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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #51885

    UPDATE: Maybe Trent might know the answer to this one, but.. when trying to post a comment (while I’m logged in, not sure about others that are not though), it spits the following Error: “Error: please type a comment.”

    If you want, please feel free to try it here:

    If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know, ok? Thanks for your time! ;) =)


    P.S. OR, aren’t you supposed to have the “comments link” on there..? =/


    Just wanted to say, this is freaking awesome!! I have just integrated bbPress, with my blog running 2.1 alpha3, as well as some awesome plugins!

    To see what has been done, please read this blog post of mine.

    The forums can be found here:

    I know it’s a plain jane now, with some cosmetic changes, but, I will be making more forums for it, and a theme soon. Thanks so much for this awesome bbPress forum software package, and thanks, for making it so easy to work with, too!


    Trent Adams

    No problem! Happy to point out what took me several searches to piece together!



    That is freaking awesome!! I had already done that ticket 438 lastnight.. but, now grabbed the other one and installed it.. Works like a charm!! Thanks Trent for pointing us in the right direction.. ;) =)



    heu dudes … it’s a TinyMCE ability to use WYSIWYG to enter URL of you r picture and add it to textarea … i’m just edit some code in a image plugin for bbpress for compitability within html code which TinyMCE add.

    p.S image already has been uploaded … but for other reason .. you may use another wysiwyg which provided image uploading … or get commercial version of TinyMCE.

    Trent Adams

    If you haven’t figured this out already, but there is a plugin for doing this at and it does the following:

    Share user accounts between your WordPress blog and your bbPress forums.

    This plugin ensures current WordPress users can use the forum. As for registrations in bbPress and adding them to WordPress Users, check out:

    It is a WordPress plugin to bring across the information for bbPress registrations.

    My blog is setup so users can register in WP or bbPress because with these 2 plugins, it doesn’t matter where they register.




    Standard WordPress location:


    BBPress is located:


    BBPress template is:



    In reply to: Problem with my Domain

    Trent Adams

    First off, you are missing a slash to seperate the forum and all the URL’s that it generates. The actual place you installed bbPress is:

    You need to adjust some things in your config.php file in the bbPress root (above directory)

    // If your bbPress URL is , the examples would be correct.

    // Adjust the domain and path to suit your actual URL.

    // Just the domain name; no directories or path. There should be no trailing slash here.

    $bb->domain = ''; // Example: ''

    // There should be both a leading and trailing slash here. '/' is fine if the site is in root.

    $bb->path = '/Forum/';

    As to make sure it integrates, config.php should have something like this:

    // The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress.

    // If you're not, just leave the rest as it is.

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = wp_; // WordPress table prefix. Example: 'wp_';

    $bb->wp_home = ''; // WordPress - Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ''; // WordPress - Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash

    /* Stop editing */

    Keep in mind this is no exactly depending on whether this is just WP or WPMU that you are using. As well, this assumes that you have those addresses in your WP options as well.

    I think you will get the idea from this example though.



    where’s blix located ? on bbpress or wordpress templates folder ?



    I got a Problem using bbPress with WordPress-Integration on the Server of my University.

    First Problem: There’s obviously no Stylesheet for the Forum-Site.

    Second Problem: When I Try to login to bbPress, there’s just a window which shows me that I don’t have permission to use this Site. I think that means that there isn’t any such Folder bbPress is looking for. Because when i’m looking up in my FTP-Client, this Folder isn’t listed. It’s “”.

    The Domain is “” and WordPress is located in “”.

    I’ve got no idea what the Problem is. Please, anyone, can You help me???


    SInce bbpress emphasizes so much that it can share the database with WordPress, it really should be written so that if you drop it in a WP subdirectory it automagically blends in with the WP installation. There seems to be no way other than hacking themes to get the bbs to look right, when this shouldn’t be an issue IMHO. Isn’t there a way to say … “if we’re sharing a WP database, then look here for the theme.”?


    I think it’s the built in functions in Blix, that causes the problems. Like this string in the header of Blix:

    <?php require_once get_template_directory().”/BX_functions.php”; ?>

    When BBPress uses that header it generates an error.

    It’s my theory anyway.


    That route would be acceptable until someone does a plugin or a core modification. Thanks!


    You need to change themes tags to bbpress ones , but like i do’nt have anything to do today , i ill do that for you ;-)

    Trent Adams

    Is there a way to find out if Akismet is working on a bbPress forum? Is there a log or someway to tell if it is “theoritically” setup right?




    Topic: Email masked

    in forum Plugins

    Hi, I’m just wondering is there any plugin that can protect user’s email address? Because I’m thinking to develop a bbpress into a category information site, like craigslist. But it would be great if user can use a email system rather than post them on the page.

    If you know the email protection in craigslist, you probably know what I meant. Any ideas~~~?


    Looks great. I only want to know how you did it!

    I have this site:

    Enghave Park

    Using the Blix theme.

    I have bbpress here:

    And I want the forum in the blix theme without the sidebar, but with the header and the footer.

    I’ve looked in the forum and know about the require_once in the config.php, but I can’t get it to work. Perhaps the path is wrong. Could somone post a step by step guide for this.

    Thanks in advance.


    I am getting the same error, after updating my .htaccess file.

    Found the solution:

    Trent Adams

    I don’t think WP user roles can be used in bbPress yet. In bbPress, you are either a user, a bozo or not registered. WordPress obviously has more roles. Unless I am missing something, that is where we are until someone writes a plugin or they change the bbPress core.

    Trent Adams

    I think it is as simple as editing a couple files:



    Just change them to what information you want to display and upload them to:



    Uploading to my-templates is the key because it doesn’t change the original login form pages. If you make a mistake, you just delete the one in that folder and bbPress will use the originals in bb-templates.


    Trent Adams

    I don’t think so. There is a way to edit the search template on your bbPress forum though to add another option to search your entire domain using google. I would just search the forum for it if you are interested, but not being what you want, I think it will take some time to get someone to write a plugin to do it for us.



    Nevermind, I’m sorry tonight people.. I’m so behind on sleep, the brain is in bed, but I’m not.. The [Resolved] being added by the “thread titles” was a modification to the WP.ORG forums and so forth.. it’s not by “default” in the download of bbpress..

    Is there any chance of maybe having that a plugin or not, maybe? I wouldn’t mind getting a hold of that.. ;) =P



    UPDATE! Nevermind.. I got it working on ANOTHER BLOG of mine, lmao!

    I’m able to login to the bbpress forums, using my BLOG USER and PASS now.. WOOT WOOT!! I know what to do now, for when installing it on the main blog…. whee!!



    In reply to: bbpress and 2.1 alpha3


    UPDATE: I was just running around the forums, in the admin control panel, and all. And everything is working just fine! This is awesome!


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