There are some importers in progress, phpbb and vanilla for sure, but the only finished one I’m aware of is from bbPress 1.x.
I’d guess people were waiting for bbPress 2.0 to be done before putting too much work into an importer.
thanks for the reply. I’ve been messing with the one i’ve found here:
but I’ve not been able to get it working yet. it imports most of the data, but some fields are broken.
I hope either the owner of that, or someone else will come out with a full release soon. BBv2 looks great – but without data to import, I can’t play
We are wrapping up final beta testing on a brand new plugin which will allow you to migrate your old forums to BBPress 2x. And yes, it does PHPBB3.
We hope to launch the plugin early next week and will notify the forums here when it is ready.
anointed, you are awesome.
Any word on whether or not this plugin will import MyBB as well?
MyBB was not on the original list, but I’ll see about getting it added in after we run the first version through a bunch of testing.
this is brilliant news. THanks!
any chance of having punBB part of that tool?
Just like with MyBB, let us finish up testing on the first systems and we’ll see about adding it later.
Are you accepting phpbb3 testers? I would like to test your plugin, too. Actually I am sticking with Orson’s phpBB3 converter and it works like a dream if you follow all instructions carefully. So I may also help here with some testing if you want
Is it possible to get a copy of the beta plugin? We’re working on a MyBB forum importer for a client today and would love to contribute it back to the plugin. It would make more sense to build it directly into the beta plugin rather than hook it in later as I’m sure we can take advantage of some of the data assignements/etc
sent you a twitter link with the download.
Will be avail all day if you need me, my skype name is same as twitter if you need instructions at all.
Got the download, thanks man!
I’ll be sure to not blow anything up in the process. We’ll work on MyBB so we can hopefully get it included in future version.
I’ll keep you posted
I’m currently working with the developer on the plugin. There will probably be an updated version within hours for you. I’ll send a twitter link when it is available.
Is the MYBB importer ready yet?
How about a WBB3 importer? Many thanks. Kay.
Was there ever a Vanilla importer finished? I’m terrible with SQL and could really use some help.
Hi, I have been using punbb, but now I would like to change it to bbpress 2.0. I found unipoint provides data import service. Can someone give me guidelines and suggestions about this? Also I want to know whether it is efficient enough for me or else would like to get some alternatives. Expecting your valuable suggestions.
Thank you.