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  • #973


    Well at the main page of the forum you have: Latest Discussions and underneeth it: Forums. My question is about this last part. The main themes are all in each row underneeth each other like:

    Forum 1 – bla bla

    Forum 2 – bla bla

    Farum 3 – bla bla

    Is it possible to let these appear in 2 columns like in a news paper? Like:

    Forum 1 – bla bla Forum 2 – bla bla

    Forum 3 – bla bla

    And this goes automaticly ofcourse… I know they work on this with css 3 but it will take years when thats is finished. So how to get this done now?



    In addition, I tested registeration within bbpress, but it didn’t registered within my integrated WordPress. What’s wrong?



    I really missed an onlinelist in bbpress, so i made a simple one myself. Dont expect anything special, it just tells who was online over the past 5 minutes.

    Download it here.

    See a demo here. (Login use: Test / test)

    To Display the online list simply add show_online_users(); wherever you want it in your template.

    Additional Features:

    – Last online time on profile page: profile_last_online();

    – Current online users as number: total_online_users();


    Topic: Avatars in bbpress

    in forum Plugins

    So, I just started using bbpress 3 days ago mostly because phpbb is God awful when it comes to spammers (akismet is pretty awesome on my homepage, so I assumed it would also be awesome in forums).

    At any rate, I installed a copy as a test and have been playing with it, got kinda sad that avatars weren’t supported (and didn’t want to make people get gravatars just to have an avatar, esp since gravatar service was down the other night). So I wrote my own avatar functions.

    I have everything I did on my forums, or you can just go check it out at

    My question is, can what I did be done in a plug-in? I know I can put my two ground-up functions in a plug-in file, but the one I don’t know how to do is the way I added a spot for a link to an avatar in profile pages. Here’s the link to me describing what I did, and the quote from what I’m talking about:

    bb-includes/functions.php line 1388: Added avatar info to the array in function get_profile_info_keys(). Looks like this:

    array(‘user_email’ => array(1, __(‘Email’)), ‘user_url’ => array(0, __(‘Website’)), ‘from’ => array(0, __(‘Location’)), ‘occ’ => array(0, __(‘Occupation’)), ‘interest’ => array(0, __(‘Interests’)), ‘avatar_loc’ => array(0,__(‘Avatar URL’)))

    As you can see, adding that little avatar stuff at the end of that array definition not only easily added the spot to the page, but put it in the database and allowed me easy access to it in my other functions.

    I’d love to make this into a plug-in, I just don’t know how to do that. Any advice would be great :)


    The following plugin should work, but I have not tested it.



    Plugin Name: Ignore Edit Lock

    Plugin URI:


    function members_ignore_edit_lock() {

    global $bb_roles;

    $bb_roles->role_objects['member']->add_cap( 'ignore_edit_lock', true );


    add_action( 'bb_got_roles', 'members_ignore_edit_lock' );


    Save that bit of code as members-ignore-edit-lock and put it in bbPress’ my-plugins/ directory.

    Trent Adams

    Thanks for the reply. I have included the generic php file and it seems to be working. Of course, how could I test it?!



    Topic: K2.F

    in forum Themes

    to those who clicked in because of the “K2” prefix, you’re in luck! and i’ll try not to disappoint you… K2.F is my forums edition rendition of K2 ( it has nothing to do with the creators of K2, it’s my personal project… for now.

    currently in ALPHA 0.0.4, it’s already much emulating K2. i’ve even tested applying a K2-style onto it… it works! although no options page etc (you’ll have to manually uncomment stuff and add urls yourself) it’s pretty close. opposing K2’s design with a sidebar on the right, i left it on the left for K2.F…

    this is basicly a redesign, no funky features… YET.

    K2.F is still quite a brittle cookie. still going thru it’s alpha stages, is not yet ready for public consumption.

    fot those who can’t wait, here’s my LIVE demo… and the related post in my blog. enjoy~

    Live Demo:

    Related Blog Post:


    I upgraded from WP 2.0.2 to 2.0.5 and everything seems to work now with the user integration. Maybe it should say somewhere you need the latest version of WordPress.


    gnawph wrote:

    The bbPress designers would look foolish changing all of their IDs to Classes and wouldn’t conform.

    I’ve already stated that: “I’m not advocating the removal of any of the ID’s from templates”. I am, however, conscious that the reliance on ID based formatting in the default template is more likely to run in to integration problems in the long run.

    “Latest and Popular are different tables and shouldn’t be labeled the same”.

    Yes, latest and popular are different tables (their ids are different), but they are both examples of a certain kinds of table that show an ordered selection of items based on some kind of score (be it date or rating). So it’s better to define what that kind of table is, so use a class.

    “If code redundancy is an issue you could always go:#latest, #popular {

    Yes, this does have a similar effect, but, if I’m writing a plugin with UI elements then for it’s output to be shown correctly in TemplateX, either:

    1. I have to add CSS to the plugin which might work with TemplateX, but be incompatible with TemplateY, or
    2. The authors of X&Y must alter their css to cope with my plugin.

    This potential hassle just becomes less likely if template designers take an extra few minutes to consider what the more abstract classes in the design should be!

    BTW: class="tableonmainpage" might be better described as .mainpage > table {}


    Users should have to rethink their CSS. Not using a ID selector just because a “newbie” doesn’t realize there can only be one element attatched to them is lame. The difference between ID and Class is one of the fundamentals of CSS. The bbPress designers would look foolish changing all of their IDs to Classes and wouldn’t conform. These selectors carry semantic meaning and without them your HTML code becomes less proffesional and harder to read.

    Latest and Popular are different tables and shouldn’t be labeled the same. If code redundancy is an issue you could always go:

    • #latest, #popular {
    • -or-

    • <table id=”latest” class=”tableonmainpage” >

      If somebody is going to be digging around and making their own theme they should really take 5 minutes to read a CSS tutorial.


    That’s part of it yes…

    …but also, using ID based formatting can cause trouble down the line when users want to add more elements to the page and find they have to change the CSS rather than just saying that their new addition <thing id='latest' />; should be formatted in the same way as <thing id="popular" />; because they’re both the same kind of table.

    This is a double pain because CSS seems to get stuck in some browser caches so users see the new page with the old CSS.

    The shift from “how do I want this to look?” to “what kind of thing is this and what do those things look like?” is (I have found) worthwhile.


    Using classes for everything is pretty sloppy. When start hacking up the bbpress theme and come across an ID I know exactly whether or not that element is going to be repeated. When I work with a design that has strickly class based selectors I go crazy.

    Something like “class=header” is completely insane. There really should only be one header inside the site and you use an ID to signify that elements usage.

    For example when I take a look at /bb-templates/font-page.php and see <table id=”latest”> I already have a good idea of what all the code contained inside that <table> tag will be.

    Also if my page gets larger I can put “jump links” to those sections and help my users navigate my site.

    There are other properties of ID tags that do fancy stuff with javascript but I’m not quite sure what they are.



    On a site it is written – test exploitation


    I integrating my blog with bbpress and when I add require_once('z:/home/'); in config.php some buttons in bbpress forum don’t work — ADD NEW» and edit profile

    Any ideas?


    Atsutane, you are THE MAN. Mine still looks like garbage, but It’s coming along. Thanks! This really should be included in the package.

    Basically, to clarify the process even more…

    /// open ‘/bbpress/conf.php’ and at the top, after the opening ‘<?php’ put the following:


    Then, in your ‘my-templates’ directory, create the following files:


    ‘<?php get_header(); ?>

    <div id=”content” class=”narrowcolumn”>

    <div class=”post” id=”post-forum”>

    <div class=”entry”>’





    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>’

    You will still have to tweak the code, but that’s all it took for me.

    You’ll need to add the styles from the non-header/footer portions of the bbpress css files to your WP style sheet.

    Check my test-forum out…

    One thing I can’t figure out though… when you’re viewing a topic, the “reply” form is WAAAAYYYY too long. I’ve edited this in every form I can see, but this isn’t changing..

    Why are there so many edit forms? Where is this one?


    You right… 3 days ago i tested it and waswworking then i was not home and i think i uploaded the working version.. but looks like i had put a wrong one. Tomorrow if i will be able i will try to check it… sorry for the problem.


    Both WordPress and bbPress are sharing the same Cookie for 1 single login: tested.

    New bbPress registeration, username and password, can access the WordPress login no problem.


    Actually i make a little plugin for wordpress to view some bbpress stuff. For now i only done latest discussion and favorite topic.


    I was just looking at your page, basically you have it exactly how I would like to do it. How did you get the Latest Discussions to load on the front? Thanks!


    Kind of, was hoping it would be something where I could make a sidebar, but I would settle for getting it on the homepage in one way or another. Actually I made a mistake when I said Favorites, I meant latest discussions.


    In reply to: bbPress new Theme

    It doesn’t generate thumbnails, its just setting the width of the image thats linked to be something i set. I will be publishing all this stuff on my forum soon. Im just running more test.

    Btw. check it out

    i did more updates, and added a css tab menu on top. Keep checking for more updates. In the near future ill also have a dl theme.


    Yeah i think that will work. I only have that problem when i update wp akismet to the latest version. If i using the old version that dont have widget, i can use it without having any problem.


    1) Usualli a simple traceroute can suggest you where the server is, anywai you can try to change the $bb->gmt_offset variable testing various value till you get the right time in the forum.

    2) I think this is a currently problem with tag management, about managing UTF8 charset…

    3) RSS stay for Really Simple Syndication a methond to stay up to date reading new content from a site using feed aggregator online or as local program, do a little search on Google and you will learn all about it… veri usefull to follow news from lot osf sites without the need to opens single site every day to check f there is something new… try RSS and you will never be able to live without it :)


    Ok, so I tested all the combinations of the last two versions of WP and BBP… so its obviously something with my configuration.

    But I found that if I install and activate the incriminated plug-ins in WordPress before trying to run the install script for BBpress, it returns the following error:

    WordPress database error: [Table 'database.bb_forums' doesn't exist]

    SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'widget_text' LIMIT 1

    WordPress database error: [Table 'database.bb_forums' doesn't exist]

    SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'widget_rss' LIMIT 1

    WordPress database error: [Table 'database.bb_forums' doesn't exist]

    SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'sidebars_widgets' LIMIT 1

    WordPress database error: [Table 'database.bb_forums' doesn't exist]

    SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'sidebars_widgets' LIMIT 1

    Now we’re getting somewhere! Anyone? A hint?

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