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  • #58459

    In reply to: Problems installing.

    Trent Adams

    Did you put the .htaccess file in your from the instructions? I see that you are using ‘slug’ based entries. Maybe try putting the config.php back to false instead of slugs and see if that helps you. Since it is getting your wordpress installation, i am thinking it is the wordpress .htaccess file and not the bbPress file.



    For error: “Cannot redeclare class streamreader …”, read this…


    In reply to: bbSync


    like i said, i haven’t implemented this plugin as of yet (haven’t even installed bbpress, just planning to in the near future), but will this plugin allow me to put the “Add this topic to your favorites” link on the wordpress post page? i would like to have that capability to allow the users who don’t comment to create a list of their favorites without having to follow the link to the thread in the forum to do so.


    I got to thinking… being that it renames the image to their usernames, I thought that the following might work, but it doesn’t…

    <img src=”;?php echo $strtolower($user->user_identity); ?>.jpg” alt=”avatar” />

    Shouldn’t that work? I’m trying to get it to display the current username of the person visiting the site, provided they are logged in. If they aren’t logged in it shouldn’t display anything. Later I’d like to figure out how to do an if else statement so that if the visitor isn’t logged it, it will display a default image.


    In reply to: bbPress 0.8.2

    do you mean that “after upgrading and changing the permalink structure of a forum; the old permalinks does not redirect to the new one” ?

    No, I just meant that with the current code, if you’ve somehow managed to change the slug, you’ve broken the old links. But, as you point out, bbPress knows how to move “sideways” across different kinds of permalinks.

    WordPress allows you to change the slug and automatically redirects your old links to the new slug; it’s more clever than bbPress is at the moment :)


    Thanks! I went ahead and put the two as different prefixes. Can you make sure the developers put a note about that in config.php!


    Yes, it will. WordPress has (what is usually) wp_posts and bbPress has (ditto) bb_posts, with a different table structure, so there’d be issues.

    What are the dis/advantages of putting tables in the same database, does anyone know?


    In reply to: bbPress 0.8.2


    karaboga, permalinks should be permanent. Perhaps we can work on redirecting old permalinks to the new ones. Better yet, that’d be a great plugin :)

    mdawaffe, do you mean that “after upgrading and changing the permalink structure of a forum; the old permalinks does not redirect to the new one” ? In this forum, for example we if write

    it is redirected to the 100th topic with the new permalink structure.

    Yes, permalinks should be permanent. But, in WordPress we can change the post slug, and then the permalink of the post is changed. Why cannot we do so in bbPress? :)


    “But after what I’ve integrated both of api’s: the wordpress and bbpress; this resulted in the following error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class streamreader in /var/www/pm/forum/bb-includes/streams.php on line 26″

    -> same error here


    Before I break things, I wanted to know if I can use the same table prefix for both BBPress and WordPress? The reason I ask is because I have several sites in the same database and I’d like to pick a convention. Anyone know if this will cause any problems?


    Well, your guess was correct! Your tip got me to thinking about cookies – I’m a little rusty on my setcookie() syntax! Anyhow, I decided to install WordPress, even though I don’t need it just now, because if I could get that to integrate across directories, then I could surely do what I’m hoping for with the gallery.php page.

    That helped me to understand the interactions of the cookies and directories and domains. All that to say, I was able to get it to work using the following in config.php:

    $bb_cookiepath = "/";
    $bb_cookiedomain = "" ;

    I believe that if cookie domain is not specified, then it will default to be the root of the directory in which the script is running, i.e., making it unavailable to any other directory, including parent directories. You probably already knew that, but just putting it out there in case someone else has the same issue. ;)


    I had the same problem:

    But I solved that differently:

    It is easier than making raw database calls…



    For anyone else who gets the same error in future, its the WordPress config file, the only way I got round it was to do raw database calls, but including it generates errors.



    In our forum, we can see the topics filed under any tag. But if we open the all tags page (, we cannot see the tags, and we see the error message, “No input file specified.” What can be the problem?

    A similar problem was discussed here, we use pretty permalinks and Options +MultiViews works, but still has that problem.


    I really do need to know what your .htaccess file looks like in order to help you.

    Also, there may be some issue with your bbPress running on and your WordPress running on


    by looking at the code for the “upload avatar” plugin I found this…


    This is what I have now, but nothing displays for the filename, just



    Plugin Name: WP Avatars


    function wp_aud( $felID ) {

    $avatar = strtolower($user->user_identity);

    $bburl = ‘;;

    echo ‘<img alt=”avatar” src=”‘ . $bburl . ‘/avatars/’ . $avatar . ‘.jpg” class=”avatar” />’;




    Hi, my request will be useful especially for people using non-English bbPress versions.

    There are some permalinks which are not translateable or changeable in bbPress. For example, in WordPress, we can change the slug of the permalinks for “category”.

    I think it will be very appropriate if that kind of property is added to bbPress. These are some of that slugs:

    topic, profile, forum, view, no-replies, untagged, tags, replies

    (By the way, can we change these slugs by any hack?)


    Ok, so I’ve figured out some more info to share…

    First, the code posted above needs to reference the file type (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .png). Right now the code only points to the avatars folder.

    Next, I’ve figured out that the “avatar upload” plugin for bbpress does rename the images to the user’s username, but makes it all lowercase letters if there are any caps.

    Hope that helps.

    Thank you!!


    This seems to happen any time I choose a localization file

    I get a series of fatal errors saying ‘Cannot redeclare class CachedFileReader’ in bb/inlcudes/streams.php.

    I’ve searched the forums, and it hasn’t yielded any solutions, is anyone experiencing the same issue?

    I am running the latest bbPress 0.8.2, with WordPress config included.


    In reply to: bbPress 0.8.2


    No README or INSTALL files?

    I’ve read the blog post and any pertinent thread, but I was hoping for some install/upgrade instructions, like WordPress supplies.


    It is pointing to the correct folder, just isn’t pointing to any file like it should.


    Topic: header

    in forum Themes

    Hey so i want to make my header from WordPress installation appear in my bbPress one, so say i add something new like a link etc it will appear globally rather than only on WP. Any safe way to do this?

    Im wanting both WP and bbP to work together seamlessly.


    Forget about the PHP.

    Where it just says “avatar” instead of displaying the image, open the page source (in FF: Ctrl + U, in IE: probably something), then search for “avatar” until you hit the right place. There should be an image tag. Look at the src property. Does that URL point to a valid image file? If not, what does it read?


    sorry, took a break. that looks right to me, given your wordpress blog is at

    also, you’re missing the semi-colon at the end of the require line – after the end paren ); but you may just not have typed that in here. check for that, it would break a site. Otherwise, not sure. Assuming the bbpress install works fine with the default theme…

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