Just follow the steps in the document https://codex.bbpress.org/bbpress-in-your-language/
Set `define (‘WPLANG’, ‘fr_FR’);` in your WordPress `wp-config.php`
Download the .po & .mo files
Rename the files
- bbpress-plugin-fr-fr.po to bbpress-fr_FR.po
- bbpress-plugin-fr-fr.mo to bbpress-fr_FR.mo
Upload both files to `/wp-content/languages/bbpress/ `
I would suggest you use the following page to ask if anyone in the French WordPress community has fully translated bbPress as the translations linked above are 0% & 11% https://fr.wordpress.org/contact/
If you are trying to translate the theme DynamiX or ‘codestyling localization’ plugin then they are issues with their respective authors.
I’ve done everything in the installation guide (http://codex.bbpress.org/bbpress-in-your-language/) to traduce it in french.
But I think I am missing something here, do I have to activate something, do I have to use codestyling localization to complete the traduction?
Is just uploading the files and having my WP dashboard in the same language should get everything translated^
Hmm, how strange that it shows correctly for you, as it’s like this for me on two different machines.
Regarding the custom buttons, I don’t think those should be displayed by default in the forum editor, no. Custom buttons and icons can be very useful in posts, but I don’t see them being useful to the majority of forum users. That said, I also think that custom buttons/shortcodes is plugin territory.
I am trying to use pdf embed plugin and the embed codes [embed]file[/embed] to use as the first post of the topic …
If I use this on a page it displays the pdf fine but it does not do so in the topic it just displays the text with the embed codes stripped
Anyone advise why not or what I can use instead
Many thanks
I believe you can add a shortcode to a page:
It’s in the codex here:
You should have access to the wp-admin panels when user role is ‘Keymaster’.
The ‘Moderator’ role though outlined here only has the following permissions:
Moderator – Forum Capabilities: publish_forums, edit_forums, read_private_forums, read_hidden_forums
At this stage Moderators cannot see to wp-admin ‘Forums’ panel though it is planned for a future release.
The workaround at the moment is to indeed use the ‘forum’ shortcodes.
Hey again..
I mucked around with BBpress a while back and managed to use the WP “featured Image” to insert a icon for each different forum.. Now since about one month ago ive actually forgotten how i managed that.. Could anyone assist me with this again.
Thanks in advance.
If it helps i am trying to build a custom forum page (forum home page).. still unsure how i am going to achieve this, whether i use shortcodes or create a custom page im still not sure what the best method would be.. but i would like to be able to add forum title headers with custom images for each forum category.
Thanks for feedback @beggers, glad its worked for you 🙂
The forum order is already fixed for upcoming bbPress 2.3 with lots of extra tweaks also… storing old phpBB user profile fields.. ‘all the BBCodes’ are converted bbPress HTML…
I recently installed Buddypress and BBpress and was thinking about how I could add all the nifty features of phpBB such as BBcodes and stuff. Then I remembered that hardly anyone uses most of them and here’s a big reality check – Facebook doesn’t even let you use bold or italic and they have a BILLION users.
Bottom line – don’t waste time adding a bunch of stuff that you think might be cool but actually have little or no effect on activity.
If you go to: https://codex.bbpress.org/ and look for shortcodes, there is a register and login shortcode. Create two new pages for register and login, insert the shortcodes, then link to them from your site.
Hey again, Sorry 2 questions in one day 🙁
OK here is what i am thinking… Rather than using /forums/ for my main forum page i would like to create my own custom Forums page.. Now would this need to be done via a BBpress template or simply by creating a WordPress page and then using shortcodes to display specific forums..
Doing the above assuming it was possible.. i would call the WP page “Forums” but this would conflict with the BBpress Forums base which by default is “forums” so yeah i am at a little bit of a loss here.
Again as always THANKS in advance to anyone who takes the time to reply / assist me with this.
Regards, Darren
You can create a page and then add the register shortcode to it: https://codex.bbpress.org/shortcodes/
Then link to it from anywhere you like, menu, page, any where.
Where it’s disabled? How to enable shortcodes again without using any extensions?
Ugg, tried a few CSS codes, but no luck so far. Have not done website design in about 15 years. LOL.
I saw some info about editing the PHP files in BBpress to remove reference to the sidebar. Any idea what files I need to adjust to do it that way?
You could install the BuddyPress plugin, which has forums listed under groups. If you decide to go with this option, make sure to do a backup of your database first, just in case.
Or you could customise your forum list page using bbPress shortcodes (https://codex.bbpress.org/shortcodes/). You would just need to get the IDs of the forums. Such as:
Forums page
Main forums
[bbp-single-forum id=32]
[bbp-single-forum id=1]
[bbp-single-forum id=5]
Other forums
[bbp-single-forum id=23]
[bbp-single-forum id=12]
[bbp-single-forum id=54]
[bbp-single-forum id=3]
[bbp-single-forum id=7]
[bbp-single-forum id=8]
I’ve tried that numerous times, nothing ever seems to work.
Hello. Good day! I have installed BuddyPress Plugin on some of my sites. But earlier, I have tried running the exploit scanner plugin on those sites and it has found ‘base64_decode’ and ‘eval()’ lines of code. (Kindly see attached image). I don’t know if I would have to remove the plugin because i found out on some forums and articles that those codes are threats and can cause hijacking and injecting malicious stuffs and the likes. Looking forward on your reply regarding this matter. Thanks!
okay guys my website is called: schoolruled.com it’s a fairly new website and I would like to set it up like the support section here before it’ too late. I want to have a colum like with forums list and topics count in each forum and the a main column with latest topics but smaller width so what shortcodes should I use for this?
You can find a list of shortcodes and other helpful stuff in the documentation link above.
I am starting a new Web-site and the client wants a forum. I downloaded the wpbbpress Plug in. I added the widget for the login to my sidebar and I Created the First Forum and a topic for that forum. NOW WHAT?
Where is a list of the shortcodes?
I tried displaying the reply form in my WordPress theme’s single.php file by putting [bbp-reply-form] but it just outputs [bbp-reply-form] as text on the site.
I am using the “bbPress Topics for Posts” plugin to automatically create a new topic with every new post and I want to display the latest replies as well as the reply form under the article but it only displays the replies, not the form. So I thought by adding the shortcode, I would get the form but that didn’t work.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks so much in advance!
I am starting a social networking site using buddypress and I am also a premium member for WPMUDEV. However I have different requirement, I want to allow users registered as ‘”agents”” to sell their products to the registered users of my social network. Such that I want to give agents separate login and their own dashboard with all the standard e-commerce stats/reports/affiliate tools and also let them add products on the site, with predefined categories (admin will add these categories) etc.
So, once agents are done adding their products user can search them and also be able to compare and pay for the product, add coupon codes etc and checkout pay for their purchase, receiver email, all standard features.
That”s not all I also have requirement to let admin add ”additional services” on the top of user purchase not coming from agents but from the site admin himself. I know I have lots of customization to do here, but could you please suggest any e commerce solution that fits this requirement, I think MarketPress is quite not what I am looking and cannot do all this.
I am now looking at Woo commerce but that something I want some feedback, even a paid plugin is fine with me but that should not be complex and easy to customize with its own theme.
Any advice or you think Marketpress can be customized for this. I am open for suggestions.