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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #3259

    I translate bbPress to Spanish. If yours want it, yours can download in:


    Where can I download futurekind?


    In reply to: bbpress loop


    What you are asking for is very easy.

    $forums = get_forums(); gets you all the forums,

    $topics = get_latest_topics( $forum_id); will get you the topics list for any forum id. So if you looped through the forums like on the front page, just fetch the $topics after each forum in the loop.

    The formatting and page layout is the “hard” part.


    In reply to: No SECRET_KEY in WPMU

    Trent Adams

    I would go back to the release myself until Donncha releases the upgrade to WPMU. You can find the older release of bbpress at:

    That or you have to work on the plugin to get the old md5 hashes working again. It might be easier on your users to just get the older version running again though :)



    You’ll need to use the PHP functions to check the cookies… bbpress doesn’t use sessions by default.

    Also, you wouldn’t want to simply use the userid, because that would be insecure since anybody could hack a cookie with any username.

    bbPress and WP both store two cookies, the username and the encrypted hash of the password. You’ll have to use those in combination to do a lookup to the database to make sure they both match. I’d advise taking a look through the bbpress source code… it’s not terribly difficult to understand.

    The other thing you could do… you could create a plugin / hack for bbPress to assign a session parameter after a successful login, which you could then check for in your other code.


    While customizing bbpress I was wondering if anyone had a way to display forums/subforums and topics together, list a forum then have the topics for each displayed below it?


    I assume this is a non-WP page as well?

    You can check the bbpress session cookie and then use that to check the user against the database. You’d have to use the same logic that WP or BB uses (the latest bbpress changes this logic). You’ll also need to make sure that the cookie domain is set correctly.

    I’ve actually had to do this recently myself… it’s pretty simple and works well.


    I wrote my own replacement plugin for the mail function that uses the Swift Mailer PHP class to call sendmail directly, which should provide better performance over the built-in php mail functions.

    It also gives the the chance to assign a display name to the email address so it comes through as “bbPress Support Forum” instead of just “”.

    if ( !function_exists('bb_mail') ) {
    function bb_mail($to, $subject, $content, $headers=''){


    $swift =& new Swift(new Swift_Connection_Sendmail("/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs"));
    $from = new Swift_Address("","My bbPress Forums");

    $message =& new Swift_Message($subject, $content);
    if ($swift->send($message, $to, $from)) {return true;}
    else{ echo "Message failed to send to ".$to." from ".$from;}

    To use this, you’d have to download Swift from their site and put it where it’s included in the above code.

    You could also modify it to connect to an external SMTP server (even the Gmail server, for instance) by changing the Swift_Connection part above using this guide:


    If you check the Extend section linked on the top, you’ll see a bunch of plugins for these types of things.

    For that particular task:


    I’m using WPMU 1.3.1 and the latest version of bbPress. There is no SECRET_KEY in the config file for WPMU and I don’t think WPMU 1.3.1 uses the latest WP cookie encryption of WP2.5. I’ve tried mouldy cookies plugin and I can’t get it to work. I’ve got the usernames integrated with the blog, but I can’t pass login credentials (cookies) between WPMU and bbPress.

    Any suggestions?


    In reply to: En español


    Sigo trabajando en la traducción y ya he llegado al 91%. Podéis descargaros el fichero en:

    Un saludo



    ok, i downloaded the latest trunk and i was able to get it working although it threw this error out:

    Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/cristian/public_html/foros/bb-admin/upgrade-functions.php on line 537

    any thoughts?


    is there a way to see where the databse update script is getting stuck in?


    What version of bbPress are you installing?

    If you go to your bbPress site, does it work (even though the installer said it failed)?

    I think there may be a bug in the bbPress installer such that if you want to integrate the user database, you must also check the cookie integration checkbox.


    bbPress has been released.

    Several bugs have been fixed, including an important security bug.

    Everyone should upgrade.

    Sam Bauers

    You would have to write a replacement for bb-includes/db.php to get bbPress to work with MSSQL.

    Sam Bauers

    > but it still seems to be breaking on some minor things (like adding a topic to your favorites while logged in)

    Actually, that’s bbPress that’s broken, not your rules. Fixed in the next release :)


    Woohoo!!! Got the PEAR-shaped workaround working.

    A guy called Rob Hartzenberg at my hosting provider wrote the plugin for bbpress that uses the PEAR mail package to allow authentication.

    All I needed to do was:

    1. download & edit the plugin file to reflect my own SMTP host, port number, username (email address) & my password;

    2. replace the last line of the bb_mail() function in “bb-includes/pluggable.php with 2 lines of code supplied in the installation instructions;

    3. Login as keymaster & activate the plugin.


    I will be uploading the plugin shortly as I reckon there will be people in need of this workaround as quite a lot of hosting providers require SMTP authentication.

    What a relief :)

    many thanks to everyone that tried to assist & an even bigger THANK YOU to Rob at Imaginet.


    I’m using WP/BBP as a site wide CMS. It’s been really great so far thanks to the light-weightness of bbPress. I’ve really just had to hack the tables and change a little code to get the extra info in there that I want.

    The only issues I’m wondering about is how to get the user data on a non bbPress page… I need to see if the user is logged in, and then get their userId…

    Just to give you an example, I allow the user to save certain things, and I use the user id from the wp/bbpress users table. Can anyone suggest a light weight way to do this?


    Topic: Plugin localization?

    in forum Plugins

    Hi there!

    Why don’t use plugin authors gettext localization as bbPress itself does?!

    I start testing plugins for the german community at and find out that absolutely NO plugin could be used without direct translation. That’s a pitty and I really wonder about this situation :-(




    Has anyone tried to install bbpress on ms sql server ?

    I know mysql is required, but we already have a ms sql 2003 server up and runnig and would like to use bbpress on our intranet.

    Of cource we don’t want to mess up the existing stuff, but on other hand we would like to avoid having both mssql and mysql runnig.

    So any experience, good advices or hints would be appreciated…


    bbPress 0.9 renamed the critical system email address that several plugins rely on (“admin_email” became “from_email”)

    Unfortunately many plugin authors aren’t aware of this and the old setting is completely deleted from the database, which makes any older plugin that looks for “admin_email” fail and get a blank address and don’t anticipate/test for a blank. So they blindly insert the blank address into emails which causes the emailer to either fail or bounce the message.

    A few of my plugins were affected, I just found another tonight, and there are several third-party ones still unpatched.

    You can work around this problem by putting this into your bb-config.php (anywhere on a new line)

    $bb->admin_email = '';

    where is the same email address you use inside bbPress on bb-admin/options-general.php

    This won’t hurt anything, causes no extra load of any kind and simply allows older plugins to work without additional edits until the authors get a chance to upgrade them.

    (Just remember you “hard coded” this address if you ever change the main one for any reason. You can delete it after 1.0 is out and all plugins have upgraded. In fact the old email address will become unused after all the plugin upgrade anyway so this can’t hurt anything in practice.)


    MarcoZ: that is perfectly fine as you are describing it. WordPress in the root of the domain, bbPress in a folder. You do create a directory called forum and copy the files there.

    If you are not including WordPress in your bbPress, then you won’t need this plugin to correct the WordPress 404 errors:

    Try your installation without that plugin first.


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    Thanks for the tip. Didn’t work for me. :(

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