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I’ve already posted this to the list, and I’ve also checked that disabling the one in the blog, stops this from happening.
However though, the plugin won’t work and do what’s it supposed too! Anyway.. on with the B.S…
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare bb_int_set_current_user() (previously declared in /home/mypath/myuser/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress-integration.2.php:14) in /home/mypath/myuser/public_html/forums/my-plugins/bbpress-integration.2.php on line 13
I got this error after uploading, and activating the newest bbpress-integration.2.php plugin.
I uploaded the two too:
my-plugins/ directory
wp-content/plugins/ directory
Please note though: I’m using the full path to my wp-blog-header.php file, in the forum’s config.php file.
I also have the following for near footer of the config.php if it make’s a difference:
$bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’;
$bb->wp_home = ‘false’; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash. Example: ‘’
$bb->wp_siteurl = ‘false’; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash. Example: ‘’
// Use the following line *only* if you will be loading WordPress everytime you load bbPress.
define(‘WP_BB’, true);
I’m doing this, to be able to use some of my blog’s wp functions, for wrapping the blog’s theme around my forums..
Is there a way to work around this, or..? Thanks in advanced!
I was wondering how to use bbpress tags on wordress. For example, since my wordpress and bbpress are integrated, i wanted to put a little member section on the wordpress site that would use the pm plugin to show you if you have any pm’s in your inbox. Is this possible?
Topic: Logout and login problems
My bbPress installation works perfect, except for that it generates a weird error message when I log in and log out and when I change my user (admin) profile. When I edit my profile, I end up at this page; bbpress/profile.php?id=1&tab=edit.
This page however gives this message:
The document has moved here.
Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I have tried to integrate my bbPress installation with my WordPress installation. Can anybody help me with this?
Topic: Disallowing Registration
I have a site with bbPress and WordPress. They are all integrated to where if you log in to one location, you are logged into the others as well. I also have (well, am working on) a unified registration page where I ask for all needed information and write it to whichever database needs it. Since I have this, I need to have bbPress lose the ability to register. Should I just change register.php to inform the user to register on the main registration page, or is there a better way?
Hey Community,
I have installed and integrated both WordPress and BBpress. WordPress is working fine, and I am utilizing the integrated user plugin. Both are working from the same database.
My only issue is when I click on a forum to view from the home page of BBpress I am given a blank screen of “No input file specified.”
I did a search an came across a post by a person who received a similar result, but under different circumstances, for is error was during installation.
Any how, I am new with bbPress, so any general directions or instructions would be greatly appreciated.
On my site, I have a file of general purpose functions in the site root called “mysite_functions.php.” I have WordPress installed in /wordpress, and bbPress installed in /wordpress/bbpress. I have altered wp_setcookie() and wp_clearcookie() in a WordPress plugin. In those two functions, I use
, and then the function call. It works fine.The problem comes in the bbPress plugins. I have a plugin overriding bb_login() and bb_logout(). In each of those functions I use the exact same code to call mysite_functions.php, but I get “failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [file path] [line number]”
In either case, the functions are unchanged with the exception of appending:
Topic: (A few) Ideas for Plugins
These are just a few things I thought might be handy for bbPress.
1. Invitations – would allow users to invite other users to the forum and maybe give them credit of some sort for the referral.
2. Cash – this is one of the really popular phpBB plugins, it gives users cash for posting, and sending messages, etc, and sets up the facility for other plugins to use the cash for their own various means.
3. Original Poster – perhaps next to the most recent poster or under the topic title, this would show the original author of the post on the forum view, instead of having to view the topic to find out. Just one thing that sort of bothered me, as sometimes I like to know who started what.
4. Subforums – I saw this somwhere, I think, but subforums would be a wonderful addition.
5. WYSIWYG post editor – I assume this is already in the works somewhere, but for folks who aren’t good with tags and what not, it’s really not userfriendly to post in bbPress. Perhaps just a copy of WordPress’s editor.
6. Custom Profile Fields – I think a plugin that allows admins to change the profile fields that are currently shown, add more, remove some, etc, would be really nice.
So…those were just some ideas I had, maybe they are not feasible or easy, but hey, at least maybe I got the gears rolling.