Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Future of bbPress
I’m happy to retheme if I can get my hands on the designs again.
In reply to: buddybarThe all rosy instructions come from me attempting to side-step the 404 errors produced from the old school deep integration method, which you won’t need in BuddyPress if you use the built in group forums setup.
I got your PM on Mitch. Care to share with everyone how you solved your problem?
In reply to: deep integration problem with buddypress buddybarNot to bring this back from the dead, but if you’re still interested for the time being…
In reply to: Sneak peek at 2.0Love it. Similar but different. I also love the icons, as it is “bee bee Press” after all. Plus, if we’re going to over think this, Bee’s and hives represent a colony, and forums are basically the same thing; a colony of users.
Or, maybe you guys just love sweet, sweet honey… Just a bunch of Pooh Bear’s surrounded by empty glass jars hoping Matt will send another shipment this month to keep you motivated.
In reply to: Sometimes Less Is Just LessDennisH, it sounds to me like you want BuddyPress + bbPress + WordPress. If you’re not using all three, then you’re really not going to get what you want.
Also, if phpBB just has too MANY features, you could trim some of phpBB’s code out, no different than you can add code to any *Press product.
It also is a relatively new concept (Within 1 year) of having all of these platforms working in unison together. BuddyPress has taken giant strides towards providing a personality to the users on your site, to give your bbPress users profiles and information beyond the basics.
Regarding the “promise” of integration, it’s possible to do within a few minutes, with integrated logins, profile info, etc… The major difference is that you can’t expect it to look like a typical forum is going to look, at least not at its current stage of development.
When you consider that phpBB is 3.0.5, and it stayed in the 2.0 branch for over 7 years, apply that logic to bbPress that JUST turned 1.0 a month ago… There’s still LOTS that can be done, but for now bbPress is a stable and powerful product that is a developers dream platform for forum software to start with. You can mold and shape it to handle just about any task (wait until you see what BuddyPress is going to do with it
Long story short, I’m sorry you’re disappointed at the moment, but I’m willing to bet you won’t always be. If you need something besides bbPress right now, no one’s feelings are hurt, but my suggestion to you would be to make friendly with it now so you can be better prepared to use it later, when it better meets your expectations.
In reply to: bbPress in a subdomain, on a WPMU install?So I was able to take hybrid bits and pieces of what you posted above, and the .htaccess for 1.0.1, and get the forums working, but still no .css and no .js, and no access to the admin panel or any directory either. Seems if I navigate to the physical URL I can get in, but gives an internal server error and a 500.
Still troubleshooting.
In reply to: bbPress in a subdomain, on a WPMU install?Thought I had it going and it was time to celebrate, but maybe not…
The .htaccess method worked awesomely on the install, but dies for me on the forum itself. Can’t get to anything but the index.php. No styles load, and I can’t access things like the CSS files directly either.
Suggestions? I tried removing the rewriting rules all together because I haven’t setup my permalinks yet, and still nothing there either.
In reply to: bbPress in a subdomain, on a WPMU install?Just finally got around to doing this. The .htaccess method worked awesomely.
To clarify for anyone else reading this, you’ll want to put the above .htaccess code in your WordPress .htaccess file, because that’s where the bbPress requests will still be hitting. You can remove the .htaccess file in your bbPress directory using this method.
In reply to: One-Way WordPress(MU) IntegrationWon’t work. What would end up happening is your user tables would be out of alignment.
What do you do when that user WANTS to register at your WordPress site then? Just curious…
Best thing to do, is create a plugin on the bbPress side of things to add a usermeta value for that user that you can check on the WordPress side of things, and disallow access based on that usermeta value existing.
In reply to: Integration WoesUnless I misread this, all of your salt values are wrong. You shouldn’t need to generate your own hashes or salts, as these should be created in WordPress for you once you setup your keys.
In reply to: Support for 0.9 – how long?Out with the old, in with the new.
If it wasn’t against the grain to open up a .9 legacy forum here specifically for supporting it, I’d say just do that and see who falls into it.
A majority of the audience of bbPress are people that want to be on the bleeding edge of WordPress development, and be part of a growing and maturing community. As such, people will remember .9 of bbPress as much as they remember .9 of WordPress (b2evo anyone?)
I personally think anything officially past the end of 2009 is a stretch, and is a very generous offer from Sam to not leave the early adopters on their own without patches and support.
In reply to: bbPress 1.0.1 bug-fix releasedWoop woop!
In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMUThis is great info. Awesome work.
In reply to: Better Gravatar directions INSIDE bbPressWith a name like grassrootspa, I figured this would make more sense.
I for one hope the core of bbPress never includes that kind of thing, as it works perfectly well as it is without needing to turn a thousand features off.
There are plugins available, and if they don’t suit your needs, newer betters ones will come in the future.
I think what you want, is BuddyPress + bbPress.
In reply to: bbPress 1.0 releasedWOOP WOOP!
In reply to: navigation bar in BuddyPress in BBPressIf it doesn’t exist, go ahead and make one. WordPress and bbPress are designed to look for that file regardless.
In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMUITguy, are you using deep integration? If so, I think there’s something else that needs to be done before the group forum creation will work.
I ran into the same issue as you a few months back. Burt’s XMLRPC check would work, but forums wouldn’t get made. If memory serves me right, the XMLRPC was reincluding something that was mucking up the forum creation, but I don’t recall exactly what that is at the moment, but I banged my head against it for a week, and there’s a topic somewhere in the BuddyPress forums to prove it.
I’m packing for a week long vacation tonight, and am flying all day tomorrow. I’ll have my laptop and access to all my code by Wednesday night, and will be back to help support this again. In the meantime I invite you to scour and see if you can find any of my past replies or recent topics. Check from about April or so. Getting this figured out is important to me too, as I’ve got a series of Integration screen casts I’m going to put together and give to the *Press sites to help answer all of the questions everyone has about integration, since it is a very popular topic and many of us spend many hours developing and supporting it.
Talk soon, and good luck until then.
There is a possibility to do this now. Something is in the works to do this even more neatly eventually.
Good work!
In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMUTis true. I usually purge the bb_capabilities and apply the role map once everything is lined up, even though it’s like rinsing the dishes and then washing them in the machine.
ITguy, couple of things to check RE-buddypress. XML-RPC is turned on in both WP and BBP? Also, don’t forget to put
$bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true;
somewhere near the end of your bb-config.php file. That will make sure that xmlrpc can switch to your keymaster user to communicate back and forth between the two installs.In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMUITguy, did you remember to do the user-role mapping in your bbPress WordPress integration after you had everything all lined up? I read through your above steps twice and didn’t see it there except for in step 3 before everything was working, but I did also just wake up from a pretty epic nap.
In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMUPhew! haha!
I’ll be around if you have other problems.
In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMUIf your bbPress installation is malfunctioning (or incomplete) go ahead and delete all of those out of there, as they will only get in the way.
Delete those entries, delete cookies, and give the install another try.
I think this is the same issue I had, with the user_id of “0”. The other odd thing to note, is that all of those say “member” instead of “key master”.
In reply to: bbPress Integration plugin for WPMUITguy… How comfortable are you with phpMyAdmin? The NEXT thing to try, will be to look in your wp_usermeta table, and see if there are any “bb_” entries in there. Could be some corrupt capabilities in there that are causing headaches?
I’ll be around for a few more hours so if you’ve got time to go back and forth I’ll keep checking back periodically.
In reply to: Integrating WPMU trunk and bbPress RC2Here is what worked for me, on my WPMU sub-domain setup. (Sam, when you go through this, I understand that bbPress stores the salts in the DB and that they aren’t needed here, but for some reason I just feel better inside knowing I put them there the same as they are in wp-config.php
2:05pm eastern time – UPDATE: I have confirmed these settings work on both WPMU subdomain and subdirectory installs. All logins/logouts, cookie clears, posting, and admin panel access works 100%.
WordPress MU is installed on the domain root, bbPress is installed in a SUB-DIRECTORY called “support”
SUB-DIRECTORY = Name of directory that bbPress is installed in
HASH-FROM-FIREFOX = Cookie hash taken from pre-integrated login cookie
GENERATED = String generated by WordPress key/salt generatorbb-config.php
// (Sam, I can see you shaking your head right now)
if ( !defined('ABSPATH') & !defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST') & !defined('BB_IS_ADMIN')) {
define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);
include_once( '/absolute/path/to/' );
header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
header("Status: 200 All rosy") ;
// Typical database stuff - blah blah blah
define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');
define('COOKIEPATH', '/');
$bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true;
// WordPress database integration speedup
$bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';
$bb->wordpress_mu_primary_blog_id = 1;
$bb->user_bbdb_name = '';
$bb->user_bbdb_user = '';
$bb->user_bbdb_password = '';
$bb->user_bbdb_host = '';
$bb->user_bbdb_charset = '';
$bb->user_bbdb_collate = '';
$bb->custom_user_table = '';
$bb->custom_user_meta_table = '';
// WordPress cookie integration speedup
$bb->wp_siteurl = ''; // no trailing slash
$bb->wp_home = ''; // no trailing slash
$bb->cookiedomain = '';
$bb->cookiepath = '/';
$bb->authcookie = 'wordpress_HASH-FROM-FIREFOX';
$bb->secure_auth_cookie = 'wordpress_sec_HASH-FROM-FIREFOX';
$bb->logged_in_cookie = 'wordpress_logged_in_HASH-FROM-FIREFOX';
$bb->admin_cookie_path = '/SUB-DIRECTORY/bb-admin';
$bb->core_plugins_cookie_path = '/SUB-DIRECTORY/bb-plugins';
$bb->user_plugins_cookie_path = '/SUB-DIRECTORY/my-plugins';
$bb->sitecookiepath = '';
$bb->wp_admin_cookie_path = '/wp-admin';
$bb->wp_plugins_cookie_path = '/wp-content/plugins';
define('WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION', 1);wp-config.php
define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');
define('COOKIEPATH', '/');
define('AUTH_KEY', 'GENERATED');