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  • #62766

    correction: the cookie value is made from the user name | expiration time | key (where key is calculated from the username+expiration)

    Essentially the expiration and therefore the key are changing and I don’t know why. The functions are based on time() so the timezone within bbpress vs wordpress should not matter. And the pluggable functions are identical between the programs.


    Will any of that help with indexing the forum though? My impression is that the WordPress sitemaps plugin generates a sitemap for WordPress content only, not bbPress.


    I noticed that your site has a sitemaps.xml. It may not be valid. You can use Google Webmaster Tools to submit and/or validate your google sitemap. I suggest you check it.

    You will also find that there is a newer version of the google sitemaps plugin available (3.0.3) than the current one you are using (2.7.1). 2.7.1 may not generate correct sitemap for a wordpress 2.3.2 site. Downloading the updated plugin from the plugin’s site may help.


    Is there any interest in doing something like this for bbPress?

    There are quite a few gotchas in getting bbPress up and running these days. The latest development trunk doesn’t work, and the release doesn’t work for a lot of people either. So, people are forced to edit files, apply patches or download an interim revision. What if we did something like but for bbPress?

    I have offered to help people off list before, but some are hesitant. Having something like this would add legitimacy to anyone offering to help. In fact, it flips it around. Someone wanting help requests it at that site, and then a volunteer from the project contacts them. Not as much chance of a random dude trying to mess with their server.


    I’m seeing some interesting behavior. Though I am a php rookie it seems like what I am trying to do should work.

    I include some code in the header that parses cookies and sets variables appropriately. I use the exact same code and approach in WordPress and it works perfectly.

    This is at the top of my bbpress header.php:

    global $research_subscriber; // '1' if user is research subscriber
    global $forums_subscriber; // '1' if user is forums subscriber
    if (condition) $nyquist_research_subscriber=1;
    if (condition) $nyquist_forums_subscriber=1;

    Just to make sure, I echo’ed out the variables afterward within header.php and they are all being set as expected.

    Later on, in files that include header.php (topic.php or front-page.php) by invoking bb_get_header(), I attempt to access these global variables and they are all null.

    Why are these variables not being passed? Why does this work in WordPress but not BBpress? What am I missing (bangs head against wall)?


    I know sometimes WordPress has a meta tag with the WordPress version, but does bbPress do something similar? Or, can you access something from the public side of a bbPress installation that would tell the version? It would save time helping others by preventing the question “what version are you running?”


    In reply to: OpenID for bbpress


    I have now put together some basic code which successfully interacts with OpenID servers.

    Unlike other solutions it doesn’t requires any other libraries or special languages/features on the server other than CURL support (with SSL) which is fairly common.

    Unfortunately during this time OpenID has upgraded to 2.0 and certain providers like Yahoo will only accept 2.0 queries and not 1.1 which is all the code can handle.

    But if there is any serious interest, I could get bbPress to accept openid from which continue to allow 1.1


    I have the problem that I can´t acces the admin panel since I deleted the WordPress”files” WordPress database and my bbPress installation was in the same database.

    don´t have a backup.

    but did a fresh reinstall in the nower bbpress database.

    does anyone know how to solve that problem?


    That has to be one of the top 10 themes I’ve seen for bbpress, very well done. The wordpress integration is also excellent.

    I personally love white text on darker background so it’s a favorite for me.

    Are you going to make it publicly available for download?


    I think you should start a new topic.

    If you deleted the WordPress database and your your bbPress installation was in the same database, then your bbPress installation is gone. You might restore from backup, but other than that you need to reinstall fresh.


    I have the problem that I can´t acces the admin panel since I deleted worpress and the wordpressdatabase.

    does anyone know how to change that?


    In reply to: bbSync


    Sorry, I should have been more thorough. Follow these instructions at the bottom of the page.


    We’re now running bbpress in our support forums and I must say I absolutely love it – we have integrated it quite nicely with wordpress.

    My Wishlist:

    • ability to add a search form – in WordPress integration mode
    • How I wish TinyMC was integrated
    • Even nicer WordPress integration
    • Native image support

    Check it out:


    I can live without integration but it would be nice to have shared header and sidebar code. I just wanted to log my observation in case someone else had the same problem.

    I imagine with all the new focus on forum software these issues will eventually get mowed down.


    It sounds vaguely to me like a timeout issue, where something in the ajax is waiting for a response from the server.

    It would probably take more debugging time that it’s worth, you’d have to watch requests in realtime either from your side through a firewall or from the server side logs (ie. tail).

    I haven’t kept up with the ajax changes in wordpress since 2.1 so I have no idea what’s going on there – wish I could be more help. Ajax is usually the first thing I gut out of wordpress (and bbpress).


    In reply to: Databases


    Sounds like you have the database name in there incorrectly. If WordPress is working, then you just need to enter the exact same details in the bbPress config.php for the database.


    I have reverted to straight BBpress. Topic page loads went from 4-6s back to 200ms. The js components, for reasons I do not understand, load much more slowly with a full wp include.


    You should always evaluate the “need” to run WP with BB at the same time. I don’t mean shared login and common cookies which is simple integration, but instead having bbpress load all of wordpress for every page page. That’s a HUGE number of files and mysql calls being generated for every page, multiplied by the number of plugins you have with their own mysql stored settings.

    Many times there are ways around loading both at the same time with a few tricks and plugins. If you are on a shared/vps host that’s giving you limited resources you may find streamlining absolutely necessary to deal with any bursts in traffic.


    I just completed a WP/BB integration and have noticed a speed decrease.

    According to Firebug, most of the delay is in the downloading of the .js ajax components.

    The other thing I noticed is gmt_offset no longer seems to work- the time displayed is always GMT.


    In reply to: Databases


    Use the same database, and make sure the table prefix is different that what you are using for WordPress. By default, it’s bb_ in the config.php and you can leave it as is so long as you’re not using that already.


    Topic: Databases

    in forum Troubleshooting

    I’m new to all of this, so yes I’m a newb. Do I need to setup a separate db for bb-press different from the wordpress db or can I use the same db?


    My bbPress install is integrated with my WordPress install and they serve members of my orchestra. Both the WP-part as the bbPress-part are only accessible for registered users. However we have a few kinds of users: substitutes (users that fill in vacancies temporarily), aspiring members (users that want to become member but who haven’t auditioned yet) en members.

    In bbPress I want to block the substitutes and give the aspiring members an inactive role. However, it doesn’t work. When I edit someone’s profile and set his role to blocked or inactive and click edit profile, nothing’s changed.

    I’m using bbPress


    Does this have any effect on the speed wp pages are loaded? When I include this line the pages take about four times as long to load. When I remove it, they go back to normal. Anyway to avoid this drastic slowdown?


    Thanks very much for the kind words.

    WordPressl, I mock up a few different design options in PhotoShop and when I’m happy there I move to the code. Since this was my first exposure to bbpress I ended up iterating between PS and the code a lot as I got to understand bbpress better. The challenge was to keep the flavor of the blog, but still make it clear to the user that they are somewhere different.

    The mechanics of the template are similar to the default theme. The different look is achieved mostly through the CSS stylesheet. One major change to the layout is to add a floating div for the sidebar on the left. All the rollovers are CSS. I do the tabs simply in php by checking which forum the user is in and displaying the tab bar appropriately. Most of the other changes are actually about hiding some of the power of bbpress.

    I’m glad the “tabs” resonate. I had a full working site in beta without them, but just wasn’t happy. The breadcrumb is a little subtle (particularly for folks who are new to a forum), and with only 4 forums and no sub-forums seems like overkill. But without the breadcrumb the user is lost once they’re in one of the forums or topics. The tab solves that and makes it easy to get to any forum from almost everywhere.


    Okay I have created a new plugin “Human Test” which will do some tests during registration to try to slow down the bots.

    Eventually will do more tricky things like captcha and variable math but for version 0.01 it simply asks what the answer to 2+2 is.

    I need to know if this still works with older versions and weird themes:

    Awaiting inclusion in the bbPress plugin depository for newer versions.

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