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  • #236431

    Yes, bbPress is still a viable solution for creating a forum on a WordPress website. It is designed to integrate smoothly with WordPress and offers features like topic threading and user registration. While there may be other options available, bbPress remains a reliable choice for adding a forum to your WordPress site.

    Robin W

    I am just a moderator here, and not a bbpress author.

    The authors tend to release updates every few years, rather than more frequently.

    My personal view is that you should consider bbpress to be a ‘mature’ product, ie any releases will be to fix issues rather than add functionality.

    bbpress is written really well, and has loads of hooks. There are no show stopper bugs in it, it may throw a few deprecation notices (and these are very few at the moment), but WordPress recommends that you should not show error messages in live sites.

    I currently have my test site running 8.1 with no issues.

    The only major issue with bbpress at the moment is that it does not work well with FSE themes.

    However my bbp style pack plugin has fixes for this

    bbp style pack

    as well as block versions of the widgets and a ton of styling and functionality add-ons.

    All plugins are subject to the authors commitment so other options offer the same amount of certainty.

    The main WordPress support forums use bbpress, and it would be mega work to move those over to some other product.

    But yes, with open software you make your choices….

    Robin W

    you can use

    Private groups

    to create a group for each user, and restrict on that basis


    I would lije to fork the cire code of WordPress concerning editors. I found TinyMCE related fike but I didn’t find where te’he button set if the text editor has been defined. I would fork the front-end side.

    Neha wilas

    Disable the “Forum Root Slug” option in WordPress admin:

    Go to “Settings” → “Permalinks” in the WordPress admin area.
    Locate the “Forum Root Slug” option and remove its value or set it to an empty field.
    Save the changes.
    Update the permalink structure:

    After removing the “Forum Root Slug” value, click the “Save Changes” button in the “Settings” → “Permalinks” section.
    This action refreshes the permalink structure and updates the URLs.
    Update rewrite rules (if necessary):

    If you experience URL routing issues or encounter 404 errors, you may need to update the rewrite rules.
    Go to “Settings” → “Permalinks” again and click the “Save Changes” button.
    This step regenerates the rewrite rules and resolves any potential conflicts.
    Update links and references:

    Check internal links, navigation menus, or any references to the forum pages.
    Make sure they are updated to reflect the new URLs without the “/forum” slug.

    Neha wilas

    Here’s a concise list of plugins you can associate with bbPress for registration and login forms:

    1.Ultimate Member
    2.Profile Builder

    These plugins offer alternative options to the default WordPress form and provide customization features for registration and login forms.


    It is easy to customize backend buttons with the pugin “Post Editor Buttons Fork”, but it does work only in the backend. How I could add and remove buttons in front-end. I would like to add at least [SPOILER][/SPOILER] tag and i would lke to use [CODE][/CODE] insteaf of the default code button.

    Where is the code, which defines editor? Could I hardcode changes, which I want?

    Controlling the graphic editor TinyMCE Advanced might be more difficult. Is the alternatives for TinyMCE andvanced in the front-end. I would be nice to get.

    I have a temporary solution by using an additional menu. See

    Robin W

    bbp style pack

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Moderation

    I can’t remember if it does an email to the user and I am on holiday, so can you check. If it doesn’t let me know and I’ll look to add this.


    When I add a new topic to my forum the cache does not clear when forum or topic updated. It looks like bbPress is not sending the API Call for WordPress to clear cache after a Topic has been updated.

    Any advice?


    In reply to: Is bbPress alive?

    Robin W

    I am just a moderator here, and not a bbpress author.

    The authors tend to release updates every few years, rather than more frequently.

    My personal view is that you should consider bbpress to be a ‘mature’ product, ie any releases will be to fix issues rather than add functionality.

    bbpress is written really well, and has loads of hooks. There are no show stopper bugs in it, it may throw a few deprecation notices (and these are very few at the moment), but WordPress recommends that you should not show error messages in live sites.

    I currently have my test site running 8.1 with no issues.

    The only major issue with bbpress at the moment is that it does not work well with FSE themes.

    However my bbp style pack plugin has fixes for this

    bbp style pack

    as well as block versions of the widgets and a ton of styling and functionality add-ons.

    All plugins are subject to the authors commitment, and I would not count on ANY plugin having a 10 year support timescale, so other options offer the same amount of certainty.

    As @terresquall says the main WordPress support forums use bbpress, and it would be mega work to move those over to some other product.

    But yes, with open software you make your choices….

    Robin W

    download this

    Hello Elementor bbPress fix

    and then use this to style and add features

    bbp style pack


    In reply to: Is bbPress alive?

    Terence Pek

    Same here. I’m building a forum on bbPress myself too, so I’m looking forward to seeing future dev work. The official WordPress site is still using bbPress though, and they are still updating the supported WordPress version on the bbPress plugin, so I think the plugin should still be fine.


    I’am still having problem with slow post for new topics and it’s even worse now.
    About 20 sec to post a new topic. Reply around 1 sec which is fine.

    But, the actual post takes around 1 sec but something is happening in the background that takes another 20 sec before the page load is done. I can verify this by opening another browser window to see the new topic.

    All plugins disabled except bbpress.
    Wordpress 6.1.1
    Theme 2021


    Hello, I am planning to create a new forum with bbPress but because there haven’t been updates for 2 years and I am planning to maintain that website for 10 years or so I ask myself if it even still makes sense to use bbPress with a new website?

    It works for me but, what about php 8.2?
    What about security updates?
    What about WordPress compatibility.

    Is bbPress going to die or practically already dead?
    Does anyone know something about it.

    I know it works now but what about in a year, when I have to update my php or stuff like that?

    No updates for 1 year+ normally is a really red flag for a plugin…


    When a user attempts to “Register” on they get errors saying “The username you entered is incorrect” and “The email you entered is incorrect”.

    This happens for a new user. If you want to try it, go to the above link then click the “Registration and Discussion” link upper left. Then try to register “Join Us”.

    I don’t know where the error is coming from nor how to fix it.

    WordPress Version 6.2.2
    bbPress Version 2.6.9
    bbstyle pack Version 5.6.0


    which latest releases?

    I’ve tried both from here

    In the meantime I have switched from Elementor to Avada (largest WP template), same issue. The index is fine but viewing a forum or topic the root dir setup is gone, i.e. forum stretches the entire content area and no sidebar or containers.

    Since the bbPress install was 9 years ago also used the tools to reset everything.

    The problem appears to be that bbPress (or the latest WordPress 6.2.2) is not considering the root dir setup.

    May be related


    In reply to: Sidebar in Blocksy

    Robin W

    more a Blocksy theme question than a bbpress one.

    Lots of sidebar plugins eg


    Topic: Sidebar in Blocksy

    in forum Themes

    Hi, I am using the free Blocksy theme, they only allow a main sidebar. How can I incorporate a sidebar for bbpress? I want the login, reset password and register on it.
    Wordpress. com 6.2.2
    bbpress 2.6.9


    With the latest releases when navigating to a forum (not the forum index), any Elementor code is gone. Same when using just a sidebar or blocks.

    I found an old advice here but unclear where the mentioned sidebar.php is located (perhaps theme specific).

      Other things I’ve tried

    • Configured to use the same forum slug (forum, no root)
    • Disabled the main theme, use the latest WordPress default theme.
    • Disabled a redirection add-on.

    bbPress is a popular forum software that is designed to integrate seamlessly with WordPress. While it is primarily intended to be used as a WordPress plugin, it is technically possible to install bbPress without WordPress. However, this is not a recommended or officially supported use case.

    bbPress relies on various WordPress functions, libraries, and database tables to function properly. Therefore, attempting to install bbPress as a standalone application without WordPress may lead to compatibility issues and limited functionality.

    Regarding the documentation for setting up bbPress without WordPress, it’s important to note that the official bbPress documentation primarily focuses on its usage as a WordPress plugin. Since installing bbPress without WordPress is not the recommended approach, there may not be official documentation specifically addressing this scenario.

    If you still want to proceed with installing bbPress without WordPress, you can try the following general steps:

    Download bbPress: Visit the official bbPress website ( and download the latest version of bbPress.

    Set up a web server: Install and configure a web server (such as Apache or Nginx) on your server or local machine.

    Set up PHP: Install PHP and configure it to work with your web server.

    Set up a MySQL database: Install and configure a MySQL database server. You will need to create a new database for bbPress and a user with appropriate privileges.

    Create the necessary directories: Create a directory on your server or local machine where you want to install bbPress.

    Extract bbPress: Extract the contents of the bbPress download package into the directory you created.

    Configure bbPress: Open the config.php file located in the bbPress directory and modify the database connection settings to match your MySQL setup.

    Set up the necessary tables: bbPress requires specific database tables to function correctly. You may need to manually create these tables using MySQL commands or import an existing schema if available.

    Configure your web server: Set up the necessary configuration directives in your web server to point to the bbPress installation directory.

    Access bbPress: Once you’ve completed the above steps, you should be able to access bbPress by visiting the appropriate URL in your web browser.

    It’s important to note that this process may require advanced technical knowledge and troubleshooting skills. Since this is not the intended use case for bbPress, you may encounter various compatibility issues or limitations along the way.

    If you’re looking to create a standalone forum application, there are other forum software options available that are specifically designed to work independently without relying on WordPress, such as phpBB or Discourse. It may be more suitable to explore those alternatives for your needs.



    does it work with the new version of wordpress?

    Robin W

    I’m not a bbpress author, so cannot comment on why.

    ok, so if there are no keymasters, if you add this plugin:

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>bug fixes

    you will get the ability to add yourself back as a keymaster


    Hi, I had a fully functional version of bbpress and have changed my domain name in repurposing my site, however when I log in to the dashboard where bbpress had three tabs Forum, Topics and Replies but recently have only two Topics and Replies so am unable to create new forum topics. The menu name I used for access the forums was Forum or Forums which I have read somewhere can create a clash, I have uninstalled and reinstalled bbpress a few times but cannot get it to work. wordpress 6.2.2, Ocean WP template, Elementor 3.13.4, Elementor pro 3.13.2 the link being Thanks


    @tealcfr – what Robin W suggested is probably your best bet if you need it done immediately.

    Considering that there are plenty of other topics on this very same thing and there’s been a 9 year old ticket for this very thing (, your options are limited. A simple and logical approach without any code like Robin suggested above, or custom queries and perhaps some custom code like I suggested before that.

    I’ve taken a look at /includes/converters/bbPress1.php and /includes/classes/class-bbp-converter-base and I think it’s realistic to make a bbPress2.php converter to use within the default bbPress importer (and would also solve the outstanding ticket #2605). If you don’t have the skills to do that, I’d consider doing it as an addition to the bbPress community, but I’d want you (and others) to test it before it gets submitted as a patch. I could have it ready for testing within a week or two. Not a good option if you’re in a rush.

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