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  • #948

    Hello again,

    Consider that I’m using guide to install bbPress, I was brought to the forum setup screen, but my WordPress admin account username is not in the dropdown menu listing. There’s no dropdown menu listing. Without this menu listing, my WordPress integration will not be possible: forum admin login will not be the same as WordPress.

    How can I resolve? I’ve tried many different combinations within Config.php with no success in obtaining the account username in the drop down menu listing.

    What do you suggest?

    Tammy Hart

    It would be great if there was a plugin that would allow members to upload images either as attachments or to be used inside the post, kind of how in wordpress when you’re writing a new post or page, you can upload a picture right there and then use it.


    Is it a bug? I cannot log in with my admin account to the forum which works with wordpress.

    I cannot find the table named bb_users.


    Most likely there is some plugin for wordpress that are using the same name as bbpress function. Try disable that plugin to see it work or not


    I upgraded from WP 2.0.2 to 2.0.5 and everything seems to work now with the user integration. Maybe it should say somewhere you need the latest version of WordPress.


    Basically the same thing is happening to me. I have the bbpress integration plugin installed on my WordPress blog, but when I register on BBPress, no default role is assigned for that user in WordPress. When I look at the Users tab in WordPress, no group is identified for that new user.


    [preface: I’m just a simple WordPress support moderator, which uses bbPress]

    It is very (very) conceivable this may be a dumb user question… but I’ll ask anyways.

    Is there a way to get post dates in the support forums (or any bbPress forum) to show the time in my time zone?

    Editing my user profile and poking around, I don’t see an option to set my proper time offset (I’m GMT – 7).

    I know it’s not a huge deal, but it’d be keen to see!


    I donno what went wrong. But when i try to find post using tag, i got “500 Internal Server Error”. I have try disable pretty permalink and still no luck.

    Anyone know what went wrong? Using wordpress 2.0.5 and bbpress 0.73


    English, and yes I have the bbpress integration plugin installed in my wordpress plugins, as well as the display name plugin for bbpress.

    I have not yet upgraded wordpress to 2.0.5, am still running 2.0.4.


    Are either of you using a translated version of bbPress, or are you both using English?

    I ask because I have heard of a strange thing or two with capabilities and non-enlish languages (though I’ve newer been able to confirm or reproduce).

    and M,

    Do you have the “bb-press integration” plugin installed in your WordPress blog?

    (the download link is way at the bottom)


    Astutane: Now I get….

    ‘Fatal error: Cannot redeclare widget_akismet() (previously declared in /home/nolagay/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/akismet/akismet.php:376) in /home/nolagay/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/akismet/akismet.php on line 376’


    I’m glad to have happened upon this thread, after reading it I decided to check my own and found if I registered through the forum the user was set to Administrator in WordPress.

    While I’m no coding expert, I’ve enough experience working with WordPress and all it takes to set things up to be quite sure I have not made an error somewhere.

    Just as hasund said above, the new user is listed in a separate section under Authors & Users in my WordPress Dashboard – at the bottom under all admins, subscribers, editors, etc. Their

    I’m using the Role Manager plugin, could that be causing the trouble? The only step from bbPress that I did not follow was the Pretty Permalinks; every other step, plugin, etc. I followed to a T.

    This is a very serious issue, my entire site would have been vulnerable had I not found this thread and gone ahead and opened my forums this weekend as planned. I’ve removed my register.php file for the time being. I already have some people using my forum, but they are trusted friends who already have some access to the main site anyhow, thank goodness.


    Continued from my previous post: oddly enough, once my bbPress tables were imported into WordPress, also all of my WordPress registered identifiers were erased from their postings. In addition, I no longer have Administrator access to my WordPress login… weird. With all facts presented, their is logic and also non logical facts.


    Continued from my previous post: I chose identifier Robert Richard (space) in bbPress (Administrator during Running Installer) and the same identifier existed within WordPress; end results, bbPress replace Robert Richard within WordPress that became RobertRichard (no space).

    Previous to the bbPress integration attempts, I use to login WordPress with Blogue (identifier) and password; but all WordPress posts were identified as Robert Richard (space) to visitors. This said, I’m not sure if you would call Robert Richard within WordPress as an identifier.



    дело не в тестовой эксплуатации, а в том, что нужно заставить bbpress пользоваться таблицей wp_users самого wordpress. Для программиста это не проблема должна быть…


    «What steps did you take? Did you install bbPress in another database or did you install it again in the current database that WordPress is at. »

    I did install bbPress in another database or by itself… separate from WordPress database.

    «If you installed in another database and then exported out the bb_ prefix tables and imported them in the database with the wp_ prefix tables, nothing should have happened to WordPress.»

    Yes, it’s what my web host support that did the export/import… the exact same steps you instructed me to do or as shown above: export bbPress tables, then import bbPress to WordPress. It seems that I’ve use the same identifier or username (Robert Richard) for the bbPress as it already existed within WordPress (Robert Richard)… both database had the same Admin username or identifier.

    «Either way, nothing should have happened to WordPress because bbPress uses the login information from WordPress, not vice-versa.»

    I’m not sure of about «either way», but I will ask my web host help desk to re-install backups and start over again with a different identifier or username.

    «When I installed bbPress, I chose the ‘key master’ as an account that isn’t the admin in WordPress. That is a pain because I have to login as 1 user to administer bbPress and logout and login as another user to administer WordPress. Of course, I figured all this out after importing my phpBB posts.»

    I’m figuring out this stuff hands on and by having you as a support. It seems logical to have a different identifier; I thought about it afterwards. Regretfully, I don’t have the formal training with database and tables to have predicted this dynamic. Luckily, has you.

    Thanks a million.

    Robert Richard.



    Interesting times. Made my first attempt at integrating bbPress.

    Installation went fine and I can login as Admin, my bbPress entry page comes up ok

    But the big problem is when I come to click on anything. It is the same outcome every time – a grey screen with nothing on.

    This happened both when I attempted to integrate with WordPress, but also when I completely reinstalled without any attempt to integrate.

    Here are some of the particulars:

    define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘wordpressgl’); // The name of the database

    define(‘BBDB_USER’, ‘wordpressgl’); // Your MySQL username

    define(‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘xxxxxxx’); // …and password

    define(‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value

    $bb->domain = ‘’;

    $bb->path = ‘/forum/’;

    $bb->mod_rewrite = true;

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = false; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = false; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash

    $bb->wp_siteurl = false; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash

    WordPress is installed at

    Wordpress blog is setup to operate from

    However, the problem shouldn’t be WordPress integration, as I’ve made no attempt to do this the 2nd time round.

    Any ideas guys? No problems during installation but a completely unfunctioning site….



    Trent Adams


    What steps did you take? Did you install bbpress in another database or did you install it again in the current database that WordPress is at. If you installed in another database and then exported out the bb_ prefix tables and imported them in the database with the wp_ prefix tables, nothing should have happened to WordPress. Either way, nothing should have happened to wordpress because bbpress uses the login information from WordPress, not vice-versa. When I installed bbpress, I chose the ‘key master’ as an account that isn’t the admin in WordPress. That is a pain because I have to login as 1 user to administer bbpress and logout and login as another user to administer WordPress. Of course, I figured all this out after importing my phpBB posts…..


    Continued from my previous memo : all of my WordPress identifiers or users names have disappeared (empty) from their posts and comments… as if they never existed. In addition, all of my WordPress posts and comments are now using my new bbPress identifier (moderator/administrator).


    Hello again Trent,

    I’ve done all the steps you’ve suggested in your previous post, including export/import. My web host help desk has provided me the support. The only problem, I can longer access existing and previous WordPress Administrator access. It’s solely bbPress Admin that has access to WordPress as a regular user. What do you suggest? My web host has made a backups, so did I on a regular basis, then don’t worry about reverting back to previous WordPress settings.




    I installed a bbpress with the wordpress integration. But when I access one topic like:


    the browser display:

    404 Not Found

    The requested URL /bbpress/topic/1?replies=1 does not exist.

    I don’t know how the bbpress front page works, so I cann’t find the real page the url above specify. Can someone give me some guids or any document about it. I browered and searched this site and found nothing about it.



    Trent Adams

    I understand what you are saying. You are getting the page that says (translated to English):

    Already Installed

    You appear to have already installed bbPress. Perhaps you meant to run the upgrade scripts instead? To reinstall please clear your old database tables first.

    Here is a question…..which database is your WordPress installed in with the wp_ prefix in the database? I would assume that just looking at your WordPress wp-config.php file would have the database information. Then I would make sure that your bbPress config.php has the same database information. If you run the install and it says the same error as above, I am 99.9% sure that the bb_ in in that database.

    Alright now…assuming I am wrong, why not change the config.php file for bbPress to see if you can install in one of your other databases to see if something else causing your installer problems. Then you can run the install for the user ‘key master’ that you want and then export the tables out of that database and then import them into your current wordpress database.

    Just a thought… least somewhere to start!



    Don’t worry.If his user_level is not enough,he can’t post on blog.

    When someone register in bbPress,WordPress is not know his user role.You need change WordPress’ code or the WordPress’ plugin synchronize bbPress registrations with WordPress.

    I do it in the former way.After that,the user who register in bbPress is Subscriber in WordPress.So the user can post in bbpress,but can’t post in WordPress.

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