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  • #63971

    Why not move the forum to the domain where the blog is, so you can share cookies?


    Hey all,

    So I’ve searched both this forum and the WP forum. And there are a ton of avatar related threads, and I’ve read through most of them. It looks like there have been a few various implementations.

    But most of those threads are almost a year old, and now we’re in 2.5 and .9.0.1 land… and so I’d love a definitive uptodate answer as to which plugin(s) to use to best integrate avatars into both sites.

    Gravatars are cool and all (I do have an integrated user base) but pretty much the first question people asked is how they can upload an avatar without using gravatars (I think some people don’t want their image suddenly showing up all over the web wherever they’ve commented in the passt)


    In reply to: Password mismatch

    Sam Bauers
    Sam Bauers

    bbPress 0.9 requires WordPress 2.5 “out of the box” but I have just released a couple of plugins that allow for integration with earlier versions of WordPress (e.g. version 2.3).

    Although you can use these plugins to get integration with earlier versions happening, it is still strongly recommended that you upgrade your WordPress installation to version 2.5!

    Only follow this guide if you are using bbPress 0.9 or higher and are trying to integrate it with a WordPress installation with a version earlier than version 2.5!!!

    The problem with using earlier versions of WordPress is two-fold:

    1. The password hashing algorithm has changed.
    2. The authentication cookie is now different.

    The solution is to install these two plugins into bbPress:

    1. MD5 Insecurity for bbPress” – downgrades bbPress’ password hashing back to MD5.
    2. Mouldy Old Cookies for bbPress” – Reinstates use of the old cookie styles in bbPress.

    Download and install each of these into bbPress. No plugins should be necessary in WordPress to enable integration.

    I recommend you make these plugins “autoload” by pre-pending an underscore “_” to the plugin filename. This means the plugins will always load and can’t be deactivated from the plugin page in the admin area.



    Is there any good plugin for bbPress admins who don’t need a complete WordPress installation, but want a simple portal with news, forum stats, and articles? How about a “promote to frontpage” sort of plugin?

    Thanks for the help!


    I wish there was some wordpress plugin atleast to bridge this.

    Sam Bauers

    Is there a reason why you are loading WordPress inside bbPress? If not you should stop. There is no need to do this for standard integration to work.

    Also, remove all your plugins and see if it stops. If it does, add them back one by one to see which one is causing the problem.

    Sam Bauers

    The short answer is no, it’s not possible out of the box, but it is probably possible using a tricky sequence of redirects between the domains.



    Just installed bbpress latest version on I want to integrate it with my wordpress on and have the users logged in both if they log in at one of the sites. Looks liek for this to work, both the wp and bbpress shoudl be under same domain.

    Isn’t there any way to get it to work on different domains.

    Thanks for any help/workaround.


    With both WP 2.3.3 and WP 2.5 under bbpress 8.3.X I was using the Wordspew plugin to present a shoutbox plugin on my front page of bbpress.

    It worked fine, and users who registered with my bbpress were included as wp users as well with the bbpress integration plugin.

    Once I upgraded to 9.0.1 the call to the script which presented the shoutbox simply didn’t work anymore.

    I poked around and tried to manually add the javascript and css calls in the template header, but nothing worked.

    I restored my database to the previous condition, re uploaded my files, and it’s working fine.

    I’m wondering what’s changed which would interfere with this simple procedure?

    To my mind, if it were an integration thing… then the shoutbox would appear, and new users would not be recognized. So they wouldn’t be able to post shouts.

    Instead, the get_jal_wordspew function simply doesn’t work.

    Any ideas how I could either get this working again with the new version and improved integration?

    Or perhaps port the wordspew plugin to become a bbpress plugin?

    It’s silly that a shoutbox is so important at the top of a message board… but people really love it.

    Sam Bauers

    Not if you want to share cookies between WordPress and bbPress.

    I think you need to ask on the forums why adding a secret key messes things up. Technically, even though you are using an integrated installation, bbPress does not touch WordPress.

    Side note: if you have the integration plugins installed, you will need to remove them. They are no longer required.

    Sam Bauers

    The bbPress role will not be applied for users created in WordPress until the user logs in to bbPress.

    Sam Bauers
    Sam Bauers

    You have just described one of the Google Summer of Code ideas that might be going ahead.

    This is something I will be pursuing to create better interoperability between different forum platforms.


    Hi. Can you help design a simple vbulletin theme that matches the default wordpress theme? If you know of one that looks similar already please let me know.



    Just to clarify I have WordPress 2.5 and BBPress .9.0.1 with the integration plugins installed.


    Yes its an integration with WordPress.

    Sam Bauers

    Are you including WordPress inside bbPress?

    The failure is occurring in WordPress’ pluggable.php file, not bbPress.


    Any interest out there in a plugin that would make it possible to output bbPress content into an XML file similar to the WordPress Export so that we could move easily from one server to the next?

    Sam Bauers

    @ lostdeviant

    Sounds like you just need to logout and then log back in to WordPress once you have changed the WordPress Secret Key


    In reply to: invision board?


    I think the most important feature for bbPress’ future will be importers / converters.

    People are going to want to integrate their forums with WordPress. And those of use already running vBulletin or IPB are going to want to convert to bbPress!


    my question is what happens to bbPress when I remove the key from wp-config?


    FYI – I tried creating a secret-key according to what I read which lets me finish the install of bbPress however when I try to log in to wordpress I can’t. In fact, I get a message saying that I don’t have permissions!

    When I remove my invented secret key, I can login like normal…


    I just went to add a bbpress forum to a site I upgraded from 2.3.3 to 2.5. On step 2 of the bbpress install, it requests a “cookie secret key” which is supposedly in my wp-config.

    I don’t see a secret key there so what am I supposed to do?

    “This value must match the value of the constant named “SECRET_KEY” in your WordPress wp-config.php file. This will replace the bbPress cookie secret key set in the first step.”

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