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  • #49959

    In reply to: En español


    He empezado a traducir el fichero al castellano de la versión que encontré en:

    Esta versión esta traducida al 65%, así que he empezado a traducirla hasta llegar al 75%, y espero tenerla acabada en unos días. Os lo podéis descargar de:

    Me podéis indicar que debo hacer para que la traducción sea oficial en bbPress, y la añadan a los ficheros del idioma en castellano de bbPress



    I recently upgraded to the .9 version of bb_press, and all special caracters like “é,à,è” are now converted to things like “é”.

    This is typic for a rookie webmaster that declare his page to be written in utf8 when it is written in ISO-8859-1 (or similar)

    But I did not do this error, it worked perfectly before.

    And now, newly created topics and posts are well displayed but in my database, it’s not written in good caracters. There are lots of �.

    I checked the installation to be “fr_FR”, but I couldn’t expect that stupid thing to happen.

    I think bbpress 0.9 added a “convert” filter, but which one is it ?

    how could I desactivate it, in a manner that also disactivate it for the next upgrade ?

    Thank you


    hey guys,

    i am trying to por t a vbulletin forum to bbpress. i’ve managed to port it first to phpbb2 and then to bbpress 0.7 via converters, but know i am stuck unable to upgrade bbpress to 0.9.

    0.7 seems to be working fine on first glance and i can login i can see user posts. but when i try upgrading to 0.9 i get stuck in the database conversion with a time out error. i have a dedicated server and i have changed the timing restriction from 600 to 6000 but i still get that error after hours of execution.

    can anyone lend a hand? i’ve spent countless hours now trying to get this thing up and running to no avail.




    I’ve never seen it done but the rules are fairly straightforward (just a bunch of them).

    There must be a lighttpd support area where you can submit the existing rules and ask for help converting?

    (then be sure to share the results back here ;-)

    The rules on this page for something called “serendipity” look very similar to bbPress’s rules:

    so you might be able to use them to get an idea?



    I’m in a similar situation. However my WordPress files are simply at, and I would like bbPress to be in How do I do that? I don’t mean simply creating the directory and copying the files there, but configuring things correctly so WordPress doesn’t consider the /forum folder to be one of its kind.




    I have used this tutorial to create a mo file for a plugin:

    But I cann’t activate it :-(

    I have found a old topic on this issue:

    But I cann’t see how to “name the mo files into our main mo file”

    So can anyone tell me how to do this

    (I’m using vers. 9.0.1)


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?



    I haven’t the same luck either. But _ck_ gave my at tip to put both files of Quicktags directly into /my-plugins/ and not into subfolder – now it works!


    Hey sambauers

    Thanks for the response :)

    I just found out that the standard php mail() function does not support SMTP authentication, and that the only way for me to rectify this problem is to either get my hosting provider to change their server settings, or some sort of workaround using the PEAR Mail package which apparently provides supporting functions useful to multiple mailer backends. It currently suppors: PHP’s native mail() function, sendmail, and SMTP.

    I will keep you posted because if my hosting provider isn’t prepared to change his server authentication requirements, this PEAR-shaped workaround may turn out to be a good one for other bbpress users with the same problem.

    Thanks :)


    Anything that used admin_email with bbPress 0.8.x has to be changed to from_email under 0.9 (I am not sure why it was necessary to break all the plugins like that but what is done is done).

    It should take a simple edit. I still get notification emails under 0.9. I believe I posted the fix on the plugin page.


    That could be done via jquery but the ajax posting system in bbPress has been disabled/removed for awhile. Hopefully it will be back by the time 1.0 beta is released (later this year?)


    In reply to: Content censor


    Ideally the original Censor plugin would be fixed for 0.9.

    Can anybody do this? It would be invaluable.


    Here’s the current capabilities of the admin account


    Can i just change this so it has both wordpress and bbpress admin powers?


    ‘Admin Add Users’ works now.

    There seems to be a problem with ‘Post Notification’ which will be fixed within the next days.


    It’s possible that Private Forums is doing things correctly and that it’s really core bbPress that causes the bug to show up with that plugin.


    I would like to add a drop down list to the post-form.php file, and I found the following on how to do this, but I am not understanding on how to grab the value after someone has posted a new thread.

    Would it be possible to get additional help with this?


    Line 137 of /bb-includes/template-functions.php is where that’s defined. I don’t know if there is a way to override that with a plugin or not, but that’s where you will find the text.


    Hi all

    Plz help me, I’ve read everything there is to read about problem emails & have also tried installing sambauer’s bb_mail fix plugin with no luck.

    I had bbpress 0.9 installed on a previous hosting provider & the system would send out emails to new registrants without any problem.

    However, I have moved to a new hosting provider that requires authentication for the mail to be sent, and will not allow “localhost” as the outgoing mail server. Where do I find the php file that allows me to change it from localhost to a specific “outgoing mail server” domain?

    Is it even possible?

    Thanks :)



    I’m currently using the K2 theme for bbpress, and I’d like to add a little nav bar right below the header with links to the main site…

    The nav bar is just basically button images next to each other in a row.

    Problem is I don’t know how to do this, it seems like you can only touch the CSS?


    I messed up when I installed BBpress on my wordpress site initially so that wordpress database integration didn’t work. I’ve fixed it though with one mistake. My wordpress admin account does not have admin powers for BBpress and the current BBpress admin account won’t work since BBpress now only looks at the wordpress database. I can access the mysql database directly through cpanel and phpmyadmin. How do I edit my account entry so it has bbpress admin powers?


    My educated guess would be because it’s grabbing the link within the title, the plugin that alters the page count is not getting unhooked yet.

    Try adding on a new line after global $topic;

    remove_action( 'bb_get_option_page_topics', 'bb_custom_topic_limit', 200);

    It’s occurred to me there might be a bug in my plugin where I don’t have that matching ,200 on the end of the same remove_action line. If I remember correctly, actions have to be unhooked with matching priority numbers to how they were added. So maybe try adding the ,200 also.

    Remember that bbPress’s “topics per page” setting must be set to the actual number of posts you want listed on a topic page.


    My educated guess would be because fel64’s plugin is grabbing the link within the title, so the plugin that alters the page count is not getting unhooked yet.

    Try adding on a new line after global $topic; in fel64’s plugin:

    remove_action( 'bb_get_option_page_topics', 'bb_custom_topic_limit', 200);

    It’s occurred to me there might be a bug in my plugin where I don’t have that matching ,200 on the end of the same remove_action line. If I remember correctly, actions have to be unhooked with matching priority numbers to how they were added. So maybe try adding the ,200 also.

    Remember that bbPress’s “topics per page” setting must be set to the actual number of posts you want listed on a topic page.


    The newest 0.9 kakumei theme has a fix for post-author-info overflow that I think you are referring too. I posted an alternate hack around here somewhere…

    Here you go:


    In reply to: Where is ThemePress?


    I am attempting to move my bbPress site over to a server running lighttpd – I’m running into problems converting over the rewrite rules.

    I have modified the lighttpd config files successfully to get WordPress, Magento, and some other apps working under lighttpd, but have not been able to find any examples for bbPress. Has anyone done this successfully?


    Is your bbPress site integrated with your WordPress site (for example, does it share the same users table)?

    What plugins do you have installed on your bbPress site.

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