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Topic: Installing to local Mac
I am trying to install bbPress to my local Mac into a subfolder of my test WP installation which has been set up and working for over a year now.
This means my url is not an ‘’ address but a (or, in my case, my local network IP which works just as well). So I have set up config.php with this address. and the path as ‘/forum/’.
When then trying to run the install script however, it just takes me to a comletely blank page. (A similar problem was raised here: but received no reply).
Does anyone have any ideas what this points to?
Topic: Private Forum script
I needed desperately a script that would restrict all access to unregistered users so I wrote one. But I am an absolute beginner so don’t know no nothin’ about elegance or whatnot but I just tested it in my installation and it works.
The thing is naturally bb_press has authentication scripts. but to make all you website protected you need to put this in your header.php. However bb-login.php, which your users need to login also use the header.php, so I had to make sure that this small script runs on all pages EXCEPT the login page.
Here’s the script:
$login_page = $bb->path . ‘bb-login.php’;
if ($_SERVER != $login_page) {
if ( !bb_is_user_logged_in() ) {
header(‘Location: ‘ . $bb->domain . $bb->path . ‘bb-login.php’);
} else { }
else { }
How to Use it:
1. Copy paste the above code to your my-templates/header.php AT THE VERY TOP of the file. Make sure you leave no empty space before the <?php line (use something like TextPad – it’s free). So you header should look like:
$login_page = $bb->path . ‘bb-login.php’;
if ($_SERVER != $login_page) {
if ( !bb_is_user_logged_in() ) {
header(‘Location: ‘ . $bb->domain . $bb->path . ‘bb-login.php’);
} else { }
else { }
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN” ….
That’s it. Since I use the values you provided in you BBPRESS setup all the paths should be correct.
Like I said I am complete newbie, so use at your own risk. BACKUP your header.php, or if something goes wrong just delete the script you just added.
Hope it works for you,
Topic: latest reply by admin
even after installing the plugin to get display names showing, the top of any forum topic still says
# Started 1 minute ago by admin
# Latest reply from admin
how can i fix this?
Topic: Post Via URL?
Is there anyway to post via a URL?
I.e.;”this is a test”
If this is not possible, is there a way to port the WordPress bookmarklet to bbPress?
Is there any way to make a function, say: “get_latest_topic”, or simply limit the “get_latest_topics” function to display only the latest topic, but also include the full post?
If not, there may be some other way that I am missing in order to add the content of the latest post to the frontpage, without going all-out and using Worpress for this view.
Thanks in advance!
Well at the main page of the forum you have: Latest Discussions and underneeth it: Forums. My question is about this last part. The main themes are all in each row underneeth each other like:
Forum 1 – bla bla
Forum 2 – bla bla
Farum 3 – bla bla
Is it possible to let these appear in 2 columns like in a news paper? Like:
Forum 1 – bla bla Forum 2 – bla bla
Forum 3 – bla bla
And this goes automaticly ofcourse… I know they work on this with css 3 but it will take years when thats is finished. So how to get this done now?
Topic: Plugin: Simple Onlinelist
I really missed an onlinelist in bbpress, so i made a simple one myself. Dont expect anything special, it just tells who was online over the past 5 minutes.
Download it here.
See a demo here. (Login use: Test / test)
To Display the online list simply add
wherever you want it in your template.Additional Features:
– Last online time on profile page:
– Current online users as number:
Topic: Avatars in bbpress
So, I just started using bbpress 3 days ago mostly because phpbb is God awful when it comes to spammers (akismet is pretty awesome on my homepage, so I assumed it would also be awesome in forums).
At any rate, I installed a copy as a test and have been playing with it, got kinda sad that avatars weren’t supported (and didn’t want to make people get gravatars just to have an avatar, esp since gravatar service was down the other night). So I wrote my own avatar functions.
I have everything I did on my forums, or you can just go check it out at
My question is, can what I did be done in a plug-in? I know I can put my two ground-up functions in a plug-in file, but the one I don’t know how to do is the way I added a spot for a link to an avatar in profile pages. Here’s the link to me describing what I did, and the quote from what I’m talking about:
bb-includes/functions.php line 1388: Added avatar info to the array in function get_profile_info_keys(). Looks like this:
array(‘user_email’ => array(1, __(‘Email’)), ‘user_url’ => array(0, __(‘Website’)), ‘from’ => array(0, __(‘Location’)), ‘occ’ => array(0, __(‘Occupation’)), ‘interest’ => array(0, __(‘Interests’)), ‘avatar_loc’ => array(0,__(‘Avatar URL’)))
As you can see, adding that little avatar stuff at the end of that array definition not only easily added the spot to the page, but put it in the database and allowed me easy access to it in my other functions.
I’d love to make this into a plug-in, I just don’t know how to do that. Any advice would be great
Topic: K2.F
to those who clicked in because of the “K2” prefix, you’re in luck! and i’ll try not to disappoint you… K2.F is my forums edition rendition of K2 ( it has nothing to do with the creators of K2, it’s my personal project… for now.
currently in ALPHA 0.0.4, it’s already much emulating K2. i’ve even tested applying a K2-style onto it… it works! although no options page etc (you’ll have to manually uncomment stuff and add urls yourself) it’s pretty close. opposing K2’s design with a sidebar on the right, i left it on the left for K2.F…
this is basicly a redesign, no funky features… YET.
K2.F is still quite a brittle cookie. still going thru it’s alpha stages, is not yet ready for public consumption.
fot those who can’t wait, here’s my LIVE demo… and the related post in my blog. enjoy~
Live Demo:
Related Blog Post: