Thanks for ready my posts mdawaffe,
«… bbpress-integration.php should add a “bbPress” tab in your WordPress admin under the Plugins tab… »
It’s there as describe.
«… Go to the bbPress tab. Did you fill in your bbPress table prefix?.. »
Under my WordPress MySQL tables, I find the WordPress and bbPress databases.
The way this all should work is:
«… A new user registers on bbPress. The first time that new user browses to WordPress, he or she is added to the member list (prior to then, that new user is listed under “No Role for this Blog”)… »
«… The same should hold if you swap “bbPress” and “WordPress” in the above paragraph… »
«… What are your $bb->wp_home and $bb->wp_siteurl settings in bbPress’ config.php?… »
It’s configured with for both; it’s taken from WordPress – Options->General:..
Thanks for your patience and support.
If you have things set up right, it should ask you to put in the user name of your WordPress account rather than asking for all that other stuff.
What does your $bb->wp_table_prefix setting look like?
It should look like
$bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';
(or whatever the actual prefx is).
The “Forum Name” can be anything you want. For example, one of the forum names on this site is “Installation”.
bbpress-integration.php should add a “bbPress” tab in your WordPress admin under the Plugins tab.
Go to the bbPress tab. Did you fill in your bbPress table prefix?
The way this all should work is:
A new user registers on bbPress. The first time that new user browses to WordPress, he or she is added to the member list (prior to then, that new user is listed under “No Role for this Blog”).
The same should hold if you swap “bbPress” and “WordPress” in the above paragraph.
What are your $bb->wp_home and $bb->wp_siteurl settings in bbPress’ config.php?
Hi there,
I run my blog/site on wordpress and I am really keen to add a forum. I have the option of phpbb or smf or our very own bbpress.
Picture support is my basic requirement. Could you please tell me when will it be added to bbpress? Coz i am all for WP!
And is there anyways, we could have the title of the thread as the url for the thread to make it more SEO friendly with keywords?
Thanks for the help 
ergate: I’m doing it manually right now. Assuming I carry on like that, is there a way to include the # posts functionality?
ear1grey: Your plugin looks to be the sort of thing I’m after, but I’m a bit confused about how it works.
First, I believe I’ve added that meta fields as instructed, but nothing seems to be showing in the post.
Also, it’s not clear from the example post on your site if it’s possible to direct users to a particular, pre-existing forum topic.
Thanks for any more help!
I had a similar problem. Being an admin in WordPress doesn’t mean you automatically get to be an admin in bbPress. Only the key master you created upon install of bbPress can access the admin. Once that user is in the admin area, you can add your WordPress admin as an admin of bbPress.
Sorry, I don’t have bbpress and wordpress linked. I just know that if I’m not logged into bbpress and I try to access the admin page, it redirects me to the main page
Yes, I’m logged in and am an administrator in WordPress. Could that be the problem?
Yes, I can confirm that my bbpress-integration.php and display-name.php plugins are installed in WordPress plugins folder and not in bbPress.
«… As for my bbPress and WordPress Admin username and password is the same for both databases: bbPress was integrated into WordPress MySQL tables during installation and configuration. Consequently, bbPress and WordPress seems to share the same cookies reason when I logged into one as Admin, I’m logged into the other as Admin; the same is true when I’m logout out… »
If my bbPress and WordPress seems to be using the same cookies, it’s because I change my bbPress Admin or Keymaster password to the exact/same WordPress existing password; reality check, the bbPress generated password at Installation will not work when trying to login WordPress.
I’m a newbie to all of this configuration.
bbpress-integration.php has been activated within WordPress plugin window/tab.
Thanks for your patience.
I’m already using WordPress French 2.0.5
Tested by creating a new member within bbPress. Then, still login bbPress, I attempt to connect with WordPress, but I get the message «Session has expired». My username automatically fills in the login username space within WordPress. In addition, this new member is not listed under WordPress members.
Stupid question, so forgive me…..bbpress-integration.php plugin is installed in WordPress and not in bbPress?
Mine just works with the bbpress-integration.php plugin. Does you login move over? What I mean is login in WordPress and move over to bbPress and remain logged in as the user you just logged in WordPress as?
If you are integrated with WordPress, you have to delete the user in WordPress. I learned this the hard way.
My bbPress and WordPress Admin username and password is the same for both databases: bbPress was integrated into WordPress MySQL tables during installation and configuration. Consequently, bbPress and WordPress seems to share the same cookies reason when I logged into one as Admin, I’m logged into the other as Admin; the same is true when I’m logout out.
The same is not true, as the above, with a new member registration within bbPress or WordPress. When I’m registered as a new member into one, I’m not registered into the other: the new bbPress registered member is not automatically registered into WordPress and vice versa.
How can I resolve? Thanks for your support.
The WordPress in question:
bbpress-integration.php and display-name.php are installed and configured.
In addition, I tested registeration within bbpress, but it didn’t registered within my integrated WordPress. What’s wrong?
Check over here my yucky bbPress. There must be something wrong with my bbpress installation:
After bbpress installation, I received an email with the following information:
Your new bbPress site has been successfully set up at:
You can log in to the administrator account with the following information:
Username: *moderated*
Password: *Your WordPress password*
I can’t access bbpress admin; I’ve use the same Admin username in bbpress installation as my WordPress Admin username. I get error message: Internal Server Error…
I’ve checked my WordPress MySQL tables, and bb tables are present within the same location.
bbpress-integration.php and display-name.php are active plugins.
Hope you can help.
If it’s not integrated (my wp+bb isn’t) then this plugin will probably work for you.
It does a little URL processing to work out what is being linked and based on that will return the number of topics matching a tag, the number of topics in a forum or the number of comments in a particular topic.
If I am not mistaken it looks like he already has an integration done. mjfiszman is that correct?
If so how did you set this up? or are you doing this manually?
If it is integrated (eg. calling bbpress functions on the wp page) did you try get_topic_posts()
To redirect users to a forum (e.g. see the bottom of this article), I wrote a tiny plugin called bbpress-instead.
I’m going to add a count capability now (for example purposes), so since it’s GPL (natch) feel free to embrace and extend
I run a WordPress blog and bbPress forums at Nearthwort Obtain.
In order to keep all discussion centralised, blog posts direct users to a corresponding topic in the forums for commenting.
If possible, I’d like to display a note next to each “Discuss” icon at the bottom of blog posts indicating how many comments have been posted in the post’s forum topic.
Is this possible?
Thanks for any help.
When would you expect for bbPress templates to be produce in great quantities and availability, sales or free downloads, this compared to WordPress templates history availability?
Thanks for support and moderation of my post.
About the bbPress installation First Step, what should be inputed in the following:
Thanks in advance for all replies.
Login name:This is where I enter my WordPress account’s login name?
First Forum
Forum Name:* What should I choose to put here? Does it have to match WordPress to integrate bbPress?
Double-check that login name before continuing.
Pardon my probable ignorance, but I was working on modding a wordpress theme to work with my bbPress install. I was wondering how to make it so that posts alternate color.
So I needed a simple forum to go with the wordpress install I was about to use to revive an old forum I have as a news blog with a small comunity on the side and I decided to use wordpress and BBpress for the mix. I obviously had to make them connect and so I did, here’s the result:
I was just unable to add gravatar support to my forum, can anyone help me with that?