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Topic: Login Errors
Hello, installed the recent 0.72 version and having some issues. Trying to use it integrated with WordPress install. BBPress doesnt seem to recognize any wordpress users that have a space in their name. I have some wordpress users with spaces in their names (which function just fine in wordpress) and they are unable to log into bbpress. Users without spaces in their names log in just fine.
A couple of other issues which I havent dug into yet:
– If I try to activate the option for loading wp every time, I always get this error: “Fatal error: Call to undefined function: __() in /home2/klasenus/public_html/forums/bb-includes/capabilities.php on line 27” Works fine without it. Not sure if I really need it, but want to have full integration of bbpress into wp
– With mod_rewrite set to true, if I try to navigate within bbpress I get redirected to my wp 404 page as the bbpress page cannot be found. About the only link that works in bbpress is the new topic link
Any help would be appreciated… I will keep chugging…
Mr Papa
Topic: New bbPress Forums
Here they are at last, without a hitch!
Ok, without two hitches. We did have one false start.
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