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  • newtech1

    I am wanting my bbpress tags and bbpress search input form to display on my forum main page just below the bread crumbs.
    This is what I understand to do.
    A. Copy my page.php template from by theme folder. (..//wp-content/themes/fishingclub)
    B. Rename it bbpress.php and upload to the theme folder.
    (I do this and the forum main page displays properly.)
    Here is the page,php code:

     * The template for displaying all single pages
     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage FISHING_CLUB
     * @since FISHING_CLUB 1.0
    while ( have_posts() ) { the_post();
    	get_template_part( 'content', 'page' );
    	// If comments are open or we have at least one comment, load up the comment template.
    	if ( !is_front_page() && ( comments_open() || get_comments_number() ) ) {

    C. Since I want to display bbpress tags and bbpress I need to put these shortcodes in the bbpress.php template: [bbp-topic-tags] and [bbp-search], BUT the page crashes no matter where I put the shortcode.
    D. I assume I must put some kind of coding before and after the shortcode. No idea what I need to do.


    Simple codes do the tricks. Thanks for your kind support!


    My GD bbPress Toolbox Pro plugin has 50 major new features, including BBCodes implementation that has 40+ shortcodes/BBCodes for bbPress forums, including SPOILER and HIDE, as well as full syntax highlighting SCODE shortcode.

    I looked your pro plugin. Does your additions work with TinyMCE, text editor or both text and graphic editor? For me your BBCode- support is unnecessary wide. I try to find where TinyMCE defines how to print strikeout. I creates DEL-tags. I would just like to replace DEL-tags with SPOILER-tags as I dId for the text editor.
    I found translation. With CSS I can change the text and icon. Dashicon f177 is closest available. With CSS can change the text just defining the font-size of the text 0 an replacing text by using the ::before pseudo-class.


    I was just about to post for a problem where some shortcodes were not working, when I actually READ THE POSTING INSTRUCTIONS! (Who would think?)

    My problem was that the [bbp-register], [bbp-lost-pass], and [bbp-login] shortcodes weren’t working. The page / block with the shortcode was simply blank.

    Per the ‘Before Posting’ topic, I switched my theme to Twenty Twelve. Poof! It all worked. So try that before digging deeper.


    If the extension works on backend, it is is useless for me. I would need extensions only frontend. I have site for solving crosswords. Honoring other peoples all hints should give as default hided.

    I tried to find the button definitions for text editor. My idea is just replace
    DEL or CODE with SPOILER. If I would find the source code, maybe I could add some codes. That apparently needs alo finding filter code, which defines, which codes are allowed.

    I though also that I could replace some code and related texts and icons of TinyMCE with another code, texts an icons.

    So I would not need to add anything. But I didn’t find, where buttons have been defined for the text editor s d TinyMCE.

    BTW. I didn’t get frontend texts translated in your GD bbPress Tools. I deleted entire translation, which I made for it because filtering worked better, but filtering works only for texts, which don’t have dynamic texts (%s etc). I get with “My WP Translate” translated “WP Sitemap Page”, so the translation tool works. I have another issue here So could you answer there.

    Milan Petrovic

    Yeah, TinyMCE editor is very problematic when it comes to expanding it, it is way to complicated and easily broken.

    With by GD bbPress Toolbox Pro plugin, I have two additions for editing: BBCode Toolbar (simple extension of the basic editor with all BBCodes in the toolbar, and click on the button brings it into editor, or it can wrap selected text), and support for the Markdown. And, every BBCode can be disabled, or controlled for the Toolbar inclusion.



    I have used your free version of GD bbPress Tools. I added SPOILER and few other tags with BBCode Deluxe. I edited the pugin. I commented all BBCode tags, which belongs to your plugin or which I don’t need.

    I have list fir extra code. I tryed to use JQuery to drag codes to the textare. Dragging cause that code disappears, but it just caused that the ekement disappeared from my list but but not went to the textarea.
    [CODE]$(“document”).ready(function() {
    revert: true

    accept: \’.tags\’,
    drop: function(event, ui) {

    Milan Petrovic


    My GD bbPress Toolbox Pro plugin has 50 major new features, including BBCodes implementation that has 40+ shortcodes/BBCodes for bbPress forums, including SPOILER and HIDE, as well as full syntax highlighting SCODE shortcode.

    As for changing the main text editor buttons on the front end, I don’t know of any plugin that does it, and even the plugins that do it on the backend, don’t work on the frontend for some reason.



    Topic: Account

    in forum Installation

    Questions about customization. I am using a translation tool, so my English may be unnatural.

    In [bbp-single-view id='no-replies'], closed topics are also displayed, so I would like to limit it to open topics, does the following code seem ok? Please advise.

    add_action( 'bbp_register_views', 'custom_bbp_no_replies' );
    function custom_bbp_no_replies() {
    		__( 'Topics with no replies', 'bbpress' ),
    				'post_parent' => 'any', 
    				'post_status' => bbp_get_public_status_id(),  // Changed to show only open topics
    				'meta_key' => '_bbp_reply_count',
    				'meta_value' => 1,
    				'meta_compare' => '<',
    				'meta_type' => 'NUMERIC'

    Excuse me for asking a question about customization.
    I am using a translation tool, so my English may be unnatural.

    I would like to limit the posts displayed in [bbp-single-view id='popular'] to 7 days.

    function filter_bbp_get_view_query_args( $args, $view ) {
        // Check if the view exists
        if ( ! bbp_get_view( $view ) ) {
            return new WP_Error( 'invalid_view', __( 'Invalid view specified.', 'bbpress' ), $view );
        if ( 'popular' === $view ) {
            $args['date_query'] = array(
                    'after' => '1 week ago',
        return $args;
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_view_query_args', 'filter_bbp_get_view_query_args', 10, 2 );

    Yes, Robin. The codes run without any error. Appreciated your effort in helping me to solve the issue.


    Yes. It works beautifully! 🙂

    I just found out something when I thought the issue is solved. The code works well with native bbpress role, but not work with new role created. I have a new role “prime_moderator” created using your plugin, but the code return error when I apply this new role to the codes. Any suggestions?



    Hi, I’m using the codes below to remove “Edit” link in reply header without any issue:

    add_filter ('bbp_reply_admin_links', 'rew_remove_edit') ;
    add_filter ('bbp_topic_admin_links', 'rew_remove_edit') ;
    function rew_remove_edit ($links) {
    	unset ($links['edit']) ;
    return $links ;	

    My question: If I want the codes to work only for Role A & Role B, but NOT for other roles, how would I amend the code above?



    In reply to: Close topic label


    Hi, I recently saw this topic and it helps me solve one problem.

    I can finally use this CSS to disable the grey-out effect when the topic is closed:

    #bbpress-forums .status-closed,
    #bbpress-forums .status-closed a {
    color: #000 !important;

    From this previous topic also, CSS can do equally well to add [Closed] label beside the closed topic title in topic list page:

    #bbpress-forums .status-closed > li.bbp-topic-title > a.bbp-topic-permalink:after {
    	content: "[Closed]";
    	text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #ffffff;
    	color: #ff0000;
    	margin-right: 5px;

    I wonder if we can use CSS (instead of PHP codes) to add another [Closed] label beside the topic title in single topic page. Any solution?

    Also, I’m still searching for ways to disable the defaulted pink font highlight when the topic is closed. Hope somebody can help.



    Brilliant! Thanks for the codes. Just tested and it works like a charm! 😀


    Hi, I would like to display nickname (and not username) in the whole bbpress forum.

    For topics list, I modified the code from a previous topic Show username instead of full name / display name and it works well so far.


    The modified codes that I use is as follows:

    add_filter( 'bbp_get_reply_author_display_name' , 'rew_reply_change_to_nickname', 10 , 2 ) ;
    function rew_reply_change_to_nickname ($author_name, $reply_id) {
    	// Get the author ID
    	$author_id = bbp_get_reply_author_id( $reply_id );
    	$nickname = um_get_display_name( $author_id );
    return $nickname ;
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_author_display_name' , 'rew_topic_change_to_nickname', 10 , 2 ) ;
    function rew_topic_change_to_nickname ($author_name, $topic_id) {
    	// Get the author ID
    	$author_id = bbp_get_topic_author_id( $topic_id );
    	$nickname = um_get_display_name( $author_id );
    return $nickname ;

    Note: I use Ultimate Member (UM) plugin to display user details.

    However, when comes to user profile, I’m struggling on how to force display nickname right above the avatar. Hope you can help me with that.


    Note: It’s very tedious to modify “display name publicly as” from the WordPress dashboard for every registered user. Thus hopefully codes may well do the job for me.


    In Oct/2022 I found I printed out some code to look at it and some comments about it. I put the info in the learn how to use short-code in my notebook to study when I had time. It seemed complicated and only for advanced developers and I haven’t used short-codes as yet. But most of the developer reviews in that place seemed positive. The few negatives had to do with the code being beyond their expertise. I checked the reference in your reply and it seemed to fall into the category of an advanced approach. But I was just wondering if someone by now had figured out an easier way to solve my question because it seems to be a logical requirement to have a solution for. However, in my searching one person said “who would want to do something like that when that’s not what it’s meant for” I’ll have to study it all so I can be more comfortable trying it.


    Hi, I’m using the codes below to show lead topic:

    function custom_bbp_show_lead_topic( $show_lead ) {
      $show_lead[] = 'true';
      return $show_lead;
    add_filter('bbp_show_lead_topic', 'custom_bbp_show_lead_topic' );

    As shown in the screenshot below,

    My questions are:
    a. Can I hide the header & footer (item 1) right above and below the lead topic?
    b. Can I change the date display (item 2) to freshness display (e.g., 2 weeks, 5 days ago) for all topics/replies?



    Unfortunately I don’t think any of them is close or can just be cloned.

    [bbp-forum-index] – This one works well and can add the forum root anywhere.

    But then there’s Forums or Categories, Sub forums and topics/replies themselves. These pages seem to all be seen as ‘posts’ by WordPress, why making a posts template worked in Elementor for all of them. FSE templates seem to ignore bbPress entirely though.

    [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id] – This one do make it possible to add single forums anywhere, but not if they’re inside a forum Category. Would also need one page for each forum which would get a little crazy. I don’t know if this one could be tweaked into something more advanced.

    What would be needed is shortcodes for displaying forum Category pages in general, as well as their sub forum pages where the topics are listed. And then all the topic/replies pages too.

    All that sound too difficult to be honest.

    Robin W

    presume you are familiar with all these



    Oh yes, I use the plugin to be able to display the forum in block themes. Thank you for the plugin by the way and all the work you do on them and this forum 🙂

    This is more about I’d like to put the forum in templates to be able to put additional content, for example I put a welcome message/info as well as a custom made sidebar in the Elementor template.

    I suppose there’s no shortcodes for displaying forums (other than root) as well as one for all topics? 😛

    I can totally understand avoiding getting too deep into FSE. I really appreciate it too, it’s like a mini theme builder. The learning curve do feels steep though.


    I tested your codes working without problem. By the way I didn’t use header color. Just footer enough because inside “forum index styling” changing already.
    Sincerely thanks Robin, have a good day.


    I think you are right. It is showing as a default wp template.

    I wish BBpress had a shortcode to add to a page for the search results. Seems logical since they have other shortcodes that it would be a no brainer for them to create one.

    Or even function code to put in my child theme functions file. I am not a developer so nothing I can do.

    Seen other people commenting about the search results page. Don’t think BBpress cares though!

    Appreciate your looking at this for me wpturk.

    You are a super hero!



    Hi, after struggling some time trying to make profile page full width, I give up.

    The theme I’m using is Magbook. I found that there is only one theme template page that has no sidebar, ie, magbook-template.php. I copied this file to my child theme root directory, and rename it as bbpress.php. However it doesn’t make any changes to the profile page.

    I have read some other similar topics, I guess we need to “inject” custom php codes into the bbpress.php. If this is correct, can you provide me the relevant php codes for bbpress.php that make it works?

    One more thing I have doubt is that, let say bbpress finally adopted bbpress.php as default template, all other forum & topic pages will turn out no sidebar altogether, I presumed, which is against my wish. What I want is profile page FULL WIDTH, forum/topic page WITH SIDEBAR.

    Pls guide me.

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