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  • #49904

    In reply to: err ERRR install probs

    If you switched user tables after bbPress was already installed, the accounts in the old user tables won’t work.

    You can log in with the accounts in the new user table, but none of those accounts will have administrator rights in bbPress.

    You’ll have to manually add something to your database.

    In WordPress’ usermeta table, add an entry that looks like:

    user_id: #your user id on your blog#

    meta_key: bb_capabilities (replace ‘bb_’ with bbPress’ table prefix)

    meta_value: a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}


    In reply to: Comments in WordPress


    Agreed, this would be a great idea. What a great way to combine a blogging community and forum users into one discussion.

    I dont have time right now but in a couple of weeks I will poke around with this, incase nobody else has.


    In reply to: Comments in WordPress



    Great idea !!

    It would be great to have a system that allow WP comments to be handled by bbpress in way that would be transparent (for example the number of comment been displayed under the WP post) and even (let’s dream) the x first comments available under the WP post (like it’s the case currently), with a link “read more.. ” directing to the whole number of comments in bbpress.

    I don’t know if this is realistic but such a system associating a blog script and a forum script would be really fantastic (currently blog handling of comment is really poor from a user point of view).




    In reply to: Anybody on PHP5?

    If you’re getting that error when WP_BB is set, you’re probably not including wp-config.php correctly.

    You do not need to load wp-config.php in order to integrate cookies or most anything else.




    In reply to: Can’t Login!


    Thank mdawaffe! I have solved this problem. It looks working fine when I moved BBPress into a sub-directory of my WordPress.


    In reply to: Anybody on PHP5?


    OK Here’s the dish:

    Perhaps this isn’t another issue.

    I was grappling with the “Call to undefined function __() in…” caper as a few have around here.

    Of course, this only occurs when I include WP_BB = true and my wp-config.php

    So, without either of those switches all works fine. Without these, how would the setup go as far as cookies and integration are concerned?

    As far as templates are concerned, I have no need for any wordpress functions to be loaded in my forums, at least not at this stage.


    In reply to: Can’t Login!


    Login problem:

    wp_home and wp_siturl will only work if the url for your forums is a “subdirectory” of the url for your WordPress blog. If that is not the case, you’ll need the more fine-grained control mentioned in the Cookie integration with WordPress Documentation

    Installation problem:

    on Installation, bbPress looks to see if there are any keymasters in the User Tables already. You’ll need to go to your usermeta table and delete the entry:

    meta_key = $bb_table_prefix . ‘capabilities’ (example: ‘bb_capablities’)

    meta_value = a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}

    This part of the installation will have to change in the next version for several reasons. The difficulties you’re seeing is one of them.


    No – WP_BB only tells bbPress that you will be loading WordPress so that it knows not to try to load thingsn which will conflict with WordPress.

    If bbPress is installed in a subdirectory of WordPress, put this in bbPress’ config,php

    require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/wp-config.php');


    In reply to: Comments in WordPress


    i would guess that we need to:

    1: Add a little code snippit inside of wp-post.php that creates a new forum SOMEHOW identified by the post ID.

    2: in your wp-single.php include that forum instead of your comments.

    3: SOmehow replicate/redirect comments/forum for RSS reasons and other ones that i do not understand! :) sloppy i know!


    Topic: Comments in WordPress

    in forum Plugins

    I was wondering if this forum would be capable of housing the comments of my wordpress blog inside the forums. Maybe through some sort of plugin or maybe just an option in bbpress itself.

    Anything info would be great.


    what does that mean?

    setting BB_WP equal to true that is. is’nt it suppose to load the header/footer of my wp installationg? if that is the case, it it’nt working.


    Yea, I agree with lstelie.

    WP use subversion to manage each localized file:

    How do bbPress’ developers think about managing localized file?


    In reply to: Can’t Login!


    I need a bit of help still with the login issue

    My config for this section

    // The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress.

    // If you’re not, just leave the rest as it is.

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // ‘wp_’; // WordPress table prefix.

    $bb->wp_home = ‘’; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘’; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash

    // Use the following line *only* if you will be loading WordPress everytime you load bbPress.

    //define(‘WP_BB’, true);

    /* Stop editing */

    define(‘BBPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’ );

    require_once( BBPATH . ‘bb-settings.php’ );





    In reply to: BBpress and MU

    bbPress should get along with WPMU just as well as it does with WP. See


    In reply to: Can’t Login!


    Solved my problem. It was coming from


    $bb->wp_table_prefix = false; // 'wp_'; // WordPress table prefix.


    $bb->wp_home = false; // WordPress - Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash


    $bb->wp_siteurl = false; // WordPress - Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash

    I had set the urls only to, when I added the http and www it worked fine.


    Topic: FAQ

    in forum Troubleshooting

    In reply to: Can’t Login!

    This is what it should look like:

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_'; // 'wp_'; // WordPress table prefix.

    I made the point about TRUE becasue it seems that you never set it to TRUE, you just add the correct prefix.


    In reply to: Can’t Login!


    When I use this option

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = false; // 'wp_'; // WordPress table prefix.

    Set it to true, and use my prefix, I am running into this error:

    bbPress database error: [Table 'dbname.1users' doesn't exist]

    SELECT * FROM 1users WHERE user_login = 'ergate' AND SUBSTRING_INDEX( user_pass, '---', 1 ) = '*****[moderated]*****'

    bbPress database error: [Table 'dbname.1users' doesn't exist]

    SELECT * FROM 1users WHERE user_login = 'ergate'

    Even if I intentionally put the wrong db prefix, it still gives this same error.

    But as long as I use keep using the old integration code in the config file

    // use the WP user table for your bbpress user list

    define('CUSTOM_USER_TABLE', 'wp_users');

    the login works just fine.


    In reply to: installing … error

    Those two line look fine to me.

    You are definitely missing files, though:

    Not all of them are there.

    Are you trying to integrate bbPress with WordPress? That would explain why bbPress did not complain that wp-functions.php was missing.


    In reply to: Can’t Login!

    I had the same problem, but after reading the Ulitmate bbPress Guide ( I realised I had made mistakes on these lines of my config file:


    $bb->wp_table_prefix = false; // 'wp_'; // WordPress table prefix.


    $bb->wp_home = false; // WordPress - Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash


    $bb->wp_siteurl = false; // WordPress - Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash

    I replaced the FALSE with TRUE instead of adding the actual urls and the'wp_'. Your problem might be completely different but maybe you made the same mistake as I did?

    As a side note it seemed obvious to me that if it wasn’t FALSE then I should set it to TRUE, but maybe not everybody agrees.



    In reply to: Can’t Login!


    Yes, I meet the same issue that I can’t login with my wordpress username. I used Dreamhost as webhosting.


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    i’m a total newbie in bbpress … but in wordpress you could use instead of the url .. the blog url example :


    to get the blog url …


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    Oops, removed my site specific urls.

    Well, the point of the entire plugin is to integrated with WordPress. I wouldn’t want to have my smiley images stored in two different locations and I’m not entirely sure were to edit my default WP smiley locations.


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    I wanted that functionality as well so I ripped some WP code, played around, and finally got something I could use. This is a highly sloppy work as I am out of practice and not really a great PHP programmer anyway. The plugin is mostly a rip of the WordPress code with a filter. It is not elegant or tested completely but so far it has been getting the job done.

    Note: This plugin will not work without a default install of WordPress.

    You have to create a directory called /my-plugins/, copy this code into a file called whatever-you-want.php, upload and enjoy!

    Feedback appreciated! Maybe I can improve on this and increase my PHP/*press skills. ;)



    Plugin Name: WordPress Smiley Integrator .0002

    Plugin URI: none

    Description: Gives WordPress Smiley Functionality to bbPress

    Author: John Farrell

    Version: 1.0

    Author URI: none


    function convert_smilies($text) {

    $wpsmiliestrans = array(

    ':mrgreen:' => 'icon_mrgreen.gif',

    ':neutral:' => 'icon_neutral.gif',

    ':twisted:' => 'icon_twisted.gif',

    ':arrow:' => 'icon_arrow.gif',

    ':shock:' => 'icon_eek.gif',

    ':smile:' => 'icon_smile.gif',

    ' :???:' => 'icon_confused.gif',

    ':cool:' => 'icon_cool.gif',

    ':evil:' => 'icon_evil.gif',

    ':grin:' => 'icon_biggrin.gif',

    ':idea:' => 'icon_idea.gif',

    ':oops:' => 'icon_redface.gif',

    ':razz:' => 'icon_razz.gif',

    ':roll:' => 'icon_rolleyes.gif',

    ':wink:' => 'icon_wink.gif',

    ':cry:' => 'icon_cry.gif',

    ':eek:' => 'icon_surprised.gif',

    ':lol:' => 'icon_lol.gif',

    ':mad:' => 'icon_mad.gif',

    ':sad:' => 'icon_sad.gif',

    '8-)' => 'icon_cool.gif',

    '8-O' => 'icon_eek.gif',

    ':-(' => 'icon_sad.gif',

    ':-)' => 'icon_smile.gif',

    ':-?' => 'icon_confused.gif',

    ':-D' => 'icon_biggrin.gif',

    ':-P' => 'icon_razz.gif',

    ':-o' => 'icon_surprised.gif',

    ':-x' => 'icon_mad.gif',

    ':-|' => 'icon_neutral.gif',

    ';-)' => 'icon_wink.gif',

    '8)' => 'icon_cool.gif',

    '8O' => 'icon_eek.gif',

    ':(' => 'icon_sad.gif',

    ':)' => 'icon_smile.gif',

    ':?' => 'icon_confused.gif',

    ':D' => 'icon_biggrin.gif',

    ':P' => 'icon_razz.gif',

    ':o' => 'icon_surprised.gif',

    ':x' => 'icon_mad.gif',

    ':|' => 'icon_neutral.gif',

    ';)' => 'icon_wink.gif',

    ':!:' => 'icon_exclaim.gif',

    ':?:' => 'icon_question.gif',


    // generates smilies' search & replace arrays

    foreach($wpsmiliestrans as $smiley => $img) {

    $wp_smiliessearch[] = $smiley;

    $smiley_masked = htmlspecialchars( trim($smiley) , ENT_QUOTES);

    $wp_smiliesreplace[] = " <img src='/wp-includes/images/smilies/$img' alt='$smiley_masked' class='wp-smiley' /> ";


    $output = '';

    // HTML loop taken from texturize function, could possible be consolidated

    $textarr = preg_split("/(<.*>)/U", $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); // capture the tags as well as in between

    $stop = count($textarr);// loop stuff

    for ($i = 0; $i < $stop; $i++) {

    $content = $textarr[$i];

    if ((strlen($content) > 0) && ('<' != $content{0})) { // If it's not a tag

    $content = str_replace($wp_smiliessearch, $wp_smiliesreplace, $content);


    $output .= $content;


    return $output;


    //add the filter

    add_filter('post_text', 'convert_smilies');



    As I did for wordpress many times in various customization articles and free released themes, I have begun to do the same for bbpress in support of the Automattic team and their excellent scripts.

    The Ultimate BBpress Guide goes over installation, customization, and even demonstrates some things that can be done to modify the forum homepage. I tried to be as precise and accurate as possible, so if I made any mistakes anywhere let me know so I can get them corrected quickly.

    Let me know if you find this helpful or not.


    + astereo

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