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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #68569

    Deadpan110, your procedure worked perfectly for me. I have WordPress 2.6.5 and bbpress 1 alpha 2.

    I didn’t know what to put into Secret_Key and Secret_Salt.. I assumed they referred to: Secret and Auth_Salt in WP 2.6.5

    And it works great! Now let’s see what happens with 2.7!


    I don’t see any ads (and I block them too).

    Immelody, I would suggest making the border around the login info boxes (for name and password) darker. I almost missed where they were and wondered how people logged in :)


    Well I still don’t have SVN access but thanks to Sam you can at least grab the first version :

    Do not use it on a very active site yet, there is no query cache.


    Are there ads or something like that holding the column in place? Because I block most ads and that might be it.


    FF3 on XP looks perfectly fine for me too.


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    i used phpbb for like 5 years now, it’s a great forum software, but i have to say that i admire the simple/plain approach of bbpress.

    so, am working on a phpbb3 -> bbpress converter. so far i figured all i need to convert forums, topics, posts, user info. i only have a problem moving user passwords, so does anybody know of a way of importing user passwords from phpbb3 to bbpress ? the problem is that phpbb3 doesn’t use plain md5 anymore, and i don’t know exact details about the new hashing method.

    am thinking about importing all users without passwords- or even with unified password, then generate new passwords for them all through bbpress admin panel and send it to their emails, but if i can import passwords it would be far better.

    anybody interested in helping me ?


    Check out post-form.php.

    If you’re talking about the built in bbPress page that happens, there is no way to trap that as of yet that I’m aware of…


    In FF3 or IE7 it does not look like _ck_ saw at all. Looks fine to me.


    @Nipon: I had that plug-in installed at one point also, but I’m not sure if it is the culprit or not. I actually installed it hoping that it would pick up on the bbPress roles but it didn’t.

    If you integrate by modifying the config.php files, you won’t be able to access the bbPress admin regardless of where you login from.

    If you don’t integrate the config.php files, you can access the bbPress admin by logging in ONLY through the forum/bb-login.php.

    WordPress just isn’t aware of how to assign your session/role the forum admin rights. I am convinced this isn’t a cookie issue because all of us seem to have them pretty well synced up, and we’re able to login and stay logged in.


    Are you using FF2 or 3? I’m on Flock, and my husband on FF3 and we’re not getting that. Also, what is your desktop resolution? I’ll try to recreate what you’re getting.


    Edit: Actually, what is it that you’re seeing as floating? I’m confused.. I thought you were talking about the tags, but those don’t float in IE or Flock for me.


    Have you tested it in Firefox on Windows?

    The column float is not working correctly and pushes the middle down below the left.


    I tweaked two similiar themes to create one that looks nearly identical. I wanted to post them here. If anyone would like me to zip the themes up, I would be willing to.

    I do want to give credit to the person who created the themes in the first place. I’m not great with coming up with raw code so really all the credit is theirs.

    bbPress original theme –

    WordPress original theme –

    My merged theme –


    I noticed that when the user forget the post title or something like that, bbpress redirect to bb-post.php.

    But i cant find the php file in the template folder to customize the design of that page.

    How can i do that ?

    Thanx in advance!


    How do I discountinue the integration – because I would like to change the integration of my forum to another blog?

    Do I have to remove the secret key from the files by hand, or is it enough to delete it from the admin menu in BBpress?

    thanks for any help


    I think what CK is saying, is that the developers of WP and BBP have lots on their desk right now, and before we put more pressure on them to produce more results, we should let them finish the work they’ve got.

    bbPress doesn’t quite have the panache of WordPress yet. It doesn’t have the user-base or the following or the demand. I think all of us share your enthusiasm for wanting a new version, but I also think that once bbPress gains momentum there will be no shortage of upgrades and new versions, especially if WordPress is any indication of their intent to produce new versions.


    I mark it as resolved :)

    > Rev. 1828 seems working …

    > Our support guys say it’s depends of files permissions – they must be not more 755.


    chmod -R 755 bbpress

    it’s working too …

    And I don’t use dreamhost :))

    Thanks all :)


    PHP scripts don’t even need to be that high, 0644 works fine too. Directories need to be 0755. Did you fix the problem by doing something? I noticed this topic is marked as [Resolved].

    Were some files supplied with the wrong permissions from bbPress?


    I know what is SVN, man :) And use it every day, for bbpress tests too. But alphas are good for bug reports, help others and wordpress integration testing. We sould discuss one named pie of code. I love digits (rev numbers are digits too), it’s my job, but the people is normal guys collection.


    Oh and by the way, you don’t have to wait for official releases, simply install a SVN client and you can keep in sync with the very newest trunk copy (or any other release) any time you’d like.

    It’s the same technique as for WordPress so use these instructions

    also see this topic for more details/ideas

    and if your server is on apache, here’s how to easily install SVN as a client instead of the full package:


    In reply to: tag remove fail


    Please file this in

    so Sam will see it and address it.

    But it’s possible that it’s been fixed already in the trunk.


    In reply to: Users with no role


    Please take a look at the WPMU tag for some ideas:


    Haven’t made it yet, still pondering the best way to do it (I tend to think about the more complex ones for awhile).

    Wow this topic was from last year? I must be slacking. I know I posted another message about it a week or two ago somewhere around here.

    Currently working on Super-Search which is badly needed.

    ps. ah here’s my more recent comments on this idea:

Viewing 25 results - 54,251 through 54,275 (of 64,077 total)
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