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  • #237902

    I used shortcode to only display one forum in a Learndash course I created. I have older forums that are only assigned to other courses. But now the forum displayed in my new course is showing topics/ threads from older forums. I cannot for the life of me figure out why they would be appearing here! I don’t want customers in this course to see older threads from other courses.

    Robin W

    I appreciate that you are feeling a sense of frustration.
    But both WordPress and bbpress are free software, and come with free support offered by volunteers.
    In effect you are asking someone to take their free time to help you, and then complaining that it is not at the level you want.
    When I asked for a link to your forum page, you were unable to provide this, giving a link to a page that does not exist. As such it is hard to help – a bit like asking for help with your car, but then not allowing me to examine your car.
    If you provide a link to the forum, the I may be able to help further, otherwise ethe best I can offer is to read the documentation

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1

    and/or the advice in

    Before Posting


    I added blog to site but it keeps taking me to homepage with clicking on topics and categories. Also why is it so difficult to use the forum it suppose to be made for wordpress. Also, why is it that noone can walk me through each step instead of sending information that is not useful for someone who is not good at code?

    Robin W

    sorry, weekend and other things got in the way, but I have been playing with this.

    Try :

    add_shortcode ('bbp-forum-subscription-link' , 'rew_forum_subscription_link' ) ;
    function rew_forum_subscription_link ($atts) {
    	$args = array() ;
    	if (empty ($atts['forum'])) return ;
    	$args['object_id'] = $atts['forum'] ;
    	if (!empty ($atts['subscribe'])) $args['subscribe'] = $atts['subscribe'];
    	if (!empty ($atts['unsubscribe'])) $args['unsubscribe'] = $atts['unsubscribe'];
    	return bbp_get_forum_subscription_link ($args) ;

    and then put this wherever it want it to appear

    [bbp-forum-subscription-link forum="2927" subscribe="Subscribe to Fishing Report" unsubscribe="Unsubscribe to Fishing Report" ]

    with the forum number and whatever wording you want


    Try to enable tinymce full editor and you will see the button. Check out this documentation.


    Folks, this is reference bbPress 2.6.9, WP 6.2.2 and the link to our site forums page is My issue is this – Forum users cannot change the font color on their posts. Even with the highest level of access I cannot change the font on the sentence “Please call, text or email me if you can help.” on this page red. Where are the color choice buttons? Why won’t using HTML code (<FONT COLOR=”#ff0000″> </FONT>) doesn’t even do it. THANKS! – Phillip Beall


    Topic: bbpress css

    in forum Plugins


    I also would like to hide Forums from Member Profile Page.

    I have set up Groups Forums only as per instructions here so the Forums on Profle Page is obsolette as I want the forums to be accessible only from Group Page.

    Could anyone kindly advice how to do it please?


    New to BBPress. WordPress version 6.3.1. Avada theme 7.11.2, BBPress 2.6.9. The default installation of BBpress is picking up colors from my theme which I don’t want. I have followed the instructions in the article like this “The “css” directory contains style sheets that work with the default markup. Copy any you want to modify into a directory named “css” in your theme’s root. eg. /wp-content/themes/%your-theme%/css/” I have created the css directory in the theme root directory and copied the bbpress-rtl.css file to that css directory. I have not yet modified the file. There is no change to the look of BBPress. I even rebooted the server. What am I missing?

    Robin W

    if they want to look at code that already does this, then they can download and crack open the code in

    bbp profile information


    I run a Fishing Club Paid Membership web site. One of the features is we offer a Fishing Report Forum. All our club members are Fishing Report Forum users. I would like to be able to add a subscribe link to my Fishing Report Forum on various pages of my website. Is that feasible by some kind of code?

    Take note: We do not allow comments on topics so no need for a subscribe link for topics. But I would like to have a Forum Subscribe Link on the topic page. What code would I use?

    Robin W

    you can hook to various actions in bbpress eg

    add_action( 'show_user_profile', 'xxx', 50,2 )  ;
    //does the display/edit if viewing another's profile
    add_action( 'edit_user_profile', 'xxx', 50,2 )  ;
    //does the save if viewing own profile
    add_action( 'personal_options_update',         'xxx' );
    //does the save if viewing another's profile
    add_action( 'edit_user_profile_update',        'xxx' );

    but would need user registration to tell you what functions to put in the xxx


    Hi all

    twenty twenty two and bbpres ….
    I have try the guide from here … nothing works.
    I can only make visible with shortcode, but than only this site, not the topics or other.

    its possible bbpress use with twenty twenty two?



    In reply to: Forum full width

    Robin W

    ok, it is theme related – this may help

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1

    item 8


    Significant Problem:

    Every few days, some Sub-Forums stop displaying!  This seems to happen after a new topic is added.  I’m not sure when this problem started.  Currently, the “HIKING” sub-forums do not display.  Sometimes I can get this issue to reset by changing the Sub-Forums Visibility setting to “Public” and then back to “Private”.  I clear browser histories and resave Permalinks.  But this is a temporary solution.  With my limited knowledge, I’ve spent many many hours trying to pinpoint the cause and resolve this.  I now set up a test copy site, that is using the WP 2022 theme with only 2 plugins: a page builder and bbPress.  And there are no bbPress scripts in the Function.php file.  The problem still persists.  Any assistance would be very greatly appreciated!  Testing site:

    Testing Site Configuration:

    ### wp-core ###
    version: 6.3.1
    site_language: en_US
    user_language: en_US
    timezone: America/New_York
    permalink: /%postname%/
    https_status: true
    multisite: false
    user_registration: 1
    blog_public: 1
    default_comment_status: closed
    environment_type: staging
    user_count: 1974
    dotorg_communication: true
    ### wp-paths-sizes ###
    wordpress_path: /home/customer/www/
    wordpress_size: 67.23 MB (70494422 bytes)
    uploads_path: /home/customer/www/
    uploads_size: 390.90 MB (409892014 bytes)
    themes_path: /home/customer/www/
    themes_size: 23.65 MB (24802712 bytes)
    plugins_path: /home/customer/www/
    plugins_size: 187.12 MB (196210432 bytes)
    database_size: 287.33 MB (301287561 bytes)
    total_size: 956.24 MB (1002687141 bytes)
    ### wp-active-theme ###
    name: Twenty Twenty-Two (twentytwentytwo)
    version: 1.4
    author: the WordPress team
    parent_theme: none
    theme_features: core-block-patterns, post-thumbnails, responsive-embeds, editor-styles, html5, automatic-feed-links, block-templates, widgets-block-editor, wp-block-styles, editor-style
    theme_path: /home/customer/www/
    auto_update: Disabled
    ### wp-themes-inactive (2) ###
    Kleo Child: author: SeventhQueen, version: (undefined), Auto-updates disabled
    Kleo: version: 5.2.0, author: SeventhQueen, Auto-updates disabled
    ### wp-mu-plugins (1) ###
    restrict username email character: version: 1.1, author: BENACEUR
    ### wp-plugins-active (2) ###
    bbPress: version: 2.6.9, author: The bbPress Contributors, Auto-updates disabled
    WPBakery Page Builder: version: 7.0, author: Michael M -, Auto-updates disabled
    ### wp-plugins-inactive (32) ###
    amr users: version: 4.59.4, author: anmari, Auto-updates disabled
    amr users plus: version: 3.27, author: anmari, Auto-updates disabled
    amr users plus buddypress: version: 2.6, author: anmari, Auto-updates disabled
    amr users plus pmp: version: 1.1, author: anmari, Auto-updates disabled
    bbp style pack: version: 5.6.7, author: Robin Wilson, Auto-updates disabled
    BP Profile Shortcodes Extra: version: 2.5.2, author: Venutius, Auto-updates disabled
    BuddyPress: version: 11.3.1, author: The BuddyPress Community, Auto-updates disabled
    Classic Editor: version: 1.6.3, author: WordPress Contributors, Auto-updates disabled
    Classic Widgets: version: 0.3, author: WordPress Contributors, Auto-updates disabled
    CMS Tree Page View: version: 1.6.8, author: Jon Christopher, Auto-updates disabled
    Email Encoder - Protect Email Addresses: version: 2.1.8, author: Jannis Thuemmig, Auto-updates disabled
    Envato Market: version: 2.0.10, author: Envato, Auto-updates disabled
    Events Manager: version:, author: Pixelite, Auto-updates disabled
    Events Manager Pro: version: 3.2.7, author: Pixelite, Auto-updates disabled
    Events Manager Pro - PayPal: version: 1.2, author: Pixelite, Auto-updates disabled
    Force First and Last Name as Display Name: version: 1.2.1, author: Stranger Studios, Auto-updates disabled
    K Elements: version: 5.1.2, author: SeventhQueen, Auto-updates disabled
    Paid Memberships Pro: version: 2.12.2, author: Paid Memberships Pro, Auto-updates disabled
    Paid Memberships Pro - bbPress Add On: version: 1.7.3, author: Paid Memberships Pro, Auto-updates disabled
    Paid Memberships Pro - Extra Expiration Warning Emails Add On: version: .4, author: Stranger Studios, Auto-updates disabled
    Paid Memberships Pro - Member Directory Add On: version: 1.2.4, author: Paid Memberships Pro, Auto-updates disabled
    Paid Memberships Pro - Membership Card Add On: version: 1.1.2, author: Stranger Studios, Auto-updates disabled
    Paid Memberships Pro - Membership Manager Role Add On: version: .3.2, author: Stranger Studios, Auto-updates disabled
    Paid Memberships Pro - Pay by Check Add On: version: 0.11.2, author: Stranger Studios, Auto-updates disabled
    Redirection: version: 5.3.10, author: John Godley, Auto-updates disabled
    Restrict Usernames Emails Characters: version: 3.1.3, author: benaceur, Auto-updates disabled
    Slider Revolution: version: 6.6.16, author: ThemePunch, Auto-updates disabled
    User Switching: version: 1.7.0, author: John Blackbourn & contributors, Auto-updates disabled
    Wordfence Security: version: 7.10.3, author: Wordfence, Auto-updates disabled
    WP FullCalendar: version: 1.5, author: Pixelite, Auto-updates disabled
    WP Mail SMTP Pro: version: 3.9.0, author: WP Mail SMTP, Auto-updates disabled
    WP Rollback: version: 1.7.3, author:, Auto-updates disabled
    ### wp-media ###
    image_editor: WP_Image_Editor_GD
    imagick_module_version: Not available
    imagemagick_version: Not available
    imagick_version: Not available
    file_uploads: File uploads is turned off
    post_max_size: 256M
    upload_max_filesize: 256M
    max_effective_size: 256 MB
    max_file_uploads: 20
    gd_version: 2.3.3
    gd_formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG, WebP, BMP, AVIF, XPM
    ghostscript_version: 9.56.1
    ### wp-server ###
    server_architecture: Linux 3.12.18-clouder0 x86_64
    httpd_software: Apache
    php_version: 8.2.10 64bit
    php_sapi: cgi-fcgi
    max_input_variables: 3000
    time_limit: 600
    memory_limit: 768M
    max_input_time: 120
    upload_max_filesize: 256M
    php_post_max_size: 256M
    curl_version: 7.85.0 OpenSSL/3.0.9
    suhosin: false
    imagick_availability: false
    pretty_permalinks: true
    htaccess_extra_rules: true
    current: 2023-09-24T21:12:57+00:00
    utc-time: Sunday, 24-Sep-23 21:12:57 UTC
    server-time: 2023-09-24T17:12:57-04:00
    ### wp-database ###
    extension: mysqli
    server_version: 5.7.39-42-log
    client_version: mysqlnd 8.2.10
    max_allowed_packet: 33554432
    max_connections: 500
    ### wp-constants ###
    WP_HOME: undefined
    WP_SITEURL: undefined
    WP_CONTENT_DIR: /home/customer/www/
    WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /home/customer/www/
    WP_DEBUG: false
    WP_DEBUG_LOG: false
    SCRIPT_DEBUG: true
    WP_CACHE: false
    COMPRESS_SCRIPTS: undefined
    COMPRESS_CSS: undefined
    WP_DEVELOPMENT_MODE: undefined
    DB_CHARSET: utf8mb4
    DB_COLLATE: undefined
    ### wp-filesystem ###
    wordpress: writable
    wp-content: writable
    uploads: writable
    plugins: writable
    themes: writable
    mu-plugins: writable


    ~April Schmitt

    WTC Webmaster <>

    Milan Petrovic

    No, GD bbPress Toolbox Pro is a complex plugin with 50+ major features, and many are sharing the code and other things.


    In reply to: Edit profile menu

    Milan Petrovic

    This is hardcoded in bbPress, the only way to change it, is to override the template and make the changes.


    I’m in need of a little help.


    I am struggeling with getting my forum to full width.
    My theme supports full width with an own template.
    I added a new site and added the bbpress [bbp-forum-index] code.
    The main site is full width.
    But when I open a category or forum it switches back to the oder template.
    I’m not good enough at css and stuff to fix it myself.
    Hope someone can help me!


    Robin W

    If bove code not working then use this code;

    $wp_roles = new WP_Roles();


    In reply to: Feasibility questions

    Robin W

    so to answer (or not!) your questions

    by default the forum page is /forums you can amend this by changing the slug in dashboard>settings>forums or by using a page with a shortcode – see

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1

    No idea what ‘ Hearthpwn’s deck builder to query Hearthstone’s card API ‘ means so cannot answer, but in terms of customization, then try this additional plugin, which has a ton of customizations in it.

    bbp style pack

    bbpress just uses the WordPress user account, and there is no way to detach this. But bbpress has a whole set of roles of it’s own, so if you set the user WordPress role to ‘no role for this site’, you pretty much achieve the same thing.


    After completing the steps mentioned above add this code in your site theme’s functions.php file and reload the site, once done then remove this code from funtions.php file and save the file:

    // This function will remove user roles. You may need to inspect the user role dropdown on the user profile page to see the correct user role label to use below
    function wps_remove_role() {
    remove_role( ‘bbp_moderator’ );
    remove_role( ‘bbp_blocked’ );
    remove_role( ‘bbp_spectator’ );
    remove_role( ‘bbp_keymaster’ );
    remove_role( ‘um_admin’ );
    remove_role( ‘um_member’ );
    add_action( ‘init’, ‘wps_remove_role’ );


    In reply to: Forum display

    Robin W

    [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id]

    where $forum_id is the id of the forum.

    You can find the forum ID by going to

    dashboard>forums>edit forum and when editing you will see this in the url


    so in this example 1245 is the forum ID


    In reply to: Forum display


    Thank you for your reply,
    I would create 2 different forums in 2 different pages,
    how could I have 2 different shortcodes which respect of each forum ?
    Thank a lot !


    Thanks @robin-w, it works beautifully!

    For anyone who want to execute the code 2nd time (or more), reset the ‘rew_done’ option by running update_option('rew_done', ''); before activating the code again.


    Robin W

    this should do it

    $list = get_users();
    if (empty (get_option ('rew_done'))) {
    	foreach ($list as $user) {
    		$user_id = $user->ID ;
    		$role = bbp_get_user_role( $user_id );
    		if ($role == 'bbp_moderator') {
    			$forum_id = 3 ;
    			bbp_add_user_forum_subscription( $user_id, $forum_id ) ;
    	update_option ('rew_done' , 'done' ) ;


Viewing 25 results - 376 through 400 (of 32,358 total)
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