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  • #61773

    What is my .htaacess file on my bbpress folder suppose to say?

    And how can i create it if i have a mac?

    I have my own server with

    Trent Adams

    It might be that the .htaccess file of wordpress is over-writing the one that should be in the bbPress folder /beta/. I have heard this can happen. Do you have the .htaccess in the bbPress folder? What host are you running? I think (without searching) that this was something on GoDaddy, but I am not 100% sure…..



    In reply to: RSS to Posts?

    Trent Adams

    I know nothing that would do it straight to bbPress, but one could be written based on the WP plugins like WP-AutoBlog, FeedWordPress or another Maggie based plugin.

    I think the best bet would be to great a WP blog (hidden) that populates using one of the mentioned plugins and then a bbPress plugin like bbSync or bbPress-Post to pull the entries from WP into bbPress as entries.

    It would be better to create a plugin that does it automatically, but if you don’t want to re-invent the wheel, that is the only solution I can think of right now.



    I have wordpress installed in my main directory

    I have installed bbpress at

    for some reason when i click anything it takes me to teh 404 error page of my wordpress blog… wat can be wrong?



    I solved it myself.

    As a matter of fact it was a http://www./no-www issue.

    In WordPress my Blog-URL was and after I changed it to everything worked just fine.


    There is a plugin for WordPress but I haven’t seen one for bbPress.


    In reply to: How Do I Do This?


    In header.php, in the header div (where the login_form() is) put this:

    <img id=”headerlogo” src=”; alt=”The Angry Waiter” />

    Right now though, the image is taller than the header div (the header is 106px, the image is 131px, I think.)

    So, to make it all work, you’ll need to make the header div taller, or the image less tall. Then you’ll need to apply some styling to the image you just placed in the header. Something like this:

    #header img {
    whatever: here;

    That just gets the image into the header. Then you need to wrap an <a href="" alt="go home"></a> around that image tag you just added, to link the image to the destination.


    In reply to: How Do I Do This?


    Just grab the links to the individual forum pages then, and insert them into a WordPress page. You’ll have to maintain it manually, so if you add a new city you would need to add a new link to that WordPress page. I imagine there is probably a way with integration to use the bbPress functions in a WordPress page but I think that’s more work than it’s worth, especially if your list of cities is pretty much set.

    Your WordPress page would be titled “Forum” then, and in that page would be the links to the individual forums. Then you might not even need front-page.php since you’d be navigating directly to the parent forums for each city. I think you would probably leave it there so if anyone navigated in the breadcrumbs to the next level ‘up’ they would still get a list of all cities, either links to the parents, or the way you had it set up initially with the long front page.


    I have installed bbPress using the same DB as WordPress so they can both share user details. This works great. Although I have not put bbPress in a sub-dir of WordPress to share cookies.

    However, when I log in as the Key Master (who is also the administrator in WordPress) I cannot create new Forums. It says I don;t have permission to do that! When I use the exact same set up with a dedicated bbPress DB it all works ok.

    Is this a bug? I think it must be…



    My Blog’s address is:

    Installed in subfolder /content/

    My forum’s address is:

    I installed bbpress in my Blog’s/WP’s subfolder, because that supposedly should automatically have the right cookie settings.

    Could this be a www/no-www issue?


    In reply to: OpenID for bbpress


    Did anyone find that you could piggyback onto the WordPress integration/authentication when using the OpenID plugin? It didn’t work for me. I had the plugin activated on my WordPress site and was able to login and create users just fine, but bbPress didn’t know about the credentials and wouldn’t login.

    I need to get more familiar with how the integration is working – I thought it would work fine since it created a normal WordPress user record. But it kept saying the userid was unknown… Will probably dig into it later. The WP plugin is great – the persona fill in stuff is very cool. Only quirk was my ‘Display As’ defaulted to the userid even though a name was included. But I digress.


    electroniques: what are the urls of your installs? You probably need to set the cookie domains explicitly.

    joeby: I’d love to, but advice to electroniques is going to help you too. If you want to reward the help anyway, that’d be awesome.


    Yep, I have the same issue. Haven’t come across the answer yet, but waiting (im)patiently so I can get my bb up and running… As near as I can tell it’s a cookie issue, but I don’t know how to fix it…

    Anybody wanna make $20 to get my installs working?


    I just setup bbpress and integrated it into my WordPress blog.

    The good news is that when I signup a new user in my WordPress blog I can also log into my bbpress forum using the same username and password.

    But I would like the user to remain logged in. For example if I login to my WP blog and then click a link that takes me to a post in my bbpress forum, I have to login again.

    I thought I did everything necessary in order to synchonize WP and bbpress.

    Does anybody have any clues what could be wrong?

    Thanks a lot in advance already!!


    In reply to: Suggestions and misc


    Now .. ive managed to make WP and bbp share same theme. Dont know if its god but it works.. im running right now.


    include(ROOT . '/theme/header-start.php');
    <title><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> - <?php if ( is_single() ) { ?> &raquo; Archive <?php } ?> <?php wp_title(); ?></title>
    include(ROOT . '/theme/header-end.php');
    include(ROOT. '/theme/body-start.php');


    include(ROOT . '/theme/header-start.php');
    <title>MyWebsite - <?php bb_title() ?></title>

    if ( is_topic() && bb_is_user_logged_in() ) : ?>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var lastMod = <?php topic_time( 'timestamp' ); ?>;
    var page = <?php global $page; echo $page; ?>;
    var currentUserId = <?php bb_current_user_info( 'id' ); ?>;
    var topicId = <?php topic_id(); ?>;
    var uriBase = '<?php bb_option('uri'); ?>';
    var tagLinkBase = '<?php bb_tag_link_base(); ?>';
    var favoritesLink = '<?php favorites_link(); ?>';
    var isFav = <?php if ( false === $is_fav = is_user_favorite( bb_get_current_user_info( 'id' ) ) ) echo "'no'"; else echo $is_fav; ?>;

    include(ROOT. '/theme/header-end.php');
    <body id="<?php bb_location(); ?>">
    include(ROOT . '/theme/body-start.php');
    if ( is_bb_profile() ) profile_menu();


    do_action('bb_foot', '');
    include(ROOT . '/theme/body-end.php');


    include(ROOT . '/theme/body-end.php');


    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
    <head profile="">


    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo URL; ?>/theme/default.css" type="text/css" title="Default style" media="screen" />
    <link rel="alternate" href="<?php echo URL; ?>/?feed=rss2" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS Feed" />
    <link rel="pingback" href="<?php echo URL; ?>/xmlrpc.php" />
    <link rel="EditURI" href="<?php echo URL; ?>/xmlrpc.php?rsd" type="application/rsd+xml" title="RSD" />
    <link rel="wlwmanifest" href="<?php echo URL; ?>/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml" type="application/wlwmanifest+xml" />
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <meta name="generator" content="WordPress 2.3.1" />


    <div id="wrapper">
    // Etc...


    // Etc...

    Hope its all there.. ;)

    URL and ROOT is defined in wp-config.php

    Edit: you can of course cut BODY to include different sidebar wp / bbp :)


    I don’t think they handle plugins at trac. At least there is no component for “plugins.”

    I see you already posted in the plugin forum:

    You could try contacting the author of the plugin:

    Michael D Adams

    mda TA blog NOSPACE waffe TOD com (from his blog, and there’s also a wordpress email address for him as well if you look around…)

    Are you thinking this should be handled in the template files, and thus should be submitted to trac, or should someone just update the plugin?


    In reply to: 403 error in post.php


    I do have it installed on the WordPress side of the site.

    Ok, I’ve disabled it.

    Let’s see what happens now!

    Thanks for the reply.


    Ah, great! I’ve been translating bbPress to portuguese to use on my WPMU+bbPress project and when I try to set the language I get the error as well….

    Anyways, I guess I’ll have to try merging the two PO files.

    @ganzua, I don’t think you really need to define BBLANGDIR – it works because you have already defined the .mo file in WP config file. You get the error *if* you try to define BBLANG. However, if you leave BBLANG as ”, you won’t get the error.

    I actually haven’t tried yet, but I think it make sense.


    In reply to: get some trouble …


    ok – i’m the keymaster. the username is for example AndyBB.

    if i put the var’s to the right thing:

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘;; //

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘;; //

    i use the folowing plugin in wp:

    bbPress Integration 0.74 -> Michael Adams.

    Synchronizes registrations on your bbPress installation with your WordPress blog

    in bb:

    WordPress Integration 0.7 -> Tightly integrates user accounts between WordPress and bbPress

    if i now login into wp, i can use my forum with the same username as i login and this user stands in wp userdatabase NOT in bbpress users.

    if i log out, use AndyBB + password – can’t login !!!

    if i delete the var’s in config.php, i can login! i see the little admin link.

    so – i make a misstake. but i don’t know what it’s wrong.


    Seeking a simple solution that allows logged in users to upload and include images in their posts.

    All I’ve come up with is the Allow Images plugin, which adds a button to the editing form that helps paste an IMG tag so you can link to an external image.

    I was told in another thread that it’s far from trivial to create a file attachments plugin for bbPress: “A major problem right now is lack of per-post metadata. Even if that were present, this would not be a trivial task.” I’m not sure of the terminology here, but if “attachment” means embedding an image in a post, that’s what I want to do.

    ImageShack was suggested, a web service that lets people upload images which they serve for free. You can embed their upload form in your site, upload, then grab the preformatted image URL and paste it into your bbPress post. This kinda works, but it’s distracting because you get an ImageShack mini-ad, and have to go to their site to copy the link (cool service, though)…

    I thought of trying a simple uploader script that would upload files completely outside of bbPress and present the URL for cutting and pasting into the post. Kinda like the ImageShack procedure minus…ImageShack. Dunno, this is probably beyond me, though I may try with a canned script…

    I’m using 2.3.1 integrated with 0.8.3 via bbSync and WordPress integration. It works great!

    Any ideas?

    (I noticed that Allow Images is the #1 most downloaded plugin, 7x more popular than #2, WordPress Integration, so I imagine the MASSES are craving simple image upload… :)



    I have this weird issue. I have enabled permalink in my config.php. Initially I had the .htaccess with option +multiview in the /bbpress folder. Then I read that it would be good to have just one .htaccess in the wordpress folder. I did this and also tried to have the other option as documented in the site (using a generated list as content for .htaccess).

    Permalinks worked when I am not logged in. The moment I log in as admin, I see the address is of the form ?/topic=1 etc.

    I try clearing cookies, tried to delete the whole forum but still am able to reproduce the issue.

    What am I doing wrong?


    Are you using any custom role plugins with WordPress or anything that changes the display name? I think those things mess with the integrated logins.

    Your setup is fine. The URLs are supposed to be the same in config.php. And once you have it working you can log in in WordPress and still be logged in in bbPress. It’s just an issue of getting it right.


    In reply to: get some trouble …


    I think you will be redirected from bb-admin if you’re not logged in or if you’re logged in as someone other than keymaster. Can you take a screenshot showing who you’re logged in as?

    Sounds like you don’t have a link to Admin either. That makes me think you’re not the keymaster. Can you confirm with direct access to the database that you are in fact the key master? I think that’s the source of your problem.

    There was also a plugin that I thought could do this. Are you using any plugins? I would tell you to disable them one by one, but since you can’t access the admin section, that would be hard. I think right now you are going to need direct access to your database tables with a tool like phpMyAdmin or whatever your host provides.

    Regarding the WordPress error, that’s a WordPress issue and I think you will find help over at the WordPress forums, for example:

    (From the looks of it, there is no more post2cat table in WP 2.3, but not all the plugins have caught up, so some of them are causing this error. Or possibly you just need to upgrade the database schema to match your WordPress installation? In either case, that’s a WordPress issue and totally unrelated to bbPress.)


    I’m integrated on – though I think I’m a bit late for your weekend conference!


    In reply to: get some trouble …


    so – tested a lot.

    my blog has now an error:

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘summerdb.wp_post2cat’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT p2c.category_id AS cat_id, COUNT(p2c.rel_id) AS numposts, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(max(posts.post_date_gmt)) + ‘1’ AS last_post_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(max(posts.post_date_gmt)) AS last_post_date_gmt FROM wp_post2cat p2c INNER JOIN wp_posts posts ON WHERE 1 = 1 AND posts.post_type = ‘post’ AND posts.post_status = ‘publish’ AND posts.post_date_gmt <= ‘2007-11-18 15:26:18’ GROUP BY p2c.category_id ORDER BY numposts DESC

    if i try to login in bb-admin like:

    i was redirectet to

    i can login with all my users from wordpress into bbpress.

    i have all things done that was sayed in zhe docu and in this forum.

    in my config.php under bbpress and in the wp-config.php.

    but it doesn’t work very well and i don’t know how to figure out what i do wrong.

    anyone has a tip or a little workaround?



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