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  • #54695

    Very interesting solution to display latest post from wordpress, i’ll try it!


    Well with wordpress, the override is right in the code but obviously to leave the bbpress core alone it would have to be a plugin. (Kinda wondering what all these plugins are doing to the supposedly high performance of BBpress).

    I’d like to see admin/mods have zero limits on what they put into their posts. So to write a plugin I need to find out how to check the user level, then figure out what filter to attach it to (probably pre_post)



    I found a bug. Finally I can contribute.

    WordPress does indeed auto-close tags and has a fantastic routine, the balancetags I mentioned above.


    it was copied raw into BBpress and it won’t work by default because it’s looking for an option that will never be set because BBpress doesn’t have it

    function balanceTags($text, $is_comment = 0, $force = false) {

    if ( !$force && get_option(‘use_balanceTags’) == 0 )

    return $text;

    See what I mean? There’s no manually way to set use_balanceTags in BBpress.

    So how do we force the filter on? I know it has to be balanceTags ($text,1,1) to work.


    Ok so it won’t type out the code the way I want to here. I did the backsticks thing… But I know someone out there will be able to help me out anyway :)


    I’m calling the wp-headers in forum as advised in seamless integration thread. I need to add a link to the forum profile in the header as users get confused when they only see the admin tab for wordpress. I have the loginanywhere script, and need a link to the users profile edit somewhere in this code:

    `echo “<div class=’greeting’>nHej, “; echo $user_identity; echo “! Inställningar | “;

    echo “Logga utn</div>n”;`

    My forum is here:


    In reply to: Tags not separating

    Sam Bauers

    WordPress uses commas to separate tags, so I wouldn’t expect this to change back to spaces for the 1.0 release.

    Perhaps mdawaffe can chip in on this one?


    On WordPress, admin can post any content, any html markup regardless of restrictions for visitors.

    I’d like to be able to do that on BBpress?


    Ok, so answered my own question in the last post. Just had to go through everything step by step and see what collides and adjust accordingly. No, however, I need help with something else regarding this! I need to add a link to my forum profile edit to my loginanywhere script. It works at the bbpress site but then I switch over to the blog and it says profile_tab_link is an undefined function. Maybe there’s even another way to link to the profile edit? Please help!


    In reply to: BB Moderation Hold


    Is it possible to make this plugin use the existing wordpress moderated word list? (and optionally the link count limit moderation setting)


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    I’ve now made a smilie plugin here:

    By the way, WordPress’s default smilie detection code and therefore the code converted here in the earlier post are very flawed when it comes to whitespace issues.

    I created a patch awhile back that made it work 99% of the time regardless of spaces before, after or at the end/beginning of a sentence.

    add this function:

    function prepSmilies($string) {return "/(s|^)".quotemeta(trim($string))."(s|$)/";}

    then add this near the start of function convert_smilies:

    $prep_search = array_map('prepSmilies', $wp_smiliessearch);

    then change the $contenst=str_replace line near the end of function covert_smilies:

    $content = preg_replace($prep_search, $wp_smiliesreplace, $content);

    Now if only it was this easy to tweak wp/bb’s search function to be so much more intelligent.


    I edited the Karma Fruit theme for wordpress a bit to match the Bbpress theme. They dont look totally alike. There are some slight differences but I think when you look at it you think

    of the Bbpress theme. I loved the Bbpress theme so much I wanted my WordPress to look the same :) . If you want the file changes let me know. Its just a few lines of css to make the difference in the original look for Karma Fruit. < — Karma Fruit Theme <—- Bbpress Green Theme



    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload


    Hey there, i’ve just installed Avatar Upload and it works brilliantly i must say! However identicon for bb-press as posted by louisedade (created by fel) gives me an unexpected error when i try to activate, running this outside of the plugin centre or whatever you want to call it, it gives:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: add_action() in /home/bblocked/public_html/www/forums/my-plugins/identicon.php on line 286

    Inside the plugin centre it just says fatal error :-P

    I have identicon installed on my wordpress blog and bbpress retrieves all functions from wordpress etc etc intergrated bla bla bla :-P Any ideas?

    EDIT: When editing out add_action at the bottom it doesn’t produce any errors… so i don’t know what bbpress’s problem is :-/ anyway of getting it to give more info? “Fatal Error” doesn’t explain much lol



    I thought the hash value was unique for each user.

    Apparently it’s unique for each blog.


    $bb->usercookie = ‘wordpressuser_full.hash.number”;

    $bb->passcookie = ‘wordpresspass_full.hash.number”;

    Did the trick in config.php

    Since WP 2.1+ uses the hash number, probably should update the instructions around the site. Thanks again!


    Hi, sorry I’ve read and read and tinkered and tinkered without luck.

    BB does not see the WP logged in cookie for some reason.

    wordpress is in /news/

    bbpress is in /forum/

    I am using a plugin on wordpress to change the cookie path to “/” and firefox shows the cookie is indeed set to the “/”

    the domain is set to “” without the “.”

    right now I’ve got in config.php set as

    $bb->usercookie = ‘wordpressuser’;

    $bb->passcookie = ‘wordpresspass’;

    $bb->cookiedomain = ‘’;

    $bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;

    So what little detail have I missed?

    Thanks for any help!

    Trent Adams

    If the twitter API can bring in an RSS feed, it can pull your bbPress feed for sure. That would be what the wordpress plugin is doing anyways. Just need to look into that I would guess.



    In reply to: drupal integration

    Trent Adams

    Interesting to see if anyone is since most people here concentrate on bbPress and WordPress.


    Trent Adams

    There is a plugin here called ‘bbPress Post’ that integrates your wordpress blog comments into your bbPress forum as topics for posts. Fel64 also ‘redid’ this plugin and has it so the posts are created in the bbPress forum from the wordpress blog and all comments are in the forum, but also show up in the wordpress post as comments as well.

    Other software blog programs, I haven’t heard of any. Moving over to WordPress is a good option in my mind if you haven’t looked at it already since bbPress and WP are made and developed by many of the same people ;)



    I have bbpress(0.8.2) integration with wordpress(2.2.1).

    I did not have any forum management before I add a forum to my previous wordpress website. Number of users are increasing daily. So as I did not have any experience with management of a forum, I have some problems.

    In the beginning I installed to standard version of bbpress. After one month of forum experience, I want to add moderation plugin. Because my users are not experienced forum users. I have a range from middle school students to company owners or retired workers.

    Some of the users sends strange messages, which I dont want to see on my forum.

    Some of them do not allow forum rules. And some of them dont know how to use a forum. Namely when they have a new question, they write “I know it is not related to the subject …”.

    I think what I need it to make the all messages for new users, moderated. Or all messages are moderated. I dont know why but the moderation plugin do not work with latest version of bbpress. So I have to uninstall the plugin and make messages un-moderated.

    I will also try “move it” plugin, for unrelated messages to subject of message.

    But what is the best management style for such a community. I think do not need moderation of messages, because at least its community know how to use a forum.

    Is it better, not to waste my time to manage the forum. Namely no moderation to messages or just live what ever people writes to the forum. As I said before this is my first forum, and I also dont want people to use msn-type language usage. Am I fascist :) ?


    I tried just copy-pasting my kakumei css to my wordpress css and while the structure of bbpress got back to normal with some minor quirks, it majorly disrupted my header and footer and with it my wordpress as well. How would I work around this, any other way then going through the stylesheets and changing everything so nothing’s colliding? I feel that’s A LOT of work.


    I just started editing my main WordPress theme to match the forum and ive hit a snag. I loaded the sidebar good but it wont update. I took off some of the things showing on it so i could add some hot tags and stuff related to the forum into it. But whenever i upload the changed file it doesnt change. Also i have a google ad i want to float on the bottom of the page. I added it to the foot and the frontpage page but it cuts into the design. I cant figure out where to fix this so it shows under the image instead of inside it. What is the forums index page considered ? the frontpage i assume?

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. My url :


    Turns out my problem was rewrite rules from wordpress overwriting bbpress ones. Whoops.

    Rhys Wynne

    Should be very straightforward to do from the wordpress base. Could be nice to do it for both wordpress and bbpress.


    For anyone with an interest, i figured how to make a simple private user area

    here’s the kicker on the BBpress end, since a wp account will be created for users who join the forum, what i did was leave the subscriber setting alone and adjusted the contributer to read/read private pages only, that way there’s no interference for default users accounts when people join the forum


    In reply to: Problems installing.


    hey can anyone help me out been trying to install bbpress

    i then run the index.php file and this is the error it gives me

    uri = ‘;; // What are you going to call me? $bb->name = ‘Meditate with God’; // This must be set before you run the install script. $bb->admin_email = ‘’; // Set to true if you want pretty permalinks, set to ‘slugs’ if you want to use slug based pretty permalinks. $bb->mod_rewrite = false; // The number of topics that show on each page. $bb->page_topics = 30; // A user can edit a post for this many minutes after submitting. $bb->edit_lock = 60; // Your timezone offset. Example: -7 for Pacific Daylight Time. $bb->gmt_offset = +5.30; // Change this to localize bbPress. A corresponding MO file for the // chosen language must be installed to bb-includes/languages. // For example, install to bb-includes/languages and set BBLANG to ‘de’ // to enable German language support. define(‘BBLANG’, ”); // Your Akismet Key. You do not need a key to run bbPress, but if you want to take advantage // of Akismet’s powerful spam blocking, you’ll need one. You can get an Akismet key at // $bb->akismet_key = ”; // Example: ‘0123456789ab’ // The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress. // If you’re not, just leave it as it is. $bb->wp_table_prefix = ”; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’; $bb->wp_home = ”; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // Example: ‘; $bb->wp_siteurl = ”; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // Example: ‘; /* Stop editing */ if ( !defined(‘BBPATH’) ) define(‘BBPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’ ); require_once( BBPATH . ‘bb-settings.php’ ); ?>

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function do_action() in /www/ on line 6


    can anyone throw some light on this one

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