Forum Replies Created
In reply to: I can’t create a new topic in bbPress front-end
Try to see if there is a plugin issue also.
bbPress uses the WordPress registration process, they are unified. THe bbPress shortcodes for lost password, registration, and login are there for frontend forms but they are incomplete in functionality, there shouldn’t be a problem with using the default WordPress registration form by default.
You can customize the default the WordPress forms by a plugin, or using some PHP functions too.
In reply to: Spectator Role Not Working – allowing postsDid the default bbPress roles ever work fine?? Or did it break recently after installing a plugin??
Can you link to this user role and capability plugin you are using??
In reply to: Missing menu itemsIt is just the WordPress backend menu items for managing forums. topics, and replies right??
what version of bbPress do you have??
Also I do not think IP address should be a cause to this issue.
In reply to: Forum Role@realshortdatacom I split your replies into a separate topic.
In reply to: Missing menu itemsI split this topic off just so confusion does not start in the other topic.
All plugins deactivated except bbPress?
Try a default theme with the only plugin on your site activated being bbPress?Also check to see what is your Forum Role in Users > All Users. If it is Participant you may not be able to see the menu items, make sure if you are an Admin that your Forum Role is Keymaster.
In reply to: forum link in adminClosing in favor of your other topic. Please do not make duplicate topics.
In reply to: Forum RoleCheck your email.
In reply to: ForumClosing in favor of your other topic.
In reply to: Forum RoleCreate me a participant/subscriber account and send the login details to my email, then I will will try to find the issue using the account you created and see if regular participants can participate in the forums.
In reply to: Replies Pretty PermalinksThat will not work very well. Think about multiple other replies in a topic, it would all have the same url. At least there is some uniqueness to the url when using an ID.
I usually noindex replies, topics and forums are more important to index.
In reply to: Move Sticky Topic to Original Date?Try some repair tools, do them one at a time, in Tools > Forums.
Sounds kind of neat for threaded replies, make a feature request in the bbPress trac.
Login and create a ticket.
In reply to: Notification Emails: Blank ContentSo it is just the normal Forum notifications in bbPress, that users have to manually subscribe to each forum and not any other plugin that might of had their settings modified?
In reply to: Spectator Role Not Working – allowing postsWorks when I tested it on my test site.
Try some troubleshooting to see what could be causing the issue.
In reply to: Forum RoleDowngrade that testacccount user I created on your site to a participant so that I can see if there is still an issue.
In reply to: New Registration Role IssueSubscriber makes sense for a default WordPress role since WordPress was just for blogs, so the default registrant role would be a subscriber to see your blog posts.
Try creating a test user by manually doing so with an additional email you may have in the WordPress Register form. Then see what the forum role is. If it is blank still, make a test forum post to see if it changes.
You can also try some troubleshooting if something is messing with the forum role being set.
In reply to: create fictitious usersNo there is not. I guess you can manually create them though.
Just get real users to post in your forums. You need some type of community already if you are planning to use forums on your website. Try to get friends/followers from other social networks in your community.
In reply to: Random html characters in emailsI think I created a trac ticket for this type of issue, but it might be something I found related to TinyMCE, so I will need to check on that.
In reply to: Subscriptions not workingOh yeah sorry the slug is “profile” on this site.
It is easy to find a users profile by clicking the author link on their replies/topics.
If you need something that could link to your profile, like say in the menu, you can try something like this.
// Filter wp_nav_menu() to add profile link add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'my_nav_menu_profile_link' ); function my_nav_menu_profile_link($menu) { if (!is_user_logged_in()) return $menu; else $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $user=$current_user->user_nicename ; $profilelink = '<li><a href="/forums/users/' . $user . '/">Profile</a></li>'; $menu = $menu . $profilelink; return $menu; }
In reply to: Dumb question on InstallationThis does not have to do with bbPress…but.
If Drupal was your first CMS read this guide.
You may need to hire a developer again if you had more customizations created then just migrating from one CMS to another.
Contact the WordPress support team for any WordPress specific help..
In reply to: Some startup help in designing my own theme?Yeah you can insert a shortcode on the forum index page using some hooks that bbPress provides.
Here is a code snippet that will do what you are looking for though.
For the freshness link it should link to whatever was the last activity, with that either being a reply or a topic created. If you want you can filter the forum freshness link to just show topics I guess. The filter is
In reply to: forum link in adminwhat about now? I just saw your forum role was a participant and participants cannot see those menus. Anybody that is an admin should also be a Keymaster which can see these menu items.
In reply to: forum link in adminThis is what you are trying to find right??
Just go to each section and find the forums in Forums > All Forums, topics in Topics > All Topics, and topics tags if you created any in Topics > Topic Tags.
In reply to: Possible to Subscribe to Tags?bbPress does not do this by default, and it might be a little tricky to do this with the subscriptions component.
What you want may be custom development and you may need to hire a developer to create this for you.