Forum Replies Created
In reply to: CSS not loading when logged in
Cool, looks like @jaredatch has released an update that fixes the Genesis 2.1 compatibility 🙂
In reply to: bbpress topic content not showingTry disabling each of your plugins one at a time (except bbPress) until you see the topic and reply content.
Then you will know which plugin the conflict is with and can then research that further.
In reply to: CSS not loading when logged inJust deactivate bbPress, delete the plugin and files, add the plugin again.
You won’t lose any bbPress data 🙂
(I don’t actually think this is it though 😉 )
In reply to: CSS not loading when logged inI’ve got nothing, all I can see is your bbPress is merged into your themes ‘cloudfront’ minified/cached CSS.
Try using your browsers debug tool, right click and ‘Inspect Elelement’ or F12 on your keyboard, you should see errors once you are logged in showing certain assets can’t be loaded (i.e. CSS)
That should get you to a starter point on what is missing to debug from there.
The actual bbPress role is not assigned to the user until they login for the first time.
In reply to: Error, name of forum as post.Sorry, it’s pretty hard to tell exactly what you mean 🙁
Could you post some screenshots? That would help with pointers to the issue 🙂
Also you have a few permalinks ending in
e.g. sure you do not have any slug conflicts, you might have some pages or forums in the ‘trash’ that you if you empty rhe trash you should again be able to use the link without the
In reply to: phpBB Import Error(s)Forum import – The documentation states that stickies will not be imported, however I after doing the import I have around 20 ‘super-stickies’ which, looking at the old forum, are a mixture of announcements and stickies. I’d rather these weren’t converted to anything, and as far as I’m aware they shouldn’t be (
The above ticket you reference was the ‘issue’ being created to track the changes and progress of implementing this feature.
In comment 12 that is where the ticket was to updated to ‘fixed’ and ‘closed’ via changeset r5170. Trac can be a little daunting at first trying to understand everything that goes on in a ticket 😉
With only your ~20 ‘stcikies’ it shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes to ‘unstick’ the ones you do not want after your import has finished and the repair tools run.
I have updated the docs to reflect that also
Stickies – is there a way to ignore stickies during the import? They don’t appear to have come through correctly so it would be nice to simply ignore them (as was previously the case).
How so, could you explaing that a little more please? Do the topics ‘look right’ and are just not ‘stuck’ or something else going on?
User import – During the import, I (the main WordPress admin user) seem to have had quite a lot of forums, topics and replies linked to my user. I wasn’t a user on the previous phpBB forum at all so I’m not sure why I’ve adopted these posts. Or any posts for that matter.
If there is a username match the importer will try to match the posts being imported with any current WordPress user, thus if phpBB has a user named ‘admin’ and you use the default the default WordPress username ‘admin’ that will be the cause.
The best work around for this would be to rename the phpBB username in the database bvefore importing.
Users – looking at the phpbb data, the amount of imported users seemed to match up, but I wonder if I’ve been assigned posts that were previously changed to the ‘Anonymous User’ that phpBB has at user ID 0… the amount of posts don’t seem to match up with that theory but a ‘majority’ of the posts that have been assigned to me seem to match the logic to an extent (ie, posts that have been moved into a ‘moderators only’ forum for further discussion about actions to be taken).
You should notice that you now actually have a WordPress username ‘Anonymous’, so any ‘Anonymous’ posts should be attributed to that user.
Your ‘moderators only’ forum after import you should change the bbPress forum permission to ‘hidden’ and that will make that forum the equiv bbPress ‘moderators only’ forum.
Repair tools – All the repair tasks seem to work ok, except for two:
– Recalculate the position of each reply
– Remap existing users to default forum roles
These two tasks end up white-screening with no status messages at all.What size is the phpBB database your importing? (Approx. Forums, Topics, Posts & Users please 🙂 )
User Login Conversion – User logins are converted correctly when using the standard wordpress login screen but now when using my custom frontend ajax login – does anyone know if there’s a way to get that to work? A seperate topic has been started about that here:
I’ve pretty much still got the same opinion as I wrote last night here.
User Login – that’s correct – I’m just using the wp-signon method so I guess I’ll need to add some kind of do_action() call or something to trigger the conversion? If you can point me in the right direction, that would be great 🙂
There is nothing to point you to sorry, when a user logs in for the first time after the import their legacy salt and hash password get’s converted to the native WordPress password format. Without knowing each legacy password their is no way to do this programmatically.
bbPress’ login forms actually are hooked into the WordPress login forms, so theoretically it shouldn’t be too difficult for either the plugin you are using to add support for bbPress or possibly look for another similar plugin that already supports bbPress.
Passwords and all their associated algorithms are hard and this an area where I just manage to skate by with the basics, actually doing any of what I mentioned in the previous paragraph is way beyond my skill level and pay grade 😉
In reply to: Convert reply_to parents failed@fasttimes Do you have any custom phpBB custom mods installed that may change some things in the phpBB database? I just tested my phpBB imports and they all worked fine, no errors for ‘reply_to parents’. In fact phpBB does not have ‘threaded replies’ included by default thus the reason I ask.
In reply to: phpBB Import Error(s)Cool, whack your issues here and I’ll check than out tomorrow.
Quick answers:
– stickies are now converted so I’ll update the docs for that.
– Repair tools, as I stated in the other thread shouldn’t do this, will look closer tomorrow
– Users is odd, seems maybe some users aren’t getting imported, job for tomorrow also
– User login, bbPress doesn’t actually convert the phpBB password until the migrated user logs in for the first time. This will most likely be the issue in that the ajax login is stepping around this. Presumably after an imported user has logged in and their password converted the Ajax login will work.
In reply to: Convert reply_to parents failedArgh! I missed this original topic, sorry 🙁
phpBB does not actually have ‘threaded replies’ so you should see something more laong the lines of ‘No reply to’s to convert’ it most certainly should not be failing at that 11th step.
Nor should it be ‘white screening’ for either “Recalculate the position of each reply” or “Remap existing users to default forum roles” tasks.
I’m done for the night (9:30pm Local Time) so I’ll take a closer look at this tomorrow 🙂
In reply to: Mingle Import helpThey should be the same as your the settings in your
for MingleIn reply to: Reply Trouble with MontezumaIf you’d like to get Montezuma working then an answer to my questions in my previous post would be helpful as if they are the links being emailed something else is not quite right, maybe a conflict with some ‘mail’ type plugin you might be using.
I just installed the Montezuma theme myself and the email links I get appear correct.
I also had to folow the steps on this page to get bbPress looking kind of right, there are still a few theme issues such as
being displayed in the header and footer.
In reply to: Forum indexThis is awesome, it would be great to see this as a tutorial in the codex 😉
In reply to: I can't get my forum to functon at all.The @thecatholicwoman wrote:
YOU ARE A GENIUS. I have to go to the forum settings and change m root to forum. It seems to be working. I could hug you through the computer. Thanks so much for sticking with me.You should not have had to change this, you should keep this setting as
, changing it toforum
will likely cause a slug conflict, change it back toforums
.Then you should see a list of forums here: a list of topics here: reply to: No forums after Vanilla importWhat version of Vanilla did you import from?
How many categories did you Vanilla install have?
How many forums did you Vanilla install have?
Did you run the repair tools after importing?
In reply to: bbPress make my categories & tags become blankYou are going to need to contact the author of your theme for this.
This is a question you should ask the ‘topics for posts’ plugin author, not so much bbPress itself.
In reply to: bbpress category with WordPress tagsThey are separate taxonomies in the WordPress database, with some custom code and templates I am quite sure you could do this.
Probably a good starting point would be looking at ‘Multiple Taxonomies’ here
In reply to: Replies not showing up in forumHave you just recently changed themes or added new plugins?
It looks like replies were working and now they are not.
Do you see the replies when using the Twenty Fourteen theme?
To check if there is a plugin conflict start deactivating every plugin installed one by one until you see the replies appear, this will then help us work out what plugin is causing the conflict.
I think it is a very high chance that whatever plugin you are using for your membership is blocking replies, S2Member or Wishlist Members maybe.
In reply to: Cannot import forums!Hmmm… There ‘might’ be something else at play here, I had a weird issue myself late last week that I am still trying to determine what it actually is with the WordPress WXR Export/Import, I have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with the imported ID’s not matching the post_parent ID.
I’ll dig around more on this later in the week when I finish up the bbPress 2.x importer (it’s 75% complete), so watch out for any patches added to this bbPress ticket #2605
In reply to: Cant delete BBPress :(Run the ‘Reset Forums’ tool from Dashboard -> Tools -> Forums and that will delete all bbPress forums, topics, replies from the database then deactivate bbPress.
In reply to: My Forum Layout (in progress)Nice 🙂
Do you know why this fixes the pagination issue when using shortcodes and partnering with a page?
No 😉
I’m not sure what is going on there, I’ll dig around a bit further and see what I can come up with, it should work for any combination of use cases though once you start adding two shortcodes per page it looks like bbPress may have an issue deciding which shortcode to honour the pagination for.
Argh… I can’t reproduce this with either the TWenty Thirteen or Twenty Fourteen theme yet I see the issue on your site!
All of the following combinations work for me
Using a page with the [bbp-topic-index] shortcode a page with the [bbp-forum-index] and [bbp-topic-index] shortcode using a page (using native bbPress /forums slug with “Forum root should show – Topics by Freshness”) change your using a modified Twenty Thirteen theme?
How about plugin conflicts?
Have you tried resetting/flushing your permalinks?
In reply to: Reply Trouble with MontezumaIs this
the actual permalink from the email, with your permalink setup (which I think is ‘default’) I would have expected the url in the email to be currently using the Twenty Fourteen theme so do the emailed links work correctly with this theme?