bbPress 2.0 – Updates
bbPress 2.0 is out!
- Topic Counts – DONE!
- Post Counts – DONE!
- Voice Counts – DONE!
- Admin Clean-up – DONE!
- User Profiles – DONE!
- User Posts – DONE!
- User Favorites – DONE!
- User Subscriptions – DONE!
- User Roles – DONE!
- Topic Move – DONE!
- Topic Split – DONE!
- Topic Merge – DONE!
- Tag Tools – DONE!
- Theme Compatibility – DONE!
- Feeds – DONE!
- Importer from 1.0 – DONE!
- Fix Multisite- DONE!
- Investigate Topic Tags- DONE!
- Add actions to post forms- DONE!
- Zero out tickets in 2.0 milestone– DONE!
If you need support for your specific site running a pre-release version of this plugin, please open a dedicated topic. Thanks
If you find a security vulnerability, please reference:
[edited: 9/21/2011 – jjj]
I appreciate that “super sticky” or “stick to front” should do what you expect it to do, but it’s worth also rethinking what you want, and how it could be handled in a different way now that bbP is a plugin.
You appear to want every forum to have at the top a link to a closed topic with one post in it.
Well, couldn’t your forum guidelines content be a WordPress page? Then you could plonk a link in the relevant template and style it how you like?
(Or, have a widget area, or a special menu – something that would let you change the links and link text without having to change the template). In fact you could keep it as a topic, just link to it a different way.
I know super stickies are how forums normally handle this sort of thing, but not all the traditional fudges need to be carried across to bbP-as-plugin.
Did JJJ sneak in and update the first post again?
All done except
Template – 90%
Tag Tools – In progress
which is realy cool, thanks to everyone that has worked on the plugin!
@yutt – It’s my official job responsibility at Automatic to contribute a relatively large percentage of my time directly to the development of both bbPress and BuddyPress. The past negativity of the bbPress community has played a part in the lack of developer contributions, but I think a bigger part is the need for integrated forums not being as large as some of us perceive it to be. If everyone wanted it, more people would naturally contribute. Either way, I’m happy to keep things moving, and I’m always around if someone needs to contact me, has questions, etc… It’s also not a matter of “WordPress HQ” since bbPress is its own project, it’s more a matter of someone committing to seeing it through, which I plan to.
@qprints – Good eye
If anyone wants to mock some designs for a new template, I’d love to see some. Thinking something simple like kakumei, with the timeless look of TwentyTen, with some P2 mixed in for good measure.
Would you be open to a ‘starter’ theme so users can create their own bbPress theme with ease? I have one almost finished. This theme also includes theme options where users can switch between a single column, 2 column, and three column etc.
Excellent progress.
Probably a bit late now, but could you please can you bung an “Updated: April 14 2011” or similar in the top post whenever you update?
As it stands, some people may come to that post and think that was the state of play 6 months ago!
@Paul – Done. – Open to anything, but I have a semi-strict laundry-list of things I’m looking for to have something included in the package.
Awesome the last alpha! This is looking good! Go Fight JJJ and Gautam, good work!
@JJJ: really compliments for latest update
In past i’ve request user signature but i don’t remember if i’ve already asked for topic/post promotion (i think, like vbulletin/ipb, is a good idea to have a way to promote – or move – an article in blog/category/homepage). – Thanks
Someone has a signature patch in trac, but I’ve asked them to make it a rock solid plugin instead. I’d rather have that be someone people plugin rather than disable.
Topic/reply promotion could be accomplished as a plugin using the post_order attribute which is currently only used by forums for ordering them similar to pages. We may try something similar eventually for the .org support forums, so we definitely see the need for this.
This post is still growing. Good works guys…!
@JJJ: Ok, thank’u very much
My actual forum is with smf but i want migrate to wordpress + forum (and bbpress plugin promises[?] very good)
But i’ve many topic that need to move inside blog. My future work is: smf to bbpress to bbpress_plugin + migration of many topic in blog – maybe thanks to:
PS: you can call me if you need a betatester
Small bug: i’ve maked a forum and put a new topic in it. After of this i’ve changed this forum in category and maked a new sub-forum inside it. Finally i’ve move topic from category[when i’ve changed forum in category no topics deleted or migrated] to forum and counter results with two topics and two posts (in realty i’ve just one post in one topic)
@Paul –
Good point about Super Stickies, and I may actually go the route of a WP page instead. I just figure if a feature is in a piece of software, it should actually work.
Otherwise just take it out and not confuse folks!
Anyway, I still love the seamless integration of bbP and quite frankly I have it working pretty well in an absurdly complex arrangement, and it’s behaving admirably!
bbPress plugin running as my theme
with a ton of other plugins including, free, custom, and commercial:
Avia Feedback Box
User Messages (for private messaging)
Shortcode Exec PHP
Capability Manager
and a whole lot more!
So far bbP has been among the smaller of my problems to deal with.
Keep up the great work JJJ and crew!
In past i’ve request user signature
The user signature plugin is now available in the plugin repository!
The plugin currently supports a max length of 500 char and allowed tags.
This is the basic release, so more updates will come soon
@tooltrainer – I don’t see bbPress installed anywhere on that site. I’d rather you not link to your site if there’s no visible bbPress installation on it. Also not very fond of the pop up alert when I tried to navigate away from it.
@JJJ oops, sorry my bad. Wasn’t trying to link but didn’t think about the post turning it into a link. That site is the theme I’m using, not a bbPress install, but I’m using it inside bbP and it’s working great (which is somewhat surprising given the complexity of it all). I’ll edit that post if I can.
BTW, with regards to the super sticky… it appears to be working again. Not sure why, don’t believe I changed anything but… it’s behaving as expected so I can’t complain. Go figure!
@Arjun – this is great, going to check out your sig plugin immediately. This is one of the last major “must have” features that I wanted before my forum goes live. Thanks for doing it!
@Arjun S Kumar: Thank’u for plugin, i’ll try it in localserver
Maybe is a good idea also a “spacial forum” with all articles by blog (just link to view article) and bridged comments. use this structure and is more appreciated by many user.
Eg: blog > *
forum > *
(an user can comment from blog and/or from forum but i think this can be more complicated)
@tooltrainer ,
Most welcome!
JJJ – I came here looking for the current code and to see if you needed any beta testers. I found the code in the svn and see you are at alpha-2. I can also see that your code is really clean and readable. I’m sure that’s taken a lot of work, so thanks. The proof is in the pudding, and you’ve got you’ve got me dancing around like Bill Cosby here.
Looking forward to seeing this finally released!
Will the plugin be put in the repository when it reaches beta status or 1.0?
Andre: It is already in the repo.
@Gautam – Thank you. I used the wrong terminology in my question. I should have asked when will I be able to use the built-in WP updater to update the bbpress plugin?
I mentioned this in an earlier post but forgot to follow up on it.
There doesn’t seem to be a way for users to mark posts as favorites or subscribe to them. I see the functionality is there, but the actual buttons that give people the ability to use these features, are not visible anywhere in a bbP forum. From my earlier post:
“I hard-edited loop-topics.php to force those options to display and sure enouogh there are buttons for those things, but they never show up. Why is that? I’ve currently got two different plugins to try to achieve this functionality and it would be WAY better if it’s already built in, as it seems to be!”
Would love some insight into how to get these features to appear in normal forum use.
Now that I’m looking into this again, I don’t even see a loop-topics.php file so I’m not sure what I was talking about back then. Still, my desire to enable these features is the same.
OK, strike my previous… I see that users can in fact mark items as favorites or subscribe, but only from within the actual topic replies themselves. I was looking for a higher-level icon/button of some kind like I had found previously when poking around in the code.
Now that I know better how it actually work, this will do the basic job. Would be nice to be able to mark actual forums as favorites too though.
Just a question for dev.
I hate my actual website and i attend this plugin to migrate to wordpress (+forum).
Just for info please: any eta for converter – bbpress to bbpressPlugin? (i can use alpha in live website but i can’t lost users and actual forums)
Maybe it’s time to start with development?
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