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Search Results for 'phpbb'

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  • #133342


    I have many questions before migrating from phpbb to bbpress.
    My forum for educators is very popular, and I need to have information before trying to move from phpbb to bbpress.

    1. can more than 110 000 users be imported
    2. My website runs a specific version of phpbb SEO for allowing permalinks for every forum – will this be imported ? (so that there is not a lot of redirect)
    3. My website stores custom profile fields for every user (more than just ICQ, but also custom ones). How could I have the same kind of functionalities using bbpress ?
    4. What about performance – will it be better than phpbb. I know bbpress is very powerful for small forums, but I have no idea regarding huge ones. Can wp caching plugins work for bbpress as well ?
    5. Is the entire UI translated in French – it doesn’t seem to me, but maybe I’m wrong.
    6. Can I use any plugins writter for wp for bbpress ?

    Thanks for your help,


    I know view your post and threads is available in IP, VB. PHPBB

    but i was wondering if this Is possible in bbPress ?

    if so how to view all your posts / topics  in bbpress



    Does bbpress do everything now except private messaging? If so, I’m switching.

    Shane Gowland

    bbPress plugins work identically to WordPress’

    Everything you’ve listed is entirely possible with bbPress, but as several of those features aren’t yet available for bbPress. You will need to do a lot of custom work, especially if you want to get a private messaging system working. That work will, obviously, require some coding expertise.


    I’m not a website developer. I’m just a user of WP for two sites. I have a third site that I had a developer set up which is a forum and it is run with phpbb (he said this is what I should use).

    What frustrates me is the huge DIFFICULTY in installing a “mod.” I don’t want to have to contact my web developer to install a mod every time I need one. That’s why ALL my websites (except this forum one) are run on wordpress – I can install/change just about anything on it myself within seconds.

    What I’m wondering is, if I switch to bbpress is the installation of plugins just like wordpress? I don’t have any problem with that because it’s just click on a couple of buttons. Phpbb on the other hand, requires me to edit files and write code for a “mod” installation. It’s time-consuming and drives me nuts.

    My forum is if that matters to your recommendations. I just basically want a site where users can send/receive private messages, vote on posts, post video/audio files, start topics, mods can delete posts & ban users, etc., and possibly a chat feature in the future.

    I just know that phpbb is too difficult to install “mods.” I don’t want to learn code.

    Thanks for any advice on this!


    In reply to: URLs issue

    Stephen Edgar

    I would suggest you have a search at here

    There are some great mod_rewrite FAQ’s and phpBB examples.

    Note: Apologies, your post had been marked as spam for the past couple of weeks :/


    Ohhh! Thanks, Daniel. I didn’t even notice there were two similarly named files. Little by little, I’m getting a grip on the newness of everything. 😛

    And as a follow-up regarding the phpBB-inspired theme, that definitely is helping me do what I wanted. So far, it’s turning out great. Thanks again, Stephen!

    Stephen Edgar

    Hi everyone. I’m in the process of migrating my website from phpBB to bbPress. In modifying the template, I feel like I’m pretty limited to what I can change without getting into modifying core files.

    Basically, this is what my phpBB forum looks like –

    And this is how my bbPress looks like right now –

    I want to retain the look of the former, but in the archive-forum.php template file, the only code that is being called in that area is “bbp_get_template_part( ‘content’, ‘archive-forum’ );”

    It looks like bbp_get_template_part() is calling the entire thing, whereas I’m used to phpBB giving me individual tags – I guess their equivalent to what you’d call shortcodes? – for the category name, the forum name, number of posts etc to place them precisely where I want them in the template.

    So what am I missing? What file can I modify, or what functions could I call, that would allow me that same level of control?

    Hopefully this is coherent. I’m pretty new to using bbPress – and BuddyPress, and WordPress… – so I feel a bit mentally fatigued from learning these systems, lol. Any help would most certainly be appreciated. Let me know if anything needs clarification, and thanks in advance to anyone who reads this wall of text. Cheers.


    Hi there, I used to be using phpbb message boards, and found that many spammers would get round captcha. The best solution for me was an option to have a simple question for people registering like about the sport the forum was based on.

    I am now starting out with bbpress, and being totally hailed with spam even using the captcha plugin for posters. Is there a simple question plugin, or one that has worked for others? Am sure this must be a common problem as registration is so simple!



    Topic: URLs issue

    in forum Installation

    I switched from phpBB to bbPress recently thanks very much in part to a script found in these forums.

    Now, many of the existing posts contain links to each other in the old phpBB format /topic.php?t=123. Since the topic IDs have stayed the same in the conversion process, I’d like to use ModRewrite to automatically redirect to the new /topic/123 URL scheme. I’ve tried the following in my .htaccess, but it doesn’t appear to work. (Admittedly, my knowledge of ModRewrite is shaky at best.)

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^/forums/viewtopic.php?t=([0-9]+)$
    /forums/topic/$1 [R]

    (In the real code there isn’t a linebreak on the second line.)

    Does anyone have any advice?

    Sam Rohn

    you could try buddypress, it has more control over groups and such

    with the plugins i listed, you should be able to create 1 level of private forums, just use hidden forums for clan members or site mods group, assign access to hidden forums via user role editor

    have a look a this plugin too

    you could also try a plugin called s2member which allows protection of individual forums via “URI Level Access Restrictions” this (free) plugin is intended for pay sites but you could make all levels $0 i guess

    but in the end, proper per forum group permissions as in phpbb etc are something i would really like to see in bbpress

    for reference, from the bbpress docs –

    Visibility: decide whether your forum is public, private or hidden.
    Public – Anyone can see these forums
    Private – Only logged in registered users can see these forums
    Hidden: Only Moderators/Admins can see these forums

    Sam Rohn

    i have a bit of background w phpbb and have recently been working w bbpress, while permissions are not quite as advanced you get close with one of the plugins listed below

    specifically, you can create a new role called something like “site mods” and give that role access to hidden or private groups and assign that role to your users as needed


    Topic: Netball forum

    in forum Showcase

    This is my netball forum, migrated to bbPress from phpbb:


    The import sort of mucked up, so I have a few odd Anonymous users here and there that I have been having to change in the database, but no other problems otherwise.

    We designed it to fit into our website as much as possible. Our website is an online digital netball magazine, with the latest netball news and netball forum too.

    Thanks @netweb for your help!


    or if i could get some easy instructions.



    Hi could someone give me a updated theme, I dont know css, a pain I know .


    Can you please give a big printscreen of this theme, since I want to see it before I install it.


    That did it! Thanks so much! I thought the ‘Table Prefix’ was the subfolder / slug name you wanted for your forum. In the docs I read it provided a table prefix for PHPBB, but I didn’t see one for bbPress1. Glad that was easy 😉


    Yes, sorry I was originally using drupal for and I didn’t get on with it very well for what is essentially a blog, so I am redoing it in wordpress.

    The best link is github:


    The links doesnt work for me.
    Can you please paste the working ones here?


    Turns out i was installing in the wrong place,

    I’ve just installed on bp 1.7beta & bbpres and it works.


    Im looking for a option to able to add a Unread Posts icons to each topic like in phpbb and mybb.


    I hadd the following error installing on wp 3.5 and buddypress 1.7 The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.

    Stephen Edgar

    Thanks for feedback @beggers, glad its worked for you 🙂

    The forum order is already fixed for upcoming bbPress 2.3 with lots of extra tweaks also… storing old phpBB user profile fields.. ‘all the BBCodes’ are converted bbPress HTML…

    Bryan Eggers

    I just imported a phpBB forum of 2000 members and 100,000 posts.  I was getting an error that MySQL died so I changed a couple of settings in my.cnf to keep the connection alive.  You can also change the default wait time in the importer from 1 to 3 to give everything time to catch up.

    Unfortunately, the forums get imported in seemingly random order so you’ll have to edit each forum and use the Order field to display them properly.

    If you’ve already run the importer once, check to see if you’ve already imported the members.  Clearing the previous attempt doesn’t clear the members you imported, only the forum data.  So if you run the entire import again you’ll get duplicate usernames (like Joe and ImportedJoe) and all the forum links will be wrong.  I used a plugin in that lets you mass delete members, and then started over from scratch.  Honestly, it took me several times to get it right.

Viewing 25 results - 751 through 775 (of 2,300 total)
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