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  • #110826

    In reply to: Import from phpBB


    All that Firebug has to say is:

    syntax error
    options-general.php?page=fc-options&settings-updated=true (line 304, col 2)


    In reply to: Import from phpBB


    Can’t get it to work at all. Consistently get “conversion failed” error. No idea why


    Hi djoep, are you meaning me that you tried to email about my SMF forum or are you talking the AWJunkies?

    If you mean me, I never received it and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to contact you about how you converted your SMF forum. I’ll email you now to touch base with you. I originally have an SMF forum and had converted it to phpBB and waited on this phpBB converter. But I’m just having no luck and not sure what I’m doing wrong. I’ve thought of going back to the SMF forum and looking your instruction over again.

    I hope you don’t if I contact you and try it again. Thx!

    IF AWJunkies/Alex did make the SMF converter next, that might very well solve my problems so I’m not double converting to get it to bbpress.

    ETA: djoep, your profile doesn’t have an email in it. I tried your site link but it doesn’t seem to be a working website anymore. My email is if you would or want to contact to help me with the my SMF conversion. I did get pretty close with it, so I’m sure it’s just something stupid that I’m not doing correctly.


    Hey you guys, been away for a bit and was excited to see the phpBB conversion being added to the list of converters. Thank you so much Alex and congratulations on the marriage!

    I have a problem that I haven’t seen anyone mention yet so I’m wondering what I’m doing wrong. I’m trying to run my conversion and I’m getting the “exceeded 75000 questions” and so I was going to have to keep trying to run it every hour to finally get it all converted.

    HOWEVER, I keep getting an odd end result after I get the screen with the error messages that it will then take me to my login page but it’s the 5 minutes wordpress installation option and it asks me for my login info and then it says page not found.

    My forum is at http://www.mywebsite/forum

    My wordpress site is at http://www.mywebsite/blog

    After converstion it will send me to http://www.mywebsite/blog/wp-admin/install.php

    If I put in my old info to the wordpress login it will kick out another list of the conversion errors.

    I’m not sure if I’m having root directory problems or something going on with the conversion. I’ll keep looking but does anyone know immediately off hand what I’ve got going wrong or what it could be?

    It’s weird.

    ETA: I just found that the conversion has changed my wp-config file settings for the database name, dbase username and password. It looks like it puts in some generic settings that you guys have. Here’s what my config says…

    /** The name of the database for WordPress */

    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘wrd_kk3k2nhle4’);

    /** MySQL database username */

    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘tsupport’);

    /** MySQL database password */

    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘123456’);

    Should I try to find a certain converter file and change this default setting within that file? The converter must not have taken my settings that I put into the form provided to do the conversion.


    In reply to: Import from phpBB


    Once I edited out the conversion not supported message error it worked perfectly. Was frustrating for a while but this plugin is quite impressive.


    In reply to: Import from phpBB


    Unfortunately can’t get it to work at all. Consistently get “conversion failed” error and have no idea why. The error on the bottom is “conversion is not supported.” Could be a server setup error but I have phpbb3 and wp in the same database. My guess was that since I have the host configured as an ip behind a firewall as 10.10.xx.xx that I would use that as the hostname. I tried everything and get the same error. I used the same hostname as is set up in wordpress, same user name same database and same password and I get the same “conversion is not supported” error. Anyone see anything like this?



    What I’m aiming for is just something like this…

    Maintaining my main menu and logo at the top, while having full width organized forums/subforums below.

    Is there a way to do this with bbPress or phpBB3?

    Any help with this is super duper appreciated! :)




    or better phpbb conversion?


    Hi everybody,

    I just converted my phpbb3 forum to bbPress with these details:

    topics: 1.290

    posts: 25.800

    members: 7.960

    Now the really annoying part comes up. Anaylzing the source code with firebug I discovered the reason for the slow performance: There are too much queries executed! I disabled all plugins and removed all widgets (using bp-default together with bbpress / buddyPress). Still the amount of queries executed rises from 60 to 222 executions (forum view / topic index / reply) taking up to 3 seconds to execute.

    I just went over to and annalyzed the code seeing:

    <i><!– Generated in 1.506 seconds. (184 q) –></i>

    So looks like a normal behaviour. Tried also w3totalcache and that works fine for logged-out users but once I enable w3totalcache for logged-in users then I get strange outputs.

    Does anyone have experience with a forum in the size stated above? It looks like I need to get a fully cached bbpress working to consider switching to bbpress but after spending days of work to convert and design the new website I am afraid that I will get stuck now.

    If someone here has experience then please give me a shout! I really would like to use the wp / bbpress / buddypress combo but the slow performance won’t let me use it for now.

    Stephen Edgar

    These codes eg. “:twwr5fiw” are NOT added by the converter, they are actually in the raw phpbb database tables, phpbb strips these codes before rendering on the page display.

    The converter is copying the content correctly and in essence before running the converter you need to strip these from your phpbb installation first.

    I haven’t found an easy way to do this yet but that is what stage I am up to before trying my next conversion. More info can be found by looking around for “Magic URL” & “Short URL” though I haven’t found much that could actually help us out here. It looks like I will try replacing the eg. “:twwr5fiw” & “<! — m –>” info manually with search and replace SQL Update queries directly into the phpbb database tables before conversion.


    Is it normal that Converter completely destroys all the phpbb3 bbcode ??



    [b:twwr5fiw]UTG nuskei ([color=#0000cc:twwr5fiw]$100[/color:twwr5fiw]) [/b:twwr5fiw]

    [b:twwr5fiw]CO 52823824 ([color=#0000cc:twwr5fiw]$136.25[/color:twwr5fiw]) [/b:twwr5fiw]

    BTN buckeystevez ([color=#0000cc:twwr5fiw]$113.50[/color:twwr5fiw])

    SB Schuks000 ([color=#0000cc:twwr5fiw]$57.75[/color:twwr5fiw])

    BB fsnzr ([color=#0000cc:twwr5fiw]$106.75[/color:twwr5fiw])

    Well, does anyone know how to fix such things?


    I am now in the midst of converting my phpBB3 forum to bbpress using this converter. I am having to keep refreshing the page every few hundred posts as it keeps stalling. I’m now at around post 15000 being converted. I have 47,000 posts, so there’s still some ways to go.

    I have checked the converted posts results in the meantime and noticed that for posts with images, using phpBB’s BBCodes [img]tags, these posts contain strange characters. An example:
    Night of Heroes – The Dambusters by Philip West.

    The original phpBB post would have read:

    Night of Heroes – The Dambusters by Philip West.

    I would like to ask if the Converter doesn’t retain the bbcodes as is, but introduces these strange characters? Or is this part of the conversion process and after it is completed, I should see it return to normal?


    I’ve finally managed to import all the posts :) BUT…

    it took so so so long to convert all the data from phpbb3 to wordpress and I had to be very cautious during the process. I had to be careful with my browser window, wordpress session, etc. It reminded me of the times when I had Atari Computer with cassettes. Moreover the restart option didn’t work as described in documents.

    I have problem with the “Freshness” of the posts. I cannot correctly synchroniz them. Sometimes it even shows “no topics”. bbPress Recount gives funny effects.


    watch the last topic on phpmyadmin, you can try to delete this topic?

    For me it’s a disaster. 160 000 to upload messages, I left my pc tune 24 hours and my PC reboot, can not return, I must repeat: ‘(

    but the links in the posts are broken, the smiley worse, it generates a link rambling … even if this plugin is very generous and left a good feeling, that’s 3 months I waited, finally, I’m at the point of give up and keep my phpbb, but if I have a holy horror!


    I’m new to bbPress and I am testing it right now to see if it is a good replacement candiate for a phpbb forum I own.

    I’ve set up version 2.0.2 on WP 3.3.

    I’ve ‘done’ the extensive installation video on YT, which was very helpful.

    Although I really appreciate the cleanliness of bbPress, my forum members really need a few addtional features, like bbCode and PM’s.

    I found both plugins, but they claim not to be compatible with bbPress 2.x

    Also they’re referring to an installation system I don’t get, where is ppPress ‘myplugins’ directory located?? I cannot seem to find this folder, where should it be?

    Thanks for helping me out! (and a version compatible indicator in the plugin section of this site would be very helpful for beginners like me!)



    I am trying to convert phpbb3 database and it goes quite smoothly BUT suddenly stops at some point when converting posts :(


    I’ve tried various ‘Rows Limit’ (50, 100, 200)

    What am I doing wrong?

    I use:

    WordPress 3.2.1

    PhpBB 3.08

    BBPress plugin 2.0.2

    BBConverter 1.3


    The “Add New” link on the default Kakumei 1.0 template is almost invisible

    A big-ass-very-visible button such as the “New Topic” in PHPBB based forums would be much more adapted


    Thx for our work. it’s really cool :)

    i try to import 169 000 post of my phpbb, it’s very very very long :D

    thx again :)


    Looking for some conversion advice. Here is my current setup.

    Server1: – WordPress 3.3 only… no forums, no bbPress, no BuddyPress, etc..

    Server2: – phpBB 2.0.23. No integration with WordPress.

    Server3: – The database server for both WordPress and phpBB.

    I’m looking to migrate from phpBB2 to bbPress. However I do *not* want my WordPress user table and my forums user table to commingle. After reading up on the conversion scripts available, the fact that bbPress 2 is a plugin and not standalone, etc I’m thinking that the following would be my best course of action.

    1) Do a straight conversion from phpBB2 to phpBB3.

    2) Install a new copy of WordPress on server2, get it up and running basic.

    3) Install the bbPress plugin for WordPress on server2.

    4) Run bbConverter to convert the (now) phpbb3 database to bbPress.

    Does this sound like the best course of action? Anything anyone would suggest different?


    Hello !

    I’ve recently converted my phpBB forum to BBpress and it worked well for a while.

    But recently, checking pages, I’ve discovered that now all topics are blank.

    I really don’t know what happened and I still can access topic pages that are indexed in google by typing

    Examples :

    Topic index :

    Empty page :

    Topic from google :

    May someone help me ?

    Thanks a lot !

    Stephen Edgar

    bbConverter FAQ/Known Issues 1.3 phpbb – bbpress

    – Post URL’s (**From post above this post)

    The URL’s from phpbb I thought were not getting migrated correctly when in fact they are, it is just that phpbb in its table lists the URL’s rather oddly. When looking at URL’s in the raw tables of phpbb they are in the following format:

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""><!-- m --></a>

    Need to strip the <!– m –> & ‘ class=”postlink”‘ before conversion either with bbconverter or firstly converting the links in phpbb before conversion

    – Poster IP Address is not migrated.

    see this post.

    – Images and Attachments (and smilies) are not migrated.

    see this post.

    – Existing Users

    If a username already exists in wp_users the imported user will be named imported_username eg. If ‘john’ already exists will import as ‘imported_john’

    – User Post Counts are not imported

    When viewing /wp-admin/users.php each user post count is ‘0’

    Ideally adding support to bbPress Core /wp-admin/tools.php?page=bbp-recount would fix that.

    (I couldn’t find where WP/BBP is keeping the total post count for a user though it is stored in phpbb_users user_posts)

    – Ophaned/Deleted User Posts:

    If the user has been deleted from phpbb when bbConverter runs these posts will be imported into bbPress as userid ‘1’ (i.e. ‘Admin’)

    – Time Zone

    Ensure you have your WP install is set to the same Time Zone as phpbb to get correct post times

    – User Profile data AIM & YahooIM fields are migrated by Jabber is not

    add the following code for ‘jabber’ to ‘/** User Section **********’ of phpbb.php script below aim/yim

    <br />
    // User jabber.<br />
    $this->field_map[] = array(<br />
    'from_tablename' => 'users', 'from_fieldname' => 'user_jabber',<br />
    'to_type' => 'user', 'to_fieldname' => 'jabber'<br />
    );<br />

    – ‘Quotes’

    I haven’t fully looked into how quote behavior works just yet, needless to say a workaround of sorts needs to be found for this.

    – Additional User Profile fields

    Ideally would like to import phpbb_users user_from (phpbb User Localtion) field to wp_usermeta description (Thus eg. Melbourne, Australia is added to the WP user BIO). Unless of course there is a funky way to import ‘User Location'(user_from), ‘Signatures'(user_sig), ‘occupation'(user_occ) & ‘interests'(user_interests) all together into WP Bio?

    – User Stuff not migrated (No big deal IMHO)

    User Subscribed Post, Favorite, Bookmarks, Private Messages, Rank

    (I dont see much of that as a very big issue in my case, users can just start this stuff from scratch)

    And that’s about all I have for now… Any ideas or other workarounds would all be well received and again thanks guys for this plugin and hope that now phpbb is there I can help contribute something back.



    Stephen Edgar

    Version 1.3 Released:

    phpBB3 now supported

    punBB is started and should be early next week.


    Not sure why nor do I care at this stage, just converted 30,000 posts, 6,000 topics & 2,000 users from phpbb to bbPress.

    I haven’t looked at users (or any db tables) just some posts and links are getting converted funkily:

    Edit: Removed examples as formatting makes the issue extremely unclear


    Woohoo! Thank you, Adam! I’m going to now convert my phpBB3 forum to bbpress2.

    I’ll report back on how it went.

    Thanks again, Adam :)


    Version 1.3 Released:

    phpBB3 now supported

    punBB is started and should be early next week.


    I just sent a phpBB3 DB. It was originally phpBB2 and migrated to official way.

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