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I’m calling the wp-headers in forum as advised in seamless integration thread. I need to add a link to the forum profile in the header as users get confused when they only see the admin tab for wordpress. I have the loginanywhere script, and need a link to the users profile edit somewhere in this code:
`echo “<div class=’greeting’>nHej, “; echo $user_identity; echo “! Inställningar | “;
echo “Logga utn</div>n”;`
My forum is here:
On WordPress, admin can post any content, any html markup regardless of restrictions for visitors.
I’d like to be able to do that on BBpress?
I have had wordpress 2.2.1 up and running for a while. I just tried to install bbpress, using the table prefixes ‘wp_’, since I think that is necessary to have any authors registered on my wp site to be able to get on to bbpress, and vice versa. My bb’s config.php has the same database info as my wp’s config.
When I ran the install.php file for bb, I recieved some errors:
Second Step
Now we’re going to create the database tables and fill them with some default data.
bbPress database error: [Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key]
ALTER TABLE wp_posts ADD COLUMN post_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment
bbPress database error: [Key column ‘post_id’ doesn’t exist in table]
ALTER TABLE wp_posts ADD PRIMARY KEY (post_id)
bbPress database error: [Multiple primary key defined]
1. Created table wp_forums
2. Created table wp_topics
3. Created table wp_topicmeta
4. Created table wp_tagged
5. Changed default value of wp_posts.post_status from publish to 0
6. Added column wp_posts.post_id
7. Added column wp_posts.forum_id
8. Added column wp_posts.topic_id
9. Added column wp_posts.poster_id
10. Added column wp_posts.post_text
11. Added column wp_posts.post_time
12. Added column wp_posts.poster_ip
13. Added index wp_posts FULLTEXT KEY post_text (post_text)
14. Changed type of wp_tags.tag_ID from int(11) to bigint(20) unsigned
15. Changed type of wp_tags.tag from varchar(255) to varchar(200)
16. Added column wp_tags.raw_tag
17. Added index wp_tags KEY name (tag)
bbPress database error: [Unknown column ‘post_id’ in ‘field list’]
SELECT post_id, poster_id FROM wp_posts WHERE topic_id = 1 AND post_status = 0 ORDER BY post_time
bbPress database error: [Unknown column ‘post_id’ in ‘where clause’]
SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_id = 114
Now you can log in with the username “admin” and password “*Your WordPress password*”.
However, when I try to log in to my wordpress admin area as the ‘admin’ now, I receive the error:
“You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
I am able to log into bb, but there are multiple errors on each page; this is repeated many times on the page:
“bbPress database error: [Unknown column ‘post_id’ in ‘where clause’]
SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_id = 0
I would just remove the bbpress completely, just to get wordpress login working again, but bb seems to have altered my wp user data?
Topic: Theme:Karma Fruit & Bbpress
I edited the Karma Fruit theme for wordpress a bit to match the Bbpress theme. They dont look totally alike. There are some slight differences but I think when you look at it you think
of the Bbpress theme. I loved the Bbpress theme so much I wanted my WordPress to look the same . If you want the file changes let me know. Its just a few lines of css to make the difference in the original look for Karma Fruit. < — Karma Fruit Theme <—- Bbpress Green Theme
Hi, sorry I’ve read and read and tinkered and tinkered without luck.
BB does not see the WP logged in cookie for some reason.
wordpress is in /news/
bbpress is in /forum/
I am using a plugin on wordpress to change the cookie path to “/” and firefox shows the cookie is indeed set to the “/”
the domain is set to “” without the “.”
right now I’ve got in config.php set as
$bb->usercookie = ‘wordpressuser’;
$bb->passcookie = ‘wordpresspass’;
$bb->cookiedomain = ‘’;
$bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;
So what little detail have I missed?
Thanks for any help!
I have bbpress(0.8.2) integration with wordpress(2.2.1).
I did not have any forum management before I add a forum to my previous wordpress website. Number of users are increasing daily. So as I did not have any experience with management of a forum, I have some problems.
In the beginning I installed to standard version of bbpress. After one month of forum experience, I want to add moderation plugin. Because my users are not experienced forum users. I have a range from middle school students to company owners or retired workers.
Some of the users sends strange messages, which I dont want to see on my forum.
Some of them do not allow forum rules. And some of them dont know how to use a forum. Namely when they have a new question, they write “I know it is not related to the subject …”.
I think what I need it to make the all messages for new users, moderated. Or all messages are moderated. I dont know why but the moderation plugin do not work with latest version of bbpress. So I have to uninstall the plugin and make messages un-moderated.
I will also try “move it” plugin, for unrelated messages to subject of message.
But what is the best management style for such a community. I think do not need moderation of messages, because at least its community know how to use a forum.
Is it better, not to waste my time to manage the forum. Namely no moderation to messages or just live what ever people writes to the forum. As I said before this is my first forum, and I also dont want people to use msn-type language usage. Am I fascist ?
For anyone with an interest, i figured how to make a simple private user area
here’s the kicker on the BBpress end, since a wp account will be created for users who join the forum, what i did was leave the subscriber setting alone and adjusted the contributer to read/read private pages only, that way there’s no interference for default users accounts when people join the forum