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  • #133127

    bbPress disables shortcode execution within it’s output, so that non-privileged users can’t gain access to all of the shortcodes available within WordPress. The problem is that shortcodes don’t come packaged with role/capability restrictions on their usage, allowing anyone that can create topics or replies to use any available shortcode. This is risky, so we globally disallow them.

    Stephen Edgar

    No we are all good… I removed the stuff regarding the links as this is working correctly.

    Try creating a new WordPress page and add the bbPress shortcode [bbp-forum-index] to the page.

    Stephen Edgar

    @palmdoc You can could create a new WordPress page and add the [bbp-topic-index] shortcode to it.

    Stephen Edgar

    Try all the things you above using the Twenty Eleven theme included with bbPress…

    Once you are happy that you have everything working with the Twenty Eleven theme as you expect it should then switch back to your custom theme and if needed contact the theme author asking why the theme doesn’t support xyz…

    Stephen Edgar

    I have tried and I see the error but I also see your current menu item ‘forums’ links to here.

    I am not sure how the Hebrew in the URL’s works in regards to WordPress & bbPress as I personally have not gone done this path before.

    What happens if you create a new WordPress page and add the bbPress shortcode [bbp-forum-index]

    Also apologies, your post had been marked as spam for the past week :/


    I would like to change the way the forum page is displayed.
    Hi Ari,

    I don’t wan to change the colors or so I want to change the content.

    it was:

    Catregory1 topics reply freshness
    Forum11(t,r), Forum12(t,r), …

    Categoty2 topics reply freshness
    Forum21(t,r), Forum22(t,r)…

    I want it to be

    Forum11, Newest Topic / Reply
    Forum12, Newest Topic / Reply

    Forum21, Newest Topic / Reply
    Forum22, Newest Topic / Reply

    ih hacked the bbp_list_forums to get a linebreak but now I’m stuck
    can someone give some help me? Even some codesnippets or a link to documentation would be helpful.



    I am using Premise 2.4 and have installed the Premise bbPress Connect plugin. I do not see how they link to each other and have been unable to have a forum work from within Premise. I have used the shortcodes to put pieces in my Premise pages, and they show up there, but as soon as I click a link, it takes me outside of the Premise site into my root site. They look different, and I don’t want this for my members.

    Is there a way to (pardon my limited use of the language) imbed the forum into my Premise site? Does anyone know how the connect plugin is supposed to work? I have not found any way to configure it to work. Any way of getting my bbPress forum to live within my Premise page is welcomed. Thank you all for your suggestions.

    Premise can be found at


    In reply to: 404's for non-admins


    Hi, I have exactly this Problem. Visitor can see the forum, normaly registered user got an 404 page if they try to open the forum. The next problem is, that I, with admin rights can´t create any topics. I got the message “you don´t have rights to do this”. At the dashboard I´m not able to edit topics or replies, there is no point to edit this, it´s missing. In the profile I can see that I should have admin rights. This problem is since 4 days suddenly.
    What I have changed at my comfiguration is the AddHandler, I disabled it, because I had problems with the registration of Buddypress. Perhaps this could have to do anything with the problem, I don´t know.
    The plugins I use are:

    AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild
    Antispam Bee
    bbPress Antispam
    bbPress Moderation
    bbPress Unread Posts
    Blubrry PowerPress
    Broken Link Checker
    Buddy-bbPress Support Topic
    BuddyPress Activity Plus
    BuddyPress Extended Friendship Request
    BuddyPress Google Plus
    BuddyPress Like
    BuddyPress Live Notification
    BuddyPress Media
    BuddyPress Template Pack
    BuddyPress Twitter
    CodeStyling Localization
    D64 LSR-Stopper
    Download Manager
    GD bbPress Tools
    Google Analyticator
    Google XML Sitemaps
    NextGEN Gallery
    Optional Content Plugin
    Semisecure Login Reimagined
    Simple Local Avatars
    Theme My Login
    Uji Countdown
    User Role Editor
    Welcome Pack
    WordPress Ping Optimizer
    WordPress Social Login
    WP CleanFix
    WP Super Cache
    WP to Twitter

    I hope it helps, you are my last chance to fix this problem, I asked in a lot of other forums but nobody could help me.

    Stephen Edgar

    I cannot think of why this may be the case but you could create a new WordPress page and call it ‘forums’ so the URL would be and use whatever shortcodes you want on this WP page and fingers crossed Google will index this new page.

    Stephen Edgar

    This definately looks like an issue with your theme.

    Try using WordPress Twenty Eleven to ensure bbPRess works as designed and then contact the theme author to see if they can give you some tips on getting the theme to support bbPress.

    In the meantime create a WordPress page called ‘forums’ (or ‘forumi’) and add the bbPress ‘shortcode‘ `[bbp-forum-index]` to this page and this should get you going.


    Hi everyone. I’m in the process of migrating my website from phpBB to bbPress. In modifying the template, I feel like I’m pretty limited to what I can change without getting into modifying core files.

    Basically, this is what my phpBB forum looks like –

    And this is how my bbPress looks like right now –

    I want to retain the look of the former, but in the archive-forum.php template file, the only code that is being called in that area is “bbp_get_template_part( ‘content’, ‘archive-forum’ );”

    It looks like bbp_get_template_part() is calling the entire thing, whereas I’m used to phpBB giving me individual tags – I guess their equivalent to what you’d call shortcodes? – for the category name, the forum name, number of posts etc to place them precisely where I want them in the template.

    So what am I missing? What file can I modify, or what functions could I call, that would allow me that same level of control?

    Hopefully this is coherent. I’m pretty new to using bbPress – and BuddyPress, and WordPress… – so I feel a bit mentally fatigued from learning these systems, lol. Any help would most certainly be appreciated. Let me know if anything needs clarification, and thanks in advance to anyone who reads this wall of text. Cheers.

    Sam Rohn

    make a new page and add the register shortcode to that page, then add the url for that page to the widget


    more shortcodes here

    Stephen Edgar

    You can use a widget in your sidebar
    Or create a page with some shortcodes


    I tried to use the bit of code postet here above by Anointed.
    I put it in the functions.php file of my buddypress theme.
    It didn’t have any effect…

    On the other hand, I found a plugin that does the job, but just partially:
    (Orbisius bbPress enhancer)

    This plugin works fine, but it allows me to change only the COMMENTS authors, not also the REPLIES authors.

    (forums in bbPress consist hierarchically in: FORUM > TOPIC > COMMENT > REPLY)

    I Would be grateful if any coding specialist among you would tell me what to do with the codes above, to get them working (for comments AND replies).


    Greetings, I would really appreciate some help on getting by bbpress plug-in to work. Currently I cannot see my forums or topics when I click on preview or view page from the admin panel nor can I view the discussions on my website when I click on the title from the “Forums” page I created. I can see the forums and discussions on the “Forums” page (used the shortcodes)they apparently link to now where :)Working with WP version 3.5.1 and bbpress version 2.2.4.

    Reading the other forums I have tried the following:
    1. Switched to twenty-eleven and twenty-twelve theme, doesn’t make a difference.
    2. Gone to permalinks and saved, again, no change.

    Any help would be appreciated, please see the link to the site below.


    In reply to: I just don't get it


    i have a page called /forum that has the shortcode to display the forum index. When I click on a item it will go to that post. In the breadcrumb there will be home->forums->post, clicking on /forums takes me not to /forum where my shortcode is located but to the hard coded thingy that is defined in the plugin setup? So I have to mess around with trying to make templates just to get it working with my theme, when it just seems that if you make use of shortcodes for the operation of the forum, it would be compatible with ALL themes more or less. Is that a correct assumption?

    As it stands now, I don’t think I will be able to use this plugin because I do not have the time to workout all the different things just to make it work with my theme. I really should not be complaining for something that is free to the community and it is not to diminish the great work of the developers, this is not my intent. After fiddling for days trying to get this to work correctly, I just came to the conclusion that maybe it would be better if shortcodes where used exclusively for the functionality of the operations, then all of these sorts of problems should become non existing.

    if I could have a page called /forums that would override the /forums settings defined in the plugin then that would work, but how can you tell wordpress to do this? I looked and tried different things, but it all becomes way more work then it seems it should be when a shortcode would do the trick. Any way, I am curious to know how other people are getting bbPress to work properly with their themes. I am open to suggestions, ideas and thoughts.

    Oh, one thing I did was to setup a redirect from /forums to /forum (forum index shortcode) and that seems to be working so far. Not sure yet what side effects maybe lurking as a result. So far so good. But when I sit back and think about it, what keeps coming to mind is… why? Why should I even have to do something like this??




    you don’t need to to use shortcodes,
    its already into your page


    and its their already


    In reply to: Need registration URL


    Create a new wordpress page called “registration” (or whatever you wish to call it). On that new page add the shortcode [bbp-register] and publish it. Then add the link to the new page you just created on the sidebar widget, for example: your

    Here’s a list of all the shortcodes you can use:


    Topic: I just don't get it

    in forum Themes


    I simply want to use shortcodes to keep the forum on my page. I can get the the index to show up and it seems to work fine, but the breadcrumbs link back to /forums, not to my page. I’ve been looking around and I see where other people have been having the same problem yet there does not seem to be any solutions. I will continue looking I guess. If anyone knows of a solution I would love to hear it. I just don’t get why this is even a problem. Why not just use shortcodes rather than those hardcodes paths in the settings? One thing I am considering is adding a redirect from /forums to my page with the shortcode…. but then I keep thinking, why should I even have to do this? Any way, if there is a solution out there I would love to know about it.




    Thank you so so much fontadoni for the detailed reply. Works perfect fine. I had no idea what shortcodes were; my bad, should have read the documentation properly. Also, thanks for explaining how to use these shortcodes on the required page!


    Hey there,

    The answer might be a no brainer for others that have been using the plugin version of bbpress for a while, but just like you I just migrated from the standalone version and suddenly I felt completely lost as I was used to editing the php templates for everything. I probably missed this explanation as it’s been a while since I visit

    Here’s the deal. You need to use the shortcodes provided here:

    That’s the short answer. What I didn’t know was that you need to add these shortcodes on the page you create in WordPress for your forums. So, say you have your forums at You need to create a page in wordpress called “forums”, after you have done that, you can add the shortcodes on the page to customize bbpress to your liking (others can correct me if I’m wrong as I just recently figured this out).

    So adding [bbp-forum-index], will display your entire forum index. Then you would need to add [bbp-topic-index] to display the most recent 15 topics across all your forums with pagination.

    What I still have not been able to figure out is that when you add the login tag [bbp-login] on the homepage (not the sidebar), there’s no option for login out once you’re logged in. If you find the answer for this, let me know. Hope this helps.


    I used the login shortcode, but it doesnt let me logout after signing in. Is there a logout shortcode?


    I am a new WP (version 3.5.1) user, and I don’t know much about html and other codes. I have set up WP with help from firends, and I have managed to create a forum myself with bbPress (version 2.2.4).
    It looks good, but my problem is that when I return from a topic to my main forum page the title of the page changes to the first topic in the list.
    As a work-around I found a solution that suggested creating a new wp page and adding “[bbp-forum-index]“. This works and looks good, but when I click on Forum to go back to my main forum menu, I am returned to the bbPress main forum menu where the title is wrong. How can I return to my own WP forum page after visiting a topic?
    Is there and address or a code string I can add somewhere in the plugin program? – or perhaps it isn’t that easy? Can anyone please help me?


    In reply to: pdf embed

    Sam Rohn

    you need to use something like GD bbPress Tools to enable shortcodes for bbpress



    Hello all.

    I’ve just deleted Simple Press, because I couldn’t import editor except plain editor.

    I’ve installed this bbpress forum and I have no information about change or basic development.

    For example I have a page that was installed simple press upon it.

    And it is full-width. That’s why I want to use that page to show bbpress forum. Inserted shortcoded, good, it works But what a pity there is a bbpress forum page as you know

    What should I do ?

    Secondly how can I change “forum” title in the top of every forum sections in the content ?

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