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  • #64992

    In reply to: Nicknames


    I too would like a solution to this. There is a plugin available to do this but it doesn’t work on wordpress 2.5.1. I think I may just have to hack the bbPress registraton queries.


    In reply to: bbpress update soon?


    I have a WP 2.6 install that works perfectly with the 0.9 bbPress branch. Unless there are some specific problems that I haven’t experienced yet.



    This is an extension of this question:

    My forum has forums, subforums, and then subforums of those subforums. Basically, there are three levels of forums.

    I was able to hide the subforums from the main forums page. But how do i hide the subforums’ subforums from the subforums pages, so that the visitor must click on the subforum to view the subforums’ subforums.

    I would really appreciate any help on this matter. I am not good at coding so it would be wonderful to get assistance! :)


    In reply to: bbpress update soon?


    Think I will stay with 2.5.1 for the time being. Thanks


    Of course you can do it, bbPress can do almost anything – as long as you code it ;-)

    Showing the gravatar is the easy part, the code to fetch the latest poster and their email address is the tricky part. How’s your mysql?

    Showing a gravatar for any email address is as simple as:

    <img src="<?php echo "".md5($user->user_email); ?>" >

    The mysql code for the email of the last poster is going to need a left join of the users table against the post table and more than I am willing to do right now. I suppose I could be lazy and use get_latest_posts(1, 1) to fetch the entire info the last post and grab the email address from there.


    In reply to: Top 100 listings


    whats the link i want to add mine in :


    EDIT: CK do you know how to resolve this issue :-


    Oh darn I completely missed this one.

    Well the projects that made it as finalists are much bigger, so maybe next year.

    ps. did you know Sourceforge uses bbPress for it’s forums?


    bbPress functions with the word “get” in them do not self-echo, they simply return the string. So you have to add echo. You almost have it, for example, this should work:

    <a href="<?php echo bb_get_profile_link(); ?>">My Profile</a>

    And just to confuse you, there are a couple of legacy functions with the word “get” in them that do echo. But they shouldn’t and are rare so don’t worry too much, lol.


    Well login integration is not as important as the register part. As far as your instructions, I wouldn’t recommend deleting the contents of a core file but the redirect part is okay.

    It occurs to me, it’s actually possible to redirect the register page in bbpress to the wordpress side via plugin with no edits required anywhere.

    Remember that bbPress registration process should catch up to the WordPress side eventually. In fact I like it’s layout better but WordPress’s is more mature code-wise.

    Alvaro Degives-Mas

    Sorry for the tangent _ck_ but… you really recommend redirecting all logins to WP, too? As in, this silly thing I just posted about “unifying” registration on the WP side?


    Yes, this is why I always recommend to people when integrating with WordPress that they redirect all login and registration links to the wordpress side. It’s had years of development in that area.

    In any case, here is a simple plugin to prevent duplicate email addresses. Unfortunately bbPress has no way to place custom error messages on the page without template hacking but this should do:

    Plugin Name: no duplicate email addresses
    Author: _ck_

    if ($_POST && bb_get_location()=="register-page") {add_filter('bb_verify_email','no_duplicate_email');}

    function no_duplicate_email($email) {
    if ($email) {global $bbdb; if (!$bbdb->get_row($bbdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->users WHERE user_email = %s", $email))) {return $email;}
    else {add_action('bb_foot','no_duplicate_email_alert'); return false;}}
    function no_duplicate_email_alert() {echo "<scr"."ipt>alert('".__("email address already registered")."');</script>";}

    (bbPress 0.9 or higher required)


    How do I make a link that directs the user to their profile?

    The default code in bbPress is

    <?php printf(__('Welcome, %1$s!'), bb_get_profile_link(bb_get_current_user_info( 'name' )));?.

    Yet if I use this, the name of the user will be the linked text. Also, I’m not able to use this code alone. If I try:

    <?php bb_get_profile_link(bb_get_current_user_info( 'name' )); ?>

    …it doesn’t work. I also tried:

    <a href="<?php bb_get_profile_link(); ?>">My Profile</a>

    How can I change the text to My Profile and also let it stand alone? (standalone meaning on its own paragraph and with no Welcome, %1$s!)

    Alvaro Degives-Mas

    (Subtitle: how to use registration protection/filtering in WP for bbPress – the lazy but effective way!)

    Say: you’re a PHP newbie (like me), want to run bbPress and WP, and have successfully completed the installation of the plugin to integrate the bbPress user database with WP’s (whew!) and then you discover that people can register via either the bbPress or WP . Suppose furthermore that you’re getting hammered by nasty bots registering themselves, and have an open self-registration policy on your WP blog/CMS, and therefore installed a nifty registration screening plugin (oh say, WP-reCAPTCHA) and would like to use that for bbPress.

    How could you do that? With two simple edits you can:

    1) Open the register.php file of bbPress (in bbPress’ root directory) and delete EVERYTHING in it, and save your cleaned-out register.php file back to its place on the server (saving an empty file is to avoid a possible “file not found” error after the next step)

    2) Open (or create if you don’t have it – which would be rare) a .htaccess file in the web server’s root directory and add the following single line (it’s displayed here on two lines, but really ought to be a single line!), and put that at/near the top of your .htaccess file (assuming your bbPress install sits in the /forum sub directory; else, modify accordingly to point to the register.php file):

    Redirect permanent /forum/register.php

    Make sure you substitute “” with your own domain (of course).

    3) This step is non-existent. Instead, enjoy your newfound unified registration bliss for dummies!


    I would back up your database first, just to be sure.

    If you delete all the files, nothing happens to WordPress.

    If you delete all the bb_ tables, that does not affect WordPress.

    I’m not sure how you get rid of the bb users from the wp_users table. But once you delete all the bb_ tables from the database, you should verify that you can log in to WordPress admin fine. You might want to manually delete the bb users from the wp_users table, but you’d have to be careful if they created any content in WordPress that would be keyed to their id.

    I think this covers integration:


    You cannot use WordPress 2.6 with bbPress 0.9

    There are major cookie changes in 2.6.

    It’s going to be awhile before there is a version of bbPress that will work with 2.6, so stick with 2.5.1


    In reply to: bbpress update soon?


    From what I am being told, it’s going to be awhile before an official release of bbPress will work with with WP 2.6 because of the radical cookie changes. Most certainly not the 0.9 branch.

    There is a version of bbPress in the trunk that supposedly will work with WP 2.6 but that is definitely not recommended for the average user.

    Stick with 2.5.1


    Ok I tried it and no success. If i delete all bbpress files and then try to reinstall will it mess up the wp database since I think I integrated it? Also where is a very detailed explanation of integrating with wp so I don’t mess it up again?


    Is there a new version of bbpress due soon to support the new version of WP? Prefer to wait if poss.


    I think you can download ThemePress here:


    You can create a new ticket after logging in here:


    bbPress does not create the .htaccess file for you like WordPress does. I think in future releases they are considering creating it for you.


    I don’t think that’s it. With an integrated install, you should only be using the wp_users table, not the bb_users.

    There used to be a trick, not sure it this works any longer.

    Might be worth a shot. Sorry I can’t be of more help.


    Wait, so was this ever resolved after a year?

    With WordPress in the root and bbPress in a sub-directory (ie. /forums/) can they both have pretty permalinks?

    I have an idea if not – simple edit the webroot wordpress htaccess like so:

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/forums/
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    where /forums/ is the install path of bbpres underneath wordpress. Remember you still need the local htaccess for bbpress in it’s own folder.


    Sure, if that really bothers you, with bbPress you can do almost anything if you get clever.

    Edit the login-form.php template and wrap the entire <form></form> in something like this (untested)

    <?php if (bb_get_location()!="register-page") { ?>
    <form blah blah blah
    <?php } ?>

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