Nothing special, just a black theme based on old phpBB2’s subBlack color scheme.
Example site
I would have uploaded a screenshot, but I’m not sure how to do that with Google Code just yet.
Honestly, I really like idea give bbPress more functionality to core. Mainly unread post like phpBB has (All post mark as read and etc.) and more specific permission for some user rules and category. I dont know how many people wants this. We should vote, need polls,… but… Oh yes bbPress doesnt have any polls, we need plugin for this. Is there any plugin workign for my release? Damn…
Of course, for someone Its not important but forum without that its just guestbook with searchbar and topics. Really messy and pure.. Bleh!
Maybe the best solutions could be official bb-plugins supported by developers for every release (but its really hard task for developers). But eveneryone will be happy. Light-weight core and pack of plugins ready to go…
Everytime when i am downloading new plugin i prey: Will that plugin works with my new release? And what the next new release? Its terrible for every user. Sometimes i try fix some bugs but i am not php guru, and its real pain for me…
And for the people that love really light-weight solution. They can still use _ck_ 0.9 fork or another old realease of bbpress. Its up to them but official bbPress need to be pushed.
I love the way bbPress is made. I love functionality, simple look similiar to WordPress (i really love wordpress). But bbPress has so many holes at funcionality. Light weight forum like punBB? No… perhaps more sophisticated solutions with witdgets, gridtables, better sorting by speciphic parameters, quoting, better slug manipulation (like WP has), category manipulation, permissions and mainly integration with WP.
But everything should be fast as could be. Just look at MyBB. Or Perhpaps phpBB. Yaeh, its really fast… its just about optimizing. Why i dont switch to them back? They didnt have support for buddypress or wordpress… I mean native support – everything under one roof.
bbPress should be disscussion board – right now i am really disapointed. So we can google for forums or helpdesks and find inspirations. If i am wrong, just kick me to my ***
Thank you very much for this script, I’ve been trying to used it, but I get the following error:
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]
Data too long for column 'topic_poster_name' at row 1 [1406]
Any ideas?
I’m not an expert, but I’m doing my best. Thanks!
Non-plugin bbPress development is going to continue until we have a perfect importer so people will be able to bring their content out of the legacy codebase.
Simply I love this statement!!
@ Matt Mullenweg, with this perfect importer, will we able to switch from other channels like vBulletin, phpbb, ip board? did you ever think about it? Any Plan?
I suspect there will be a mad rush of people porting those over to the new plugin. I’d expect a few phpBB themes to make their way over too I’d suspect.
PHPBB has a facebook style chat mod.
(username) : (password)
user : useruser
user2 : user2user2
user3 : user3user3
IS there are plugin like this for bbpress?
johnhiler, if you like plugin-centric development, you should love the bbPress plugin so far (hopefully)
Hopefully it’s able to walk the line and offer the best to both.
What is a plugin and what is core is always one of those topics that tends to change and drift with the times. 6 years ago having properly formatted links to someones blogroll was considered important enough for WordPress core, but chances are people are using that functionality less and less as time goes on and people are able to connect to people more quickly and organically.
kevinjohn, we haven’t tackled it in the plugin version yet, but the difference between a ‘category’ and a ‘forum’ will be fairly distinct once we get it going. My experience working with the Categories Hierarchy project back in my phpBB days taught me the importance of handling the way those types of data behave.
Always loved this idea personally. As a 2004 phpBB2.x graduate, I was constantly trying to make my forum software do stuff it wasn’t intended to do. This brings me back to those days.
_ck_ maybe my tastes have changed? It’s not a perfect name but it does have historical significant and attachment for me. The integration will be the completion of the arc that started with my first checkin, because I felt the data structures of author-started versus user-started discussions were fundamentally different, and I could do it much faster on a DB structure just like minibb, which is what we used to use on and one of the first forums I really liked. (After attempting vBulletin and phpBB a number of times.)
We also have a history of major changes in 0.1 releases. We might indulge in a little bit of inflation with a 2.0.
I’ve been wondering that if addition to being part of the plugin directory for people already using WP, we could offer a pre-bundled download here on that could set up WP + bbP seamlessly so from a user experience point of view they’re still getting a “standalone” piece of software, just with a far more robust admin and update system. (Just a thought, we’ll figure it out when we get there.)
I found several posts about converting SMF to bbPress. Since I just got done with the conversion and it is still fresh on my mind, I figured I would share my notes on the process.
To convert SMF to bbPress, I had to:
-Convert SMF 1.1.11 to phpBB3 (3.0.7)
-Convert phpBB3 (3.0.7) to bbPress 1.0.2
I had SMF setup on a subdomain:
- I created a NEW database separate from the SMF database.
- In the root of, I created two directories “bbpress” and “phpbb”.
- I uploaded the uncompressed files of phpBB3 to the “phpbb” directory.
- I uploaded the SMF 1.1.x to phpBB3 converter script. It can be found here:
- When you install phpBB3, I installed it using the NEW database that I created. I followed the “phpBB Convert How To” guide which can be found here:
- At this point, your SMF forum should now be converted to phpBB3.
- Next, I uploaded the uncompressed files of bbPress to the “bbpress” directory and installed bbPress using the same NEW database as phpBB3.
- I used the phpbb3-to-bbpress1-converter which is hosted on Google Code. The script is super easy to install and comes with instructions. It can be found here:
- Optional: I logged into phpMyAdmin and deleted the tables prefixed with phpbb_ in the NEW database.
- Success. It is finished.

Honestly, after reading all the posts out there this whole process seemed rather daunting. Let me assure you that it is easier than it sounds.
Thanks to everyone’s notes that got me on my way and to the awesome folks out there that took the time to write these scripts to make it even possible.
Hi! I’m a brand new bbpress user, and looking forward to getting better acquainted with all of you. However I do have an immediate issue on which I could use some advice.
I’ve made a conversion from vbulletin 3, via phpbb3, to bbpress 1.0.2. In the process, none of the slugs for the forums or topics fields were populated. Would any of you have a nice solution for that handy?
I’ve put this in the Installation topic, because bbpress isn’t broke. I believe this is more likely an artifact from the conversion. Please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
Dan White
I doubt people neither chose nor leave a forum because they’ve not implemented TinyMCE; which is not to say that some people don’t like WYSIWYG, but it’s importance is often overstated.
phpBB, as your example, seems to be doing ok without it. I’m sure I saw them hit their 10th birthday and gazillionth download not that long ago. Basiaclly, phpBB has been around since before Google.
you converted your forum from a wysiwyg based forum; vbulletin (native), phpbb (as plugin).. to bbpress, you loose lot of formatting
Why did you lose your formatting?
Thats not a bbPress thing, was it in the conversion (i haven’t done one yet)?
Is the formatting still in the post?
If it is, there are numerous bbCode plugins for bbPress for years now. Let us know what’s gone and I’ll try and help you sort that. I think that could be a nice fix for you! 
it is not an option, it is a must-have feature in every successful board
Hello there,
It would be really a nice thing to have a wysiwyg editor in bbpress, just like the one that wordpress have: TinyMCE, since it is open source.
the current editor is too much simple and complex at the same time especially when:
* you converted your forum from a wysiwyg based forum; vbulletin (native), phpbb (as plugin).. to bbpress, you loose lot of formatting.
* most of the users don’t know how to deal with bbcode.
* you need a fast way to copy-past formated text and images.
* currently no efficient wysiwyg plugin available in the bbpress plugins.
* it is not an option, it is a must-have feature in every successful board.
most phpbb forum owners criticized harshly the lack of wysiwyg in phpbb; people keeps asking for it and phpbb developers keep ignoring them and saying that they want to keep phpbb simple!!! so users leave to other forums!
for the people who like the current bbpress simple editor, bbpress can offer a switch in the dashboard to toggle wysiwyg editor on and off.
what do you think?
Hi Frank. Only should have installed bbpress in the same dbase which contain phpbb content. Place for files is not matter.
Remember! Make backup!
I think this is great. I mean, I installed phpbb3 in my site and have been regreting it since users became more and more active.
I have a question, though. I’ve spent three days looking for some info (at google, wordpress, etc) and I think this is the right place.
Do I have to upload the bbpress files into the same directory where the phpbb files are right now or the new bbpress files can be anywhere? I’ve read that the database must be the same. My guess is that the files can be anywhere but I just want to make sure.
How do I upload a theme? I just made a “child” theme (similar to phpBB’s old subBlack) for kakumei. I made a “plugin request” about it, but I’m not sure that’s what I’m supposed to do. Are themes supported on this site at all?
Wow man, a 2 year old post…
I’d try here:
3rd one down looks like a winner:
99/100 the best way is to convert from any forum to phpBB3 and from there to bbPress.
Good Luck
Hey, I’m new too, and i’m about to give it a crack. I’ve used phpBB before, but this looks nice and simple. Wish me luck!
I’m clueless about attatchements from anything to bbPress sadly; but that bbCode plugin works a treat
Kevin: like this one ->
are you aware of a way to handle the attachments?
Numediaweb: thanks a lot for your effort, much appreciated! 
I’ve been fighting with phpbb for a few days now, it’s leaking everywhere now and I can’t wait to get rid of it 
Thanks everybody!
look at page source of this (your forum)
and search position-
all the post have position-0 that is the problem i got when using the old bbpress converter. ( check post_position table in bb_posts, all 0 or not )
and for forum_slug, active name based permalink in bbpress admin then check your forum thread, error or not. (if your post_slug is empty then all your post will 404 not found if you active name based permalink. not forum_slug)
it doesn’t parse the bbcode inside posts (meaning that all the links inside the posts are gone)
Is the bbcode still present in the bbPress database?
if so, then there are a few bbCode parsers for bbPress availible. I know Matt doesn’t like it, and therefore we are the only forum that won’t support it, but i think it only slows adoption
that’s true: this converter doesn’t deal with attachements, for my forum, i didn’t need attachements that’s why I did’nt try to fix this probeleme, anyway, if I have time, i’ll check this.. another think is the way phpbb3 stores attachements; it crypts file names so instead of “myimage.gif” it stores the file encrypted like “55_5230d911b6e6212b7a55075668053db2” but there will be a way just needs time!
thank you guys,
I checked the database and my forum as well and can’t find any problem either with forum_slug or post_position, if you have this problems, maybe, you are using an old bbpress or phpbb3 installation, it is recommended that you update both your phpbb3 and bbpress installation to the latest versions (as stated in this page title) before proceeding with the convertion.