Sam Bauers (@sambauers)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Different Backgrounds



    This would be pretty easy to do within a theme.

    In reply to: require_once problems



    This would probably work:

    require_once(BBPATH . ‘../wp-blog-header.php’);



    There may be some trickery you could do using iFrames to get the two different domains sending cookies at the same time on login. It wouldn’t be pretty though, and you would have to really test your code for vulnerabilities.



    If you can wait a couple of days, WordPress/bbPress integration is a lot easier with a combination of WordPress version 2.5 and bbPress version 0.9



    Actually, this was fixed and tested when Gravatars was implemented in core. I’ve further refined the fixes today and tested across numerous browsers.

    Maybe your CSS was cached? Another reason to be running with a CSS version in the stylesheet link uri perhaps?



    Looks like we have a small group of pig2twig [?] forum users (not admins) seeking support here.

    We cannot help you if you are a user, you need to contact the administrator of that forum (which is not anyone here).




    @ _ck_

    I’ve added information about the new conventions for storing active plugins and the active theme to the notes.





    @ SteveAgl

    Potentially there are strings still going into the release now. We will be sure to release a .pot file soon after the release is available.



    Also, the cookies have changed structure.

    I’ll have to re-check the password hashing plugin too.

    We’ll do our best to make sure it is simple enough to integrate with older WordPress installs too.



    That plugin is old and won’t work with 0.8.4 (and maybe not with

    Once 0.8.4 is released this should work as a plugin for both WordPress and bbPress:

    Plugin Name: Lax user names
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Makes all user name sanitisation non-strict
    Author: Sam Bauers
    Version: 0.0.1
    Author URI:

    function i18n_sanitize_user($username, $raw_username = false, $strict = false) {
    if ($strict) {
    return sanitize_user($raw_username);
    } else {
    return $username;

    add_filter('sanitize_user', 'i18n_sanitize_user');



    It probably has to do with your older version of bbPress, but I’d like to fix the problem on your version anyway.

    Can you fid out what the error is in your PHP error log and post it here?

    I’ll fix it and release a new version for you to try.



    I can confirm that the cookie format has changed. But I’m not sure when it happened. Clearing your cookies and then logging in again will fix this.

    The maximum length these cookies will last is 2 weeks. This is set in the cookie contents, not just on the cookie expiry time.

    If you *really* want to extend the cookie expiration then you can edit the contents of your cookie as well, the contents look something like this…


    …or this…


    …depending on your browser.

    If you set a distant expiry time on the cookie and also edit the second chunk of the cookie (which is an epoch time) to some high number you can get a fairly persistent cookie.



    I meant “guys” in it’s androgynous sense of course. :)



    This might be something that a third-party would like to do, but I don’t think we will do it here. Certainly it would be welcomed, and actually you would probably do a decent job of it _ck_.

    In reply to: Copyright Question



    SessionX, what is the issue with, as far as I can tell the forums are still active? There is nothing stopping you using a domain name with bbPress in it, but it would be nice if you clarified your “unofficial” position and provided links back to here.



    Akismet key gone.



    Your WordPress table prefix needs to be different to your bbPress table prefix.



    We almost certainly won’t write this into core, but if someone wants to write this and they are missing the necessary filters/actions in core to do it we can easily add those for them.



    We’re in the process of writing out Prototype. Can you give us some links to the discussions you mentioned about packed JS.

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    That should be fixed now.



    Unfortunately there are cookie and password hash incompatibilities between 1075 and the current release of WordPress. Otherwise we probably would release it.

    In reply to: TalkPress



    Also, BackPress may or may-not be incorporated into WordPress. bbPress is a testing ground for the concept. If it doesn’t get incorporated into WordPress it doesn’t really matter, hopefully we’ll at least have a better structured core in bbPress as a result.

    In reply to: TalkPress



    I don’t think the concept of upgrading plugins to met the new requirements of a version is unheard of or that big a deal.

    Most deprecated functions will probably be maintained via the deprecated.php include file, but we are actually considering clearing out most of that deprecated.php include when 1.0 is released.

    We have generally searched the current plugin repository for each of the few functions we have dropped so far during the BackPress migration. If we don’t find it we have been reasonably confident that dropping the function won’t cause any problems.

    We will attempt to work with the current plugin devs to get their plugins up to scratch when the time comes.



    If your site is at:

    And bbPress is at:

    Then you will need to add this line to your config.php file…

    $bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;

    That way your code in the base directory that is trying to read the cookies will be able to do so.

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