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  • #3064

    Hi iam trying to install this

    but i am stuck i get the message

    Cannot select DB.

    and i have written the table into the config file and uploaded it and created the table

    this is how my config file looks

    i have taken out user and password

    is there anything else i can have missed?????

    please help………….


    // ** MySQL settings ** //

    define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘Kreativa_forum’); // The name of the database

    define(‘BBDB_USER’, ‘user’); // Your MySQL username

    define(‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘password’); // …and password

    define(‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘localhost:/tmp/mysql5.sock’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change these last few

    define(‘BBDB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’); // If you are *upgrading*, and your old config.php does

    define(‘BBDB_COLLATE’, ”); // not have these two contstants in them, DO NOT define them

    // If you are installing for the first time, leave them here

    // Change the prefix if you want to have multiple forums in a single database.

    $bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’; // Only letters, numbers and underscores please!

    // The full URL of your bbPress install

    $bb->uri = ‘;;

    // What are you going to call me?

    $bb->name = ‘mias forum’;

    // This must be set before you run the install script.

    $bb->admin_email = ‘’;

    // Set to true if you want pretty permalinks, set to ‘slugs’ if you want to use slug based pretty permalinks.

    $bb->mod_rewrite = slug;

    // The number of topics that show on each page.

    $bb->page_topics = 30;

    // A user can edit a post for this many minutes after submitting.

    $bb->edit_lock = 60;

    // Your timezone offset. Example: -7 for Pacific Daylight Time.

    $bb->gmt_offset = 0;

    // Change this to localize bbPress. A corresponding MO file for the

    // chosen language must be installed to bb-includes/languages.

    // For example, install to bb-includes/languages and set BBLANG to ‘de’

    // to enable German language support.

    define(‘BBLANG’, ”);

    // Your Akismet Key. You do not need a key to run bbPress, but if you want to take advantage

    // of Akismet’s powerful spam blocking, you’ll need one. You can get an Akismet key at


    $bb->akismet_key = ”; // Example: ‘0123456789ab’

    // The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress.

    // If you’re not, just leave it as it is.

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ”; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘;; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // Example: ‘;

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘;; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // Example: ‘;

    /* Stop editing */

    if ( !defined(‘BBPATH’) )

    define(‘BBPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’ );

    require_once( BBPATH . ‘bb-settings.php’ );



    Right I’ve narrowed this down.

    I’ve redirected bbPress’ login to WordPress. That’s fine. Now here’s exactly what happens when you register.

    1) Go to wp-register.php, fill in fields

    2) Check email, get password

    3) Login at wp-login.php

    4) Go to forum, already logged in – INACTIVE

    5) Log out of forum, log back in – ACTIVE

    Obviously the last two steps are problems. Is this a cookie issue?

    Sam Bauers

    You need to remove the integration plugins for a start. They are not required with WP2.5/bbPress0.9

    The role manager plugin in WP may be hampering things too.

    In fact, you should turn off all your plugins on both WP and bbPress and see how it goes.

    The only other potential for a bug is if you have a non standard WordPress table prefix (i.e. not “wp_”)


    Could this be to do with me having the Role Manager plugin enabled on WordPress?


    No. I have the very latest bbPress and WordPress nightly builds and this issue remains.


    In reply to: No Input Specified.


    I have a WordPress site as well, with bbPress in a subdirectory, and permalinks for me work in WordPress and not bbPress. I gave up on it long ago since it’s just not that important to me. I have no idea why it works for WordPress and not bbPress. I’ve tried all the steps as well.


    No help I’m afraid…sorry. But am I to understand, that when I upgrade to the latest versions of WordPress & bbPress, integration (functioning correctly or not) is already built it, without the addition of plugins etc….??


    I changed in formatting-functions.php this code:

    $text = preg_replace(‘/[^a-z0-9-]/i’, ”, $text);

    $text = preg_replace(‘|-+|’, ‘-‘, $text);


    $text = preg_replace(‘|%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])|’, ”, $text);

    $text = preg_replace(‘/&.+?;/’, ”, $text);


    $text = preg_replace(‘/[^a-z0-9_-]/i’, ”, $text);


    $text = preg_replace(‘|[^a-z0-9 _.-@]|i’, ”, $text);

    * Original code from WordPress (formatting.php), maybe true :)

    Now, I can registration arab characters, but I can not login ( This username does not exist.)



    In reply to: No Input Specified.


    no man, i have a wordpress site in the same server and the slugs works.. i dont know, maybe i could copy the configuration of the wordpress site…


    Can someone PLEASE help me, this is ridiculous!!

    I have the respective integration plugins enabled on both WordPress and bbPress

    1) If I sign up in WordPress, the bbPress user has an inactive role

    2) If I sign up in bbPress, the WordPress user has NO role ***AND*** my Key Master account is DEMOTED to a role with no abilities to post, edit profile or anything.

    Please someone take some time quickly to help me solve this issue, it must be something I’m doing wrong here.

    I’m using the latest 0.9 release and WordPress 2.5


    Looks like I’m running into the same or similar issue.

    Localization works fine on my local system, which is WordPress free.

    I’ve uploaded the same configuration onto a hosted server and this one fails to internationalize. I realize now that the hosting provider offers WordPress as installation option out of the box. I suspect this to be the reason why the internationalizations fails, presumably because of some preliminary setups for WordPress are in place already.

    Is there a clean solution to get bbpress internationalized without all the hazzle from WordPress? I intend not to install the WordPress package.



    The role mapping has always been set in the admin, but I clicked ‘Set Role Map’ again – didn’t work. Did a test registration from bbPress… the user in WordPress has ‘no role for this blog.’

    Again, I sign up in WordPress, the user in bbPress is ‘Inactive.’

    Could this possibly be something to do with the Role Manager plugin in WordPress? If it is, it’s weird as my default role is still Subscriber…

    I really want to sort this ASAP as members will be seeing the forums from next week and it will be bad if they can’t access one or other section until I’ve manually changed their roles.

    Sam Bauers

    Go to the WordPress integration options page in the admin and set the user roles at the bottom of the page. Doing so will update any existing users lacking roles in either WordPress or bbPress.

    Once the user role mapping is set it will add roles to WordPress as well as bbPress from then on when a user registers in bbPress. WordPress registrations is another matter though, I thought a subscriber would have defaulted to being a member in bbPress. I.e. if they had user data but no role the default is to make them at least a member. Can you check this?


    I’m running the latest version of 0.9 and WordPress 2.5.

    How easy is it to make so that if a user signs up on either WordPress OR bbPress’s register scripts, the correct user role is assigned?

    Right now, if a user on my site signs up on WordPress, they get a Subscriber role but no role on the forum. If a user signs up on the forum, they get a Member forum role but no role on the blog.

    I dabbled with the plugins to supposedly fix this but succeeding in little more than somehow stripping both my WordPress AND my bbPress admin priviledges, which I had to put back in phpMyAdmin, to much strife. Yes that’s right, I ended up as a bog-standard member on bbPress and a Subscriber on WordPress. It was NOT fun.

    I really want to fix this as this is all that stands between me and a fully integrated WP/BBP. Thanks in advacne


    I agree. I know bbpress isn’t ‘designed’ to be a drop in integration with wordpress, it seems obvious to me that that should be a major focus. There’s simply too many issues with integration for two projects that share so many concepts, etc… Hopefully 2.5/0.9 will solve a lot of that. It shouldn’t be too much longer after that that WPMU will graft the 2.5 code. I just can’t believe there’s threads on here from 2 years ago about problems sharing cookies.. that are still active. heh.


    Oh dear!

    I’ve been trying to get my integrated setup to work better. It was all perfect except for how the roles differed so if you registered on bbpress, the WordPress admin panel would fail for you and the new user would have no role.

    So what I did was installed the bbpress integration plugin on WordPress. Somewhere along the way though, I’ve lost all admin privileges on my blog. I literally can’t access the Admin area!

    Someone help?


    nolageek, I’m with you on the integration. Seems people are usually looking for three things from bbPress:

    1. User integration with WordPress out of the box


    2. Theme integration with WordPress out of the box

    (make the forum look like the blog)

    3. Working slugs or permalinks out of the box

    (why is it so easy with WordPress and so hard with bbPress?)

    (Regarding MU, I have no idea. I’m talking mostly about WordPress.)

    I would say those are the most common requests in these forums, ones that come up over and over.

    Sorry for hijacking your thread.


    I got paros running, could login to a bunch of sites (gmail, yahoo, here) but kept asking me for my bbpress’ login over and over.

    What exactly do you want to see from the session in paros?

    GET HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080201 Firefox/ Paros/3.2.13
    Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5
    Accept-Language: en-us
    Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
    Keep-Alive: 300
    Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
    Cookie: __utma=164913321.806591864.1206118840.1206381545.1206389257.5; __utmz=164913321.1206118840.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); ?wordpressuser?=admin; ?wordpresspass?=33b7fd3d41082aeb1764e84c5e297d8f; ‘wordpressuser’=admin; ‘wordpresspass’=33b7fd3d41082aeb1764e84c5e297d8f
    Content-length: 0


    I just got an email from someone with a WordPress 2.2.2 site, and all of the sudden she lost the ability to create a new post (in the last month anyway). She gets a javascript error. Take a look at the screenshot:

    She is using IE7. I did not get the same error when I logged into her blog and created a new test post or page (with either IE7 or FF.) So, she cleared her cookies and everything is back to normal. Maybe it’s something simple like that for you as well.

    I wonder if there was some sort of update on the server (or a couple different hosting companies or something) that is causing these problems. Maybe they upgraded a package because of a vulnerability?


    this make widgets work in forum..

    this is only for the 2.3.x wordpress and current version of bbpress .. the new version of wordpress and bbpress might have a different approach


    Running BBpress, WordPressMU 1.3.3, PHP 5.25

    I don’t see any sort of indication of Suhosin, etc:

    I just tried a bunch of things and any and only admin functions that involve Ajax gives me the “You do not have permission to do that.” error.


    Topic: Bogus users

    in forum Troubleshooting

    I’m not 100% sure this is a bbPress problem or a WordPress problem but I have a large number of spammy user signups each day. Is there anything I can do to fix this?


    We build a bbpress forum integrated with WordPress and a custom template at

    We also have a Polish translation available for the forum if anyone is interested.


    This is apparently caused by servers running the Suhosin PHP hardening patch… it encrypts cookies. I was having a simlar problem about a year ago on another site:

    Can’t post. Topic turns yellow. Can’t delete.

    I found this plugin for WP that fixes it (in WP).. it’s apparently a bug in WP’s AJAX handling. Perhaps something similar is going on inside BBpress’ AJAX functionality?

    in pluggable.php (current)

    if ( !function_exists('bb_check_ajax_referer') ) :
    function bb_check_ajax_referer() {
    if ( !$current_name = bb_get_current_user_info( 'name' ) )

    $cookie = explode('; ', urldecode(empty($_POST['cookie']) ? $_GET['cookie'] : $_POST['cookie'])); // AJAX scripts must pass cookie=document.cookie
    foreach ( $cookie as $tasty ) {
    if ( false !== strpos($tasty, bb_get_option( 'usercookie' )) )
    $user = substr(strstr($tasty, '='), 1);
    if ( false !== strpos($tasty, bb_get_option( 'passcookie' )) )
    $pass = substr(strstr($tasty, '='), 1);

    if ( $current_name != $user || !bb_check_login( $user, $pass, true ) )

    From above mention (wordpress) plugin:

    if (!function_exists('check_ajax_referer')) :
    function check_ajax_referer() {
    // Explode cookie data like WordPress normally does
    $cookie = explode('; ', urldecode(empty($_POST['cookie']) ? $_GET['cookie'] : $_POST['cookie'])); // AJAX scripts must pass cookie=document.cookie
    foreach ( $cookie as $tasty ) {
    if ( false !== strpos($tasty, USER_COOKIE) )
    $user = substr(strstr($tasty, '='), 1);
    if ( false !== strpos($tasty, PASS_COOKIE) )
    $pass = substr(strstr($tasty, '='), 1);

    // This variable is set when cookie data was sent in an encrypted fashion
    // For more information:
    // *
    // *
    // Explode the raw (HTTP) cookie data using the WP method
    $crypt_cookie = explode('; ', $_SERVER['RAW_HTTP_COOKIE']);
    foreach ( $crypt_cookie as $tasty ) {
    if ( false !== strpos($tasty, USER_COOKIE) )
    $crypt_user = substr(strstr($tasty, '='), 1);
    if ( false !== strpos($tasty, PASS_COOKIE) )
    $crypt_pass = substr(strstr($tasty, '='), 1);
    // Set $user and $pass to the decrypted values if the cookies match
    if($crypt_user == $user && $crypt_pass == $pass)
    $user = $_COOKIE[USER_COOKIE];
    $pass = $_COOKIE[PASS_COOKIE];

    if ( !wp_login( $user, $pass, true ) )


    I was using the Display Name plugin, and now I can’t add new forums to the bbpress. Is there anythingI should do to reverse whatever it did to screw up the permissions?

    After a couple of weeks and double checking I did everthing you outlined up there,, I *still* can’t get the cookie thing straightened out. I just cant seem to get single-login to work.. I’ve tried just about everyting I’ve found on the forum. (maybe that’s it… too many things?)

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