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  • #239029


    While trying to access users from admin menu, I am getting a fatal error and when enabling the debug mode, I am getting this error message:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function bp_core_get_user_domain() in /home/islandbnb/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/extend/buddypress/members.php:229 Stack trace: #0 /home/islandbnb/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/extend/buddypress/members.php(100): BBP_BuddyPress_Members->get_profile_url(2) #1 /home/islandbnb/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): BBP_BuddyPress_Members->get_user_profile_url(2) #2 /home/islandbnb/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters(2, Array) #3 /home/islandbnb/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/core/abstraction.php(471): apply_filters('bbp_pre_get_use...', 2) #4 /home/islandbnb/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/users/template.php(560): bbp_maybe_intercept('bbp_pre_get_use...', Array) #5 /home/islandbnb/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/admin/users.php(260): bbp_get_user_profile_url(2) #6 /home/islandbnb/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): BBP_Users_Admin->user_row_actions(Array, Object(WP_User)) #7 /home/islandbnb/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters(Array, Array) #8 /home/islandbnb/public_html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php(520): apply_filters('user_row_action...', Array, Object(WP_User)) #9 /home/islandbnb/public_html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php(415): WP_Users_List_Table->single_row(Object(WP_User), '', '', 0) #10 /home/islandbnb/public_html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php(1709): WP_Users_List_Table->display_rows() #11 /home/islandbnb/public_html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php(1636): WP_List_Table->display_rows_or_placeholder() #12 /home/islandbnb/public_html/wp-admin/users.php(814): WP_List_Table->display() #13 {main} thrown in /home/islandbnb/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/extend/buddypress/members.php on line 229


    In reply to: Shortcode


    Thanks. Yes, I found that somewhere after posting here and that works. One thing I’m still struggling with is that the forum is restricted to members. I added a sidebar with the shortcodes for login, register and forgot password, but the member forum still shows. I installed the Paid Membership Pro plugin but then it shows nothing. I’m not sure what is the best way to show the forum. I also installed Popup Maker which shows on the home page and then sends the visitor to the contact page which shows their membership number to join.

    This is a website that I am proposing to the Legion, not one I’m getting paid for, so I’ve spent weeks building it. I do hope that it might be adopted by the National Headquarters to be used as a template by the 1,367 branches in Canada.

    Appreciate your thoughts and your help.


    In reply to: Shortcode

    Robin W

    that shortcode shows the full list of forums, not topics.

    if that is your only forum, and you want to display all the topics of that forum, then use

    [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id]


    In reply to: Shortcode


    Thanks for responding. What shows is just the image I added for the Members Forum, not the full list of topics as the shortcode suggests.


    Topic: Shortcode

    in forum Installation

    I am using the shortcode [bbp-forum-index] but it is not showing any topics, just the image I added to the Members Forum.


    Appreciate any help.


    I installed the plugin, I put the differinte shortcodes in my site and when i access the page I can see the the topic/fourms i made from the dashboard but when i click them its a blank screen

    please help!


    Thank you! The issue turned out to be I was entering the wrong username in the Forum Moderators textbox. I was using the WP Username (user_login field on users table) but when I used the encoded email address it excepted it. Eg. If the email was I needed to use name-domain-com.


    We are implementing bbPress to add private forums to LearnDash courses. We are using the LearnDash bbPress Integration plugin.

    When a logged in user views the /forums page or the /topics page they see all forums and topics. (We are using Visibility: Private for forums) even though the user does not have access to the forums or topics due to the LearnDash Integration plugin. I asked LearnDash if they know a way to hide the ones that the user does not have access to. They said that they did not know, and that I should contact bbPress support.

    Is there a way that I can programmatically add a per user filter for the following shortcodes: [bbp-forum-index], [bbp-topic-index]? I would like to inject logic that would exclude records based on the currently logged in user.

    Any ideas would be appreciated! I may need to write my one shortcode but did not want to reinvent the wheel if I do not need to!

    Thank you!

    Robin W

    the backend seems to only save one moderator.

    This code should fix

    add_action ('bbp_subscriptions_metabox' , 'rew_set_hidden_subscribers' ) ;
    add_action ('bbp_topic_attributes_metabox_save' , 'rew_save_subscriptions', 10 , 2) ;
    function rew_set_hidden_subscribers ($post) {
    	// Get user IDs
    	$user_ids = bbp_get_subscribers( $post->ID );
    	$list = implode(",",$user_ids); 
    	// Output
    	<input name="rew_topic_subscription" id="rew_topic_subscription" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $list; ?>" />
    function rew_save_subscriptions ( $topic_id, $forum_id ) {
    	// Handle Subscriptions
    	if ( bbp_is_subscriptions_active() && ! empty( $_POST['rew_topic_subscription'] )) {
    		//update_option ($subscriptions)
    		$subscriptions = explode(",", $_POST['rew_topic_subscription']);
    		foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription_id ) {
    			// Check if subscribed and if so do nothing
    			if (bbp_is_user_subscribed( $subscription_id, $topic_id )) continue;
    			else {
    			bbp_add_user_subscription( $subscription_id, $topic_id );

    Put this in your child theme’s function file –

    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    or use

    Code Snippets

    or if you use

    bbp style pack

    this fix is automatically added



    I would like a forum index that is separate from the archives page, but haven’t been able to get that working.

    I’ve changed the slug in the settings, created a page with that slug, but it redirects to the posts archives every time.

    If I include the shortcode on the archives page it works fine, but then it’s available to the general public, and I’d like it to be on its own, and available to members only.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    WP and BBP are latest versions. Archives page is here: and the Forum Index is supposed to be here:


    I forgot to mention. On setting up your forum before creating your app there is one plugin that is essential. (Thankyou Robin!) 🙂

    bbp style pack

    Here are all the plugins I am using.

    bbp profile information Version 2.1.2 by Robin Wilson
    bbPress Version 2.6.9 by The bbPress Contributors
    bbP Signature Version 1.4 by Arjun S Kumar, Robin W
    bbp style pack Version 5.7.8 by Robin Wilson
    GD bbPress Attachments Version 4.6 by Milan Petrovic
    Hide Admin Bar Based on User Roles Version 3.7.0 by Ankit Panchal
    Import and export users and customers Version 1.25.1 by codection
    LiteSpeed Cache Version by LiteSpeed Technologies
    Meow Lightbox Version 5.1.1 by Jordy Meow
    reCaptcha by BestWebSoft Version 1.74 by BestWebSoft
    Site Kit by Google Version 1.116.0 by Google
    Smush Version 3.15.3 by WPMU DEV
    Super RSS Reader Version 5.1 by Aakash Chakravarthy
    WP Mail From II Version 2.0 by Ben Huson
    WPMobile.App — Android and iOS Mobile Application Version 11.41 by WPMobile.App
    WP User Avatars Version 1.4.1 by Triple J Software, Inc.
    Yoast SEO Version 21.8 by Team Yoast


    Topic: Caption code

    in forum Installation

    I have installed BBPress for my forum, some photos of my forum have these code:
    [caption id="attachment_1496" align="alignnone" width="300"] [/caption]
    Please tell me how to remove it,
    Thank you very much!


    Although I solved the last issue, a similar one immediately came up after that (The topic count at the top of a forum didn’t count new topics). I had a feeling that as long as I proceeded with this hacked version of the actual bbPress functions that I now thankfully know are responsible for topic creation (thank you Robin, again!), these little discrepencies were going to keep popping up.

    So I’ve updated the ‘create_bill’ function to now call bbp_insert_topic() (line 24 of \bbpress\includes\topics\functions.php). If I understand things correctly (I’m new to web development and learning as I go), this starts the natural chain of events that should happen anytime a new topic is created (at least it looks to be working). I still need the new endpoint because I’d like to add some custom fields to these topics as well, so now the above php script is the much simpler:

     * Plugin Name:       bbPress Bill API
     * Description:       Exposing the bbPress post types to WP API and creating a namespace for bills.
     * Author:            Rillien Cot
     * Version:           1.6.0
     * Add REST API support to an already registered post type.
    add_action('init', 'register_bbp_post_types', 25);
    function register_bbp_post_types() {
        global $wp_post_types;
        $post_type_name =  bbp_get_reply_post_type();
        if (isset($wp_post_types[$post_type_name])) {
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->show_in_rest = true;
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->rest_base = $post_type_name;
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->rest_controller_class = 'WP_REST_Posts_Controller';
        $post_type_name =  bbp_get_topic_post_type();
        if (isset($wp_post_types[$post_type_name])) {
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->show_in_rest = true;
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->rest_base = $post_type_name;
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->rest_controller_class = 'WP_REST_Posts_Controller';
        $post_type_name =  bbp_get_forum_post_type();
        if (isset($wp_post_types[$post_type_name])) {
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->show_in_rest = true;
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->rest_base = $post_type_name;
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->rest_controller_class = 'WP_REST_Posts_Controller';
        // Add custom REST API endpoint for creating bbPress topic
        add_action('rest_api_init', 'create_bill_endpoint');
    function create_bill_endpoint() {
        register_rest_route('pnyx/v2', '/bill/', array(
            'methods' => 'POST',
            'callback' => 'create_bill',
    function create_bill($data) {
        // Extract Data
        $new_topic_data = $data['new_post_data'];
        $new_topic_meta = $data['new_post_meta'];
        // Create new bbPress topic using passed data and meta content
        $topic_id = bbp_insert_topic($new_topic_data, $new_topic_meta);
        // Add ACF custom fields to created topic
        update_field('bill_id', $data['bill_id'], $topic_id);

    and the python that calls it is:

    import requests
    import json
    # Set your WordPress API authentication details
    username = "************"
    password = "***********************"
    auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username, password)
    # Create a new post data with post_parent
    new_post_payload = {
        "new_post_data": {
            "post_parent": 40, // use a valid forum_id from your site
            "post_title": "API Created Post Title",
            "post_content": "Lorem ipsum content for the new topic",
        "new_post_meta": {
            "forum_id": 40, //use same forum_id here that you used for "post parent" in 'new_post_data'
        "bill_id": "hrs1111",
    # Make the POST request to create a new post
    wordpress_api_url = "http://pnyx.local/wp-json/pnyx/v2/bill/"
    response =
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',

    You’ll notice that the ‘data’ portion of the request has changed from a simple dictionary to nested dictionaries so the bbp_insert_topic function has the correct arguments (it takes two arrays).

    Robin W

    when you have completed, in the spirit of open software and helping others, can you post your final solution code please

    Robin W

    for completeness look at

    \bbpress\includes\topics\functions.php line 96

    This is what bbpress does to create a new topic.

    on line 378 it has a hook

    do_action( 'bbp_new_topic',......

    which is used in


    Line 206: add_action( 'bbp_new_topic',  'bbp_update_topic', 10, 5 );
    Line 241: add_action( 'bbp_new_topic',    'bbp_notify_forum_subscribers', 11, 4 );
    Line 287: add_action( 'bbp_new_topic',        'bbp_increase_forum_topic_count' );
    Line 327: add_action( 'bbp_new_topic',     'bbp_increase_user_topic_count' );
    Line 346: add_action( 'bbp_new_topic', 'bbp_update_topic_engagements', 20 );
    Line 350: add_action( 'bbp_new_topic', 'bbp_update_topic_voice_count', 30 );

    to call the other functions that update the meta, and thus get the topic to show.


    Figured it out.

    It was an issue with the post meta content. For topics to appear in forums, they apparently need to have a ‘_bbp_last_active_time’. I was able to add this by adding the line add_post_meta($topic_id, '_bbp_last_active_time', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); right below the $topic_id = wp_insert_post($topic_args); line in the php file (with the date function getting the current datetime and returning it in the proper format).


    I’m also discovering that the when I create a new topic via the standard route, the following post meta fields are generated in the wp_postMeta table for the topic:


    However, these do not get generated when I create a topic through my API. I have a feeling this is the issue. I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to do about this though. I notice the bbp_forum_id field is included in there. Should I be using this to set that field instead of shoehorning through ‘post_parent’ in an additional plugin?


    WordPress Version: 6.4.2
    bbPress Version: 2.6.9
    Link to site: Unavailable (Site created using LocalWP and still hosted locally)

    When I create topics through the standard frontend or backend, the new topic shows up in the forum perfectly.

    However, if I create a new topic using a plugin extension I’ve cobbled together, the new topic does not show up on the front end of the website (despite it being created and visible on the back end).

    The plugin written in php is as follows (thanks to work from here and here):

     * Plugin Name:       bbPress API
     * Description:       Exposing the bbPress post types to WP API.
     * Author:            Rillien Cot
     * Version:           1.3.0
     * Add REST API support to an already registered post type.
    add_action('init', 'register_bbp_post_types', 25);
    function register_bbp_post_types() {
        global $wp_post_types;
        $post_type_name =  bbp_get_reply_post_type();
        if (isset($wp_post_types[$post_type_name])) {
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->show_in_rest = true;
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->rest_base = $post_type_name;
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->rest_controller_class = 'WP_REST_Posts_Controller';
        $post_type_name =  bbp_get_topic_post_type();
        if (isset($wp_post_types[$post_type_name])) {
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->show_in_rest = true;
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->rest_base = $post_type_name;
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->rest_controller_class = 'WP_REST_Posts_Controller';
        $post_type_name =  bbp_get_forum_post_type();
        if (isset($wp_post_types[$post_type_name])) {
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->show_in_rest = true;
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->rest_base = $post_type_name;
            $wp_post_types[$post_type_name]->rest_controller_class = 'WP_REST_Posts_Controller';
        // Add custom REST API endpoint for creating bbPress topic
        add_action('rest_api_init', 'create_bill_endpoint');
    function create_bill_endpoint() {
        register_rest_route('pnyx/v2', '/bill/', array(
            'methods' => 'POST',
            'callback' => 'create_bill',
    function create_bill($data) {
        // Extract necessary data from the request
        $forum_id = $data['forum_id'];
        $topic_title = $data['topic_title'];
        $topic_content = $data['topic_content'];
        $bill_id = $data['bill_id'];
        // Create a new bbPress topic
        $topic_args = array(
            'post_title' => $topic_title,
            'post_content' => $topic_content,
            'post_type' => bbp_get_topic_post_type(),
            'post_status' => 'publish',
            'post_parent' => $forum_id, // Set the post_parent to the forum ID
        $topic_id = wp_insert_post($topic_args);

    Basically, it exposes the Forum, Topic, and Reply post types from bbPress to standard wp-json/v2 namespace and then adds an additional endpoint (‘create_bill’) which allows me to add a new topic and associate it with a forum via ‘post_parent’. (I wonder if this is where the problem is?)

    I create a new topic using the following python script:

    import requests
    import json
    # Set WordPress API authentication details
    username = "*******"
    password = "**********************"
    auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username, password)
    # Values for new post data
    new_post_data = {
        "forum_id": 40, # <- This is a valid post id of a forum.
        "topic_title": "New API Topic Title",
        "topic_content": "Lorem ipsum content for the new topic"
    # Make the POST request to create a new post
    wordpress_api_url = "http://pnyx.local/wp-json/pnyx/v2/bill/"
    response =
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',

    The topic is created, and I can see it in Dashboard>>Topics>>All Topics. And I can view it by going directly to the link associated with it, but I can’t see it on the actual frontend of the forum.

    I’ve deactived all other plugins and I’m still getting this issue. The only differences between the two (as far as I can tell) are the Author IP (API created topics leave this field blank, standard fills it with and the number of voices (API created topics have 0, standard created topics have 1). All the other settings seem identical (visibilty = public, type = normal, status = open).

    Any insights as to what I’m missing and how to rectify the situation are greatly appreciated, thanks!

    Robin W

    Thanks, I’ve just tested your scenario above, and yes that is a bug.

    I am not a bbpress author, just someone who helps out here.

    Strangely that metabox doesn’t actually let you change the subscribers, it simply lists them, not sure why 🙂

    if you are using

    bbp style pack

    then I’ve included a fix for this in version 5.7.8.

    You can also add comprehensive subscription management functionality for the backend from the ‘subscriptions management’ tab.

    Otherwise you could add this code:

    add_action ('bbp_subscriptions_metabox' , 'rew_set_hidden_subscribers' ) ;
    add_action ('bbp_topic_attributes_metabox_save' , 'rew_save_subscriptions', 10 , 2) ;
    function rew_set_hidden_subscribers ($post) {
    	// Get user IDs
    	$user_ids = bbp_get_subscribers( $post->ID );
    	$list = implode(",",$user_ids); 
    	// Output
    	<input name="rew_topic_subscription" id="rew_topic_subscription" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $list; ?>" />
    function rew_save_subscriptions ( $topic_id, $forum_id ) {
    	// Handle Subscriptions
    	if ( bbp_is_subscriptions_active() && ! empty( $_POST['rew_topic_subscription'] )) {
    		//update_option ($subscriptions)
    		$subscriptions = explode(",", $_POST['rew_topic_subscription']);
    		foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription_id ) {
    			// Check if subscribed and if so do nothing
    			if (bbp_is_user_subscribed( $subscription_id, $topic_id )) continue;
    			else {
    			bbp_add_user_subscription( $subscription_id, $topic_id );

    Put this in your child theme’s function file –

    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    or use

    Code Snippets


    Next issue, found a missing import field “_bbp_topic_voice_count” and i’m pretty sure, thats counted participants were ment. But in woltlap db thread tbl is no colum, so i think, i’ve could du it with a sql query like this:

    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT po.userID) as participants
    FROM wbb1_thread th
    INNER JOIN wbb1_post po
    ON th.threadID = po.threadID
    WHERE th.threadID = 2086

    The sql query in phpmyadmin works as mentioned. So i copied a piece of code from another importer and customized it like this (? for parts i have no clou):

    $this->field_map[] = array(
    ‘from_tablename’ => ‘wbb1_thread’,
    ‘from_fieldname’ => ‘?’,
    ‘join_tablename’ => ‘wbb1_post’,
    ‘join_type’ => ‘INNER’,
    ‘join_expression’ => ‘USING (?) WHERE wbb1_thread.?= wbb1_post.?’,
    ‘to_type’ => ‘topic’,
    ‘to_fieldname’ => ‘_bbp_topic_voice_count’

    But i’ve no clou, how to bring the sql in the right way for the import, missing manuals from bbPress, to understand he possibilities.

    Anybody firm in this?


    I added codes on a page for my forum and included topics and a forum that displays just fine. The problem or headache starts when I click on any of the links to the shortcodes. Just a blank page is all that shows. I’ve tried searching for help but to no avail. I’ve seen in tutorials that the links shown work and lead you to more info when you click on topics or the forums. Kindly help me.

    WordPress version 6.4.2, bbPress Version 2.6.9

    Links to Problem Pages
    Link to blank page after clicking forum
    Link to forum and topics page

    Robin W

    I’d suspect that php 8.x is the issue.

    New versions of php get more strict in code requirements, and arrays are one that php 8.x got nasty with.

    I’d suggest (if you can) changing to php 7.x whilst you do the import – after that you can revert to php 8.x.


    Here is a functions / snippet code version for anyone else looking:

    function my_forums_dropdown_shortcode() {
        // Start buffering output
        // Dropdown container
        echo '<select id="forums-dropdown" onchange="location = this.value;">';
        // Forum loop
        if ( bbp_has_forums() ) :
            while ( bbp_forums() ) : bbp_the_forum();
                $forum_permalink = bbp_get_forum_permalink();
                $forum_title = bbp_get_forum_title();
                echo "<option value='{$forum_permalink}'>{$forum_title}</option>";
        else :
            // No forums found
            bbp_get_template_part( 'feedback', 'no-forums' );
        // Close the dropdown
        echo '</select>';
        // Return the buffer contents
        return ob_get_clean();
    add_shortcode('forums_dropdown', 'my_forums_dropdown_shortcode');

    Just paste in [forums_dropdown] where you want output.


    Hello everyone,

    I use the Divi theme builder with BBPress and Buddypress to create a forum.

    I created pages and used shortcodes to customize the visual aspect of my forum.

    I’ve created numerous sub-forums (over 100) that are supposed to appear in the main forum. (I have limited the display to 50).

    However, when I go to the main forum, the first 50 are displayed, but no pagination allows me to see the other 50! I’ve searched all over the internet but haven’t found any answers.

    Thank you for your help.


    Robin W

    I’ve done a bit more investigation

    It looks like this code is only used if you have passwords that are not to the WordPress encryption, which would usually be after you have done an conversion to bbpress from a previous forum.

    Is this the case?

Viewing 25 results - 301 through 325 (of 32,358 total)
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