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  • #50201

    In reply to: About Freshness

    Emre Erkan


    We’ve installed bbPress in our WordPress Turkey Forums instead of phpBB.

    Now, we have the same problem..

    Our server’s time is GMT -8 and our country’s (Turkey) time is GMT +2

    When we set $bb->gmt_offset = -8; (server’s local time)

    Frehness is ok on main page. But topics’ and posts’ times are wrong now.

    When we set $bb->gmt_offset = +2; (Turkey’s local time)

    Freshness is not ok, (seems like -1 years) but topics’ and posts’ times are correct now.

    How can we fix it?


    A clean install of .73 with it’s own mysql NO wordpress integration

    After installing everything went fine till after logging in to do anything! The main screen is displaying just fine, but any links clicked after give the cookie issue below… and yes I have looked at the other postings but the all incorporate WP which I’m not. Regardless, I’m not refusing cookies so I’m at a loss as to why it would say this and refuse every other page but the dashboard…

    Thank you for your help, the error is displayed below

    The page isn’t redirecting properly

    Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete

    * This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.


    define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘bbpress’); // The name of the database

    define(‘BBDB_USER’, ‘*******’); // Your MySQL username

    define(‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘*******); // …and password

    define(‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘************’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value

    $bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’; // Only letters, numbers and underscores please!

    $bb->domain = ‘;; // Example: ‘;

    $bb->path = ‘/’; // Example: ‘/forums/’

    $bb->name = ‘WonderLiver’;

    $bb->admin_email = ‘’;

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    $bb->page_topics = 30;

    $bb->edit_lock = 60;

    $bb->gmt_offset = 0;

    define(‘BBLANG’, ”);

    $bb->akismet_key = false;

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = false; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = false; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash

    $bb->wp_siteurl = false; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash

    /* Stop editing */

    define(‘BBPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’ );

    require_once( BBPATH . ‘bb-settings.php’ );


    Trent Adams

    define('WP_BB', true);


    $bb->wp_home = '; // WordPress - Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ''; // WordPress - Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash

    Hope that helps.



    I have installed wordpress in the main dierctory, and bbpress as a subdirectory. They are both working fine.

    I read the following entry :

    However I would like to doble check.

    “defining WP_BB as true” does it mean ..= ‘wp_bb’ ; or …= ‘true’ ; ?


    “define $bb->wp_home and $bb->wp_siteurl as your WordPress blog address and WordPress address, respectively.”

    does it mean :

    $bb->wp_home = ‘url of wp’;


    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘url of wp’;

    Thank you!


    I think I made a similar script yesterday. I didn’t make it as a widget because I never did much customization with wordpress itself.

    Anyone got an example of this being used? I might want to change the way mine looks if another looks better. (if you want to see what I did, you can view it at … the right side forum list thing)


    Yeah true.. Trent, thanks for clarifying that for everyone, and me! ;) :) :P


    /Me didn’t get to bed yet, so.. my brain is now working in reverse, compared to your’s.. since you got the sleep.. lol!!

    Trent Adams

    Needs to be an option though because with that code in there, it will exclude when most users wouldn’t really need anything excluded. As well, that is only for the sidebar part, not the widget.



    This is the block of database code that Trent had “fixed” up for me, to exclude the one forum.

    (Found near end of plugin file)

    function wp_bb_get_discuss_sidebar() {

    global $wpdb,$bbpath;

    $bbtopic = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_status = 0 AND forum_id NOT IN ('3') ORDER BY topic_time DESC LIMIT 10");

    Where => (‘3’) is the forum id to exclude.. :) ;)


    Trent Adams

    It isn’t put in as an option, (though it would be easy to do), but all it really is, is adding SQL statement to exclude a forum. Maybe a guy should put a plugin code option for number of posts displayed as well as excluding a forum.



    Glad to see someone is using my plugin :) The plugin has been listed before but it gone now, thank’s for re-posting it.

    Maybe u can send me the fix and i add it into the plugin.

    Trent Adams

    I don’t know if this plugin is listed anywhere in the forum (can’t find it), but this is a plugin that will have recent forum posts from bbPress in your WordPress blog. Sidebar or otherwise. I use it and it is a great little plugin:

    Recent bbPress Discussion in WP Plugin

    As well, if you want to exclude a particular forum from the list, I have a little fix. Reply if that would help you.


    Trent Adams

    Little duplication, but since this is a sticky post, I thought I would add it here:

    It is important to make sure for integration to work that you have the following plugin for sure installed in WordPress and the table prefix (in options of plugin in admin area of WP) correctly installed.

    bbpress-integration plugin

    This plugin will pull all registrations from bbPress into WordPress as well as make the login integration work properly.

    If you have users in WordPress that you want to be able to login to bbPress prior to the integration, it might be worth you while to place the following plugin in your /my-plugins/ directory of bbPress.


    The first plugin will work for most users, but the second is available if needed.



    Trent Adams

    Spencer and I got this going. It is important to make sure for integration to work that you have the following plugin for sure installed in WordPress and the table prefix (in options of plugin in admin area of WP) correctly installed.

    bbpress-integration plugin

    This plugin will pull all registrations from bbPress into WordPress as well as make the login integration work properly.

    If you have users in WordPress that you want to be able to login to bbPress prior to the integration, it might be worth you while to place the following plugin in your /my-plugins/ directory of bbPress.


    The first plugin will work for most users, but the second is available if needed.




    What about it doesn’t work? Do you get an error?


    In reply to: latest reply by admin

    Did you install that pluign in bbPress’ my-plugins folder?

    What is your Display name set to? (In your WordPress profile)


    Let me see if I understand the importation scheme you’re hoping for:

    1.) One-time import.

    2.) Each forum “section” would be a category in WordPress.

    2a.) Should a category not exist, it will be created.

    3.) Replies to a topic would be created as comments in a blog entry.

    4.) Tags (if any exist) would be dropped.

    This is going to be simple if I even decide to possibly tackle this. I don’t use either product in production, but have messed around with both of them. The biggest question I have is about users… Obviously, you’ll have users in the forum that don’t exist in WordPress. Would each user need to be created for wordpress, or would all of the imported entries default to a specified user? This would be the hardest (in my mind) thing to figure out and handle.



    Trent Adams

    The URL actually is here:


    Must have cut off the link as it was too long maybe?



    I have written a plugin to search the wp posts from bbpress search.

    you can find the details here

    Trent Adams

    One thing I did extra Spencer was add the cookie information for my domain in config.php in bbPress.

    $bb->cookiedomain = '';

    $bb->cookiepath = '/';

    Maybe try that. As well, I am sure you have it already, but wp_home and wp_siteurl can’t have slashes at the end of each of them.

    The bbpress-integration plugin in WordPress. All I did was edit the option to have bb_ as the prefix and even though it was listed already, I always save the option again. Superstition I guess.

    The WordPress-integration plugin was just thrown in my-plugins/ forlder in bbPress. It just works.

    Can you give me anything else that might help you with this one?



    As I had said in my blog post, I have those plugins up and running, but.. the problem is that those that register on the bbPress forums, are not able to post comments on my blog, as their username..? =/

    Plugins are:

    WordPress Integration (0.7)

    bbPress Integration (0.72)


    bbPress Post (0.02)

    It’s not pulling their email address, and their nicknames have to be assigned by me, in the blog’s control panel, under USERS? =/ I’d hate to have to edit each USER on my blog, so they can post as their “nickname or username”.. rather then “Anonymous”..

    Anyone with suggestions, and so forth?



    Hello. I am trying to install bbpress under a WP2.0.5 install at . I have gone through the documentation for integration at and looks like things come up fine.

    However, when i add an entry, or click on a tag (e.g. i see a blank page! not sure why.

    Its the same issue when I try to click on a forum topic – e.g.

    The variables in the config file are

    $bb->domain = ‘;;

    $bb->path = ‘/wp1/forums/’;

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘;;

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘;;

    This appears to be a wierd issue – i know i am missing somethign simple. IN particular I see that both $bb->wp_siteurl and $bb->wp_home are different from $bb->domain – could this be it?

    Any help will be appreciated.

    Trent Adams

    Kinda shooting in the dark here, but will it install as http://localhost/forum/bb-admin/install.php ?

    I am not sure if bbPress has to be installed with a fully qualified domain name or not.

    Maybe check out this thread as well in your search.

    (I know it is MU WordPress, but same principle may apply)


    Trent Adams

    If you haven’t figured this out already, but there is a plugin for doing this at and it does the following:

    Share user accounts between your WordPress blog and your bbPress forums.

    This plugin ensures current WordPress users can use the forum. As for registrations in bbPress and adding them to WordPress Users, check out:

    It is a WordPress plugin to bring across the information for bbPress registrations.

    My blog is setup so users can register in WP or bbPress because with these 2 plugins, it doesn’t matter where they register.




    Standard WordPress location:


    BBPress is located:


    BBPress template is:


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