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  • #49658

    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    The plugin currently allows you to change the smilie “set”.

    I intend future versions to be able to use multiple sets at the same time.

    If you want to make your own sets, just look at how the default folder is done and build your own. There is a single PHP file to edit.


    Topic: bbFlickr

    in forum Plugins

    Because I have no idea how to deal with all this SVN stuff in Ubuntu (I’m just a “user”, not a geek), and I want to share plugin no matter what – here it is:

    I’ve made modifications to original FlickrRSS to make it working under bbPress – you can display your photos, your set, group or community photos from Flickr on your forum now :).

    You can see demo here on sidebar.


    In reply to: Just a question…


    Yes, put it in it’s own folder, inside the WordPress folder. So you might have something like this:



    The 404 error might be because you are trying to use permalinks, either “slugs” or true, and they’re not set up on your server. I would change them to false for now and see if you can get the links to work. If that works, then you know that was the problem and you just need to set up permalinks.

    phpBB3 conversion:

    I don’t think so, not easily, not yet. I think there was a script to export phpBB2 to bbPress:


    In reply to: Just a question…


    Also can I convert my board from phpbb3 to bbpress?


    Ok I was wondering where I should upload bbpress? Right in the wordpress folder on my server? Also why can’t I click on the View your profile link? It says “User not found.” is that because it is still beta so to speak…




    Ah there is probably a more developed guide on the WordPress side, let me see if I can find it for you.

    update: here’s a few guides – essentially the process is identical to the WordPress side except the URL used is going to be



    I have no idea where to post it so I’m using the less-invasive section of this forum :). Is there any “guide to submitting a plugin” to I’ve clicked “Add your plugin!”, I recieved approval and “access to your SVN repository” but now what?

    I never used SVN or Trac before, I have no idea what to do, I just want to share my plugin with others via ;). If there’s any “guide” or wiki page out there to help me out, please point me to it as I have no idea where to look for anything like this…

    PS: I want coffeeeeeeee ;)


    OK – ta, Chris.


    I’ve now made this into a full plugin:

    Once you install it, you’ll be able to use your code above, but change the part of the function that says topic to forum, ie. forum_time()


    Hi filosofo, it’s an honor to have you here (I learned alot from studying your WordPress plugins).

    I take it you are trying to do “full” integration where bbPress and WordPress run together and I guess I didn’t think of that as I try to encourage people NOT to do that because of the massive amount of code that has to execute for every page rendered.

    I meant the cookies should integrate, with simple (stand-alone) integration.

    Having bbPress based on BackPress and WP not based on it yet is going to become a problem for people doing full intregration. I am not sure if Sam is willing to wrap all the functions in “function_exists” clauses.

    It’s great that it works when you remove them – they must have copied the most recent WordPress functions.


    cordoval, there are several dozen bbPress sites on my top1000 list that use subdomains, hence I know it works. Please stop using this incorrect topic for the subject matter, thanks.


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    I want to make a suggestion _ck_ (then I don’t have to make it).

    Put the (basic) smilies in a folder in the image folder, but also let people allow to put a smilie folder in de template’s folder.

    Now let the plugin first check in the template folder if there is a smiley folder there, if so, use these smilies. If not, use the basic smilies from the basic map. This way we can use (custome)smilies suitable for the theme. (so if you theme is green, you can make some green smilies that fit your template.

    Get the idea?


    For those that know what they are doing and have subversion, you can checkout or switch to the trunk of bbPress which will give you compatibility with WordPress 2.6

    Are you sure it’s compatible? I’m getting fatal errors because the functions in bb-includes/backpress/functions.core.php and bb-includes/backpress/functions.compat.php, which are shared with WP, are all getting re-declared.

    However, if I make those files blank, the integration seems to work.


    In reply to: Can not upgrade to 2.6


    You should post from now on on the support forum for WordPress help, but we can still help you here since we’re mostly familiar with WordPress and bbPress.

    You do *not* need to edit the file, but it looks like you did based on that error, which is why we asked.

    I would try uploading all the files again. Maybe something just got corrupted in that one file, or maybe more files.

    If you need assistance, please contact me at the website listed in my profile.


    I change the Firefox icon to the IE icon on people’s desktop then remove IE from the desktop. It’s a hard habit to break but well worth it.

    I think you *can* subscribe to a site feed from within Google Reader: that’s the whole point. Use the “Add Subscription” button and paste in the URL for the feed you want. That’s it.


    wat bbPress pages? i dont see where the errors are?

    i dont get where the errors are :- , am I think im missing something ?



    After a lot of research, and looking at tumblr, then wordpress, then joomla, and now wordpress and bbpress, I think I almost may have made a decision. I want to create a site that is a blog on the front end, with the blog topics becoming forum discussions. Technically I don’t need bbpress to do this, but it seems to me that bbpress will facilitate better discussion. First, are there other sites that are already doing this, I would love to see how they operate?

    Second, and maybe most important to me are the user profiles and the ability to let other users ranks each other posts to comments. I’m looking for some opinions on which extensions do this the best.


    Oh yeah, I do already use Google’s reader – but you can’t actually subscribe to a site from within that, can you? And I have tried Firefox – I use it spasmodically. It’s illogical and even stupid of me, but I am so used to IE I find myself opening it up by default, as it were. No question, it is inferior to Firefox.


    Did you add that to wp-config.php as the first line, right after the <?php?

    The error cannot redeclare means something has already been included that it’s trying to include again.


    There are several different types of RSS feeds, so maybe some sites and some feeds are handled better than others.

    If you are stuck using IE6 you’re going to need a feed reader. IE7 has one built in, and IE8 is due around the end of the year as well.

    Once you try Firefox or IE7 (or any browser with tabs) I don’t see how you’d want to go back.

    Here is more info about RSS readers:


    Hi – I’m also trying to add access to bbpress functions inside WordPress. I took the advice above and added


    to my wp config file.

    Now I get the following error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _http_build_query() (previously declared in /path_to_bbpress/bb-includes/wp-functions.php:768) in /path_to_wordpress/wp-includes/compat.php on line 45

    Any ideas on why I’m seeing this and how to fix?


    Thanks, Chris. I know Firefox is a better browser, and the only reason I am using IE is out of habit. Currently running IE 6, and I suppose newer versions are equipped for RSS feeds. Anyway, you’ve cleared up the mystery of the RSS coded page for me! Weird thing, is, IE does show RSS feeds as they should appear on various blogs I’ve subscribed to. Why it should be different for the WP and bbPress forums…aaarrghh, not even going to think about it!

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