Looks like the conversion hangs around 13,000 replies …. I have about 20,000 more to go. It definitely slows down near the end.
If it hangs and appears that nothing is progressing, click ‘stop’, wait a minute to give your webhost a moment to finish anything it might be doing, click ‘start’ and it should resume from where it left off. Take note of the step and count of where it was up to so after importing you can check that for example all replies between 13,400 & 13,499 have indeed been imported.
However, the posts that do end up getting converted look beautiful.
Cool, took a while to get to this point but quite satisfied with the results.
My only guess is the scrubbing process is taking a lot more resources than before this beta version? Any insights would be much appreciated
There have been no changes to the actual converter, only the importer. Granted that the import now imports more phpBB fields than it did previously but this should make only a small increase to the SQL query performance.
As each topic or reply is imported it is parsed with ~30 regex strings to convert the BBCodes, I haven’t done any benchmarks but presumably this has some impact.
My base phpBB database import I have used for the past 6 months to test with is around ~6000 topics and 30,000 replies and I haven’t really noticed much of an impact during what I would say has been ~100 imports.
Also, I’ve noticed that there seems to be only two levels of hiearchy that gets converted … Categories and 1 level of forums below that. Nested forums within forums in phpbb don’t get pulled in? It’s okay for me either way because i’ll modify my forum structure before importing them.
That should work fine, I tested things to a depth of 4 with a forums hierarchy based on the ‘‘nested set model’.
The good thing though is that the majority of what is included in the 2.3 update can be used manually on your MySQL database to convert the BBCodes & Magic URL’s to WordPress friendly HTML.
I just haven’t written any docs on this yet, I also haven’t actually done it on a site I desperately need to do this with. Hopefully in the next couple of days I can get some time to get this started.
All the BBCodes and Magic URL’s are fully converted to HTML in the upcoming bbPress 2.3
There is no current way to rerun it though to convert existing sites.
I have done a search here, but nothing seems to come up.
I have installed BBpress/BuddyPress and migrated a small phpBB forum on my site http://www.wisemonkeysblog.com but the phpBB shortened URLs (and actually all the phpBB shortcodes) didn’t convert. I have tried to use a couple of plugins (eg bbPress2 BBCode ) to no avail.
I notice that the actual URL is still there in the markup, so I have converted a few of them manually…but there must be a better way. A plugin or a SQL fix perhaps.
Does anyone know of such fix?
As per bbpress doc I found by default it uses page.php in wordpress theme to render all its contents. But since I have to use different template with a different sidebar and widgets I created forum.php copied from page.php in my wp-theme and luckily it worked. Dont know why its not mentioned in bbpress docs. Also, forums.php working fine, so I am in more doubt which file naming conventions is correct. Is it something missed to mention in bbpress docs? Please let me know.
Further, for the bbpress user pages, like profile, edit profile, topic started etc. I need to use a custom template file in my theme. In bbpress templates as per documentation, I have checked all user templates inside are just contains the content part only not including header, footer, sidebar etc. And by default it also renders by page.php.
How can I make a custom user template file other than page.php or forum.php which control all user related contents, so that I can have different template for forum or other pages?
BBpress should have capability to use different template files for different kind of pages, or their should be settings in bbpress admin to select which template to use for what kind of pages.
This is somewhat, wp-members, woocommerce and other plugins do for better integration in wordpress. These plugins have the ability to create different pages in admin editor having selected particular template to render and putting inside their shortcodes to render various types of contents. And also have the settings in their admin to set different pages/template for different stuff.
Please let me know if this possible with bbpress 2.2.4 with wp 3.5.1 currently.
If not possible please let me know how I can achieve the effect, with some sample custom code hints. Currently I dont need help to create bbpress admin side settings dropdown etc., becoz these are the thing I mentioned as suggestions to make bbpress better theme compatible.
Right now, just need help how to use different template for user pages than other forum pages.
I see you have a ‘register’ and ‘login’ page using the shortcodes, if you want something in the sidebar you could use the login widget https://codex.bbpress.org/widgets/
Ah – I spoke too soon. You saved me at 18:33 with the short codes! Thanks a bunch @labsecrets
Sounds like we need a bbPress widget for topic tags…
Maybe create a ticket in trac https://bbpress.trac.wordpress.org/
Create a new WordPress page called ‘New Topic’ and add the shortcode [bbp-topic-form] to the page content.
https://codex.bbpress.org/shortcodes/ & https://codex.bbpress.org/widgets/
I want to use [bbp-topic-tags] in the column of WP but it doesn’t seem to work in a normal widget for html
Hello everyone.
I would like to know if its possible to provide custom information with shortcodes.
For example i made a static homepage with [bbp-forum-index] shortcode in there,
is it possible to provide only the Topics & Posts counts and not the Freshness information?
Thank you in advance.
I’m not 100% confident “Banned” are Role 1, and “Confirm Email” are Role 3 on all Vanilla databases. Due to the complexity, I think it should be left out. I posted my SQL queries in your codex codes under the “Notes” section. Feel free to tweak my comments to your style.
Maybe you can help me with the password checker. It looks like I can reference the entire record row using the callback methods in the converter code. I just don’t know what to do if the password type isn’t a Vanilla password. What is the proper action here, and is this code/syntax correct?
` public function callback_cleanpass( $password, $row) {
if ($row[‘HashMethod’] == ‘Vanilla’) {
return $password;
} else {
return ?????;
Sorry nothing new to report on a fix yet…
Btw, I’ve set this as private b/c I didn’t see a way to have people log in, so this would only be available to members. Don’t know if this is part of the issue.
With that above from your first post in mind, is it important your forums stay private or having them publicly accessible would not be an issue? If public is not a problem, try this:
If you leave the ‘category’ set as ‘private’ but change the two forums you have under this category from ‘private’ to ‘public’, I just tested this and it appears to be working.
(You can also change the parent category to public also and it won’t trigger the bug)
Back to the quote above you can use the `[bbp-login]` shortcode ona page or the login widget in your sidebar.
You can forums to existing WordPress pages using bbPress various shortcodes.
At this stage I haven’t seen anyone mention anything about converting to BuddyPress ‘Group Forums’
With some theme customization you could make it appear that you have two lots of forums by putting each into their own ‘parent category’ and using shortcodes to only display each ‘category’ in specific areas of your site.
The other way is to go WordPress Multisite and have a separate site for your ‘support’ side of things.
To customize bbPress as a support forum check this great tutorial by @mordauk http://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/plugins/using-bbpress-as-a-support-forum/
What’s next? What works and doesn’t work?
- Is the imported forum hierarchy and order correct?
- Sticky topics, eg ‘sticky’ and/or ‘global sticky’ topics?
- Open or closed topics?
- Does Mingle use BBCodes eg [b]blod[/b] and do we need to convert them from custom HTML to WordPress/bbPress friendly HTML? If so what BBCodes does Mingle use?
Are there any other forums, topics or replies behaviour that has not been imported?
Thanks for the kind reply @lynq.
As you suggested, I changed some bbp template codes in my custom theme, removing all the author data and user-id class in the reply loop template so that one specific public forum could look like it’s working as anonymous one for logged in users…
It looked as if it’s working fine as an intended anonymous forum.. and just found the biggest problem is that all those posts are shown in activity stream.
(I’m also using Buddypress as other users do.)
I tried to fix the buddypress activity template to not display the anonymous forum’s contents, but it doesn’t seem buddypress activity template is controlled by bbp_forum_id or bbp_topic_id.. can someone give a clue about solving this problem?
Create a WordPress page called ‘Support’ and use the [bbp-forum-index] shortcode on that page.
Create a page and call it something like forum registration.
Add the registration shortcode: [bbp-register]
Then link to the new page.
(You can find more shortcodes here: https://codex.bbpress.org/shortcodes/)
Never mind; figured it out (by coincidence).
If anyone is interested, add the following code to your wordpress functions.php;
function t4a_bbp_shortcodes( $content, $reply_id ) {
return codecolorer_highlight( $content );
add_filter('bbp_get_reply_content', 't4a_bbp_shortcodes', 10, 2);
add_filter('bbp_get_topic_content', 't4a_bbp_shortcodes', 10, 2);
I’d like to offer visitors the ability to use CodeColorer to syntax highlight their code.
I know that shortcodes are basically disabled for security reasons – which makes sense.
But how can I add a “safe” shortcode to bbpress?
The WP plugin bbPress2 Shortcode Whitelist and bbPress do shortcodes are not working (the latter even being risky at best).
bbPress: 2.2.3
WP: 3.5
Theme: my own development
The shortcodes do not currently accept any additional arguments, though they would not be difficult to add to the core software.
There are no known bugs regarding shortcodes so they should work on your site.
- Create a new WordPress page via /wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=page
- Give the page a title
- Add for example to login shortcode `[bbp-login]` to the page content
- Click publish and view your new page
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