,css, screenshot.png and functions.php.

    at the root of the child theme i created a functions.php file from “scratch” with the following:


    add_theme_support( 'bbpress' );


    and voilá its working, i did this steps so many times in the morning but now its working :)



    Thanks a lot, JJJ. :)



    Bug I believe…

    If a topic is stuck to front, and that topic is closed, it is no longer stuck and doesn’t appear anywhere. It just vanishes.


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