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  • #75023

    Frooyo – I think the WP Super Cache is just being used on top of WordPress MU, which is the core engine for BuddyPress…


    Great, thank you. I hope that will solve my problem.



    Are you using the WP Super Cache (output cache) with success?

    If so, I would be EXTREMELY interested in know how you got it to work.


    I’m trying to change the post author link which is displayed as ‘Key Master’ (for example) to ‘User profile’. Tried lots of variations having looked through the bbPress template functions file, but can’t get it to work. The top part of my post.php code is this at present;

    <div class="threadauthor">
    <?php avatarupload_display(get_post_author_id()); ?>
    <strong><?php post_author_link(); ?></strong><br />
    <small><?php post_author_title(); ?></small>

    The post_author_link() line becomes;

    <a href="">Key Master</a>

    I realise I’m just not grasping how the PHP code/functions work, so if anyone thinks, “Oh yeah, all you do is…” I’d be very grateful for an answer.



    I’m also stuck at a similar stage to some others here, although it seems to be step 0 on the basis that I don’t even see the “let’s get started” link. I have uploaded the files to the server, but cannot find anywhere to go from there. No files appear to do anything positive. If I go to bbpressbb-admininstall.php I get:

    Warning: main(BB_PATHbb-admin/class-install.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in domain/html/bbpress/bb-admin/install.php on line 12

    Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘BB_PATHbb-admin/class-install.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/php-4.4.8-1/share/pear’) in domain/html/bbpress/bb-admin/install.php on line 12

    I have looked at installing libraries, but can’t find where to start. I know this is starting back at the beginning and I would really rather have worked this out, but I can’t think how to move forward from here.

    Thanks for any help.



    In reply to: Deep Integration Issue


    Immelody, just curious if you could give a quick run through of how you were able to apply (or convert) your wordpress theme to bbpress. I’ve been trying to learn how to do it, and so far what I’ve read is to copy the header and footer from wordpress to bbpress. Problem is I’m not that great at programming so it’s a bunch of guess work. I’ve been trying to do it unsuccessfully for about 3 months now…

    Sorry to bother you, but if you could help I’d really appreciate it and I’m sure it would help others as well!

    Edit: I forgot to mention I have the databases integrated although I’m not sure how I managed that :) It’s just recreating the theme that is really stumping me.


    By going gold, I just meant that the bbPress staff is about to officially declare a release as version 1.0:

    I personally think that there have been a lot of code changes (and new features) recently, and some extra time to focus as a community on identifying and debugging issues would be really good for the release. But obviously it’s not my call.

    After version 1 comes out, a wiki-based codex will be added to the site and we’ll work as a community to get the documentation up. Hopefully there can be more documentation around what functions like bb_permalink are intended to do. I’ll do my best to see if we can’t nail down bb_permalink’s specs asap!

    Hope I didn’t say anything to offend… I’m just a bbPress user, trying to help out another user. :-)

    Sam Bauers

    There have been significant changes in the file where your errors turned up (exactly around those lines).

    There is a good chance that the problem no longer exists, but please give us a bit more info to go on.

    Sam Bauers

    That article on the BuddyPress Codex is a little confused.

    Are you using WP-Super-Cache (output caching) or an object based cache like the memcached object cache?


    WordPress is working great. I had a couple of minor config details on the install, but it went in marvelously.

    I know what the problem is. It’s bb_repermalink. It’s creating 404s and endless loops because the code inside it can’t handle the way SunOS sets up it’s system variables. The problem is, I don’t know what the stupid thing is supposed to do, so I cant figure out if the code is fixed or broken (and of course there are exactly zero tech docs on either it or bbPress). There are some REALLY strange regex replace operations in there that frankly look wrong to me, but I don’t know enough about bb at the moment to know how to fix them.

    I’m going to completely disable repermalink tomorrow, and see if I can get the rest of the system to work without it. I tried that a bit ago and at least got past the first page. (although it told me, when I clicked on one of the forums it was displaying that the forum didn’t exist. At least that’s better than 404s and infinite loops.)

    Not caring about SunOS is shortsighted in my view, and calling the current code ‘Golden’ would be a mistake. What I’m seeing in bb_permalink is going to cause major problems in tons of non-Sun machines, I believe. If they release 1.0 the way it is, I predict it will crash on a large percentage of WP users’ machines and engender a great deal of dissatisfaction as a result.

    My 2c, for what it’s worth.


    Ah I see you’ve been going back and forth with Sam in trac:

    It looks like he moved it into the version 1.5 milestone… not sure what that means priority wise. But it sounded like he was saying that SunOS support isn’t a priority on the official roadmap. But developer support isn’t the only path here – someone may be able to come up with a plugin to add Solaris support! Especially if we can define exactly what the issue is.

    Right now probably isn’t the best time to get bandwidth from Sam, since bbPress 1.0 seems to be in the process of going gold in the next week or so.

    Just out of curiosity – does WordPress have any issues running on Solaris?


    In reply to: Menu Links


    Yes – Correct. I have tried it several ways. As per your example, I renamed the folders to “mikes-kakumei” and received the same error.

    What is the reason the file cannot be edited in “bb-templates” I made a crude attempt at it today at


    @johnhiler, I have two test environments.

    One is on my localbox, which doesn’t have WP_CACHE enabled.

    The second is my development server, which has WP_CACHE enabled.

    I should add that I’m using deep integration between WPMU 2.7.1 and bbPress 1.0 alpha 6.

    The problem only occurs on the development server, which leads me to infer that it only happens when WP_CACHE is enabled. However, I’ll turn WP_CACHE off and let you know what happens.

    @sambauers, BuddyPress + WPMU 2.7.1 + bbPress integration works really well on bbPress 1.0 alpha 6 (cookies and all). I haven’t upgraded because I’m afraid I will break integration somehow.

    If I were to upgrade, it will be when bbPress reaches version 1 status and when other BP developers can test out all the kinks involved with integration.


    Well… I beat my head against this wall the whole day and got exactly nowhere. bbPress still is broken, now after over two days… and frankly, I have no idea at the moment how to fix it.



    Does your message imply that if we use trunk, then WordPress static caching will work in bbPress?



    i just reinstalled bbpress after deleting all database tables with prefix bb.

    It was easy as i had no content in forum.



    That’s awesome! great work. How did you geotag your posts/info? I’ve been looking for a bbPress geotag plugin.

    Sam Bauers

    I won’t be able to get to bbPress Live until after 1.0 is released. Hopefully that’s in a couple of days.

    Sam Bauers

    You should really move to a newer version, preferably trunk.


    Right, that works fine too. It wasn’t so much about bbPress but about running WordPress in a different folder than the webroot. Got it.

    Josh Leuze

    I know it’s a long shot, but has anyone out there had the misfortune of dealing with YAF before?

    Recently I volunteered to move and fix an install of YetAnotherForum.NET, and after looking under the hood, I’d really like to scrap YAF and move it to just about any other forum software, especially a platform that could be migrated to bbPress.

    Any mad scientists with wild ideas?

    I’ll be glad to PayPal someone $20 to add a simple navigation header to my forums.

    My main site is at

    I would like a similar header, doesn’t have to be perfect, but simply include the logo and navigation links, at the top of my forums here:

    Just let me know which wordpress and bbpress files you would need, unless you can do it all via View Source, then as soon as it’s up and running, I’ll PayPal the $20 right away.

    If you need anything else, just let me know.




    If you turn off WP_CACHE, does the error go away?


    I forgot to mention that this error appears on the front page of bbPress.

    If I enter a forum or topic, the error is gone.

    Any idea how I can troubleshoot these errors?


    Thanks for the link Ipstenu. I guess I wasn’t thinking along the right lines, as it needs to be done in the browser, not on the bbPress PHP side. I’m not sure how to implement that JavaScript and HTML code, but I’ll give it a go sometime soon. It’d be nice if the CSS TextArea had a setting for that, wouldn’t it?

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