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Topic: Plugin: Admin Post Anything
Been meaning to do this for awhile, didn’t realise how easy it was. This makes bbPress behave more like WordPress in that admin (keymasters/administrators) can post any content regardless of tag restrictions for the rest of members. This includes images, javascript, objects like flash video player, etc.
Plugin Name: Admin Post Anything
Plugin URI:
Description: allows keymaster/administrators to post any content regardless of tag restrictions
Author: _ck_
Author URI:
Version: 0.02
function bb_admin_post_anything($text) {
if (bb_current_user_can('administrate') ) {
remove_filter( 'pre_post', 'encode_bad' );
remove_filter( 'pre_post', 'bb_encode_bad' );
remove_filter('pre_post', 'bb_filter_kses', 50);
return $text;
add_filter('pre_post', 'bb_admin_post_anything',9);
?>This is so simple I bet I am duplicating what someone else has already done. I am not sure why this isn’t in bbPress by default and it doesn’t even begin to address what I would consider basic moderation tools but it’s a start.
Install and check under “content” submenu. Why the posts menu =deleted posts in bbpress’s default I have no clue.
Plugin Name: bbPress Recent Posts
Plugin URI:
Description: shows most recent posts with (extremely limited) moderation options
Author: _ck_
Author URI:
Version: 0.01
function recent_posts_admin_page() {
if ( !bb_current_user_can('browse_deleted') ) {die(__("Now how'd you get here? And what did you think you'd being doing?"));}
global $bbdb, $bb_posts, $bb_post, $page;
$total = bb_count_last_query();
<h2>Recent Posts</h2>
<ol id="the-list">
<? bb_admin_list_posts(); ?>
<?php echo get_page_number_links( $page, $total );
function recent_posts_admin_menu() {
global $bb_submenu;
$bb_submenu['content.php'][] = array(__('Recent Posts'), 'use_keys', 'recent_posts_admin_page');
add_action( 'bb_admin_menu_generator', 'recent_posts_admin_menu' );Just wanted to share that I’d had some success with integrating some simpler wordpress plugins into bbpress by creating some functions to mimic get_settings() and update_options()
Since bbpress fortunately uses differently named functions for the same actions, I was able to make them point to the wordpress table instead of bbpress and fetch the proper options that the plugins were calling for.
Not sure how useful this would be to anyone else and it’s not for novices since other little tweaks are usually necessary and admin menus are definitely not supported, but it’s nice to have the integration ability.
ps. maybe we need a separate integration sub-forum
I followed the detailed steps in the documentation for installation and also those for integrating with wordpress. After changing the config-sample to config.php and uploading the contents of the unzipped bb folder to a subdirectory (‘forums”) in the main word press directory I attempted to load the install.php script. I use IE7 and I tried both opening the file using the option on the File menu and also calling the file through the http protocol. In both cases all I get is a blank page. I don’t get any error messages, not even from my server. Thus, I have no clue what to look for or where to look to solve the problem. I’d appreciate some help in the detective work. Thanks.
Mike R.
Hi all
I am interested in moving my forum from Punbb to bbpress as my site is powered by WordPress.
The only converter that I could get my hands on is the phpbb converter. However I seem to be encountering errors whilst attempting to import phpbb database.
The converters do not seem to have been updated and are stated to be compatible with the earlier 0.73 release.
Where can I get (download) earlier releases on bbpress especially version 0.73. I intend to update to the current release as soon as I import all of my posts.
Thanks in advance.
I’ve just discovered that any member who registers through BBpress instead of WordPress never gets a Role set (ie. Subscriber) so while they can use the forum, they can do anything on the WordPress part, even though they are logged in.