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  • #109196

    There are some importers in progress, phpbb and vanilla for sure, but the only finished one I’m aware of is from bbPress 1.x.

    I’d guess people were waiting for bbPress 2.0 to be done before putting too much work into an importer.


    I’m also interested in this.

    Surely an importer is in the works, right? Cannot be that everyone starts from scratch???


    I’m currently using punbb (also have that data exported into phpbb3), but would like to move over to bbpress 2.0

    However, I can’t find any working converter.

    So – is there any proven path for getting data into bbpress v2.0 from outside?



    I can’t even begin to guess what is going on there.


    I have today installed bbPress, activated it in the plugins menu and created a new forum. When I press “view forum” i get to a page where my phpBB forume is included into the wordpress theme!? Why is it like this? My phpBB installation should not have anything to do with bbPress. I have installed the DB for phpBB togheter with WP, due to that I have the “WordPress to phpBB 3.0.x Bridge” plugin installed.

    Someone with the same problem?


    I have an install of WP 3.2.1 and BP 1.2.10. I am trying to install bbPress 2.0 rc5. The install goes well and I can successfully link it to BP but then when I go and view the site it is just a blank page.

    This is a clean install with only one user as we are testing proof of concept for migrating our sites to WP/BP and the bbpress or WP/phpBB using the WP/phpBB Bridge.

    I have over 10 years of web development experience but I am new to WP products.


    Well, it’s a discussion site for foreigners and English-Speaking Taiwanese. There was only one in Taiwan (made with phpbb) called Forumosa.



    I understand the problem. I only posted the snippet to show you that you can make the changes via simple css.

    Given enough time it would not be that difficult to use css in order to make all the changes you are after.

    I would suggest reading up on css a bit as it will really empower you to make the changes you are after. It’s actually rather easy to learn and quite fun to play around with.

    I wish you luck


    Thanks for this suggestion anointed.

    Unfortunately it is not so simple.

    With this CSS will space, but the layout of the subcategories will not be pleasant.

    And also a lot of spaces “tHead”. And do not appear the “Subforums” (need change the code of the theme)





    “Forum | Topics | Posts | Freshness”


    | Category 1
    --- Forum 1 (0,0), Forum 2 (0,0), Forum 3 (0,0)


    | Category 2
    --- Forum 4 (0,0), Forum 5 (0,0)






    I didn’t play with it much, and can’t confirm that this works across all browsers, but from a quick test it only took me one line of css in order to achieve what you were after.

    .bbp-forums { border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 2px 50px; float: left; width: 100%; }

    **This is going to be much easier when working with a theme that does not use tables, as you can’t apply margins to table cells like you would expect with normal divs.


    In fact, if you see my posts, two years ago, I sought it, at the time that the integration with WordPress was difficult:

    Now bbPress has evolved a lot, because it has become plugin an easily integrated with the WordPress and BuddyPress.

    So I’m sure that soon this will be improved organization of categories.


    Joining the contents of these two topics that I passed the link, you can get what they want (as you yourself said, tks), but let’s be honest…

    It is not easy for those who are only user

    (not even a beginning programmer)

    In other forums it is ready. Simply create categories and forums by default that the organization already does this separation. It should also be standard in bbPress.

    If you do not want the separation of categories, will not do it, but it uses different categories is because you want to be separated for better organization.

    So it is ideal to be implemented this improvement, and as you mentioned, many other features (as plugins).

    And preferably, as plugins for WordPress, which can be installed and automatically updated directly by the panel without having to use FTP, as are separate plugins bbPress.


    is that all plugins from bbPress and BuddyPress, stay in the WordPress directory, thus it will be much easier to use them.


    It is currently possible with the default theme and does not really require any php knowledge. You will spend 90% of your time simply modifying the css in order to get the results you are asking for.

    There are a few functions to move around in order to get the exact layout, but that is simply a matter of moving functions around the templates and not writing new functions.

    *Now in order to get the full ‘functionality’ of the forums you are talking about, then yeah, that would take a considerable amount of coding work to write all the needed functionality. I fully expect to see many of those features coming in the form of plugins though.

    Gautam Gupta

    Yes, you’re right. :)


    John, thanks for the reply.

    I’d like to contribute, but unfortunately do not have sufficient knowledge in PHP. But that is a important upgrade to the bbPress be used for large forums that have many categories.

    So will a great organization.

    Currently, to do this I believe that only with an own theme, right?


    This will probably come down the pipe eventually, and is something someone can do and contribute back to core also. Any takers?






    I want to get this result with bbPress:


    With the default structure of great forums:

    Category 1

    – Forum 1

    — Subforum 1, Subforum 2, Subforum 3

    – Forum 2

    – Forum 3

    Category 2

    – Forum 4

    – Forum 5

    — Subforum 4

    – Forum 6


    With a “friendly space” between category 1 and category 2.

    Because there are many forums.

    I Would like a theme that had it, I do not need to change anything, just add the categories, forums and the Subforums in admin panel WordPress.



    Hi Everyone,

    I’m not a super hacker or anything, but I have some basic competence with computers. I’ve been tasked with converting our phpbb3 to bbpress standalone and now to bbpress plugin. I’ve managed to do phpbb to bbpress, but i am stuck at converting standalone to plugin.

    We currently have wordpress users as well as bbpress users for our forums. We would like to maintain separate users for each. My major question is, how do I convert bbpress to the bbpress plugin and maintain those user categorations?

    We do not want our forums users to be able to affect our wordpress account. This is the only information I can find:

    bbPress Standalone to Plugin Converter Beta 2

    Currently, there are three situations:

    1. You have a new WordPress blog, to which you are migrating to and an established forum. Then, you would go to user migration section first and then proceed to forums, topics, posts migration section. In this process, all your WordPress users would be deleted (well, renamed to another table) and in place of those, bbPress users would be added. A keymaster will be WP admin, bb admin and moderator will be bbPress plugin moderators, rest all would be converted to the default WP role (which can be set in your WordPress settings).

    2. Your WordPress and bbPress user tables are integrated. You don’t need the user migration process and you can directly go to forums, topics, posts migration section. No worries.

    3. You have a established WordPress blog, with a good number of users and can’t afford to lose those. This is currently not supported as it is hard to merge two conflicting user sets.



    Is it possible to migrate from PHPBB to BBPress? If so, is there anything should be aware in migrating procedure?



    Ryan Hellyer

    That would indeed be a very useful plugin!

    Do you have any idea how you would go about building that? Off the top of my head, the only ways I can think of would be horridly inefficient and slow.

    The only forum software I’ve seen do this correctly is SMF. Even phpBB and vBulletin both have crappy implementations of this functionality which don’t work very well. The SMF system is flawless and works perfectly everytime. Something similar for bbPress would be awesome.


    I created a new database & tried again. Got the same type of error. I am unable to proceed. I would like to use BBPress, as PHPBB is too complex for my needs. Does anybody know why this install is failing?

    Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/dreamtiger/ on line 1283

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    I believe it will take few more years!

    PHPBB will publish new versions, bbpress will publish new versions!


    You are using bbPress 1.0.3

    I used this converter “”

    I didn’t check completely. But It seems everything works fine.

    Passwords are not converted.

    Name based permalink is not working.

    Is there any way to make the Name based permalink to work?


    I have written a converter for phpBB (prob an older version) to bbpress (the native Word Press version, Version 2.0-beta-3) for a client. Imports everything but the private messages at the moment. phpBB usernames had to be massaged to have spaces and punctuation removed.

    This would not be free, but inexpensive, shareware prices. But a few beta testers to see if it might be generally useful would be nice. Contact me if interested.


    I have a very small phpbb rpg site that I would LOVE to port to bbpress – is anyone running a bbpress rpg site? are there any dice rollers, that kind of thing for bbpress?


    Hi there,

    I want to install the Biziness template from

    I created a directory called “my-templates” inside my bbPress root directory.

    I uploaded the entire businesslike/ folder to the my-templates folder.

    Still the Biziness template is not visible in WordPress.

    Cannot activate it.

    What could be the problem?



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