bbPress 2.0 – Updates
bbPress 2.0 is out!
- Topic Counts – DONE!
- Post Counts – DONE!
- Voice Counts – DONE!
- Admin Clean-up – DONE!
- User Profiles – DONE!
- User Posts – DONE!
- User Favorites – DONE!
- User Subscriptions – DONE!
- User Roles – DONE!
- Topic Move – DONE!
- Topic Split – DONE!
- Topic Merge – DONE!
- Tag Tools – DONE!
- Theme Compatibility – DONE!
- Feeds – DONE!
- Importer from 1.0 – DONE!
- Fix Multisite- DONE!
- Investigate Topic Tags- DONE!
- Add actions to post forms- DONE!
- Zero out tickets in 2.0 milestone– DONE!
If you need support for your specific site running a pre-release version of this plugin, please open a dedicated topic. Thanks
If you find a security vulnerability, please reference:
[edited: 9/21/2011 – jjj]
I’m waiting for an alpha release in order to update automatically, It will be awesome!
Good job guys!
Is a problem of the javascript I think. We’ve to wait to a more stable release…
I’m sorry for just barging into the conversation mid-way but is there going to be BuddyPress progress with this too? Or was that just an unrelated project?
@tyskkvinna the two projects are going to co-exist happily
JJJ is the lead developer of bbPress and in the core development team of BuddyPress. The BuddyPress bundled forum as it stands will eventually be replaced by the bbPress plugin, supported by a migration script of course.
More information in these threads:
Wonderful, thank you for the clarification!
I migrated my WordPress install from my local PC to my development server and am having some issues with the BBPress plugin now. Everything that was there shows up fine… however now I cannot add new topics.
Adding a new forum works.
However now when I try to add a new topic to the forum from the frontpage it redirects me to the homepage when I hit submit and I never see it in the database.
If I do it from the dashboard, it adds the topic in the admin and I can see it there but it doesn’t show up on the topic list under the forum on the frontpage. I can view it directly if I click the view link on it from the dashboard.
If I look in the db the one that is working has the GUID set with a permalink structure (/forums/topic/topicname) where the one I added after the move doesn’t (?post_type=bbp_forum&p=1161). I have permalinks enabled on the site (and they are working everywhere else)… I’ve tried turning them off and back on as well.
Hopefully didn’t ramble on too much there, going to try to dig into it some more but not sure if you guys had any ideas.
I have an installation with a similar issue. Posts show if done from within the bbPress installation. Posts done from within the admin panel do not show up in the site but are in the database and still show in the admin panel.
Ok well I ran my issue down a little further. The topics added are not showing up in the frontend topic list because the _bbp_topic_last_active meta key is not being set. I manually set it for one of the topics and it worked.
Why that postmeta key is not being created, not sure yet. I see a bunch of other ones for that post id (_bbp_topic_reply_count, _bbp_topic_hidden_reply_count, etc) so doesn’t seem like its across the board for the meta keys.
Hi, I’m just looking for some quick advice. I’m launching a site for a nonprofit organization next week which needs a community forum… (it’s live now though)
Do you think the pre-alpha version of the plugin is stable enough to go with it or should I just use stand alone version of bbPress and migrate later?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
@chuckmac @LPH2005 – Those meta keys are relatively new, and were an addition that wasn’t backwards compatible with previous development versions. Check this topic for the exact date of the change, but exactly what you found will cause exactly what you describe.
@Rob Bunch – With any prerelease software, you need to understand the risks involved. Just like @chuckmac and @LPH2005 experienced, it’s still possible for there to be architectural changes in the software that aren’t backwards compatible. There are countless changes between the stand alone and plugin versions since the data schema is so different, so certain things needed to be worked around late in the development cycle.
That said, it’s available for download so that you may test it however you are comfortable doing so. Just be aware if something crops up on your live site, there is a limited pool of resources to help you.
Thanks, JJJ, I really appreciate your time and input. And I realize that it is just bad timing to have to have a forum up next week… But I should have been a little more specific with my question, however…
Is there any risk involved with using the stand alone version? Am I assuming correctly that when the plugin is released it will have a migration feature?
I’d really like to install the test version of the plugin… but are you saying that if I take that risk, it might not be update-able to a beta or even the released version when it comes out?
The issue with using the plugin at this stage in a live environment is that at some point a reset might be needed. This would involve deleting all posts.
The plan has always been to create some way to migrate from the standalone bbPress to the plugin – but it is likely to be one of the last things coded.
Sorry for being so adamant in trying to pin you down on what is essentially a slippery slope at this point… but…
If you, personally, HAD to make a decision today on which to install on a new live site, would you go with test plugin or stand-alone?
Thanks for your time… (and don’t worry… I won’t hold you personally responsible for the risk I incur if you say go with plugin)
For a new live site I would only go with it IF I didn’t mind losing the posts. So if that is paramount, then don’t use it.
Thanks, Rich… I’m going to go for it!
Are there instructions for installing it? I’m assuming that you just can’t install it through admin panel.
Download from:
(the zip archive link at the bottom).
Install like any other plugin that you have to upload.
remember that you will need to create a child theme, or add to an existing one, unless you are happy with it being twentyten. You will need to copy over a lot of things from the included child theme (plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twentyten), but you will need to tweak a few things.
then I belive we still currently have to create a page, and call it Forum and choose the correct page template – bbPress – Forums (Index), and I think that’s it.
I can guarantee that the theme files will be changing before the plugin is released, so you will need to integrate changes later on.
@Rich, thanks for the info.
Do you have to do all that stuff before the plugin can be activated?
I installed the latest branch successfully, however, when I tried to activate it, I got a WP_Error saying “The plugin does not have a valid header.”
if you unzipped it, you see that the actual plugin is within branches/plugin/ and that are the bits that need uploading, not the full directory structure (my bad should have mentioned that).
The plugin needs theme files for it work.
Tickets @1457 & 1460 are closed, implying the /wp-admin forwarding to /login issue is fixed, but it’s not for me on my test install running bbpress 2859 on WP 3.1 rc3. There are 39 other plugins installed, but none of the other plugins are active and I’m using the Twenty for bbpress theme. Any advice?
until it’s fixed, use the new bbPress login widget.
Thanks Rich.
@andrejcarter – It isn’t obvious, but as it stands right now you need to make a WordPress page with the slug ‘login’ and assign the Login Page Template to it. Janky, but still being worked on.
Right now there’s an issue with trashing/deleting replies and topics in the plugin. Basically the topic/reply/voice counts don’t have correct logic, which can result in the counts going all wacky. This wouldn’t be so bad if the recounts in the admin area worked, which they don’t because they use essentially the same logic. This is a known issue and is next on my list of things to do on this.
erm, is there any other quirks we should know about?
That’s really the only one. Anything else is just loose ends at this point.
we are still having to create a forum page though?
and any chance you could explain what the various page templates are/do – as they don’t appear to be necessary?
@jjj – Thank you.
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