Robkk (@robkk)

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 25 replies - 51 through 75 (of 3,784 total)
  • @robkk


    There is a few guides that might be helpful for you in the codex.

    Import Forums

    Custom Import

    Import Troubleshooting

    Share your custom import file here if you imported successfully, and maybe a detailed explanation for other users. If you need anymore help please reply back and someone will help you.



    But I have another problem which I have added a section Moderation of a particular
    It can modification and deletion on all other sections

    How can solve the problem and these are made Moderation of powers does not exceed its own partition
    How can I add Moderation general , You can manage all sections

    Are you talking about per-forum moderation?

    Or are you requesting a feature for moderation panels?

    In reply to: Resizing avatar size?



    Here is for the revision log avatar fix. You can remove the custom CSS you added earlier that I think you tried to fix this issue with. The reply author avatars looked fine yesterday, now today they look small at 24px.

    use this code anywhere you can put custom css. I see that you are modifying the bbPress stylesheet, so hopefully you have placed that bbpress.css file in a child theme in a folder called css instead of editing core files.

    #bbpress-forums p.bbp-topic-meta img.avatar, 
    #bbpress-forums ul.bbp-reply-revision-log img.avatar,
    #bbpress-forums ul.bbp-topic-revision-log img.avatar,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-template-notice img.avatar, 
    #bbpress-forums .widget_display_topics img.avatar, 
    #bbpress-forums .widget_display_replies img.avatar {
      float: none;
      margin: 0;
      vertical-align: middle;
      border: none;
      width: 14px;
      height: auto;
    In reply to: Forum not Full Width



    Do you still want to use bbPress.

    I think I could fix this issue pretty easily since you are using a free theme.



    I think you are using the bbPress moderation plugin, or a fork of it possibly.

    There might be a case you might not be using that plugin, and it could be the link limit bbPress uses that is located in the Discussion settings of your site.

    If the posts are pending it might be what I stated above, if its marked as spam, then of course its a spam plugin.



    You did configure SMTP or an email server client with WAMP right?



    2. I just created a topic to post under a forum. Under my keyholder account, I am able to see the topic when I click on it but when I try clicking on it as a user, it doesnt show up. It just tells me there is “0 replies, has 1 post, and last updated by me” and the topic is not there.

    Follow the solutions posted in this topic below. It sounds like the issue is similar.

    There are several links in the user profile area but they all seem to direct me to the user activities only…I cannot link to any of the content posted by other users through those links. (Same with the tool bar at the top of the page and all of the drop down menus).

    Are you saying you cannot see for example forum topics created in their BuddyPress profile?? Be a little more specific on this please.

    In reply to: topic post type issue



    You are probably going to have to rename the custom post type “topic” in bbPress then. And areas that might be needed to modify the topic post type.

    I think you need to check out the bbpress.php file in the bbPress plugin where the custom post types are registered. There might be a filter you can use that will make you be able to modify the code externally and safely without changing the core files internally, which I don’t suggest you do if you are a beginner in coding.



    Contact the woocommerce membership plugin support. This is a paid plugin, which is hard to test without buying the plugin.




    We also do not want another log in. We want them to be able to log into their profile in our student portal and that is it. They have access to the forum aswell and no additional login or registering, as right now we pre-create their profiles, no one registers.

    Like @netweb said bbPress and WordPress share user data, so as long as your student portal is compatible with WordPress it should be fine. You do not need a separate login for the forum as long as the student login, logs into your WordPress site.

    We need a forum that has all the features that a forum system includes, such as:
    Adding/Creating Threads by both Student and Admins. Instructors also need to be able to create them.
    We do not want external links like Share to facebook and such. As this is a forum in a portal and do not want anyone but Students having access to it.

    Ok, you can manually create users and assign different forum roles if need be. And you can create custom forum roles with help form a code snippet. You definitely need private forums, but I am not sure how private. Do you want private user groups for specific forums, only logged in users can see the forums, or only logged in users can see the whole site.

    We do not want a profiling. We already have a profile system where the profile in wordpress is their student profile which includes their address, email, username, phone number and also their student id. This information cannot be visible to other students.
    So either if this plugin gives an external profile system where it does not interact with the profile already made in the USERS area of wordpress it would work, but if it works with the USERS part of wordpress then the clickable link to view a profile, edit profile would need to be removed for our sake.

    There is a php code snippet around these forums to remove the author link in replies and topics from going to their profile and instead show up in the forum as text. Removing profile links in descriptions and a widget might need another code snippet, or it could be easily avoidable by not using a widget and removing the descriptions.

    bbPress doesn’t add any additional user meta fields if I remember correctly.

    Removing the profiles, I haven’t looked at what code you could possibly need, but it could be possibly avoidable by redirecting any user forum profiles (if users somehow reach them) to somewhere else.




    Are you trying to modify the default topic list in a forum page?

    Or are you trying to do what is specifically mentioned in that topic you linked to?



    Email address is required to post using anonymous/guest posting.

    In this stackoverflow topic, there is a php codesnippet/plugin you can use that might be helpful.



    I think what you are looking at is specifically for blog posts.

    I think there is a plugin to display bbPress forum post counts there if you want that feature. I am going to try to find it right now. I think it may not be on the WordPress plugin repository.

    In reply to: Resizing avatar size?



    It seems that you have everything together now. I see your reply author avatars are exactly set at 48px now. If you still need help, point me to where the issue is occurring.



    On the theme’s product information page located on Themeforest it says it is.

    It even has this listed in the other features area in their product description.

    Custom bbpress styling + custom login system – you can now build a community with ease.

    In reply to: Threaded layout



    here is what I got.

    I had to edit loop-single-reply.php after all,

    I used a conditional to output the minimal layout only for single topics only.

    I had to use bbp_reply_permalink(); instead of bbp_reply_url();.

    Like I said you for sure do have to edit the bbPress reply titles plugin for what you exactly want, your gonna have to possibly make the reply title required as well.

    You are going to end up doing a lot of customization to get the rest of the funcitonality, because I am not sure how submitting a threaded reply works on the other forum.

    You are also going to figure out how to show the threads on the single reply page, for the specific topic they were originally from.

    Bunch more customizing, much more than free support could possible help with.

    I will share any custom templates I used later.

    Classic threads



    Use this custom CSS, add it anywhere you can put custom css like in a child themes style.css file or in a custom css plugin.

    #bbpress-forums p.bbp-topic-meta img.avatar, 
    #bbpress-forums ul.bbp-reply-revision-log img.avatar, 
    #bbpress-forums ul.bbp-topic-revision-log img.avatar, 
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-template-notice img.avatar, 
    #bbpress-forums .widget_display_topics img.avatar, 
    #bbpress-forums .widget_display_replies img.avatar {
      float: none;
      margin-bottom: auto;
      border: none;
      vertical-align: middle;
      padding: 0;




    Oh shoot your right Doug. I might have suggested the wrong thing.

    I have also seen this happen with TinyMCE activated. It seems to be iOS users and they claim that they haven’t pasted anything, but I have not observed this for myself yet.

    I have no idea if it could be IOS specific?? I can check I guess?? Damn thats weird if it is.


    You will need to use this since you copied text to your forums. Pasting other articles content in the Visual Editor in TinyMCE could end up posting the HTML content, its recommended to post any articles content into the HTML editor, but you can also use this PHP code snippet from this guide below, that I think Doug did add, that would help resolve this issue that could be caused pasting articles in the visual editor for any further posts submitted.

    function bbp_tinymce_paste_plain_text( $plugins = array() ) {
        $plugins[] = 'paste';
        return $plugins;
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_tiny_mce_plugins', 'bbp_tinymce_paste_plain_text' );

    For editing the already messed up posts, I think you can just copy the original post, edit it, and paste the text into the HTML editor over the original content and hopefully that would fix it. THere might be also a chance of it going away just by editing it, then just republishing after you used the code snippet.



    Link to your site where I should see the issue.



    Use a groups plugin or some membership framework plugin.

    For Groups

    BuddyPress (There might be a plugin to autoassign users to groups during registration, tons of extensions for groups feature specifically)

    Private Groups

    Groups with bbPress extension plugin

    For membership {you might come across an issue using these plugins, but Robin has a plugin that will fix that called WPfix1 and WPfix2, search the forums}


    Paid memberships pro with bbPress extension

    There are probably other plugins that I either do not know or haven’t listed that work with bbPress. So do a search and see what works best for your site.



    Robin made the plugin awhile ago. bbPress devs made a fix awhile ago, but slated it into 2.6 instead of a 2.5 point release.

    In reply to: First post not showing



    Install the other wpfix 2 plugin. It should have the same code snippet you are trying to use, without having to place any code anywhere.

    I recommend users who are beginners to not edit bbPress core files. Or any other plugin/theme/wordpress core files unless you know exactly what you are doing code wise.



    What plugin caused the issue?? Knowing could help others. Did you really just reactivate everything and it just worked??

    In reply to: Threaded layout



    Okay, yeah this site does have an interesting layout.

    From what I can see real quick.

    Your not going to edit the loop-single-reply.php file like @netweb suggested, because after clicking the reply title link you are redirected to a normal layout single reply. So to get this layout you are going to edit content-single-topic.php, remove the pagination, and place a custom template instead of loop-replies..php so that you won’t mess with replies in a forum profile.

    <?php if ( bbp_has_replies() ) : ?>
    	<?php bbp_get_template_part( 'pagination', 'replies' ); ?>
    	<?php bbp_get_template_part( 'loop',       'replies' ); ?>
    	<?php bbp_get_template_part( 'pagination', 'replies' ); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Replace the above code with this for example.

    <?php if ( bbp_has_replies() ) : ?>
    	<?php bbp_get_template_part( 'loop',       'classic-threads' ); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    The code that will be in loop-classic-threads.phpwill be a copy of loop-replies.php and a very minimal loop-single-reply.php. Wherever say <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'loop', 'single-reply' ); ?> is called in the new loop-classic-threads.php file, I would just copy the whole loop-single-reply.php template where that get template function was and keep only the code you need.

    The code that is going to be in the area you put the loop-single-reply.php code is only going to have the username, date, maybe the reply positions, and reply title. The reply title is going to mostly come from a customized version of the bbPress reply title plugin. But you are going to output the reply title in the template as a link. A link (I think bbp_reply_url() is the right function ) to the single reply template, which is only 1 reply isolated, which bbPress can do.

    Does this help enough??

    I’m gonna see if I can recreate most of this layout later




    Have you tried the solutions in this topic. I think your issues are kind of similar.

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