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  • #69217

    I recently ran into a problem with eaccelerator installed from source:

    When you update PHP, Apache will not restart since eaccelerator was compiled with an earlier version of PHP, and Apache can’t load the binary. If Apache won’t start, maybe this is why. Apache didn’t give any good messages at all, but php -m on the command line showed a problem with the eaccelerator binary being compiled for an earlier version of PHP. So, just recompile, reinstall and restart Apache.

    Hope that helps someone.


    Re embedding … There’s this:

    Also I found

    I don’t use either of them, mind.


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    I’m a big fan (and now a Facebook fan) of bbPress and don’t want to come off as ungrateful. But I’m definitely concerned about how long it’s taking to get WordPress integration going. Am I wrong in assuming it would be one of the highest priorities?

    Sambauers agrees with you. How do I know? #1007


    I’ll take a crack at this!

    1) I’m not sure about this, but if it doesn’t exist then I’m pretty sure it can be added through a plugin.

    2) The “bb-attachments” plugin allows users to upload images and other files:

    3) I was able to match the look of my WordPress blog to my bbPress forums pretty easily

    4) There’s a five star rating plugin here:

    I’m a big fan of bbPress, and have been using it for over a year. There are some people who have mixed feelings on bbPress though – you can read about that here:

    I haven’t had problems integrating signin or matching my theme. However, I have a site with one WordPress install and three bbPress installs, all using a shared users table… and each system has its own profile link. I hear that BackPress should solve this eventually (a single profile system that will integrate across multiple installs like this), so I’m sticking with the *Press platform for now. But it’s been my biggest issue so far, so thought I’d share in case it’s something you need right away.

    Good luck!


    Hey all,

    So I’ve been checking out various forums to use for my business’ site, and I’ve got it paired down to bbPress and Vanilla. I’m leaning towards bbPress, but I have a few questions that I’m seeking answers to first. If anyone can help me out, it would be greatly appreciated!

    (1) Is it available either by default or a plug-in to allow users to post <embed> or <object> snippets to show Flash files?

    (2) Is there a plug-in available to allow image uploading to our server, or are all the ways to get an image to display within a thread by bb [img]code or the “Allow Images” plug-in?

    (3) Would you consider bbPress’ theme customization to be about as equal (or easier) than WordPress’?

    (4) Are there plug-ins to allow for either digg-style voting or normal 5-star voting? Being able to host community-driven contests is important for this project.

    Thanks a lot in advance. One of the reasons I always use WordPress for my projects is because the community is one of the best on the Web, so I hope it rubs off a little bit for bbPress! Thanks again!


    tht tutorial sure helped me.thanks _ck_. last time i check the speed for mysql is 0.005sec before installing eaccelerator. how about win server?any good?


    If the user is not logged in on to bbpress 9.0.2, “add new” option should not be available for him.I hope this feature would be taken care in higher versions.


    Its great idea to have sub forums. I agree that bbpress does not have an option for hidden forums, but the discussions can be locked and pinned up for limited conversations.


    In reply to: BBpress/WP integration

    The admin page on your WordPress side ( should be the same userid / password you use to administer wordpress.



    I thought I would post this to just show off and see it their are any bugs people can spot (particularly design tweaks on various browsers and OS).

    It utilises the standard BBpress header and footer with the rest being hacked about a bit with numerous plugins installed.



    I am trying to add a bbpress forum to my WP blog.

    In the settings -> wordpress integration section of my bb dashboard it requires a WP database secret. There is already some data in that box, but below it says;

    ‘This must match the value of the WordPress setting named “secret” in your WordPress installation. Look for the option labeled “secret” in this WordPress admin page.’

    And when I follow the link to the admin page I am asked for a username and password, but it doesn’t seem to recognise any that I put in, so I don’t know how I am able to check that the values match.

    Also, how can I create a link to the forum in the sidebar of my blog?

    Any help much appreciated!


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page


    I don’t think the Facebook page setup stole any time away from bbPress development.

    I’m a big fan (and now a Facebook fan) of bbPress and don’t want to come off as ungrateful. But I’m definitely concerned about how long it’s taking to get WordPress integration going. Am I wrong in assuming it would be one of the highest priorities?

    I recognize WordPress has been in a state of flux regarding logins and I likely don’t know all the deep developer details, but it’s getting difficult to maintain confidence in the project. Will the 2.7 release make things any easier?


    Not currently without removing the integration in your config file. WordPress is conflicting with the roles inside bbPress, so even though you’re logged in, WordPress’s login has given you no permissions in the forum.


    How to install eaccelerator onto debian with PHP5

    (should be similar or even easier for PHP4)


    Apache, both 1 and 2 are based on old slow code. You can spend hours fiddling with performance settings and barely fix the problem. They don’t do well for very active sites and apache can be easily ddos’ed. You can either throw more hardware at the problem or replace apache when the loads get too high.

    LiteSpeed is literally twice as fast/half the load as apache (it’s also a bit expensive for the commercial version but there is a 5 account version available for free). Additionally it can plow through many kinds of ddos attacks. It’s a piece of cake to install and configure (GUI based).

    The free Nginx is also twice as fast as Apache but LiteSpeed can use Apache’s httpd.conf and .htaccess files so it’s very easy to install (10 minutes tops) and you can even switch back to Apache if so desired. Nginx requires a complete rewrite of any mod_rewrite rules, etc. and requires technical skill to install/operate.

    Matt is slowly converting some of Automattic’s server from LiteSpeed to Nginx to keep the ideals of open source but LiteSpeed is still too good and has no serious competition as far as compatibility so I bet he will probably continue to run it on some servers for years.

    As far as opcode caches I am surprised you had trouble with eaccelerator which tends to be the most compatible/easiest to install. APC does have some quirks but it’s being adopted by PHP and may become “built in” in some future version.



    I tried to integrate wp27final and bbpress 1.02a. I installed bbpress, followed the integration steps during installation, then changed bb-config.php with this code;

    define('WP_BB', true);
    if ( !defined('DB_NAME') ) {
    require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/../wp-config.php');

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_'; // your wordpress db prefix is
    $bb->wp_home = '';
    $bb->wp_siteurl = '';

    …and I’ve found several issues, the first one the no admin panel issue already discussed in this forum, but the fact is that I have no “Add new” link when logged in as user different to admin. Besides, I have no post form when logged in as admin and click “Add new”.

    I can’t go further with my integration but I like how bbpress is being developed, it is pretty fast and simple, just what I needed. Is there any way I can solve these issues?


    I’ve tried eaccelerator and xcache but it seems not compatible with my current debian setup. i have purge the installation back. i haven’t try APC yet. gonna try this in couple of hour. why use litespeed instead of apache?even other big site too dont use apache2. from what i’ve seen, apache2 have more function than apache1 and easy to use too..


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page


    It’s been a few years since Matt’s been around here…

    Member Since

    April 4, 2003 (5 years)

    Maybe at, eh?

    Last post around October 2006:


    OK – now I understand the question – sorry.

    Sam Bauers

    We are using, because this is a live site.


    The look-alike version is available here: (half way down page).


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    Hi Ipstenu,

    I’m going to disagree with you a little mate, and try not to take it off topic too much.

    Yes, each adjective is subjective to ones perspective. “easy” and “alot” etc. can mean different things to different people. That said, lets look at them a sec.

    “extensive plugins?”

    There are just under 120 plugins for BBPress.

    Over 1/3rd haven’t been updated in a year. I’d wager a good few of them don’t work anymore.

    And the ones with latest comments 6-12 months ago, usually don’t work either.

    Also from what i’ve seen about 1/4 of them are redundant or useless in 0.9 / 1.0alpha.

    So we’re looking at maybe 40-50 plugins.

    Does anyone think that’s “extensive”?

    I know it’s subjective, but, um, well you can make up your own mind.

    “You CAN redesign the hell out of a bbPress site”

    To a certain extent i’ll agree and disagree with it. To redesign a bbpress forum so that it doesn’t look like this theme actually takes a bucket load of work. I’ve done it for 3 websites, and every time it’s involved me writing full on plugins just to output the right code, or W3C acceptable code, or overwrite the damned code thats stored outwith the templates (why is that btw?).

    Can i stop and ask that? WHY does a theme designer NEED to write alot of non basic php code as a separate to their theme plugin, just to over write HARDCODED design output? Since when was hardcoding design output into the core of a theme-able piece of software a good idea?

    What you can’t do with bbpress, is hand a Designer/ HTML coder your template files and expect to get anything back that’s not a flat output of a table. It’s a point I raised a while ago (and i’ll not bang on about it) but BBpress works at doing one thing. Outputting a flat list from a database.

    In terms of your all forums kinda look the same , i have to agree in this instance. Most forums, ipb/vBulletin/phpBB etc do all look the same. but guess what. bbpress doesn’t look much like them. I’ve stated before BBpress’s horrific handling of parent/children with categories etc. is bloody woeful; but if you’re talking about usability, then bbpress starts to fall down a little.

    What it outputs is simple, yes, to the user, but it’s not very perceptive. Finding a specific post or vital information (say that 0.9 = WP2.5 – you know , something you’d expect to be on the documentation or download page but is actually on page 3 of a topic started 1 year ago) , is a disaster. It’s reliant on the user

    who posted the content using TAGS appropriotely and ofc it requires a better search function.

    Lets not forget that ‘tags’ are fairly new, and really only web savvy people use/know about them. A huge chunk of this software’s cross-pollination and iteration is taken out of the developers hands and placed smack bang in teh hand of the end user (whom we know nothing about nor can reply on).

    Just because something is simple/plain, does not make it inherently usable.



    Anyway, there are a number of things we’d all like to see fixed in bbpress. Some more vital than others. we’ll all agree and disagree on many, but my over riding feeling is this:

    Our Clients, customers, friends, colleagues, schools, own sites, will at some stage like to, nah need to, be updated to the latest version of WordPress. it will vary from person to person, but at some stage you know that a wordpress upgrade is probably in the pipes.

    But if you’re using BBpress, then you’ve been forced to hold off upgrading for over half a year. We will be/are a whole version behind, and surely someone can see that it’s got to be an issue.

    I suppose what i dont understand is, and maybe i’m the only one, so please 100% feel free to explain it to me like an idiot.

    if The most requested topic on this website is “wordpress integration”, and the singular fail point of the software is “wordpress integration”, and teh company that owns this software also own wordpress, and it happens to be your singular initial selling point of the software, um, well, WHY THE HELL HAS IT NOT BEEN THE ONLY PRIORITY AND FIXED IN THE 3 MONTHS SINCE 1.0ALPHA CAME OUT?

    We’ve had other fixes, new code, new features, a facebook page (see i hadn’t forgotten), but yet without even a hint of when this base level feature might appear, we’re told it’s a moving target.

    Please, explain it to me like a 5 year old, that hasn’t read the blog posts linking to the $29 million dollars investment, that also lead to Sam being taken on as a full time developer on bbpress (i.e. dont say no time/resources).


    Curious if it’s a working trunk version or alpha or what?



    Sure, but when is a 1.0 product coming out?? And remember, WP is not bound to bbPress and bbPress is just darn slow! I’m ok with that, but I can’t afford using it if that’s the case! Every new WP version breaks integration and then there’s months before a new version of bbPress comes out… Sorry, not for me!

    Don’t get me wrong, I love what they got here, but it just doesn’t fit me! I’ll recommend it to ppl wanting a very lightweight forum with little to no integration with any CMS! Well.. in that case why use bbPress, that’s my question!

    See? :)


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    I think it’s best we say its… Not fit for purpose.

    Well that entirely depends on your purpose.

    I agree with many of your points but you can make them of many other (if not all) bb sites. The majority of sites look similar because of usability. People are used to things working a certain way, and they expect familiarity (which is how many many people out there define ‘usability’). That’s why car design doesn’t change much. It’s not perfect, but people like it. That’s why people cried bloody murder over OS changes from Windows 3.1 to XP, but they got over it. Change is hard for users to accept. They don’t want to learn how to drive, again, they want to get on the road and talk about STEAM, damn it!

    Yes ‘easy’ integration with your WordPress site is a misrepresentation at this time. But the rest? That’s all perception and usage. You CAN redesign the hell out of a bbPress site. If you want to. The base code IS customizable, there ARE a lot of plugins. These are facts. What you do with the options is up to you, though.

    I don’t think bbPress is perfect, but after spending years trying to mesh my site with other forums out there, I’d rather have this than them.

    (Steam is a joke from which is my favorite thing ever)

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